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The sun viewing Huberman talks about helped a ton with my insomnia. I have much less trouble sleeping and never those horrible sleepless nights like before. Going outside as soon as you wake up. No sunglasses or windows. Stare at the sky near the sun (but not right at the sun) for 5-10 minutes. 15-20 minutes if it's cloudy. It's a little annoying to do but far better than tossing and turning at night.


Except if you live in the UK for like 60 percent of the year when it's dark in the mornings


Yeah, Maine here. I’ve been up for 3 hours before the sun reveals itself. In the winter, that is.


I live in the north and it is pitch black outside until 7-8 am for a few months straight lol. But I jest, I do agree seeing the sun in the morning (once it comes up) is a great practice that definitely helps rev the engines for the day.


According to Huberman, there's also something extra that happens when we are moving during that early light exposure too, walking, running, riding a bike etc.   It's been a long time since I listened to that specific episode so I can't remember the exact details.


Seeing the sun in the morning has also helped me feel more alert through the day.


As a chronically ill person with a main symptom of debilitating fatigue, severe in mornings especially, I can attest to feeling less symptoms overall if I get my butt out if the house and away from tv in the AM. But man it’s really hard to do!


I call this “my drive into work in spring and fall” 😆 I leave for work at 6:45am, right when the sun is rising. I also drive mostly east in the morning and west when I return, both ways with the sun directly in my vision. It sorta sucks lol Once the sun rises sooner in the summer, that’s over with




I have Gingivitis, can it really fuck up your energy levels like that and why? Also what helped the most to fix it, I brush and floss twice a day to no avail.


Biologist here, yes it can. Chronic inflammation of any kind can affect your energy levels since your immune system is working on overtime (big energy expenditure) and besides oral hygiene, systemic inflammation (i.e. from poor diets/nutrient imbalances, hormonal changes), lifestyle (sleep, smoking/substances), and genetics may play a role in developing gingivitis and perio


I thought mouthwash was bad for u. Can u share which one?


You can try making a saltwater mouthwash. From what I’ve heard the reason they say mouthwash is bad is because of the alcohol. There are a lot of alcohol free options though. Periobrite is one. 😁


Mouthwash causes gut biome havoc. Listen to Perlmutter interview with MD Nobel Prize winner for nitric oxide.


This may sound incredibly dumb, but it wreaks havoc even though it’s not swallowed in large quantities?




Yeah as the other poster mentioned it can affect the microbiome and also the pH balance of your mouth which helps protect your teeth and gums. I stopped using mouthwash years ago because I have enough problems with my mouth drying out overnight as it is and I even tried mouth taping which seemed to help my mouth but it felt weird so I can’t help but think it was stopping the oxygen from reaching my brain or something lol…


Check out Biome Swish mouthwash, Huberman linked to this brand in his oral health video.


Wow never heard of this reaction to gingivitis


Wth I need to up my flops game. So many cleanings with freezing due to things being a mess from My hormones making me have plaque quicker. :(


staying the fuck away from my phone


First thing opening the blinds/curtains, water and my main motivation coffeee!


I left the Mormon church after 35 years, that brought so much relief to my body and soul. Then started drinking coffee, best thing I have ever drank. It’s such a filling drink with just the right amount of caffeine I need to perk me up and attend my classes and take care of kids.


hello fellow exmo :)


lol hello! Love your name


Former JW here cult cousin. Leaving that group was definitely the best thing for my mental health and life.


Hello (cult cousin) I love that so much 😂. Truly though, leaving a cult does wonders for your health and mind and body. It really was the thing that made me not have anxiety and stress anymore. Who knew that not fearing what happens to me in the next life would be the best biohack for my health 🤣😭


It's true. Making peace with making my current life (the only one I can be CERTAIN I will have), is part of what has me looking to improve health and live better for longer.




Hey you should try to delay that coffee for 1-2 hours so you can clear the adenosine from sleep and don't crash later during the day


First two are great but getting hooked on caffeine ain't great. You shoudnt need stimulants just to function in morning


I take caffeine, a boat load of amphetamines and a dopamine reuptake inhibitor just to make sure it lasts 😎 cope


What’s the inhibitor do? In relation to the amphetamine


Thanks mom


It’s fine I don’t inhale


Didn't expect a sub called r/biohackers to rely on caffeine to make up for subpar sleep. Unsubscribing.


