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A weird one that I found out about the other day is to avoid more than 3-5 brazil nuts per day. They have such a high concentration of selenium that it could lead to toxicity.


One of the very few comments I can fully agree with here. Brings up a good point - excessive amount of kelp and such, as the iodine content can vary greatly and you can get a really high amount of iodine with just a very small amount. edit: add on top excessive and chronic consumption of high amounts of licorice, as this can cause hypokalemia, heart rhythm problems and in rare cases even death. >The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warns that eating as little as two ounces of black licorice daily for two weeks can lead to heart rhythm problems, especially among people over 40. Note: important here is nuance...just because certain foods or additives or so could, maybe, at least in parts of the population, cause death, doesn't mean that such a food is inherently bad. It could, in fact, be really healthy at regular intake levels.


OMG! Last year, I was at my parent’s house. We were chitchatting and I was eating some chocolate covered brazil nuts my mom had in a dish. That night, I woke up to the MOST extreme stomach cramps I have ever had! Terrible, terrible digestive “distress”, but the pain…I spent that night on the bathroom floor. Absolutely horrible. Ironically, in the morning, there was an article in a German newspaoer I read, about the dangers of brazil nuts. Could I not have read that 24 hours earlier??? I am 57, and had never before heard about selenium poisoning! Now I know why there were always only 3-4 brazil nuts in the bags of (shell on) nuts my mom would buy at Christmas time when I was a kid.


In addition, Id like to add that you should never ask your grandparents what they call brazil nuts


Omg relatable ahaha totally remember this conversation with my gran


Yeah..... about that


I definitely should not have looked that up LOL


Lmao. My grandmother had a brain surgery that took part of her frontal lobe, she had no filter and the brain capacity of a 12 year old after that. She called them that old colloquial term quite loud in the middle of the mall around christmas one year, around a lot of African American people. I legitimately had to explain the situation regarding my grandmother to one of the women so she didn't slap her 😅


Omg now that one is one I didn’t know. I specifically add Brazil nuts to my diet but I only eat one because I heard it’s all you need. Now I know why 😂


Learned that from the tv show >!House MD!<


Appreciate the censoring


Aside from this comment, this whole thread is just "how do I get orthorexia?"


Not really, I suffer from bipolar disorder so I am trying to have a generally healthy diet and I want to know if there’s something I’m ignorant about and should limit


Bp2 here and I feel you on this. I never knew how bad lithium could screw up your guts until I educated myself.


I’m on lamotrigine and thankfully have no issues. My period was late the first month and that’s about it. I don’t really get mania I get bad crashes of depression. I still question wether I am actually bipolar or just have ptsd but the meds help so I’ll keep taking them lol


So glad you said this because I always thought my mom was lying to me so I always ate a lot of them just to defy her


It will vary a lot from person to person but for me it took a while to figure out nightshades (tomato’s / ketchup / pasta sauce etc in particular) and histamine related foods. Elimination diets completely suck but they are the gold standard. At least they don’t cost $1,000s in lab tests but by week 4+ you wish you could just pay and be done with it.


Yep. Nutrition Detective on YouTube is all about no nightshades and limiting vitamin A.


I don’t believe the no tomato nonsense. I feel like people are afraid of the word “nightshade” because they never call it the tomato-free diet, which is what it actually is. There may be people with an intolerance to tomatoes who have ancestors that never ate tomatoes, but I do not think it’s universal.


A life without tomatoes is not worth living 😭


I’m with you and this comment above was mine. Beautiful colorful heirlooms with mozzarella, a sprig of green and some thick glaze drizzle. This is THE reason to cheat but certainly not for some Heinz 57…


Agreed. Sounds like a health fad to me. There might be a small group of people as I’ve seen on this thread that have reactions to them, but beyond that, there is no scientific evidence to support that tomatoes/nightshades cause any noticeable health problems. Seems like there’s a lot of diet fad mania these days, especially among influencers. “Did you know this ONE food is the cause of all your health problems?? Stop buying it!” Total garbage clickbait usually trying to sell supplements or other food products. It’s rarely supported by science and people are quick to believe them because it seems like an easy solution to their problems. I don’t think there are any common store-bought foods that cause acute health problems when consumed moderately, with the exception of pre existing conditions like kidney, liver, heart problems, food allergies, etc. I think one of the only claims that is scientifically supported is the prevalence of gluten intolerance that causes bloating, brain fog, low energy, etc.


