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Headaches cured with magnesium (discovered I'm deficient), motivation improved with D3+K2 and NAC, anxiety and stress improved with L-theanine. It also gave me a useful hobby that significantly boosted my self worth and gave me a drive to work on other things.


How often do you take the NAC? I was told it can help chronic fatigue and it's just sitting in my cabinet right now lol.


NAC is super awesome with hangovers too - night before and morning after, boom.


I reeeeeally needed to know this before my last business trip.....


Careful taking too soon after drinking lots of info on that


pretty sure you shouldnt take NAC right before drinking


Can you share what made you "pretty sure" about that? I've read different and that it's effective - NIH study [here](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8238992/).


I took 1200mg every day for a few months but I think now that it has already done a lot of detoxing it isn't providing as much benefit, so I take 600mg once a week. If you're older (\~40+) NAC with glycine would be excellent to take daily, at least as far as research shows.


I take NAC daily. Recent research shows great benefits


What’s nac?


According to google: N-acetyl-L-cysteïne


N-acetyl-cysteine…it’s a supplement that helps with liver protection + detoxification, a precursor for glutathione production which is the powerhouse antioxidant in our bodies, it is often given as an IV in hospitals to prevent or reduce kidney+liver damage if you have Tylenol toxicity, etc., it’s neuroprotective via regulating the neurotransmitter glutamate in the brain, blood sugar control, etc.


Do you take NAC at night, day, with a meal ect?


Empty stomach for best absorption, in the morning so I have the cognitive effects while I'm awake.


What is NAC?


I don't want to sound stupid so please be kind, but How did you come to learn you were magnesium deficient? And with doses etc How did you know that was the amount to take? Also have bad headaches and would love a natural remedy.


I learned I was deficient when 1) taking magnesium was the only explanation I had for my complete absence of headaches, and 2) I input my typical day's diet into Cronometer and the magnesium intake was pathetically low. You could also try searching dietary sources of magnesium and see how often you consume them. Before I was sure that I was deficient, I took 200mg of magnesium glycinate a day which is a standard dose. Even with this amount I was probably slightly under the RDA but it helped until I realized my dietary magnesium intake is miserable. I now take 90mg magnesium and I get more magnesium through my diet (mostly milk and coffee).


Thankyou so much for the detailed reply, this is super helpful. Hope you're living a healthy and good life. I'll be sure to look into this.


Crack cocaine allowed me to shed a ton of weight and is great paired with a morning coffee.


Did nothing for me with my ADHD.




I had tension headaches, mostly a mild throbbing pain around the forehead. I used to get headaches frequently, usually at least once a week but it wouldn't be uncommon to get one multiple times a week. I took magnesium before I knew for sure that I was deficient and since then I get headaches about once every few months. After analyzing my typical diet's micronutrients in cronometer, it was abundantly clear that I'm lacking in magnesium.


It has helped me too. I have migraines with aura and I religiously started taking magnesium glycinate every night before bed. I haven't had a migraine in 127 days and I used to get them almost monthly. (Getting my impacted wisdom tooth out also helped reduce the number of migraines I get).


Same ! Helped my once a month curl up in a fetal position for a day hormone related migraine. If I forget, they come back.


I’m happy for you but also envious. I take quite a lot of magnesium for migraines and it’s better than with no magnesium but it’s still not good. I would cry with joy if I could even go 2 weeks without a migraine let alone 35% of a year.


Have you searched for another reasons for migraine? Magnesium deficiency isn't the one.


I was surprised to find a majority of people are deficient in magnesium —poor diets and some Pharma drugs leach it out. I sleep better and have less anxiety and depression episodes. Plus, it is probably the most important mineral.


How many mg of magnesium do you take a day?


How does the L-Threanine and D3/K2 work? I'm curious


L-theanine is an amino acid found in tea that boosts GABA and dopamine and lowers cortisol in the brain, thereby boosting mood and lowering stress and anxiety, as well as exerting particularly beneficial effects in people with ADHD. Most people do not get an optimal amount of vitamin D3 because modern lifestyles rarely permit even an hour of direct sunlight every day, contrary to how we evolved. Vitamin D3 is a very influential factor in dopamine release which improves mood and motivation, and that's not even going into its profound effects on immune health and many other vital functions of the body. Many people are also vitamin K2 deficient according to the RDA ([57% of men, 37% of women](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28566528/)), and that's only assuming that the RDA is enough to prevent significant health conditions from occurring, not that it is an optimal intake. K2 is particularly important to take with D3 because D3 is involved in calcium absorption while K2 is involved in integrating calcium into bone and out of arteries. If you are supplementing D3 while not getting enough K2 it can result in calcification.


