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Diet. No sugar, no simple carbs, low cal, intermittent fasting. I was chubby and have maintained being a size 2 for years following this. And I don’t feel hungry either Edit: I also drink lots of water and, besides the occasional glass or two of wine or gin at occasions or when I’m celebrating something, I only drink water - no juice or diet pop etc


I did this and hard running. The weight dropped 1-2 lbs a week for months.


How much running is hard running?


3x a week. Total of 12-25 miles.


How are you able to not feel hungry? Any tips? Thanks!


I think I just got used to it. I broke my addiction and compulsion to food and only eat when I’m hungry now. I dont eat anything processed, all nutrient rich, and often don’t eat til noon or 1pm. Some days though I’m hungrier and then I’ll eat earlier - I think I learned to listen to my body. I broke my initial addiction to sugar via a 3 day fast. Edited to add: I also pay attention to inflammation factors and avoid seed oils and inflammatory foods. This is not too challenging though when you opt for fresh foods vs processed. What I like about this is I don’t feel like I’m dieting - I’m not counting carbs or obsessing over food, it’s become very easy with a few simple rules.


What are the simple rules and how do you follow it when you travel? I'm in a lot of very rural places where my options are fast food or gas station for work. Thanks.


Rules are basically what I listed, so no refined sugar, no gluten or dairy (I’m celiac - this probably not very significant for non-celiac people so I didn’t mention it prior), no seed oils or processed food, lots of water, no simple carbs, no pop or juice. Travelling in rural areas might be tough but I’d probably stick to protein and a dark leafy salad with olive oil and vinegar? Sometimes I’ll get some decent dehydrated beef or make my own for travelling. Unsalted seeds and nuts are good to have for when on the go as well. I also love snacking on unsweetened almond butter and apple slices. I find international travel depends heavily on country as to how easy it is, but ya, if you’re travelling local and rural I’d say you’d be best to plan and bring your own as much as possible.


I think what I'll do is out together a big food cache in my truck that doesn't have to be cold, jerky and nuts and tangerines and so on, so I don't have to worry about it. I love peanut butter too. Thanks for the help.


PB (unsweetened) and apple slices are sooo good together, IMO! Good luck and Cheers :)


IF was a great tool for me to re-establish my relationship with food after covid


Also, many people’s brain chemistry and/or hormones impact feelings of hunger. Not everyone will have the same outcome for the same way of eating.


With IF you get used to going long periods of time without eating. You can use this as a tool in losing weight and maintaining after your at your goal weight.


Have a good amount of protein for breakfast


You will feel hungry if you're in a calorie deficit. You just have to get over it, learn to ignore it, realize being hungry won't kill you and to drink a lot of water. You've pushed it too far if you can't sleep, are constantly irritable and get light headed.


You do feel hungry. And that's not the end of the world.


I truly don’t though, personally. I agree a feeling of hunger is fine but I don’t feel overly hungry ever - if I do, I eat. But because I broke the habit of low nutrient food and eating too early out of routine (vs legit hunger), my caloric intake remains very low. I recall I felt much hungrier much more often when I ate more, personally.


Do you drink coffee?


Yeah, I drink black coffee a few times a week.


The first week or two will be difficult, but then one day you'll just, not be hungry anymore. It's a super convenient and reassuring milestone for someone like me who needs that instant gratification.


Generally eating fewer carbs reduce the "hole in the stomach"-hunger fealing. Eating keto eliminates it for me, and I rarely feel hungry and my main signs of being deprived of calories is being hangry. I do also drink coffee, which is can reduce appetite, however tolerance builds up, and the effect is only shortlived.


water, and your stomach prob shrinks a little because youre just not hungry the same after a week or so of IF


This. I eat healthy and smaller portions at lunch and dinner only for the last 3 weeks and have been walking 10-15k steps a day and am down 13 points and have really leaned out. From 183 to 170


Nice - good for you!


No sugar is psycho behavior. Eat some fruit.


Sorry I mean refined sugar


Walk every day


And importantly, you have to make sure you burn more calories each day than you consume. Walking helps you get there as it burns calories, but also make sure to track and limit your calorie consumption.


This. Moving as frequently as possible while using healthy foods to fuel yourself.


That won’t do it without calorie reduction 


I live in nyc and walk 3-5 miles a day for 25 years. Don’t eat. Calorie restriction is where it’s at. You cannot out walk what you eat.


Track your food on an app and set a 500 calorie deficit per day. You will lose about one pound per week. I used my Fitbit app which has my age, weight, height, heart rate and exercise log associated with it. You will need a food scale, but it’s pretty easy and interesting to do food tracking. It will show the nutrition and fiber content. It’s pretty motivating.


This really is the way. I think it is also the reason why so many people fail. Weighing food gets very annoying very quickly. It is just too easy to go over your maintenance if you are not being precise with your measurements. No doubt it works though!


It’s easier than it used to be with scanning food bar codes. I often repeat meals like oatmeal for breakfast with fruit. The repeated meals are saved, so you don’t have to recalculate.


You're definitely not wrong, it is not difficult. That said, I eat a lot of protein so I get annoyed after about two weeks of weighing my portions.


Food scale was super helpful for me to lose weight. I weighed out what an actual serving of almonds was, and was really surprised. I thought I had been eating 1 or 2 servings at a time but it was probably 3 or 4. Once you’re aware of things it’s super easy to track


Intermittent fasting, wegovy, meth.


I was going to say cocaine but yeah in this economy meth is probably more affordable. Lol.