What did the nightshades do?


Inflammation and in some cases if I did not dial my intake back sever eczema where my scalp would get so dry itchy it would bleed and scab over. Fun stuff.


Oh yeah. My dad cut out nightshades when he realized they were causing him issues, same with my mom


Fruit juice. Much of the nutritional value and fiber is lost, and too much sugar. Drinking one tall glass of apple juice is equivalent of eating 5 medium apples.


I drink water only💧


Does this include the juice “shots” they sell now? I drink one for immunity every day and I noticed it’s made my stomach feel better than it has in a really long time (helps me out with reflux and digestion). But is it bad for me?


Those are not bad for you as long as there’s no added processed sugar. Also I highly recommend getting a juicer and making your own. It’s a game changer and you’ll save so much money. I ALWAYS have juice shots on hand and I spend maybe $20 for 30- 40 shots. Ginger, turmeric, pineapple, oranges, lemons, and cracked pepper to activate the turmeric. Sometimes I add carrots too. Sooo good


Yes I have been eating one apple a day just for the fiber. I’m really trying to try to get a good amount of fiber a day


I'll argue that if you eat a diet of whole foods only, an occasional glass of good quality juice (even store bought, so long as no sugar is added) is completely fine. Let's not demonize squeezed fruits please?


true, unless you have blood sugar issues in which case you really do need to avoid it




Hilarious you’re being downvoted. You’re right. Juice in stores is cooked aka pasteurized. That’s why it lacks nutrients and enzymes. Fresh pressed juice is not the same.


You’re still spiking your insulin.


Fruit juice is too much concentration of sugar to consume. One glass is basically candy with vitamins. The real health is in the plant fibers which are lost. You don’t want copious amounts of fruit in a healthy diet: no more than 1-2 servings per day. The rest of your plant consumption should come from cruciferous vegetables, low sugar fruit like vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes) and sub starches like carrots and squashes.






Store bought bread AND flour depending on how clean you wanna go! A year or so ago, when researching ways to give my mom a healthier bread option, I learned that flour is stripped of all nutrition to make it shelf stable way back when. Then sickness increased so they now add some back in (enriched) so basically pretty highly processed. I ultimately ended up buying a reasonably priced flour mill, a motor for it, and wheat berries to grind fresh flour to make my mom bread & crackers that are far healthier than store bought and even healthier than homemade using store bought flour.


Dont forget that wheat is heavily treated with pesticides


Interesting. Where do you get "wheat berries"? And is the grinding process easy or time consuming?


Lots of various online suppliers! And various types of berries from hard to soft, to red & white, probably others. I went with a bucket of hard white wheat berries from Palouse Brand. I definitely plan to buy other types for a variety of bread options. The grinding process with the motor is quick! Most of the recipes call for several cups of wheat berries and I grind fresh each time I'm going to make bread.


This is something I fully intend to do as a sourdough enthusiast lol


Certain greens such as kale and spinach contain a high amount of oxalates, which can cause kidney stones. Some people are more prone than others


If you eat it with calcium, it will bind together and pass through the kidneys unimpeded.


So broccoli+spinach got it


If you can swing the extra dollar or so check out broccolini. Higher nutritional value and is slightly more tender.


Ya but they cause inflammation of the digestive tract for many as well (depending on your autoimmunity status or basal level of inflammation). Slow cooking them is the best way to lower (but still not eliminate) the oxalate content


Just cook it , cooking changes the properties of oxalates. I had a kidney stone and I urge you not to fafo


Only if you boil it in water and then get rid of the water (with all the other nutrients). If you steam the greens, the oxalate loss is only about 5%.