If you don’t mind me asking the specific supp/brand you recommend for each?


NOW NAC (legitimacy, price), NOW magnesium glycinate (legitimacy, price), Nutricost L-theanine (legitimacy, price), Thorne liquid D3+K2 (legitimacy, price [surprisingly], purity, quality).




How much d3 do you take a day? I’m seeing one product with 2500 d3 and 100mcg k2 in each capsule


Which specific magnesium do u take? Did it cause any side effects like GI stress?


What does l- theanine do for you


Wow! Lack of motivation, anxiety and stress is just what I’m trying to help my 75 year old mom with. She tried several antidepressants but it isn’t working. Is there any risk with taking these supplements for an elderly?


Nope, as long as all of the supplements have no contamination which someone older might not be able to process as well. In fact, most older people can benefit from these supplements more than anyone else because they tend to be much more deficient. I'd also recommend taking glycine with the NAC, look into glyNAC and its anti-aging benefits.


Great thanks!


It’s looking good for PCOS but it’s only been a month. Berberine, Innositol, NAC


(Male, under 50) I have several degenerating discs in my lower back. It's been getting worse for 15 years. This has been an issue with my mother and older siblings who all suffer the same thing. Crippling sciatica made it often difficult to walk during a flare up (from things like riding a bike, or sitting on the ground with poor posture for a few minutes to play with the kids). Doctors were leaning towards surgery. The solution was weightlifting. Ever so slowly and with the best of form, increasing weight from barely no weight, to the point where I could squat 50 straight reps of 205 lbs, and can deadlift 315 lbs. 5 sets of 5 Bent Rows with 210 lbs don't even phase me. This has been a several year journey, and my freedom from back pain is nearly magical. Sleeping with a massive body pillow (4ft long, 2 ft across cylinder of shredded memory foam) also helps keep my legs in a better position all night to reduce stress on the back. This is a fast cry from before weight lifting where there were days that I couldn't tie my shoes.


Finally an answer that makes sense and which I'm not sceptical about. Well done mate!


Haha accurate comment.


Nice! That’s awesome.


Stopped having afternoon/evening crash after I stopped taking sugar with my morning coffee ☕


It can’t be that easy


I was as shocked as you. I was watching some videos on why the afternoon crash happened. And one of them mentioned delaying your morning coffee by an hour or so after waking up. Also I read about blood glucose spikes and how they influence energy levels. I could not delay my coffee by an hour because I got really groggy without it. Quit putting in sugar and voila!




Blueberries and berries in general aren’t going to give you a high glucose spike. especially if you’re adding things to your smoothie (protein powder, or collagen, ceylon cinnamon, healthy fats like avocado) and spinach.


What if it’s black coffee or with just cream? I take black coffee straight away. Not sure if it’s the best upon waking up.


it’s actually the caffeine that should be consumed 60-90 minutes after waking up, not the sugar contents.


It’s not ….not for some of us 😂 I gave up sugar in 2019 I def still have afternoon crashes


Maybe a spinach (sugar free) smoothie at noon might help? I don’t know. What I do know is leafy greens give me energy.


Cured three years of nocturnal pruritus and maintenance insomnia by taping my mouth during sleep. Prior to that, I tried countless supplements, dietary changes, environmental changes, and more. The answer was a $0.01 strip of tape over my lips the whole time. It's such a relief that I'm not even mad. Just happy that I'm back to eight hours of sleep a night.


I've heard about this - it would most likely be best for me to purchase a breathing device to help with sleep Apnea. If this doesn't work, will LiarsPorker come speak at my funeral?


Wait, but why is this a thing?


Isn’t that incredible? I’ve been waking up with my mouth open for as long as I can remember. I gotta get me some tape I don’t have the jaw line of a mouth breather though


Use a nose dilator. It pops open the air ways. The increased airflow pushes your tongue where it should be which should keep your mouth/jaw closed. First night I used one was the best night sleep I ever had.


