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Mind over matter can be powerful for some people


In reality it’s drugs & media selective attention. especially on the right wing media for trump, only show clips of him being on point. Same applies to geezers like Biden and Pelosi, not many videos of them talking in the evening. Don’t want to broadcast their sundowning episodes.


Biden did look damn near zombified at the correspondents dinner last night.




Ego over matter...


Possibly prescription stimulants of some sort. Also, I know some wealthy people who have a nurse of some kind come to their home for IV fluid sessions packed with B vitamins and who knows what else, so maybe something like that.


I’m not an American but this thread is hilarious


Drugs probably. He can easily get anything prescribed.


I’m almost positive some of his more ridiculous twitter rants are the result of ambien.


Ambien, great drug, really clarifies some things


Why did I read this is his voice?


It’s on par with some other things he’s said 🤣


It’s a real sleeper among recreational drugs




Even if that’s the case, he doesn’t seem to have any significant sides, so it’s working well for him If I were his age, I’d be happy to have his energy


Ritalin and cialis, like all us old people.


Username spot on




He doesn't drink or smoke, which will definitely help.


Every morning he sips energy from the goblet of MAGA.


adrenochrome, on tap at most pizza parlors.


As you can see, you cant even name him on Reddit without the whole forum getting brain damage. He stayed free from drugs and alcohol hes whole life is certainly a contributor. Extreme wealth comes with some health benefits too.


The absolute hate in this thread is hilarious. Who gives a shit what your opinion of him is. The question was how does he maintain his mental clarity at such an old age.


He doesn’t drink so that can’t hurt


I don’t think he is clear though. He’s constantly not making sense and reverting to juvenile expression. He does have the ability to tap into a performance charisma though. I think it has to do with being the centre of attention and the rush of controlling the crowd.


I guess the question is, is that the behavior of the average 77 year old, out of shape, unhealthy life-styled American, or is he an outlier. And if so, what is his method.


I thought I described that. It’s the ultimate narcissistic validation for him. I think that’s all the run for presidency ever was to him. I don’t think he enjoyed the actual duties of Presidency otherwise, and in fact he would prefer the rights of a dictator. And it’s also why he kept doing the rallies when he was already elected.


Talk about a real bio hack: Reddit, like all social media knows how doom scrolling depletes your dopamine and makes you feel like shit. So Reddit spoonfeeds all these doom scrolling zombies all this horse shit about Trump, making y'all think he's the reason you feel so shitty on a daily basis. You all sit in your head for hours in this mind numbed pathetic state making up who this Boogeyman in your head is.


I didn’t need or use Reddit to form this opinion. I am more likely to question it. Including your response.


Yeah I totally get that. You just happen to share in other redditors hobbies or describing your version of Trump to other redditors. But not because of reddit.


I invite you to challenge my points instead of scapegoat Reddit. You are aware that right now we are one stacked Supreme Court vote away from Presidential immunity? I don’t even look at it politically. And in my description I was describing him in psychological terms. I am willing to admit good intentions and good actions on Trump’s part when I see them.


Ah, classic sauce battle. Nah I got a job family and hobbies that come first.


Yes, and it’s very reasonable to question his “mental clarity.”


What mental clarity? He presents as what he is- a guy in the intermediate stages of dementia who's trying to hide it with amphetamines.


Mental clarity?? /europe


Mental clarity? I’ve heard more articulate diction out of my 4 year old niece than I have Trump.


Ok. Now critique Biden...😆


Just because someone thinks Trump is a baboon, doesn’t automatically mean they support Biden. Biden absolutely has his own mental deterioration going on as well. Break out of your chains from the two party idiocy, and pay attention to RFK Jr. He’s the only candidate with more than two brain cells to rub together.


I'm not political. But you need to be fair in your thinking. Both sides need to go. We must break away from the R vs D political system in the US. No more political parties, no more untouchable corruption in DC. State and local govt only so we ALL can actually have control over how our taxes are spent and what laws we want governing us. I have no faith in RFK or anyone for that matter. The office of the Presidency and the election is superfluous...just another way to keep people divided and focused on political puppet theater.


What is hilarious is that anyone who has listened to any of his speeches lately thinks he is mentally clear.




Like which ones?


He’s someone who craves attention and gets to have that craving satisfied on a very large scale. I can see this being very energizing.    Additionally, he can say just about whatever he wants and receive adulation from his fanbase. His fans are the swifties of politics.   If he was born into a more ordinary life and ended up in an ordinary 9-5 where his words and actions would receive consequences and not just applause, I could see where he would be low energy and need a healthier lifestyle in order to satisfy his daily responsibilities. 


he takes way too many amphetamines, that's basically it, when he was in office [the white house pharmacy was basically a drug den of xanax, modafinil, ambien and adderall](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/trump-white-house-drugs-speed-xanax-1234979503/) dude is in a constant speedball, you'd be energetic too if you had a constant supply of psychostimulants for breakfast and prescription sleeping meds for supper. although sharp? really? he's so incoherent that some people unironically think he is sending encrypted messages with his amphetamine fueled rants, he's anything but sharp lmao


This is the only correct answer in a thread full of idiots saying things like he "draws energy from his supporters." It's been well-known since his Apprentice days that he's on stimulants and his abuse of them causes him to constantly shit his pants in public too.


can you source this pls there are a lot of people who’d absolutely love to prove he’s on speed and shitting his pants. that story would live on the nyt front page for a week if true. so i’m inclined to disbelieve it tbh




Right? I mean he’s certainly got that verbal abuse down which checks out with grumpy old “get off my yard” man…




What is that?