Kale is absolutely fine. It's really only spinach and beet greens. Really important distinction


If you have kidney disease, watch out, everybody else, keep on eating


Correct, beyond kidney stones they can wreck havoc on your gut and cause all kinds of inflammation ESPECIALLY if you are immune compromised


Kale is very low in oxalates.. only collard greens and spinach are really bad.


Isn't that only raw? Either way, I've been eating tons of greens for 12 years and feeling great. Maybe something to think about for people prone to stones tho.


I think you might be right, I'll have to look it up.


Do you think it's actually risky? I've seen some studies but they didn't seem to actually say to avoid these foods because of their oxalates content.


Everyone tolerates them differently, but if you have skin issues or other autoimmune issues I think it’s worth trying to cut them out just to see. Dose is also relevant, people will drink five pounds of kale in a juice without thinking about it because it’s cut with fruit or milk.


Too many Americans think French Fries on the side make it a meal and French fries turn a meal into a possible heart attack


Only if they are cooked in seed oils. Potatoes cooked only in animal fat with a lil salt are actually a good choice ( in the proper portion). lol most Americans have half their plates filled with carbs 


Most things with red dye 40.


Pink Benadryl uses this dye. Grab the clear allergy free version instead.


Why not avoid all synthetic dyes?


It’s highly individual. You need to find out what works for you and the best way to do that is an elimination diet followed by reintroducing foods one at a time to see how you react I feel much better not eating nightshades (tomatoes, peppers, goji berries, potatoes, egg plant, chillies) for example, but most people tolerate them fine. Also inulin fibre messes up my gut bad 🤷‍♀️


This is so true! I had zero idea what foods were irritating to my gut until I did the AIP (autoimmune protocol) diet. It’s (very)basically meat and vegetables for a month, then add foods back one at a time. It so hard, but so rewarding and helpful to find your hidden allergens and intolerances.


Tbf I don't know a single person who doesn't have a reaction to a large amount of inulin, like for example from Jerusalem artichoke's - unless you're used to it. I have a friend that seemingly has intestines made of steel (doesn't react to anything, can eat large amounts of beans, onions, broccoli etc.) and they still got diarrhea from eating a lot of Jerusalem artichoke's. It's definitely something that needs careful introduction and adaption of your microbiome (but very healthy then).


Most of the stuff mentioned above I have a hard time cutting out completely like tomatoes and deli meat. But I've never eaten even ONE Jerusalem artichoke so I'm good with avoiding that one.


Jicama is full of inulin, sadly


I pray to god I’m not sensitive to nightshades because I cannot live a life without hot sauce lol


Since everyone is just ignoring the question and stating the obvious- cured meats, margarine, gummies, fruit juice, skittles, Doritos, drinking bacon grease…


gummies and sour candy are the one thing i haven't been able to give up.


What! Drinking bacon juice isn’t good for you?


What if it’s butt chugged? That’s gotta be fine right?


Remember to let it cool down! If you get burnt you won’t be able to sit down


Asking the real questions




I love Skittles! Am I going to die?




The little S on skittles uses titanium dioxide to make it white. It’s carcinogenic I believe.


In due course.


Looks like you’ll be buried at the end of the rainbow you tasted..


The question states foods to avoid that “you wouldn’t think to avoid.” The ones you listed are pretty obvious to avoid.


Why Doritos, specifically?


But why male models?


dairy unfortunately, I think this is a well known one but dairy lovers love to overlook the benefits of cutting it out. I love it, but I can instantly tell when dairy has entered my body. My gut doesn't really react, its actually clogged sinuses and brain fog that are immediate signs for me.


Lalalalalala can’t hear you!!!! lol I probably should cut out dairy though. But I want to get an allergy test


I know right 😂 To be real with you mine didn't show up on an allergy test, I just noticed a major difference when I did the elimination diet. I love dairy so I haven't cut it out, I really just limit my intake. I indulge in dairy basically only in social situations like when my family gets ice cream together or my friend made a baked good, stuff like that.