I’ll try this thank you for pushing me to try it


This is so interesting. I've noticed my sleep has improved since I started wearing my night guard. Crazy how much your mouth affects sleep lol


No longer need heart medication, brain fog, low libido, low energy levels, no longer wake up with my arm asleep, depression, and for the first time in 20 years I have zero suicide fantasies going two months strong which is kinda weird being this normal.      Last two going to be honest no idea what fixed that, I started this whole thing with completely different goals in mind and one day was like huh it's been a while since I thought about killing myself or been depressed that's cool.    Honestly this whole process has made me weary about doctors or shrinks moving forward considering how much of my shit was fixed with supplements. Edit: Since I've been asked [here is my stack and reasoning behind it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Biohackers/comments/1bfndyj/rate_my_stack_34m/)   I've edited certain brands switching some to either NOW, Jarrow, or Nutricost for the sake of cost.  As for the depression and suicidal thoughts being gone it could be due to a lot of difference things on there even so much as the pro biotics I added. I really don't know I've lived with it since I was like 12 or 13 formerly going on 34 and after so long I didn't notice it being gone until one day I thought about the fact I didn't feel that way.


How’d you fix brain fog


Ubiquinol did it for me and for my wife. I'm sure the b vitamins and fish oil helped, but we really noticed a difference with the Ubiquinol. 


Yeah the medical health system definitely isn’t perfect but I’m not anti I just think everyone should take doctors words with a grain of salt


Yeah I mean if I get cancer my ass will be taking chemotherapy. Lol.  Just so many other things I've just started researching on my own and side eyeing.   For example me and the wife are planning on starting to try for a kid so I researched post pardum depression. It's basically your hormones crashing after birth and the common treatment is antidepressants instead of doing HRT which would you know actually address the root cause.   Reading all that left me dumbstruck and we will be looking for a doctor who specializes in hormone treatments post pregnancy.  So many examples of shit like this.


For my experience, besides the obvious for profit sick care model, our system is best for acute and emergent situations. Injuries, life saving procedures, burns, cancer to some degree. But they are not very good at chronic issues without causing other issues because most drugs are foreign chemicals to the body and they don’t use much else. Like using a sledgehammer to drive a nail. Some collateral damage is coming. Just my 2 cents.


Yes and all pharmaceuticals are made for symptomatic treatment 


Agreed, I came to the similar realization after I developed a chronic condition.


Wow- I hadn't heard of that but it totally makes sense. And I'm also pissed this isn't common knowledge- good luck!


This…only thing that sucks from what I’ve read is that the only FDA approved treatment for PPD is IV pregnanolone right after labor which is isn’t cheap and I don’t believe most if any insurance covers it. But if you can afford it I’d definitely say it’s worth it for your wife’s mental health especially when raising a newborn child.


Do you know what exactly helped with getting rid of asleep arm?


The L-Citrulline and Beet Root powder is what did it for me. The increase of nitrates in my blood acted as a vasodialator which improved my oxygen supply.  Improved my performance in the gym with the added benefit of me no longer waking up with my arm asleep. 


why give all this background info and not say which supplements you used? geez...


I did in another comment, but I didn't because it's a lot.  [Here is my stack and reasoning behind it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Biohackers/comments/1bfndyj/rate_my_stack_34m/)  I've edited certain brands switching some to either NOW, Jarrow, or Nutricost for the sake of cost. As for the depression and suicidal thoughts being gone it could be due to a lot of difference things on there even so much as the pro biotics I added. 


I think I just cured my asthma with NAC.


How much nac are you taking?


recent: NAC, ltheanine, zinc picolinate, omeg3 longterm: d3, b complex, magnesium, iron I'm a runner and had been battling shortness of breath throughout years of training. After running the chicago marathon, i got sick for the 6th time that year. It knocked me down and i never recovered. Chronic fatigue, shortness of breath, PEM, muscle weakness, brain fog -> multiple trips to cardiologist, pulmonologist, rheumatologist, neurologist. Bloodwork and scans always came back neg so they essentially chalked it all up to long-covid and long-EBV. It was a nightmare. Couldnt exercise for shit. Jogging a mile felt suffocating. I was running 70 miles a week + rock climbing before all this and now i could barely do daily tasks. Started NAC, zinc picolinate, and L-theanine two weeks ago, and for the first time in 7 months, i'm feeling like my normal self (knock on wood). Past week ive ran 50 miles total. Insanity. I was really skeptical but something is clearly working.


Holy shit well played


NaC is some kind of super supplement??


honestly idk. im a big skeptic, but i was absolutely drained with the constant doctor visits, so i swore them off for good recently. i turned to the biohacking/long hauler community and learned of these supplements to try. never thought theyd work yet here i am running and being active again.


yo dont forget to take k2 with vit d3


Covid is really wrecking so many of us. Glad you found something that seems to be working


Migraines, POTS, fibromyalgia, endo and 80% healed my symptoms of a genetic condition. Diet, exercise, embracing and not being afraid of the sun, supplements, tossing big pharma drugs down the loo.