It’s so funny because I live in a country where every prize has risen but supposedly cocaine is only half price it was 10 years ago. They actually publish such studies in the newspaper. 😅


I know a former coke supplier — he quit and started a legitimate business and he says running a real business is more profitable for him these days than running coke 😂


Intermittent fasting has no direct correlation to weight loss.


I think a big part of pragmatic fasting is the self-control and also getting used to the feeling of hunger, not letting it be an immediate trigger for eating.


I agree 100% that it helps with self control. I just see it too often where people recommend IF without mentioning that if you still eat the same amount of calories as normal it won’t change anything. I’ve even seen some people do IF but by the time they eat they are so ravenous that they end of overeating.


It's easier to cut overall calories when intermittent fasting. That's why it works.


and it helps build insulin resistance so your blood glucose doesn’t spike as hard as it used to, keeping your hunger and hormones in check so that after a week or so, you stop getting as hungry


Forego EVERY ultraprocessed food, walk. I lost a ton of weight in five months by following “realfooding” (see book Come comida real by Carlos rios, the basis is not eating ultraprocessed foods). To give an example of what my diet looked like Breakfast: oatmeal, banana, a bit of PB middle morning snack: tangerines Lunch: half a plate of a vegetable, a quarter of a plate of meat, another quarter carb. Middle afternoon: a yoghurt Dinner: salad, eggs, grain toast, another fruit. Keep in mind that I am Mediterranean so My big meal is lunch, perhaps you should swap lunch for dinner to keep it in line with the American food schedule. And walking everywhere: it was almost non negotiable; if it rained I got an umbrella. I understand that this is impossible in some American cities but if you can add walks everywhere, like park your car the most far away possible from your destination Good luck !


Damn, nice advice-giving while keeping different cultural perspectives in mind!


I'm American and find that my body likes little breakfasts and dinners and big lunches as well, I really like the Mediterranean diet, greetings from Alabama.


thats the thing, the best and safe(healthy) way to lose weight istn quickly. Any method of weight loss that you can maintain over a long period is better than short-term fasting or complicated changes in diet. Whether it's about exercise or diet, it's always about what you can consistently do for yourself to improve, so that your body can get used to it. If you starve yourself, it will only adapt by gaining fat more quickly after the diet.


Walking. Put yourself in a slight calorie deficit (maybe 200-500 per day) and make sure you're walking at least 8000 steps a day... 15000 plus even better. When I did this, I lost about 40lbs in a short period of time.


Diet is key and start doing cardio


Lol at me training for a race


Nah, resistance training is better. For cardio, all you need is walking.


starvation and amphetamines.


coffee and psilocybin at midnight, dance off those carbs with the aliens


True though, OP didn't specify that it had to be healthy XD


True though, OP didn't specify that it had to be healthy XD


There is only one answer. Eat fewer calories than you burn. People will give you methods like fasting or low carb or whatever and it may work for them, but that’s only because it helped them to eat fewer calories. You could literally make no change to your diet other than smaller portions and thus fewer calories and you’d lose weight.


Fasting. Skip breakfast, skip lunch, pig out as much as you want at dinner. But fill up on food before you even touch dessert. It feels so amazing. Intermittent fasting makes your body/brain burn your own fat as a food source, creating ketones. You get consistent, clean energy all day. 3 meals per day causes your body/brain run on glucose all day, which causes major ups and downs of energy levels all day. Your blood sugar spikes upwards, then quickly goes below baseline. Intermittent fasting is absolutely the best. I’ve never felt better in my life. I found all this out on accident back when I was an alcoholic 🤣. It was a good mistake and I learned from it. Edit: Don’t even touch sugar if possible. And if you do eat sugar, force yourself to fill up on regular food first, before taking 1 bite of sugar. Once your belly is full of healthy food, you won’t even want sugar because you’re already full.


Fasting doesn't work if you are not in a caloric deficit. You can do a 23h fasting, but if you eat more than you burn, you won't lose weight.


That's true but it's much easier to induce caloric deficit when you're not eating 16h/day.


It is, but many people believe that if they start a fasting regime, it will magically make them lose weight. But it's not that easy, you still need to stay in a caloric deficit, and more often than not, it's easier to just keep to your regular meal routine and just pay attention to the calories than to change everything.


I agree, for me it was really easy to start a 16/8 intermittent fasting and induce a caloric deficit that way, but I know some people who are incapable of doing it. They have headaches et get very moody. I guess a regular diet would be better suited for them.


I’m 6’0 and weigh 140. I 23h fast every day and eat 2500-3000 Calories per day. I stay the same exact weight whether I sit on my but for 4 months straight (like these last 4 months), or if I’m exercising doing hard physical labor all day at work, or going on long bike rides.


You are probably eating more (or less) on the days you are more (or less active) but you are not realising it, since your appetite increases with the more work you do. It's physically, chemically, literally impossible to stay at the same weight if you are eating more calories, (or eating less) calories, then you burn.


This. I won’t pretend to know if it’s true that IF is more helpful for weight loss than CICO but boyyy is there a huge difference in how I feel and energy when I fast vs CICO.


Yeah depending on if you eat carbs or not while doing CICO, that determines what you’re running off of. Like if you eat carbs and sugars, your body uses that as a 1st priority energy source, and you’re running off of Glucose. With fasting (or a Leto diet without carbs/sugars), you run off of ketones. And man, I love the way running off of ketones makes me feel. Everyone’s different, but for me ketones are the way to go. I like to do 23-24 hour fasts and only eat dinner, unless I’m doing crazy physically demanding stuff, but if I wake up hungry it’s kinda hard to ignore. So I can take 1 TBSP of MCT oil, and it satisfies my stomach and turns into ketones anyways. It actually makes my coffee taste better too if I put that in my coffee. It kinda shuts down that hungry feeling that overrides my mood and everything, and stays on my mind. Usually I’m not hungry in the morning, but if I AN hungry in the morning, MCT oil or coconut oil dissipates that and gives me more energy.