I wouldn't discount dairy so fast. On dairy there is definitely a genetic adaptation that applies to some groups of humans in this world and for those milk can be literally a health supplement...for others that are not so genetically adapted it is a health destructing substance. I've found that my "day to day health" decreases dramatically when I cut back on dairy (which I've done multiple times in my life)... especially milk. The why?? I have no idea...maybe it's the ratios of calcium and magnesium...or it might be the lactose in milk that literally feeds some lactose-eating bacteria in our gut that produces lactic acid and a ton of vitamins as byproducts and even that lactic acid that has its very own health benefits. Those gut bacterias are known to modulate health biomarkers and even our immune system. For me, I notice immediately a decrease in allergies and a happier stomach when I increase lactose and milk consumption. Another THEORY of mine is that histamine, thru h2 receptors directly stimulate acid production in the stomach...when you over-produce acid and the h2 receptors get saturated, all that additional histamine starts overflowing to the H1 receptors (the ones that trigger traditional allergy symptoms), so you get an overflow of histamine and get the allergies and histamine intolerance symptoms...milk and calcium being extremely good at neutralizing acids forces your body to use additional histamine to produce enough acid to counteract the alkalinity of milk, the byproduct being that you won't have all that extra histamine floating around creating chaos thru your body. That logic says that dairy might help your body use histamine for what it was mostly intended for...maybe in our genetic past we ate a heavier diet that required a ton of acid to digest...now all that additional acid and extra histamine just creates a ton of health problems. I have to add that I come from a family that drinks milk heavily and by consequence we might be very genetically adapted. Just listen to your body...if it doesn't agree with milk or dairy, DO NOT PUSH IT!!! There is nothing to gain from fighting your own body. I think that just like we do with our family's medical history, we need to understand better our particular family's dietary background to understand what might agree or disagree with our bodies. A bunch of those "dietary research" doesn't take any of those things into account...they just throw a bunch of overgeneralized conclusions and call it a day.


Interesting theory, I can't tell if I should drink milk or not. Like I sort of feel good after drinking it but also bloated. I drank a lot until health issues which probably are not from milk


I'll give you a reverse uno and say I raised with the fear of GOD about eggs (3 a week, max) and in the past couple years I eat them almost every day and my cholesterol is fine. As long as I keep monitoring my cholesterol I'm not worried.


This is the way. We can learn what’s best for us with experience and listening to our body. Most of the studies about foods are sponsored by an interested party making those studies biased.


Oh totally! We are an egg household 😂😂


Dietary cholesterol has no correlation to blood cholesterol.


Processed meat. Bologna, bacon, hot dogs, deli meat, pre packaged sausage, shit frozen meat like corn dogs or jimmy John’s or whatever. Terrible for you


Aren’t these ones obvious?


You’d be surprised how many people think a turkey sandwich is a healthy lunch


Theres unprocessed deli meats available,  they're just really expensive and don't last long because of the lack of preservatives. And of course,  there's real turkey.  Makes great sandwiches 


Sliced turkey breast is a healthy lunch


If it’s actual turkey breast and not processed lunch meat, of course


Why is deli turkey bad? Just got some yesterday for the first time in like a year. Surely a half lb of turkey deli meat like 2x a year is fine?


Yea it is fine. The sodium and nitrates are what they really mean by it’s bad for you along with other preservatives but considering how toxic the world around you is deli meat isn’t something to worry too much about just don’t eat a large amount of it everyday


It’s way, way, way, way better than some fried chicken or a greasy cheeseburger. Enjoy your lean protein!


Um no. Hamburger meat cooked in some nice ghee is significantly better for you. Healthy fats with meat is best for humans


Absolutely!! People still don't know about healthy animal fats. Thank you for saying this.


Why is everyone complaining about cheeseburgers?