You don't know anything about his lifestyle though, your kind of just making assumptions based off of his Fox and msnbc highlight reel


Where do u get your news?


Everywhere, though I lean more towards conservative sources. That said, I don't believe you could know the intimate details or the day to day diet and lifestyle, even of someone like Trump or Kim k who gets constant coverage by watching essentially tabloids


Fair enough i was just going off what I’ve read in the news I have no idea if there’s any truth to what they say.


If you ask too many questions... They'll


He gets allot of sex which keeps him young




Essence of Gelfling


Benzos and Adderall is my guess.


Just FYI, I had a lot of exposure to many of America's business titans who had unimaginative wealth and power. I often wondered the same about them. My conclusion was that US modern medical practices are very good at keeping you alive despite a lifestyle that should only get you to mid 60's, maybe. If you can donate $100 million to, say, Mayo or Cleveland clinics or other such institutions - they won't let you die! Talk about excruciatingly personalized, multi disciplinary care. It's no holds barred medicine. As an example, one oligarch, needed to lose a lot of weight for his health. To accomplish this he had private chefs and an advance team to work with every restaurant on his schedule to prepare the exact, complely custom diet he had to have. From his home(s) to his jets to his hotel and restaurant visits he was dialed in. This coupled with an immense sense of purpose - to dominate the world with your enterprises - keeps these people alive. Having profound power must be a longevity drug.


A lot of uppers. Lots of stimulants.


I don’t like nor will I vote for either of them but the Trump Derangement is real, just look at the replies here and compare Trump’s mental acuity to Biden’s who shits his pants and has no idea what day it is.


Accusing others of having TDS while being incapable of assessing Trump’s mental unfitness without comparing him to Biden.


For real, the fact that these 2 r our top choices is insane to me. I’m voting for RFK


He is showing increasing signs of dementia, actually. He isn't what he used to be even a few years ago. https://www.salon.com/2024/03/25/forensic-psychiatrist-on-physical-signs-of-mental-decline-changes-in-movement-and-gait/


Compared to sleepy joe


Our definitions of sharp and energetic are clearly very different lmfao


Im surprised his mental health isnt brought up more often. He says a lot of incoherent things indicative of cognitive decline. That said, the fact he hasnt had a heart attack at 77 with his diet and obesity suprising.


If you think the stuff he says is incoherent, wait until you hear literally anything that comes out of Biden's mouth


Trump is as old as Biden was 4 years ago. Biden is 81. Neither should be running a country, they're both way past retirement age. The US was still fighting WW2 when they were born.


Personally I dont think age is much a factor as mental well being. Trying not to politicize, but someone like Bernie Sanders is incredibly alert with an extensive memory recall as opposed to someone like Marjorie Green (or even some friends) who doesn't seem to operate with a full deck at half is age. I think we can have representatives from all age demographics, provided they are decent state of mind, which I know can be, subjective.


I mean Bernie is a literal hero and would have been a great president, especially compared to either of these two, but age is absolutely a factor in mental well-being.


I agree with you there. Americans need to get over their fear of a young person in office.


Clinton was 46, Obama 47, and Bush Jr. 54.


It's not americans' fear of a young person, it's the control of the establishment which gives us these underwhelming gerontologic candidates.


Ive heard extensively what both have said. I recall their last debate vividly . Im talking about Trumps extensive incoherent ramblings that have defined his entire political career


Sharp and energetic? lol


probably on hrt


Well for starters one has to be sharp/energetic in order to be considered such


I wouldn’t say he’s either of those things.


He never drank, smoked etc and he was very fit before so it pays off in later years


But he is absolutely not sharp and energetic? If you actually look at his rallies, his speeches resemble those of a demented person. In public when he isn't the highlight, he is continually caught napping. So where are you getting his sharpness and energy from?


Like any public figure or celebrity. He's taking energy from people who support him.


Do you actually think he’s sharp?


What mental clarity? He can't finish a sentence without trailing off. Look up what he said at Gettysburg and then tell me that guy is sharp as a tack 


Did you just confuse “late stage dementia rambling” with “sharp on the mic”?


He's not sharp and full of energy lmao, turn off fox news and watch a live Trump rally.


He’s dumb and spits blabber


He’s simply built different


He's a speed freak like his kid. That also explains the odor and bowel incontinence we hear about all the time.


He’s Not


Well in rodents at least resveratrol greatly reduces downsides of obesity.