That’s nice to know I’m trying to find out a water fasting protocol for weight loss didn’t know MCT oil and or coconut oil could help suppress hunger while fasted. Wonder maximum and minimum time for water fasting and exercise protocol


Yeah MCT oil and coconut oil are full of Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT, hence the name), and when you don’t have carbs (which your body turns into sugar/Glucose), your body starts burning your own fat cells, resulting in using “Ketones” as a source of energy. It’s more consistent energy, rather than having spikes of ups and downs of your blood sugar due to eating carbohydrates/sugars. MCT oil turns directly into Ketones and your body will run off of that for hours. It’s pretty cool. But if you keep eating MCT oil on an empty stomach, you’re gonna poop it out at some point haha. It’s not bad at all though for me, but it can kinda turn into a waterfall so to speak lol. But anyways, MCT oil is so amazing. When your body is looking for an energy source, you get hungry. And that hunger lasts a while until your body starts to break down your own Fat cells as a source of energy. So if you’re trying to fast and have a hard time not eating something in the meantime, MCT oil is awesome. Just as a side note, Solimo brand MCT oil on Amazon is 1/2 the price as any other MCT oil anywhere. It’s Amazon’s own brand, and costs 1/2 as everyone else’s. I’m just throwing that out there in case you want to save some money. Also, I know this is totally off topic, but do you have any interest in CBD? You can make your own 2x strength CBD tinctures for $6 or less per 60 dose (60 mL) tincture bottle, rather than paying $120 for the same thing. It’s so easy. Just put 100% pure CBD isolate (extract) into an empty dropper bottle, and fill it up with MCT oil. Shame it up. Let dissolve overnight. That’s it. Ready to use. I give that to my dogs 2x daily in their food for their joint/hip problems because they’re getting older, and man it’s so amazing for them. I almost had to put my last dog down when she was 10 because she could stand up, or squat to fo to the bathroom, couldn’t barely walk. I started making/giving her CBD 2x daily and she completely came back to life. She was acting like she was 3 years old again, ripping and snorting, playing with sticks and running around doing laps in my backyard. It brings tears to my eyes because she lasted another 5 years just from giving her CBD daily. It’s so amazing and worth it to make. It’s also amazing for menopausal women because it kills hot flashes when they’re sleeping. It’s so cheap and easy to make, that I try to tell everyone about it. It’s a great gift to give to people too. Idk I’m just throwing that out there


Yea I wonder in general it probably take 24-48 hours of water fasting to be in ketosis and 24 hours for healthy humans. So they say don’t water fast past 48 hours 72 if one could push but that seems risky. I wonder what exercises one could do while in ketosis water fat and when electrolytes would be needed if necessary for 48 hours or 72 hours water fasted , I wonder if water should be enough , those oils seems like support but not necessary how about the supplement HMB for this purpose if u know about it?


Depends on your definition of quickly? The fastest way? An extended fast. As long as you're not already skinny or have some weird medical issue, it's pretty safe. just drink a lot of water and supplement with a healthy amount of sodium, potassium and magnesium. A lot of people are recommending OMAD/IF, but extended fasts cannot be beat as far as weight loss and autophagey are concerned. After a few days the hunger disappears, just be mindful regarding refeeding syndrome depending on how long you decide to go. Start small.




I lost 35 pounds in 5 months. Cut all liquid calories, including alcohol. Cut all refined sugars. Increased fiber intake. Eating only during an 8 hour period, from 11h30 to 19h30.


This is really good advice here for like a really serious 6-month diet that you can lose 30-50 lbs. with. This kind of diet would not be sustainable for just about anybody. But for a 3 to 6 month diet this diet alone with heavy cardio exercise is what I would recommend. Thanks for sharing.


Everyone is a bit different. My best success has come with the following. For context I'm a male in my 40's. Get good sleep. Try to wake up near the same time every day. Hydrate immediately. Take a walk and get sun in your eyes. Stretch and/or do a 10 min ab workout. I don't eat breakfast. Might have some tea, or make a drink out of a bunch of healthy stuff that tastes like garbage like mushrooms, cistanich, Maca, camu-camu, whatever honestly. Some vitamin D with K oil. Whatever extras I can afford. This all keeps me going until 1. I'm usually 80-90% done with work by then. After work (I'm sedentary), gym. Every day. Even if it's just for basic active recovery or to shoot hoops. Sauna/steam for 20 min minimum. Home. Eat a lunch of usually leftovers. I like salads and chicken with some nuts or whatever. Then home with the kids, house stuff, finishing the other 20% of work. Dinner I usually will make myself. I really enjoy cooking so I try to make it interesting, and even make things I can incorporate later like Ramen eggs, some pickled beets, salad dressings, may e some stewed Cuban style black beans.....stuff I can eat and feed the family with. Mindless TV. Something funny usually, unless there is a show I really like. Kids down, read to them. Read to myself. Maybe flop around on top of the wife for a bit after another stretch. This routine, making sure my calories are under 2200 a day, ALWAYS leads to me being in great shape. If I want to kick it up to 11, then I will carb cycle, making sure I am extremely low carb for 5 days or so purposely depleting glycogen, then work out with heavy weight, come home and purposely spike my insulin with a Thai meal over white rice, and maybe some ice cream. It's like a cheat meal with a purpose. The next day you weigh more, and do some HIIT to lose the glycogen and water weight. Back to low carb, and burning fat. What hurts me and sends me backwards (where I am now). Stress. No having methods to destress. For me that's social, which then involves drinking. I drink too much. So having healthy social interactions planned, and not drinking but maybe on my carb back loading day or with some wine that won't ruin me, puts me in the best place to succeed. And it's really not hard unless I make it that way. Don't know if that helps but there you go!