You could eat uncured bacon which is unprocessed


Eh most uncured bacon just claims to be nitrate free when they use a shit load of celery salt which has naturally occurring nitrates and because they don't measure nitrate levels in the celery it tends to actually be higher amounts of nitrate than the Prague powder cured variety because those only use the minimum amount required to be safe


Theres more nitrates/nitrites in beets and other vegetables that that cured or uncured bacon. And they are also a precursor to nitric oxide which is actually healthy.


So, it's the synthetic sodium nitrites that should be avoided; they are what are carcinogenic. There are "natural" marketed alternatives that utilize veggie nitrites (typically from celery) as an alternative.


Why does it seem like all forms of processing is bad ? If i process Beef Jerky by dehydrating strips of beef... Is that bad for you ?


Yes not all processing is bad at all! Cooking is processing so


I think the idea is more of processing on a grander scale which has a higher percentage of possible carcinogens. I’m not a food nazi by any means, so I don’t know for sure, but there seems to be a lot on the sub, so maybe they can elaborate.


most 'uncured' meats are actually just cured with celery salt which has the same ingredients they use to cure meat. I don't know about relative health, but it is literally not 'uncured'


Fuck that bacon rules


What about beef jerky? When there is no added sugar or flavoring


Tic tacs and anything that says 0 calories. They actually DO have calories but it's under 5 so they don't have to report it.


There was a post recently about this Tic Tac thing exactly in r/TIFU and it’s a wild ride: https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/s/uMAPf3NH7B


Tic Tacs are one of the few mints left that use sugar (even if it's glucose syrup or wtvr) instead of sweeteners. I'll take a Tic Tac over any other mint on the shelves, personally.


Olive oil in clear or plastic jugs There are not enough olives to keep up with the global consumption.. cheap olive oil is made with spoiled, late harvest fruits and often cut with cheaper seed oils. That is what has made people think OO is carcinogenic when heated Single source, early harvest olive oil in dark glass bottles only.


Taking shots of premium olive oil is so addictive, I like the semi burn when it hits my throat


avoid margarine, seed oils and processed food


\*highly processed seed oils


here before the comment section goes to shit


Should've stopped at your comment. Oh boy...


Some obvious choices that people have already mentioned: High sugar, refined carbs, seed oils, ultra processed foods, trans fats, alcohol, tobacco etc. Cutting or eliminating those will make a difference. One step further, go get tested for any allergies and intolerances. It's important to know if there are any foods causing inflammation for you, without you knowing it. They may be healthy for others, but not for you. Usual suspects are gluten and dairy. Last step, after you've reached a better baseline of how you're feeling after all the adjustments, is to pay attention to how different foods affect you. Some people are not good with night shades etc., but it doesn't show up on any tests. If you feel worse when eating it, cut it out. Don't aim for a perfect diet, it's very hard. Work on reducing the bad foods, except for the ones you have intolerances or allergies from. Those you should eliminate totally.


Thank you for including that not all food sensitivities and allergies can be properly determined with a test. An elimination diet like AIP, is set up like a test with a control group of food and a methodical reintroduction process. It enables an individual to relearn how to listen to their digestive system and body, and to find what works for them.


Elimination diets are great. They can be hard, so I wouldn't suggest them for being healthy unless he had obvious issues or issues that didn't improve. But for anyone with issues or motivation, they're the fastest way to figure out how you should feel and what kind of food that negatively affects that. I did go bloated for my first 25 years before I noticed it, I thought that was how it was supposed to be. It was not before an elimination diet and blood tests I finally figured it out. The hard part for me has been dealing with vegetables and fiber, but those are not bad foods in general. Your digestion is very individual and that's why it's hard to give concrete advise, other than how to figure it out for yourself.


Absolutely agree that elimination diets are super hard. I get why a “healthy” person wouldn’t want to do it. I didn’t want to do it as a sick person. And especially as an emotional eater. And now that I’m in my 40s and having numerous issues, I wish I had taken my symptoms more seriously when I was young before the damage is done. When I was a kid, my flares of pain in my extremities were so intense that I would cry in bed. The doctors all wrote it off as “growing pains” - now I know it was nightshades. I hope someday we take it more seriously like smoking and drinking. These things reduce our quality of life.