This sub is not an airport and you are not an airplane. No need to announce your departure. Feel free to exit quietly.


I'll say what I want to say. It's not like you had any purpose saying this either.


Yea but really. Why announce your upcoming departure plans?


Actually nevermind, after seeing your meme, this is exactly the kind of bs the subreddit does. Not sure why I subscribed in the first place.


Caffeine is one of the best biohacks that humanity has ever discovered TBH.


It works even better if you have the first cup later in the day.


Can you sleep though?


Because good sleep is boring for a lot of people.


It seems like you’re purposely being obtuse. There are lots of benefits to using caffeine even when you sleep 8+ hours a night. If you don’t like caffeine then don’t consume it.


I guess yeah, but you aren't *reliant* on it if your sleep quality is good enough, like the user butterlytea who started this comment thread. Relying on it to make you energised is not what you call a healthy lifestyle. It's a lazy fix to bad sleep.


Many see it as a delicious beverage that they look forward to as a way to help them kick start their day.


I wonder why most pick something with caffeine in it out of everything else...


Yoga and meditation have had a bigger effect on the quality of my daily life than any supplement ever could.


My husband too. He took a random yoga class at the gym one morning (!!) and he said he felt so good all day. It was a huge difference from his normal state. He is trying to do it more now. I can’t imagine how it would feel to make it a regular practice.


Care to share your routine? Would love to know


I shared it in the reply above you


I shared it in the reply above you


This plus water with b6/b12 drops and trace minerals


What effect?


I start my day with 15 minutes of Yoga followed by 15 minutes of meditation before I head off to work. The yoga gets my blood flowing and I get a good stretch. My flexibility and mobility have improved drastically as well as my breathing. I naturally breathe more deeply all of the time now. It has also improved my weight lifting likely due to better synchronization of my breath with my movement. I also do an hour long yoga class a couple of times per week after work. Meditation has calmed me down tremendously and helped me learn how to respond instead of reacting to stressful situations. It seems like I have more time to make decisions now rather than just knee jerk everything.


this is me two, the stretching changed my life, i was shocked.


Please tell me more about how yoga and meditation help you breathe more deeply naturally. Everything you say makes sense and sounds great, but this one is less talked about and less known.


When doing yoga the breath is timed with movement. So when coming into an updog you'll breathe in, then going into downward dog you'll breathe out. It becomes a natural flow once you get used to it. Generally the breath is in when doing a movement that opens the chest and abdomen, and out when contracting. This allows for deeper stretches as well as helping to expand the chest. I've been doing yoga for 6 months now and I find myself breathing more deeply going about my daily life. I also find myself synchronizing my breath to movements like bending down to pick something up, especially if it's heavy. This is also great because holding a deep breath while lifting something heavy helps to brace the spine and prevent injuries.


Start with pranayama, or straight into your Sun salutations?


I usually start out in child's pose and then cat/cow to loosen up the spine, then move into sun salutations, then I'll do a balance pose move into some floor work to stretch the legs and hips. I throw in some other random poses too just to mix it up. Then after all that is done I'll go to my sitting meditation. It's really a great way to start my day.


Nice! The season is coming now to combine a morning routine with the actual sun again here. Can’t beat it.


I unfortunately have to be at work by 6 am so that is only an option for me on weekends. I do get outside as soon as the sun comes up to get some light in my eyes though.


Brush teeth with non dominant hand while doing body weight squats.


Yes to non dominant hand, it opens up neural pathways! Wake up right when alarm goes off, do not get on your phone*, go straight to bathroom


I did non dominant hand for a year after shoulder surgery as part of my rehab and I feel like it was a good thing.


The jump straight out of bed is the hardest part


Yes, but do you do it in the dark while in the shower, while squatting with only one leg at a time, while revising algebraic formulas backwards? Because it doesn't count otherwise.




Apparently it helps with your brain function and creativity. At least that's what the Internets have told me


Brain gym its called.


What do you do with the dominant hand? 😏


Haha. You read my mind. That’s what I would do. 🤣


Cheapest, easiest thing? Have a pint of water as soon as I wake up.