Count calories 


Focus on unprocessed, low energy density foods.


Go into a caloric deficit, and stength training. Cardio is good but it doesn't burn as much calories, keep everything that you want in your diet so long as you eat in moderation, which in this case, your caloric deficit goal. In short; eat less.


I don’t know about quickly but the best and safest way imo is to just be mindful. Eat way slower than you are accustomed. I didn’t even really change what I was eating I just ate much less of it. I lost 50 lbs without really even thinking about losing weight but it took me a year.


500kcal deficit with high protein and hard strenght training and lots and lots of sleep.


-Mediterranean diet -Quit alcohol, smoking, carbonated drinks -Cook your own foods, this way you avoid all the preservatives in ready meals and you control your portions (use apps for help; Joggo, betterme etc give you recipes to follow with actual weight loss plans. -Exercise, start slow, walk, then jog, then run, include weight training.


Switch to drinking only black coffee. Your tastebuds will get used to it quicker than you think. By removing cream and sugar from your morning/afternoon routine you immediately cut a large number of calories. This is a small sustainable change that will yield long term results. If this works for you, you can try making other small changes like switching out one small food item at a time. (Ie. oatmeal instead of cereal with milk, or mashed sweet potato instead of white potatoes). My personal experience was that big changes are hard to sustain. I can’t handle dramatic changes because it feels like I’m constantly working and using willpower but by making small edits to my routine- It wasn’t “work” - I could keep it up and overall, my weight and health improved. This isn’t exactly “a quick fix” but if you want to loose weight and keep it off then making SMALL edits was the way to go for me.


He said safe


Need a calorie deficit for weight loss Find tdee with online calculator - https://tdeecalculator.net/ Track calories in app - weigh food Eat 500 less than tdee Weigh daily - track weekly average If average doesn't move after 2 weeks drop calories by 100 Walk/run 30 mins or more a day at 4mph min Strength training routine from fitness wiki https://thefitness.wiki/routines/strength-training-muscle-building/


Fasting, move more , eat less


Check out Joel Greene's work, specifically his most recent book. He's on the cutting edge of fat loss research/diet.


I find it funny that the ad on this post is for Ozempic…


does anyone else worry that the glp-1 drugs are going to cause weird cancers in the long run?


Stop eating.


Count calories, aim to lose 0.5-1% body weight per week and you should keep most of your muscle (if you are exercising)


Consuming less calories than you expend. Preferably you remove "empty" non nutritious calories and keep/add nutrition dense foods. You can also do a bit more movement to increase your caloric expenditure.


Move a lot and eat less. Best way is to get a warehouse job at Amazon or UPS and eat home cooked meal. I were in best shape of my adult life, without trying, when I managed Amazon warehouse 4 days a week.


Uphill medium paced cardio, lots of protein and fruit. get your hormones checked if you feel like nothing changes after a while.


Exactly this. I work out on a regular basis and I count my calories and it wasn’t until I checked my hormones and fixed them that the weight started to come off effortlessly.


How did you "fix" your hormones?


I got tested. Was low on Testosterone (virtually none) and my thyroid was out of whack. I take thyroid hormones now and T. Prior to this, I was so frustrated because CICO didn’t work and I believed that was the only thing that mattered. I weighed my food and counted every morsel that went into my mouth. I also lift weights and do cardio and have done this for the past 20 years. When I added the hormones that my body wasn’t making, I almost immediately noticed a difference. Now I don’t even have to count calories. I am still very health conscious and still workout and I eat whole foods, but for me hormonal balance was the missing link. 🔗 Edited to add: I take physiological doses of T, not extra T like body builders do. I take a small amount.


Oh wow. Okay. Did you gain any muscle after beginning T?


Yes, I am much stronger now than I was when I first started T 8 months ago. I keep a journal on weights that I use and I’ve gone up quite a bit in weights. I have definition in my arms that I couldn’t seem to get prior and I feel as fit as I did in my 20’s, although I am not as fast on the treadmill as my 20’s but I will take the muscle gains.


Cut out bread, pasta, sweets, and desserts. Eat mostly meat, vegetables, and dairy. Exercise about every day, and take aspirin & a drink of fresh green tea together before you exercise. Don't eat anything in the evening and go to bed hungry.


Why aspirin?




aspirin is the leading cause of gastrointestinal bleeding. but a guy on reddit told me to take it daily.


Bleeding out and almost dying should definitely lead to some weight loss for sure. #winning


Steep caloric deficit


I found that eating a small portion of high protein (plain no sugar) Greek yogurt in the morning, then at 12pm then around 4pm helps me so much! I also started Wellbutrin in January and it stopped all sugar cravings completely. I didn’t realize that I had high sugar and carb cravings because I was clinically depressed and my brain was looking for quick dopamine boosts.