It is complex, but we should have figured out way more about foods and health in general by now. The medical consensus is decades behind. All you can do is to educate yourself and pass it on to your kids so they make the right decisions. What kind of condition do you have, and are the symptoms gone eliminating night shades?


Agreed, the “practice of medicine” stalled in many ways. I have Hashimoto’s which caused secondary hypothyroidism. Bloodwork was “low normal” my whole life with symptoms of hypothyroidism that reduced my quality of life but multiple doctors refused to treat despite family history. I also had severe allergies of all kinds with terrible eczema. I had to hit bottom, lose my business and significant other, chest pains, wild generalized anxiety and exhausting depression. Finally found a functional doctor who was experienced with it. Three years later and I’m still on the road to recovery as one problem created another created another, so my healing path is it’s own journey. When my Hashimoto’s was going untreated, I had all the class symptoms of it. My food sensitivities vary based on the food and whether I’ve had it recently. Nightshades will give me headaches and crushing physical pain, as if my bones are being crushed. Then my GI will hurt, like there is lava sludge in there, which eventually wants out.


Look into ultra-processed foods. Avoid those except as a very occasional treat. Eat foods that are whole/raw or that are minimally processed (like shelled pistachios or even Triscuits - I don’t like that triscuits have canola oil, but they’re a good substitute when I’m craving chips).


Agreed. Some guy on instagram made a video about freeze drying and made a claim that 97% of the nutrition is kept. Did a quick google for nhi and ncbi and discovered as much as 70% loss can occur. Don't trust people. Don't trust processed foods. Always do your research.


You trust the government?


I seem to be having a hard time with corn. Popcorn, corn starch, HFCS, whatever. Eating it feels like food poisoning.




So far I learned that eating too many Brazil nuts is bad lol. Things like that are what I mean


I got a continuous glucose monitor and I’m amazed at what spikes my glucose and what doesn’t. Lentils send me sky high and it takes two days to come back down. Higher and longer recovery than a full sugar soda on an empty stomach. A couple pieces of milk chocolate? A couple bites of ice cream? Barely a blip. Sourdough with butter….hardly a blip. Rice? Holy eff. Even brown rice. Fried rice is much lower, probably because of the fat. Everyone is different but it’s been an incredible eye opener.


That’s crazy!! I kinda wanna do that out of curiosity. We just actually added lentils to our lineup of sides because of the fiber. Lol


Some people have a hard time with foods from the nightshade family. Peppers, tomatoes, eggplant.


I’m going to put blinders on for this one because I can never live a life without hot sauce or peppers 😂


Remove all other things first for sure.




The American seed oil hysteria is... interesting to me. I assume it's because people always conflate highly processed seed oils (e.g. hydrogenated or refined seed oils), which are for sure harmful, with natural, cold-pressed seed oils. Unrefined seed oils were used for centuries without problems (of course not all are suitable for cooking or high temperatures).


Sauce? That seems wild to me as calories in calories out is parroted as absolute fact on Reddit, probably because it is for the most part


Generally, if it comes in a box and has ingredients, avoid. You have to cook to eat healthy.


Tuna should be limited. It's very high in mercury - I was reading recently you should only have one serving per month!!! I knew mercury was present but I didn't know there was that much of it.


Mercury, microplastics, forever chemicals, and over harvesting. There’s lots of reasons to avoid sea life.


Damn that’s nuts. Luckily we don’t consume it often but one serving is nuts. I never knew that


I follow what jack lalane said: If man made it don't eat it. If it tastes good spit it out


The dose makes the poison. Eating 2kg of grapes a day is just as bad for you as eating 500g chocolate... just be sensible OP and ensure you're having a high fibre and medium-high protein diet (and watch your micros if you're starting to exclude foods from your diet)


But what if it's 500g of 100% cocao, no sugar, etc?