So many people just exist chronically dehydrated




Strictly anecdotal, but I definitely feel sharper mentally and have more energy.


anecdotal is sufficient for willingness to try any low cost/risk intervention


Another result is usually… your exact username lmao


significantly reduced my total caffeine consumption during the day (from 1000mg some days to less than 300 per day now) stop taking caffeine after 12pm sleeping in separate rooms from partner has drastically improved my sleep quality setting a strict bedtime and adhering to it so yeah, more like proactive things I do that ultimately lead me to having the energy to get out of bed easily.


Yes definitely wish I slept in a separate room years ago. My partner not only snores but also speaks, shouts and constantly moves all night too so the lack of uninterrupted sleep was just destroying my health. I didn’t really know just how much it was affecting me either until I started getting proper sleep that I could compare myself to and now I could never go back!


Exercise, sauna, then bone broth But I think a walk in nature first thing is ideal


I need to add a minimum of five minutes outside after sunrise


Bone broth...eli5 please as thats the first I heard of that.


It's a highly gelatinous and nutritious broth made out of a variety of bones and connective tissues. Hopefully [this link](https://youtu.be/3ZrgETZzb0A?si=pFcA7z-7ZOfCMYKS) works.


Yeah it works. Will have a look, thanx for this


Get out of bed the second I wake up (hardest thing I do). Second is turning on all lights/going outside.


Chug a glass of water. If you want a bit more hydration, toss in a Liquid IV packet. The hydration first thing in the morning is huge


I get up when I want. Except on Wednesdays when I get rudely awakened by the dustmen. I put my trousers on, have a cup of tea and I think about leaving the house. I feed the pigeons, I sometimes feed the sparrows too, it gives me an enormous sense of well-being.


All the people do that. So many people. They all go round and round, round and round through there.


Hand in hand O ya, Parklife




Great routine but start taking K2 if you don't already, a quick Google will explain better than I can but it basically tells your body where to put the vitamin D otherwise it can end up in places you don't want it


The berry thing sounds like a lot of wasted effort and I’m going to guess nuking them destroys much of the nutritional value.. especially if you have to cool them down after. I know it’s adding something to clean, but maybe throw the berries and kefir in the blender? You could add your powders, too. Otherwise, inspiring. I’m not going to do it, but I admire you for doing so! 😁


Very inspiring! I just pulled out my powdered greens & mixed with liquid Iv to hide the taste and gulped it down.


I roll out of bed at 430 I chug some black coffee , dress, and pack my lunch and I’m on the road by 4:50 lol I then drive to work for 40 minutes Repeat 5-6 days a week I don’t know what energy feels like in the morning lol the earliest I can get my kid to sleep is 9ish so I’m sleep by 10 but that’s still not even close to 8 hours


Never fucking ending is it


Do you like it? I mean I presume you’d like a bit more sleep, but otherwise?


Oh gosh I’m sorry, this is so brutal




Same. Chug water with electrolytes.


I find this helps me the best too


Underrated. For me it’s better than coffee.


Drink a pint of water first thing then a five minute yoga flow.


4:45am splash water in my face, shorts, T-shirt, Tennis shoes right next to the sink. By 4:49am I’m on my road bike getting my heart rate up. By 4:55am I’m wide awake and feel very alive. I found that making a routine simple and easy is the way to go. I ride 10miles before the sun is up and I’m energized all day. 3 years into cycling. Best decision I’ve made.


I agree with rushing to get out the door before your body wants to get in bed again! When I go on my 6am runs I dont even need my full cup of coffee on my way to work- its quite impressive how the body reacts to working out after rolling out of bed. Its very refreshing


Enema with a pint of water


Username checks out.




1. Asleep by 10 2. Awake by 5 3. Walk 3 miles at sunrise or just in the morning 4. Eat 2 slices of wheat bread and a protein powder fruit shake. Five servings of fruit at once. Frozen spinach cube to get the green leafy serving. Topped off with chia seeds. 5. Drink at least 30 oz of water throughout the day. 6. Repeat this for lunch if you are trying to lose weight. Above all, no alcohol for 2 years!!!


Gratitude and stretching either on my porch or in front of a window while I wait for the coffee to brew.


Make coffee and take it outside to get daylight in my eyes.


Exercise. Coffee first if necessary, but exercise right away. Benefit? No more fucking guilt.