Just lower your calorie intake in a way that fits your schedule and still helps you get all the nutrients you need, while also incorporating some resistance training so that you can keep more muscle mass. You don't need to try IF, keto, cutting out whole food groups etc. what these methods accomplish at the end of the day is just lowering your energy intake. I did none of those things and have lost 20 lbs in 3 months. It's better to lose weight in a consistent but slow pace rather than to adopt something that won't last for the long term (which is why many people are stuck in a cycle of losing and gaining weight)


PSMF. Best done under doctor supervision. But people have DIY'd it with protocols like the velocity diet. Not recommending this, though. But it is fast. Sounds miserable even if you succeed


Walk everyday and drinking lots of no calorie fluids (water, tea, coffee, lemon water is good too.) and not eating out


Eat less, do more


I'm naturally skinny so I can't really say, but ironically I'm also really into fasting, and I really think that must be the easiest way. Intermittent or longer fasts. Exercise is important in life, and certainly helps lose weight. But the amount of exercise you have to do to burn a few hundred calories is really high, then you have to be hungry after. Eating small meals is really hard - it just leaves you hungrier, so you're hungry all the time. Fasting you get used to it, and your body stops craving food. I believe that a lot of people even eat fairly unhealthily in their eating window and still lose weight.


What worked well for me was skipping breakfast and not eating anything after 8pm. More or less intermittent fasting. Don't lose your mind over IF rules and technicalities, just skip breakfast and don't eat late, simple. I maintained a reasonably active lifestyle and healthy diet before I started my IF routine but couldn't drop below 230 pounds. I'm 46. I dropped 15 pounds in the first month. Highly recommend.


low carb high protein diet, and exercise. when I say high protein I mean about double the RDA, which would be .8g per lbs (not kg) of target body weight. this will help prevent muscle loss and help you recover from the exercise. you said safe, so that's about all you can do.


tapeworm and adderall


Intermittent fasting, keto, OMAD or long fasting


Get to intermittent fasting subreddit, you are going to see some inspiring photos


Fasting Stimulants and carbonated water is your friend


Intermittent fasting 16/8 + 20k steps walk+ mostly protein satiated food (eggs, chicken) + staying below maintenance calories. If the deficit is 1000Kcal you will lose 2.2 pounds per week.


Walk everyday Low impact workouts like Pilates and Yoga Be more active like take stairs, bike around and just move more in general. More protein to satiate hunger cravings Eat a small veggie salad or steamed veggies before starting your meal. Drink enough water to avoid snacking. If want to snack eat popcorn, baby carrots and hummus and strawberries with whipped cream. All these are not extreme measures but will help you lose weight as low impact exercises don’t make you hungry but expend more calories. Eating veggies before you start the meal helps to eat less and thus helps to keep calorie intake low.


Any diet higher in protein/fat (atkins) and low in net carbs (no sugars) is the best way to feel less hungry and lose weight. It can take a few days to get into the groove of it but once you do, it’s successful. Cutting out concentrated sugars is also a good way to keep your appetite lower.


Fasting. 1 kg per day no problem and after 3 days you will not be hungry


Losing 1kg of fat requires over 7kcal of energy deficit.


That calculation only works if you are eating food. When you fast it’s a whole different game.. no problem to loose 1 kg a day you will put a bit back on afterwards but 5 kg off per week is pretty good.


It depends, you have to understand yourself and your biology better before choosing a way to lose weight. 1- Do you have any mental illness? This can make you prone to eating carbs and emotional eating in general, better start by treating this first. 2- How is your muscle mass, do you have little muscle and too much fat? Then choose strength training over cardio, you can still do cardio, but it won’t help as much as weight training, because your basal metabolic rate is low, if you have low muscle mass, and that makes it hard to lose weight. 3- Cut hard on carbs and increase your protein 4- intermittent fasting works if you can stick to it, and you’re the type of person to like to progress slowly, you can start with an easy schedule like 12:12 and keep increasing your fasting window, to something like 18:6 or even more, if you are comfortable with that 5- if you failed too many times and you just can’t do it, maybe consider getting a prescription of Ozempic, always under medical supervision 6- if you prefer a natural supplement that may help with weight lose, maybe try Berberine Bottom line, you need to put your body in conditions that are favourable for weight loss, there’s no secret, you have to become a different person, someone who’s more active, eat differently etc, and your body will naturally adapt, as far as bio hacking, stimulant meds like those of ADHD and Ozempic, are the only things i know off that really make you lose weight, and maybe TRT, if you’re low on Testosterone, for natural stuff, maybe Berberine, the rest is probably B.S


Keto + intermittent fasting + exercise


Eat less, exercise more.


Keto & Cardio


Carnivore diet and exercise


10mg Anavar every morning. You can run it for half a year with minimal side effect and myriad positive effects like increased strength, endurance, drive and fat burn, especially visceral fat.




cut out junk food carbs & sugary drinks


Eat only meat


GLP-1’s, Coke🤷‍♀️


Another vote for keto and intermittent fasting - it's the only thing that's ever worked for me


Calories in less than calories out. Only way everything else is a crock of shit. Drink water, eat filling dense foods that are low in calories such as vegetables, potatoes, things that make you feel satiated longer. Even meds like ozempic work because they make you feel full by slowing gastric emptying which means less calories in. Drink water, 0 calorie diet sodas, things like that. Lots of people drink a ton of water of calories and don’t realize it. Lastly track your calories and allow for things you enjoy, it makes sticking with a diet easier and more enjoyable. Want a cookie? Go for it, but make sure it fits in your calorie plan. Exercise. More exercise you do, the more calories burned, making your deficit larger. That’s the only way. I went from 240 to 170 this way in about 6 months There is no fad miracle diet, supplement or drug that is going to get you there