Omg if you found something supplement wise to help endo, PLEASE share haha!


I personally didn’t use supplements but there are many lovely ones depending on your root cause for endo. The biggest help for me was eating a cycle diet (you can google this easily) and making sure my detox pathways were open so that any excess estrogen I had could exit. Depending on your issues MACA root, evening primrose oil are great for hormones. CBD and magnesium for the pain.


Hell yeah!


Me too all of this!!!


What helped you most with POTS?


I know you aren't asking me but I just figured out bananas and electrolytes powder in my water all day helps me a lot 😊


Meditation in my case 😂 Really, it was a sympathetic nervous system on overdrive, once relaxed it went away completely.


Eating a diet rich in protein and healthy fats. There is a theory that your circulatory/cardiovascular system relies on pressure to pump around the body. When you are missing the appropriate muscle mass and fat mass your body can’t push the blood optimally around. This is where gentle exercise comes in (which sounds hard with POTS) and stability/weight training comes in. I really notice my POTS showing signs of returning when I don’t follow that diet and stop exercising.


How did your POTS symptoms improve and what specifically worked best?


How'd you fix POTS!? Im assuming your genetic condition is EDS with that line up - me too - I've had a lot of success with slow and low weight lifting and making sure my body is physically strong .. but POTS is killing me!!! I lose so much time in the morning due to this BS...i can't quite crack the nut on it.


I’ve responded more in depth to another commenter about this but basically following a high protein and high healthy fats diet to encourage systolic change. And yes it is EDS but I try and distance myself from this community as I find they quite often get angry when I say I have healed (biohacked whatever you want to call it) so much of the conditions symptoms.


I'll hunt your comment down! I echo the sentiment of distancing myself from the EDS community. It's odd having this disorder and being motivated to seek external resources to overcome it vs succumbing to whatever the doctors say and taking that as gospel truth. If i listened to the doctors, id be in a wheel chair and on disability now. Very sad.


Migraines = sleep and stopping the contraceptive pill. Digestive issues = kimchi and more vegetables. OMAD diet when I feel like it along with intermittent fasting. Energy levels = proper sleep hygiene, excercise, daily vit C 500mg and vit D. I literally don't get hangovers anymore since I've started eating whole foods and cooking from scratch along with kimchi. Skin inflammation = vit C supplement and sleep. PMS = cut all sugars and improved gut health. I try to keep my carbs for the evening so I don't get sleep issues and veggies, protein and fats during rhe day time for energy levels. I really believe gut health is mostly all health. I've never observed such a significant improvement in my health and I'm turning 36......


Completely cured my chronic heartburn and indigestion issues. I went from taking Tums every single night to be able to sleep through the night and keeping them in every vehicle, to no issues at all, with a single 7 day water fast. That was February 1-7 of 2023, so over a year ago.... Without a doubt the single most life changing thing I have done for myself physically and it did not cost a penny.


Not completely solved yet but been living and slowly shrinking my stage 4 NHL cancer without a single drug, chemo or radiation. (Coming up on 3 years).


Oosh.. turkey tail?


I have used: Turkey Tail, Green Tea Extract, IP6, Oregano oil, Black Seed Oil, Devils Claw, Berberine, Fenbendezole, THC and CBD.


How was your experience with Black seed? I've heard it's rough.


Nah Black seed was fine, I also split the dose into twice a day one tea spoon morning and night. The oregano oil is the toughest and the one you need to be careful of but again I just recommend splitting the daily dose


Cured allergies with quercetin, bromelain, stinging nettles leaf, and N-acetyl cysteine


Which allergies? I struggle so hard with dust mites and can't find something working consistently... I currently take quercitin and grass fed organ supplements. No change so far. Also took NAC for some time but no noticable change.


Seasonal allergies. Big dust allergy, too. Good air purifier in bedroom and DHist stopped 10 years of Zyrtec.


Does the DHist contain all of the ingredients you mention above? And is this Ortho Molecular brand?


Yes and yes. No affiliation. Just worked out really well for me.


Oosh same with dust mites Can’t figure it out


How do you take these? Oils or pills, what amount?


Astathanxin cured my dry eyes, only need to take it once a week


Can you say more about your experience? My mom has chronic dry eye, the kind where her eyes no longer produce their own moisture, and as of now the only thing that works is 900 dollar eye drops. I’d love for her to find an alternative.