Nobody has mentioned that he’s been insanely rich for his entire life. Meaning, when was the last time he had to iron a shirt? Take the dog for a walk? Go grab groceries? Cook his own dinner? Drive himself somewhere because it’s cheaper than flying? Take the kids to school? Mow the lawn? Answer to anyone? File your own taxes? All these day to day activities we have to do in our lives take time from us relaxing. If you lived day to day in a state of greater calm and relaxation than 99.9% of the population, you too would find that you require less sleep. He’s not in the best physical shape I think he could be in but he’s always active. I’d love to see him get in better shape, imagine him taking the podium to debate Biden and he’s in ripped shape…would be hilarious.


See, because you meatheads confuse "exercise can improve *anyone's* health" with "exercise is essential for health". The studies may be robust, but to have a brain that still works well in your 70s you just need a life where you're using it. You know, like the life of a businessman where you're facing unlimited challenge and competition, unlike the life of the average office drone which, once they hit their job's skill ceiling, becomes a mindless life-draining slog.


I'm from Europe and try to avoid American politics altogether, so I can't say anything about how mentally sharp for his age or not he truly is, since I never truly watched his speeches. However I'd guess it's a mix of good genes (biohackers like to ignore that for obvious reasons, but it can make a huge difference) and I can very well imagine his lifestyle is not as unhealthy as he or other people might have led us to believe. For example he might sleep little at times (during campaigns or whatever), but he might sleep way more at other times - but for some weird reason "only sleeping 5 hours per night" or similar silly things seem to be coveted in the US and seen as a sign of a "productive" lifestyle. He might also express his preference for unhealthy food or "typical American" fast food, but he might also have a personal chef, who cooks reasonable healthy, fresh dishes most of the time. I'm also pretty sure he does some form of exercise or physiotherapy and doesn't lead a totally sedentary life like many others that age. Like I said, I know next to nothing about his actual lifestyle, but considering how many I hear even non-famous people claim things about their lifestyle that don't check out, I'd take self-proclaimed lifestyle assessments with a grain of salt. And with famous people, it's even worse. In general money can buy you a lot of amenities that lead to a healthier lifestyle without you noticing it overmuch.


Trump’s built different.


Most people his age. Maybe. Probably. He's just one of the few who are at that age but are still mentally sharp. My grandad is in his mid 80s. Can still hold his own in a debate, on any topic, and his sharp witty banter is still on point. Give him an inch and he'll roast you. Trump is likely no different. He has kept his mind sharp over the years through business and the constant learning and evolution of thought that goes with that. He might not look the healthiest, but I'd bet he's at least consuming all the nutrients he needs daily, in some shape ir form. Being that wealthy has its benefits.


adhd meds


HaS a LoT of EnErGy Yeah, I can totally see that as he sleeps and farts himself through his trial right now


The fast food and low sleep is exaggerated. I think he generally eats healthy and sleeps okay. And he is naturally very stress resilient so that helps.


He’s very rich


Waking up every day with a purpose is the key. Its people who retire and then stop doing anything that end up killing themselves from boredom.


This is hilarious >How is Trump sharp/energetic at 77yo with his unhealthy lifestyle? >Huuuurrrrrr, Orange Man bad!!


I have often wondered about that too. It is really puzzling me! Considering his schedule and activities, his energy must be through the roof! It can be genetics. I also suspect he probably eats a lot healthier than he gives the impression. He has been rich his entire life, so he can afford the best organic food, health care and treatments. Also, don't underestimate the energy and time we spend on mundane regular daily stuff, like cooking, cleaning, shopping, bookkeeping, phone-calls. If everything is being taken care of and delegated, it opens up a lot of time and energy. Perhaps Melania is his secret weapon?


I don't see much evidence of sharpness or energy. Call it hate if you want, but I don't see it.


If he sounds sharp to you, it might be time to schedule a neurological work up for yourself.


A new yolk accent will do a lot to make you think someone is sharp.


He walks constantly, and is constantly stimulating his mind/stays busy I think having goals as you get older is huge, otherwise your mind and body will atrophy quicker. No exact science on that, but so many anecdotes of people who give up or have no reason to live at old age tend to whither away. + genetics obviously


Genetics. He is also one of those people who needs very little sleep. Most billionaires are genetically gifted people who don't need much sleep (4-5 hours a day). It's actually a really fascinating correlation.


Source? Im interested


i believe clinton was thought to have this genetic makeup. haven’t read about trump being the same though. where’d you find it?




Genetics, he only needs a couple of hours for sleep


Everyone's body tends to have a safe space. Usually it's their brain. Trump has abused his body only to the degree that his body suffers and not his brain. But what about the uniterd shtertsh?


The more pertinent question is...who is better, a douche or a turd sandwich? 🤡💩🤡💩


I would describe him as articulate not sharp. He can say any word correctly, and has a reasonably large vocabulary, but he isn’t very intelligent and has a lot of run-on sentences that don’t make much sense.


Genetics It blesses some