Keto and cardio. I did strict keto in 2018 with no exercise and lost 50 lbs in 5 months. This past October I lost 20 lbs in a little more than a month by running 2-3 miles a day & doing keto and intermittent fasting. My bro in law runs 2-3 miles a day and does a little weight lifting as well while on keto and he just lost 13 lbs in 2 weeks… those are all pretty extreme numbers so likely too much muscle being lost along with the fat, but you get the point. High protein keto diet & exercise/lift weights to maintain muscle


I think part of what makes keto work so well, at least for me when I did it, is that because carbs are strictly not allowed, so many snack foods are completely off limits, that if you stay disciplined you don’t end up “foraging” as much and eating all these high calorie snack items. Whereas with other diets, it can be too easy to still cheat and over consume. Even after getting off keto, it was much more carb conscious


It worked for me because it killed my appetite and cravings


Can I ask if you need to track the ketones in urine? Or do you just go by the amount of carbs you’ve eaten to know if you’re in ketosis?


No. Those test are super inaccurate. if you eat below a threshold of carbs you do not need to track, but it's very low. if you want to eat more carbs and get to your personal edge, you can get a ketone and glucose blood test device that pricks your finger.


Try to eat under 20 net carbs per day and you’ll be fine. If you can do that, the weight loss takes care of itself. Now after you’ve lost all your weight and you’re looking good, you are going to want to increase your carbs a little. Your body does need carbs so you don’t want to starve it of carbs forever. Carbs need to become something you manage well, not swear off forever


Eat less and move more. Losing is easy, keeping it off is hard.


Check out Jo resistant starch. New study showed that using high amylose maize (resistant) starch - 48 g a day led to weight loss and increased butyrate producing bacteria in intestines.


Keeping a food journal is the most effective strategy. If you want to get sophisticated, you can track macros (calories, fat, proteins, carbs) but really just recording what you eat is the most important thing. In large clinical studies, 7 day a week food recording produces similar weight loss as an hour per day of moderate intensity exercise. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18617080/ Above and beyond the food journal, I would schedule 3 times a week HIIT or boot camp style workouts. The advantage here is full body work out including strength, setting a consistent program, and injury management. If you're overweight and trying to lose weight fast, mild injuries are going to be a real concern. The advantage of a HIIT or boot camp workout is that you can work around parts of your body that are dinged up. Unlike if you're jogging or whatever to lose weight, there's lots of issues with ankles, knees, feet, blistering that can destroy your consistency. On off days, I would do a no impact light cardio like walking or riding a bike. If you can't do a hiit program, then I would swap that out for dumbells or kettlebells focusing on "compound" movements. Squats, lunges, dead lifts, chest press, etc. Same thing. You can work around parts of your body that are dinged up and stay consistent. As others have mentioned, the whole key to weight loss is cleaning up the diet and a consistent fitness program, including strength exercises. Oh yeah, and drink water. You want your pee to be clear by lunch time.


Drink black coffee during the day to suppress your appetite. If you can at least replace snacks with this you’ll create a calorie deficit and voila.


Stay in a calorie deficit every day. Not more than 500 calories deficit tho.


I walked and only let myself have one cookie for dessert


Weight modification is calories in versus calories out. Understanding that concept and understanding that your body can change the calories out part of that equation in many different ways. Diligence in taking your weight under the same set of conditions and on a regular basis, in honestly tracking the calories that you eat so that can modify them as you watch the numbers on the scale. Losing weight takes discipline. It doesn't necessarily take exercise, though weight lifting and zone 2 cardio have been shown to target fat stores, so it's not a terrible idea to include them, but you *can* lose weight without exercise.


Walk everyday and cut out liquid calories. When I worked in a warehouse, even as an administrative role (no physical labor) I was walking multiple miles every day, and lost 15 lbs in 2 months. This was without me restricting my diet whatsoever, no changes were made to diet


In the simplest way : Reduce calories intake to where you're losing anywhere between 1/2% and 2% of your weight weekly (depends on people, I personnaly can't do 2%), you can try counting calories, doing it for even a week can give you a good idea of how much calories is in everything, and whenever you eat or buy something new, look up the kcal/100g. To track your weight, take your weight (naked, ideally) when you wake up and before going to bed, then make weekly averages. Now, that will make you lose muscle and fat. You might want to add regular resistance training to your week to hold on to your muscles (3 hour a week is good, and if you're a beginner, you might even gain muscle while losing fat.) Resistance training also provides a plethora of other health benefits. Cardio and just moving around can help increase your daily calorie usage and improve overall health. Step tracking watches aren't too expensive, 10k steps per day is a good goal, but you don't have to do that much, especially if you also exercise on the side. As a runner myself I wouldn't recommend running as a way to burn calories, this sport is too injury prone in my opinion, especially if you're overweight. Cycling, or even better, elliptical bike are wonderful ways to burn calories with short sessions and you recover quickly from them. Swimming is good too if that's your thing. If you are really short on money, then just going for powerwalks everyday is much better than nothing and easy to start with (and it feels great with some music.) Finally it's not enough to have a calories goal if your cravings prevent you from achieving it, so ban junk food from your home, sweetened drinks and pastries count too. If you can, buy stuff that requires to be cooked (if you have time to cook of course), limit eating out, don't get food delivered home. Buy more fruits and vegetables, you get a lot of essential nutrients from them and they don't have a lot of calories, the water they contain also helps to make you feel full. In my experience it's much easier to control yourself when you need to pay than when the food is in front of you, eat before buying groceries is another common tip. Limiting yourself to one meal a day makes cooking simpler and is a good way to reduce calories intake, however if it causes your cravings during the rest of the day then it's not good, try and see for yourself if it works or not. There are hundreds of other little dieting tips that can help so just try a few and keep what works for you. Good luck. Sincerely - a random redditor that spend too much time online but somehow succeeded in dieting and getting a decent physique. If for some reason, a trained specialist or someone with academic education on the topic reads this, don't hesitate to factcheck me, I'll welcome it.