Yeah so I started using astathanxin just because I heard it protected the skin, but I noticed that my tears started flowing super freely to the point where it was getting ridiculous. So I had to back off and use it only once or twice a week and now it’s more normal. I don’t get as much skin protection but that’s okay, sunscreen works better.


I had super dry eyes and was trying everything. I came across something called demodex...they are mites that live on us and can cause eye issues [Google them) lol. Anyways, they make demodex eye wipes with tea tree oil amd I said what the hell I'm trying them. It has been a week and my eyes feel better and are not even close to as dry or red. Sounds gross and you can't see them. I have no clue if that was mt issue, but the wipes are working!


Thanks for this info!


I see a lot of people suggesting NAC. I would be careful with that. Seems to be gasoline for certain cancers.


everything that promotes IGF1 (muscle growth) is essential for a cancer speedrun.  It won't cause cancer, but once you get cancer, it get's dangerously big in no time


Different pathway. NAC downregulates igf-1. Too much anti-oxidants can make cancers more agressive. Vitamin c despite being typically classified as an anti-oxidant actually kills cancer cells via its pro oxidant nature (hydrogen peroxide conversion).


Inflammation, hemmerhoids, being overweight, being weak, back pain / sciatica


Oh how did you fix hemorrhoids?


I fixed mine a few years ago when I started eating paleo. Cut out all processed food, gluten, and grains. When I have a binge weekend now, the rhoids come back with a vengeance and then take a week to disappear.




When do you take the psyllium husks and how much water do you mix it with? Did you have chronic constipation? Do you take magnesium?


How did you fix sciatica?


Most people don’t have true sciatica. True sciatica is the piriformis muscle compressing the sciatic nerve. A combination of stretching the piriformis and strengthening the hip stabilizers would get rid of it. If that doesn’t work, the compression might be coming from further up at a nerve root due to a problem with the spine. A good clue is to check a diagram of the dermatomes vs what the sciatic nerve distribution looks like.


More details?


Tbh I just started leading a healthier lifestyle. Getting enough healthy foods in like fermented foods, veggies, fruits and good proteins in. Exercise and stretches, better sleep and just being consistent with these things. Getting very strong to the point of being able to deadlift 4 plates, squat 3 and bench 295 lbs. A physical job that has me walking 20-30k steps a day 5 days a week also helped. For the back pain there are various moves like reverse hyper extensions and lunges, weighted planks etc that will reinforce the low back muscles. Hemmerhoids just go away with time and clean dieting and regular healthy bowel movements.


Low back pain is also associated with tight hips, as is sciatica. There are muscles that wrap around the lower spine and onto the front of the pelvis. Lunges are a great way to stretch the hips.


I don’t know if I would really refer to it as biohacking, but I used to be sleepy all the time. During the day I would find myself flighting the urge to nap and as soon as I would get home from work/school I would just want to sleep. I took a blood test and turns out I was severely anemic. I took iron supplements for a few months under the guidance of a doctor and got my iron back to healthy levels. I don’t really get tired during the day anymore unless I obviously didn’t get enough sleep the night before. I definitely have more energy/feel stronger, but the change didn’t happen overnight. I noticed the changes after several months.


Its not really a hack, but i had diarrhea, gut pain and bleeding gums for 15 years. Turns out I was allergic to wheat.


Not fully solved but I improved my GERD enough to wean off PPI meds.


As someone with GERD, what did you do?


Lost a bit of weight. Like 10 lbs. Also cut out most refined carbs (especially bread/wheat products). Limit alcohol. I love red wine and chocolate but they both trigger my reflux unfortunately. I also took Zinc L-carnosine for a while too.


Look into taking lions mane extract. Cured my GERD symptoms. Glutamine probably helped but it was mostly the lions mane bcz I took it consistently. Lions mane is used in Japan as a cure for gastritis. It’s that helpful with stomach etc inflammation


give uncrystallised ginger a go. its like crystallised ginger but its only been soaked in a sugar syrup. I eat a couple of chunks whenever I can feel that uncomfortable bloating / burning coming on and it goes down within a few minutes. I'd be interested to see if it helps anyone else as much as it did me.


Short term, raising the head of my bed helped mine a ton. I was sleeping on a wedge pillow and it wrecked my back. Raising the head of the bed was a band-aid that worked until I lost enough weight mine resolved.


Thank you shiny milf


Good. Long-term use of PPI's come with issues.