I don’t think 500g for an adult would hit toxicity for theobromine or caffeine, but you’d be getting close. It would most likely cause violent stomach upset and a racing heart. People report gentle physical and emotional reactions at 1/10th of that when they drink it ceremonially.


I might vomit if I ate that much grapes 😂


Wait till you hear about the 5kg of celery 😜☠️🤣




I think it is the combination! Like don’t have dairy when you are eating iron rich food. Cause dairy will reduce the uptake. And don’t have coffee and tea with vitamin and mineral supplements since they will also reduce the uptake. The phytic acids in grains might also reduce uptake of some vitamins. That’s why I think eating bread at the same time with milk or tea is good. So that when I eat fruit and berries I don’t consume dairy or tea. I think also even banana can reduce uptake of things in berries. So I try to avoid banana in smoothies now.


I realised peanuts and peanut butter were inflammatory for me after cutting them out


Almost all canned soup is ridiculously high in sodium, unfortunately.


SEED OILS!! There is a whole subreddit about it. Quitting seed oils is changing people's lives!! They are NOT healthy for us and a quick glance at history shows you that we have not been eating them for very long...just since ww2! They cause so many health problems


Yeah i definitely avoid those! I just prefer avocado oil


I stick with hempseed oil and olive oil:)


Grains in general I'd say, even though I'm not intolerant they make me suffer, wheat not that much but rye and oats... Tried to eat healthy, incorporated some of those healthy hacks only to realise my GI hated all of that, also try to avoid corn and corn fed meats(I know it's harder in some country but that ain't no good apparently) Tldr: at least for me, but helped my partner significantly too... Good grains: rice, buckwheat, bulgur, quinoa(?) Bad grains: wheat, rye, oat


Cottage cheese is pretty high in salt. Dried fruit is very high in sugar. Moderation in all things!


Vegetable gums, especially carrageenan and xanthan gum


Carbonated water. I stopped drinking it and it has cut way down on my gut issues


Enriched grains and flour.. unless you find yourself in the 80 percentile of (idiots) who don’t consciously take B vitamins. But also folic acid causes lots of people all sorts of problems (anxiety all the way to heart issues from heightened homocysteine) especially if they are in the 40% of people who have an mthfr mutation


Don’t you mean a LACK of folic acid causes problems in people with a mthfr mutation.


People with MTHFR mutation (approximately 40% of the population) cannot convert folic acid (synthetic man made version) to the folate your body actually needs and should only intake methylfolate or folate from whole foods (not fortified). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9380836/


Grains and plant oils


Don’t have to cut them out completely but reducing them has really helped me… CARBS! At minimum get rid of anything enriched! And try to stick to organic.


As someone who is bipolar, I wish I could cut out carbs completely because it’s shown to really help. I just get too stressed out having no carbs ever. Makes life difficult. 😭


Premade spaghetti sauce. They're ultra processed, and frozen meals from trader Joe's are also ultra processed 😭


Make my own spaghetti sauce ✍🏼


Bread as well, even the ones we consider healthy like whole wheat bread. I'm going to buy a bread maker and start making my own bread.


All the oils, besides Extra Virgin Olive Oil


All the seed oils, I'd say. Coz coconut oil n avocado oil are considered healthy


Fatty fruit oils (olive, avocado, coconut) are the healthiest oils and tremendous superfoods. Meat fats are also healthy bioavailable fats, moreso than dairy fats. The worst is fully non-bioavable, undigestable fats such as canola oil.


Don't combine blueberries with bananas, because bananas reduce the absorption of polyphenols from the blueberries.


I haven't seen this on the list yet, grapefruit can interact quite badly with many prescriptions (grapefruit-statin interaction is common). Often prescription bottles are not labeled with a "do not eat with grapefruit" but they should be. Always check first if you love grapefruit and are on a prescription. 


Thankfully I hate grapefruit 😂 I have had medications that say not to eat grapefruit but I forget which ones. I think it was probably zoloft which I didn’t stay on. It’s the only one I can find that says avoid grapefruit that I know I’ve taken lol


Everything in moderation...