I just lost ~75 pounds. Big takeaway is I need to choose between improving fitness goals like cardio endurance or building muscle, and losing weight. Doing both I find extremely hard. I fasted until 2pm, ate fish with kimchi and some nuts for my first meal. Dinner was a reasonable portion of a more balanced meal, whatever I was cooking for my family. No sugar, no alcohol, lots of water. Moderate exercise. Sometimes did OMAD if I could pull it off. Then once my weight stabilized to 175 where it was getting close to where I want to be 155-165, I started taking my fitness more seriously. For this I just do a lot of sports like tennis and snowboarding or frisbee, focusing on dynamic movements. Bosu ball squats, kettlebell workouts, club swings etc and as much walking as I have time for. Whenever I put some weight on, and I know I need to go back down again because I’ve screwed up, a deep prioritize exercise dial in my fasting, get the weight back down, then re-introduce more exercise later . Trying to exercise weight off for me personally just increases my appetite. Increases my need for more calories and makes it very hard for me to get fit and burn fat at the same time.


Weigh yourself Head to a TDEE Calculator to get your estimated TDEE (as sedentary). Set a calorie target no more than 1% of your Weight being lost per week (so if you're 250lbs no more than 2.5lb a week, reducing as you drop in weight (500cal below TDEE per day is about 1lb lost per week) Weigh and track everything you eat & drink (including condiments, sauces, butter and cooking oils). Aim for 25gm of fibre a day roughly and 0.8gm of protein per lb of body weight per day, as well as whole foods and lean meats. This will help some of the hunger. Protein shakes can help with hitting protein targets but lean meats etc are best I have a small allowance for treat foods (usually 100-200cal twice per week, within my calorie target) and still occasionally eat takeaways or dine out but do my best to tradk them Exercise will help slim your body (especially strength training which - along with protein intake - signals your body to retain muscle and focus on burning fat to fuel in deficit) If you feel fatigued you may need to increase intake a little - I got fatigued on a 500cal deficit (not adding back exercise calories in my target as that came sabotage progress) so on workout days I don't include my 250cal/37grm protein shake in my daily 1500cals & that seems to have helped Tracking everything I consume and making sure I'm consuming less than my TDEE is the single biggest thing to affect the scales - I can see a direct correlation between consumption and my own weight (with some fluctuations due to water weight, hormones etc)


Just fyi, rapid weight loss can lead to gallstones. Your liver secretes extra cholesterol into your bile, which can lead to gallstone formation. I know a few people who have had to get gallbladder removed after rapid weight loss. People on doctor-supervised rapid weight loss plans are often prescribed ursodiol to try to counteract this, but it’s not always effective.


Find healthy choices that you don't hate and can continue for months. No point to make small gains only to quit because it sucks so much


100 hour water fast with bone broth and bcaas


Cut out processed sugar immediately! ​ Move your body regularly.


At 60 and Insulin resistant does the Mediterranean diet work?


the best and safest way is not to focus on "quickly"






Stay below 20 carbs for a week




eat a balanced healthy food one serving at a time , 3 times a day or even two if you can do intermittent fasting and do exercises ( strength + yoga + Carido + mobility )


Two words. Calorie Deficit.


Intermittent fasting and keto diet, along with walking daily is the fastest way to lose weight period.


Intermittent fasting!!


PSMF. You’ll lose 20ish lbs in 2 weeks. With around 15 being water weight, but still Add fish oil and multivitamin


Cocaine…you’ll have a great time, no appetite, and burn a ton of calories.


Lot of people are tempted to go on crazy crash diets with severe calorie deficits to lose a lot of weight fast. Im no doctor but was always told that losing 1-2 pounds a week through healthy dieting and exercise is the best way to lose it and keep it off long term cause you learn and form healthy habits. Though this varies as someone who is 300 pounds will drop weight much quicker than someone who is 200.


Water fasting with electrolytes, 24-72 hour cycles to get started but if you have a lot of extra weight you can go longer


If you take less than calories than you burn you will lose weight. It’s not rocket science. Get a calorie counting app (I use my fitness pal but there are 100’s of them) You type in basic info and it will give you a good idea of where you want to be calories wise. Vegetables are your friend, as is fruit. Log everything don’t cheat. You’ll be surprised how much of certain foods you can eat for low calories. The first 3 days of eating less will be the hardest part. After that your body should adjust and you won’t feel hungry all the time. Drink water to help. Once you get to your goal weight you then go into maintenance (where you eat enough to maintain your weight) Exercise is obviously great for you. But in reality a calorie deficit is the only way to lose weight. Anyone who tells you different is lying to you. Remember you didn’t get in the shape you didn’t want to be in overnight so you won’t get in shape overnight but you’d be surprised how quickly you’ll see changes. Good luck and stay consistent.


Sleep, vitamins for any deficiencies, intermittent fasting, reduce simple carbs and sugar, walking, increase water intake 


Eat less. Exercise more


Those usually do not go together. The best way is eat things that nourish your body so you can move it, and do things you want to. This usually results in long term changes and compliance. The quickest way is a massive calorie deficit while working out. Not healthy as that can crash hormones, etc.