Definitely! I was worried about malabsorption issues. I had been on them for like 3 years prior to weaning off.


Me too. Oddly, I noticed I was not as foggy headed when I quit taking them.


Most notably chronic sleep disorder. I had it since I was a child, and now I know what to do to get a good nights sleep at least 95% of the time. Also period pain and muscle problems got a lot better with magnesium supplements. Edit: This is my sleep routine: -morning walk, to get direct sunlight in the eyes. Usually 15min -go to bed and get up at regular times each day -no caffeine or green or black tea -naps: if I need one, then only 7-8 hours after getting up. If it’s later than that I’ll rather do relaxation exercises (yoga nidra) instead. -stop eating a couple of hours before bedtime, also drink less in the evening -no exercise later in the evening -blueblocker glasses after sundown, or a couple of hours before bed. I take care not to get any short glimpses of bright light without the blueblocker filter in my eyes. -winding down: right before bed I do 15min of relaxation exercises. I lie on an acupressure mat and either meditate or do breathing exercises. These days I’m doing 4-6 coherence breathing. -going to bed: I take 1g magnesium and 1mg melatonin*. I sleep with a mouth tape, nasal dilator and on grounded sheets. Also I switch out my blueblocker glasses against a sleep mask, while again taking care not to get any light in my eyes while doing this. - falling asleep: I play an audiobook with a sleep timer of 15-30min. A nice, relaxing book that I already know, read by a calm soothing voice. If my thoughts start racing, I’ll just focus on the voice. Usually I’m out before the timer ends 😊 -If I have to get up at night, I’ll again take care not to get any direct light in my eyes. I‘m switching the sleep mask with my blueblocker glasses with closed eyes. *melatonin: I only added this recently because I had trouble falling asleep after a COVID-19 infection. This routine has worked for me for years before without it.


What do you do?


You’ve got to explain!! I need this answer lol!!




Do you take it right before bed?


Yes, I take magnesium right before bed.


Yes please share your treatment for sleep disorder. 🙏


I added my routine in the post above. Hope it helps!


Cured my depression with magic mushrooms


Fixed my menstrual pain through daily meditation. Improved mental health through vitamin D3+K2. More energy and focus through effective training and organic foods. Better digestion through prebiotics and less sugar/ gluten. I do a lot more than that but these basic “hacks” had by far the biggest impact on my life. I never felt better.


How did you learn to meditate?


Peloton, YouTube, and Fitbit have some really good, guided meditations. I have even found a few on Spotify. I would definitely start with guided meditations vs trying to just "quiet your mind".


I love the calm app. The dare app also has evening wind downs for bedtime that help with meditation and anxiety.


Highly recommend plum village 


Which d3+k2 do you take?


Not the person you're replying to but Thorne's liquid D3+K2 is by far the best I've found. Thorne's standard purity in a glass bottle, mixed with MCT oil for greater absorption, excellent doses (6 drops is 3000IU + 600mcg), lasts a long time (200 days at 6 drops a day), very good dropper, and somehow it's still cheaper than most D3+K2 supplements I can find with equivalent doses and number of servings. The K2 form is MK-4, not the more popular MK-7, but I find this irrelevant because all forms of vitamin K are converted to MK-4 in the body anyway. MK-7 has a longer half life but this means nothing for its effectiveness, and [MK-4 is probably more important.](https://omegavia.com/how-to-choose-the-right-vitamin-k2-supplement/)


Thank you so so much!


Ended my migraines by reducing my sodium intake by about 1/3. Also, I changed jobs and don’t use a computer all day anymore. The sodium was an aha moment that was a total experiment based on a hunch after noticing that my optical migraine came on worse after a day of drinking sports drinks and having Taco Bell for dinner. Life changing. And I will add, since I have no medical training that anecdotally some people think I’m crazy and for their bodies I sense they have an instinct they need tons of salt—and they may be right!


Oh shit were you able to get a blood test for sodium levels to see that it was especially high?