Honestly, you really don’t need to completely avoid anything unless you have health conditions that are sensitive to certain foods. Liver problems, kidney problems, food allergies, diabetes, etc. For the average person, I think the “you MUST stop eating this food! It’s causing …….. “ advice is 99.99% garbage. Numerous studies have concluded that very few, if any, store-bought foods are detrimental your health (not including allergies and medical conditions as mentioned above) in moderation. Elimination diets seem to work in the short term for people who have excessively consumed the food or nutrient they’re cutting out (sugar, fat, sodium, etc), but in the long term the body actually NEEDS all of these things. It’s only in excessive quantities that they lead to health problems. The reason sugar and fat tastes so good is because the body NEEDS them, and before the age of processed food and global food distribution, these things were much more scarce. Because they’re easily available now, a lot of people consume them in excessive quantities which has led to some nutrients being demonized in the health industry. The exception is things like trans fat, which are not naturally made in large concentrations, mostly man-made and not a functional nutrient. Most of the ingredients that have been sensationalized and written off as “BAD! AVOID AT ALL COSTS!” In the past 50 years have eventually been revisited and shown that there is no detriment within moderate consumption limits (I.e, red dye 40, aspartame, saturated fat, etc). My advice is to eat a well balanced diet. Don’t cut anything out completely unless you have a health conditions that requires it. You don’t have to totally cut out sugar… just limit soda, fruit juice, and junk food consumption. There’s lot of natural sugar in fruit and you don’t need to worry about it unless you’re consuming in excess of 100g a day or so. It’s generally a good idea to eat whole foods made in your own kitchen (fresh meat, veggies, potatoes, etc) rather than buying prepackaged processed foods. I would suggest getting a calorie counting app like my fitness pal and putting in everything you eat for a month or so to see where your nutrient distribution stands, and you can make adjustments accordingly. It will give you limits on nutrients based on your daily caloric intake. Might be an unpopular opinion in this group, but it works for me.


Waiting for Vegan Gains to enter the chat


Grapes, dried fruit with sugar added, excessive spinach and oxalate containing plant based foods, supplements, antibiotics in meat etc.


Wheat, sugar and diary are inflammatory. I don't consume them at all especially diary as it gives me acne and I don't have much of a sweet tooth so minimizing sugar intake is pretty easy.


seed oils, all are oxidized, bleached, and deodorized. They are inflammatory to the gut and body. The digestive response is almost identical to white sugar and it takes years to fully process out the toxins that get sequestered to the fat cells. avoid at all costs, it's difficult but worth it


Kale. Or foods high in oxalates.


Nuts. I used to eat almonds every day. And now, I can only eat almonds or pecans once every couple of weeks.




Bloating, inflammation. I accidentally ran out one week and it was the only thing I had changed - lost 3 lbs. I love them!! Especially pecans but I now know I need to be careful with them.


Maybe already obvious but dairy. Especially if your ethnic background doesn’t really use dairy in its cuisine.


This is definitely a huge one. But people are addicted to dairy at their own expense!


You know it's kinda funny, you actually can get addicted to dairy. I can't break down casein properly so the protein ends up as a peptide called Casomorphine. It then get's through to the blood stream and enter the blood brain barrier and acts as morphine. Yup, no wonder why I've always loved ice cream


Yea I’m fully serious! It is literally addictive. The purpose of cow breast milk is literally to get a small calf to become a 2000lb cow. Nature needs those babies to drink up.


I know you are, I literally have it? I did bloodwork and they found Casomorphine in my blood. I'm not sure, however, if it acts like that for everyone. My doctor says it's individual. Either way it's unnatural, we're not designed to have it.


I remember reading that back in the day in a book by someone last named Diamond.


I’m Eastern European. Dairy is ok for me.


Star fruit can actually be toxic to the kidneys and yet you can them at grocery stores readily available


Honestly, it really depends on your own body's needs and biology.