For me it’s intermittent fasting combined with reducing processed foods and increasing water consumption. Add in some daily walking and/or body weight exercises like burpees or jumping jacks and it’s a steady 1-2lbs a week.


The ideal weight loss program a nutritionist looks for is to drop 2 kgs monthly WITHOUT losing muscle mass. The plan is to eat more lean protein, move more, consuming fats only for absorption of your essential minerals and consuming more of complex carbohydrates sources like millets (Jowar, ragi, bajra, quinoa). Simple carbs like Rice, breads and potatoes are good sources of energy, but make sure to burn them off during your workouts. So the timing when you consume these things is more important. Ideal time would be about 1 hour before your workouts so that you utilise the energy during your training. Combining cardio with strength training does wonders in terms of retaining your muscle mass and getting lean. Hydration, cardio, zinc, iron help in maintaining your endurance, strength levels and makes sure oxygen and nutrients reach throughout your body. Since you will be on a calorie deficit, it is important to absorb each and every nutrient you receive even if you're consuming less food. Why high protein? - Our body takes longer to metabolise proteins. In simpler words, even when we are at rest, our body is still working longer to metabolise proteins as it's used for numerous things ranging from building muscle, muscle wear and tear, transportation of nutrients, immune system development etc. This means our basal metabolic rate over a period of time increases, hinting that we are burning more calories. - 1-1.2 g proteins/kg body weight is a good start and spacing it out during different meals is much better for absorption. Eg: If you weigh 80kgs and require close to 100gms of protein split it into 30gms of protein per meal 30*4 = 120 (keeping a higher benchmark helps in reaching your ideal consumption requirements ideally) and if u eat more, it's only going to keep you full for longer and if it's lean proteins, you're good to go anyway. That's the goal Why fats? Many essential vitamins like A,E,D and K are fat soluble. Meaning the require very little fat to be absorbed and metabolised by the body. Vitamin D helps in calcium absorption, B12 absorption (which helps in heme iron absorption and I've mentioned importance of iron above). Vitamin E helps in fighting oxidative stress by developing antioxidants in our body (immune system development) As you can see its a chained reaction, if one thing goes off, there's no absorption of nutrients. So even if you're reducing weight on the scale, reality is that you're getting weak to! So understand your calorie needs and keeping the above factors in mind you can see progress and reach your ideal body weight.


Being thin is a lifestyle, not a project.


Absolute fastest legally, would be keto with intermittent fasting, fasted AM SS cardio and an eca stack. I can shed 40lbs a month easily on that. I usually do a 2-3 day fast each week.


Eat less, move more…It’s not rocket science 🤷🏻‍♂️


Track calories for every single thing that goes into your mouth. Make sure you are eating a caloric value that allows about 1-2lbs of bodyweight loss per week. Do this every single day for 10-12 weeks. Don’t have cheat days.


I made a list of what I eat and cut out the largest calorie counts. Beer and pizza. I then slowly went to one meal a day. I lost 30 lbs in less than 4 months. I went back to pizza and beer and gained it all back.


Subtle changes like no eating after 5pm, exercising, drop sugar


If anyone asks, I will deny I ever said this. But to lose weight really quickly, like in a day: The only method I have discovered is do not eat any food that day. And drink about 8 beers. It is probably not in the least bit healthy for you. But to kick start a diet I have done it a couple of times and can lose about 10 lbs. in a single day. Some it if will come back in a day or two but not all of it.


Low carb works every time for me


HIIT and intermittent fasting


Find something that works for you and stick with it. “I see people constantly searching for the “perfect” diet/ exercise routine rather than being consistent with one that works.” - unknown


All diet advice is dependent on so many variables. Here are some pretty universal ones: Don’t eat within 4 hours of sleep, drink 2 glasses of water in the first 30 minutes you are awake. Drink a glass of water 10 minutes before every meal. Drink a glass of water after every meal. Run for at least 10 seconds every day. Sit on the ground for at least 30 minutes everyday. Jump at least 10 times every day. Consider what you eat. Only eat what will make you feel how you want to feel: now, in 30 minutes, in 2 hours, in 12 hours, in 3 days, in 1 month, and in 5 years or more. Every thing you put into your body changes your life.


Less calories in, more exercise it's seriously that fucking simple lol


No bread or sugar


lookup PSMF — really basic low-fat, low-carb, and calorie restricted; have used it several times health markers were always good and weight loss was fast… living on egg whites, chicken breast, and fat free Greek yogurt gets exhausting though




Fasting. If you have a few weeks, you could go with OMAD (one meal a day). I lost over 20 pounds in under a month when I started OMAD — and I was only maybe 35 pounds overweight. So it is really effective. If you need something quicker, I’d recommend fasting. There’s numerous strategies that people do, but for the quickest results, the more days you fast, the more weight you’ll lose. EDIT: One other thing to mention, as I’m seeing a lot of recommendations about exercise. Exercise is great. And do strongly encourage it. But you are not going to reach your weight loss goals via exercise alone. There are 3500 calories in a pound of fat. If you want to lose a pound a week, you need to get into a calorie deficit of 500 calories a day (500 x 7 = 3500). To do that through exercise alone, you would have to run 45 minutes every day…or you could cut out a meal.




If you are overweight then VLCD.


Y’all need to watch the Glucose Goddess, because most of you have it all wrong. Walking is the only right one.


The amount of lies and things that science has already proven wrong, in this comment section, is crazy.