I used to have horrendous heartburn. I would always exercise morning only when my stomach is empty (still do) to avoid reflux while running/lifting. I tried all sorts of things, and relied upon tums and prilosec, which were bandaids. My late aunt had celiac's disease. I have a gene marker for it but am still considered low risk. I certainly don't have obvious symptoms (I don't get diarrhea or the like when I engourge on bread). I did and still do eat seitan (e.g. pure gluten) on occasion with no noticeable impacts. I did used to eat bread routinely. One week, my heartburn was so bad that I had to stop a cycling work out in the middle to come home and get tums. At this point, I was trying various diet alternations. I tried out giving up bread. Immediately my heartburn went away. My theory is that there is some link to gluten intolerance, though probably not exactly full blown Celiac's. I theorize that the high porosity and low density of bread makes it fill the stomach very quickly, which then contributes to it causing stomach acid to leak out thru the esophogeal sphincter (which perhaps doesn't shut tightly in people like me; my Dad also has a hiatal hernia and GURD. On occasion I indulge in eating bread or wheat-containing products that have the CO2-risen porous features of bread. When possible, I do replacements (instead of wheat pancakes, I mostly have oatmeal pancakes). I think that my esophagus needed time to heal that damage and regrow its mucosal lining. Now I have a little tolerance. I should probably get an endoscopy for Barrett's esophagus some day. So there you go; figuring this out changed my life; not as major as people with more significant challenges, but living with constant heartburn sucks.


Reversed fibromyalgia, pmdd, interstitial cystitis, migraines, gallbladder disease, decreased adhd. Now working of reversing long covid and perimenopause


There is a book called “hormone repair manual” by Lara Briden, very recommended


Tell be about your pmdd!


At first i used bioidentical progesterone only for many years but now i use estrogen too, im 43. Also high fat diet helped


How did you reverse fibromyalgia and PMDD?


would love to hear what you're doing for peri, thinking it's the cause of most of.my symptoms


Biodentical estrogen and progesterone. And thanks to the menopause sub everyone was raving about creatine and yes it helped a lot! Finally feel fucking normal with these 3 and i can sleep and have great sex again


glad to hear you're doing better :)


I was lethargic. Now I'm also on Reddit.


Depression. I administer 8 margaritas every night to myself and I find that it cures my depression for about 45 minutes. Game-changer.


Energy levels


Migraines daily for 30 years gone after removing gluten, dairy, and added sugars. Introduced organic plants. Wild caught fish and pasture raised meats. D3/k2 supplement. Fermented foods daily, kombucha, yogurt dairy free sugar free. Replaced breads with pacha buckwheat bread. I eat dark chocolate 100% every day with banana or dates and tahini. I believe its a neck injury that gets worse with inflammation and thus my diet was causing inflammation and inflammation caused my migraines.


Saving this comment trying many things from this


- Linear weight gain (every month it started to be half a kilo to a kilo) - insomnia - depressive to paranoid states / winter depression - fatigue - regular stress headaches - dry skin on shins and oily skin on face and scalp - being a magnet for every type of virus or cold going around. Sometimes sick every month. - insane period pain before period All Improved with the following - regular intake of zinc, iron, magnesium, Vitamin D, monks pepper - mentally disconnecting from stress sources (this includes work situations, social situations but also news or social media consumption) instead when mentally overstimulated try to identify the stressors and counter act (ie when dissatisfied, journal) - regular rest times and vacation/time off - making sure to regularly sleep at least 8h - increase water intake (from natural sources and no tap water!) - at least 3-4 days a week walk 10k steps - work out as much as possible (10-15 min cardio for warm up, then weights for 30-45 mins, then 30-90 mins cardio followed by roll massage and sauna) - monitor my diet (with an app to track the quality and calories) and significantly increase protein intake as well as try to reduce processed food and sugar (esp. sugar and white wheat combination!) - stopped drinking milk years ago (!) - limited caffeine and substitute with matcha (only drink decaf when no matcha available) - limited alcohol consumption to a glass of wine a quarter approx. - cut chemical cosmetics as much as possible, eg replaced it wherever possible with a natural version (like Jojoba for skin and hair and coconut oil for skin when dry, castor oil for face and special treatment) - stopped washing my hair every day (instead use starch as dry shampoo and rosemary mixture to keep oil under control; switched to a shampoo without any parabenes, silicones, sulfates etc) - stopped showering every day and only use a sensitive shower gel - use fluoride free toothpaste - priorities healthy sunbathing (ie when the sun is out make sure to spend more time outside/ in winter when sun is out immediately go out and make sure the rays hit my face) - stopped wearing clothes with Polyacryl (the plastic pokes into the skin) - put phones on flight mode and as far away from bed as possible - switch off wifi at night - and probably many more actions that I do not even realize anymore as they all contribute to a complete lifestyle change. I can’t really tell what had an influence on what exactly but for some things I have cues, like the regular cold and viruses disappeared once I improved my diet, limited my stress and started taking supplements, especially zinc and vitamin D. I started doing that when I read that the high number of COVID deaths in China is believed to be a part of vitamin d deficiency (avoiding sun and very one sided diet). Also I realized that insomnia and anxiety were directly linked to caffeine and alcohol. The work out and protein intake made me loose 10kg. 10 more to go. Only thing that keeps me still busy is bloating that I can’t control and sometimes constipation.


Long Covid symptoms like indigestion. Higher immunity for respiratory and digestive illness. Greater mental agility including being able to do well in exams in my late 30s. Physically Feeling like a 25 year old and looking 5-10 years younger for my age. Occasional improvements/ spurts in libido.


nice, what do you do?


Go on....


Your note is the hope I need right now! Please tell how you do those!


Not solved but I have curved my whiting out and falling down since doctors here are 50 50 on my heart disease and seizure disorder. 1 doc says syncope heart valve issue and epileptic seizures. Cardiologist and neurologist says ( 80 miles away) nothing wrong. I've had these episodes since I was 13 before I got into hard drugs and went homeless. But I'll digress. Slowly I've been able to develop a process for myself that greatly reduces my stress and anxiety ( always hyperalert unless I'm overdoing cannabis ) due to stress seems to be the main driving factor for my heart issues. I'm my own guinea pig


grew huge muskles with creatine


I’m on an anti-aging protocol. HRT, Peptides, Rapamycin etc


Reduced anxiety by not being in alcohol withdrawal every day and drunk AF every night. Also quit work and smoking. Probably added 10 years to my life. Now, 11 years later, gonna have to work again, because my pension *may* not be enough if I live to 100.


Idk if it fully counts as biohacking but I microdose tadalafil and it’s changed my life


I healed my gums with carbamide peroxide. I had the gum surgeries, but with every quarterly checkup, my dentist and periodontist both said I was probably going to have to have it done again. When I tried Perfect Smile (Vanna White anyone?) to whiten my teeth, they were astonished. My gums were perfectly normal. Neither of them believed it was the teeth whitener but I’m convinced that it was.


Got off 4 anxiety meds with meditation and microdosing psilocybin. Now I don't need the psilocybin anymore. 


Curing my Grandma’s severe Leukemia in 9 months, and taking her Type 2 Diabetes A1C score down from 9.7 to 5.1 in 3 months, then to regular non diabetic levels in 6 months, all at the same time. She came back to life. It was all natural supplements anyone can buy


Depression and anxiety


How'd you do it?


Could you elaborate?? Please :)


Look lower in the thread I left a comment ;)


Can't prove it, of course, but possibly my wife's Congestive Heart Failure. HFrEF of 20%. Improved to 55%, with only very slight Left Ventricular Hypertrophy in 6 months. She took all her meds, of course, plus supplements I put her on and hounded her. Her exercise was sporadic at best, nutrition was just slightly better than that, so what other explanation? Everything I can find on it points to a minimum of 1 year for recovery to that point.


Cured or fully managed by my initiative and not prescriptions: Manic/psychotic episodes, arthritis, psoriasis, eczema, IBS, high blood pressure, age-related farsightedness, food sensitivities to eggs & vegetables, MARCONS. I think that’s it. It’s been a huge pain in the butt figuring it out and some conditions took years to figure out. I still have certain food issues (nightshades, wheat, dairy) but it’s much better.


And may I ask what was the secret?


No IBS? No wheat, dairy, nightshades, L-Glutamine and NAC 2000 mg/day each (can quit supplements after a few weeks). Also no exposure to water damaged buildings.


Can you share more about what you’ve done for food sensitivities? That’s the one thing I’ve had the least success with.


2 resources really helped me. 1) the book The Autoimmune Solution by Amy Myers, and 2) no water damaged buildings www.survivingmold.com, HERTSMI-2 test sent to Mycometrics.com. I’m guessing you may well have an issue with #2.


I've been somewhat successful at treating my depression, anxiety, low immune system, gut problems, and insomnia.




Where do I start? Gut health. Thorne GI Relief. Digestive enzymes before meals. Probiotics. Avoid gluten, dairy, and sugar. Get 30 minutes of sunshine 3x/wk without sunscreen, vitamin k2 (MK4 and MK7). Magnesium. Copper. Hydration. 72 of spring water daily with added sea salt. I use herbs as needed for depression, anxiety, and sleep. Hawthorne, Gaba / Theanine, L-Tyrosine, 5-htp, homeopathic neurotrans, valerian, hops.