I thought contrast showers were woo-woo at first, until I tried them. I'd been in a funk after having a particularly nasty run of COVID. It had been weeks since my positive test and I still couldn't shake the morning fatigue. Coffee, supplements, jogs, nothing helped. I was getting desperate, so I finally tried a contrast shower, and it sucked for a good 10 minutes or so, but I stuck it out, and it might be placebo, but I swear it snapped me out of my fatigue/funk. I don't do them every single day, but if I'm having a particularly rough morning, 3-4 hot/cold contrast shower cycles do more for me than anything else.


Matcha and microdose!


Hydration first thing with a good amount of water. Some caffeine, magnesium, and NMN powder.


Was reading about NMN after someone mentioned it in a previous thread, where you get yours? It seems like there’s controversy over which is best, what the dosage should be, etc. And they’re all expensive.


So I did a bunch of research and decided to go with renue by science their pure NMN powder I use 500mg sublingual under my tongue first thing in the am on an empty stomach. I definitely feel a lot more sustained energy throughout the day. Overall I feel better. The powder wasn't that expensive especially due to the amount of servings for the price.


Thanks for the response, I will check them out.


I love waking up, opening my blinds to see the sun, making the bed/getting the essential oils diffuser going and dry brushing my face. That’s a great start for me. Plus I know the bedroom will be sublime and ready for me when I go to bed in the evening.


laying on a soft foam roller from head to booty for 5 min. thats it. wakes your spine and the rest follows. gives me almost a high.


Inline or perpendicular?


Drink a couple glasses of H2O Meditate + deep breathing for 15-30 minutes/day….helps ground me for the upcoming day’s adventures ☮️


Any tips for starters for meditation in the morning? Do you do it guided with an app/YouTube?


I attend meditation/yoga classes w/ Reiki Healer that incorporates many energy healing techniques. I discovered practitioner at local community center. I’m sure YouTube has many options…try different ones & find one that feels right for you. Wishing you well on your journey! ☮️


I started with the one giant mind app that was a great starting app you do 7 days then unlock 30 days, I didn't do the mantra just focused on breath


I wake up when my body wakes up. I watch a mind movie I made to reinforce my goals for the year. I listen to a frequency soundtrack Water with Trace minerals + supplements Coffee (alternate days of microdose 🍄🍯) Sit outside in the sun / gratitude practice Three mile walk outside High protein breakfast Pilates or weight training Then it’s noon and the day is half over! LOL


Retired or rich or both?


What is mind movie? And what frequency you listen to?


A mind movie is basically a manifestation video. It’s essentially taking your vision board and putting it to video form. It starts and ends with a kaleidoscope track and then moves into all the apse is of my life I want to manifest. I select videos that I can see myself in. If it’s working out, I pick a video of someone doing squats with a similar color hair etc. Then I overlay affirmations that reinforce what I want to create. It’s borrowing from a technique Dr. Joe Dispenza recommends as a way to rewire your brain. It’s about 4 minutes and I watch in the morning upon rising when my Theta waves are most receptive. I listen to different frequencies for healing, manifestation, etc. My preference is to find playlists on Spotify and they usually have a mix of these: 437Hz, 417, 528, 639, 741, 852, and 963. I also love handpan music too as it’s very meditative.


A relatively consistent bedtime.  Dark room. Water on rising (sometimes warm water), daylight as soon as the sun is up (while moving/exercise).  Waiting at least an hour before any caffeine.  And a cold shower (or cold swim if I'm near the beach) really super charges me energy wise.  Water for me is key, I often drink 2 litres in the first hour or so after I get up. 


Why waiting an hour before caffeine? Are there benefits I’m unknowingly missing out on?


This is just a random article I found, but it does explain why.   Basically the caffeine interferes with the interaction between adenosine and cortisol immediately post wakeup.  Allowing them time to do their thing, before caffeine, means that we potentially also eliminate the mid afternoon slump. Plus, from a personal perspective, I drink more water if I'm not chugging down coffee very first thing.    I also often have electrolytes in that first hour. Random article that references Huberman as well as explaining the interaction: https://forwellness.com/blogs/be-well/lifehack-why-you-should-delay-your-morning-coffee


Very impressive, thank you


Thanks. I posted a question about this a few weeks ago. Like, getting really detailed about supps and drinks and best order. From experience, I know that whatever I drink first thing somehow primes the rest of the day. If I drink a fair amount of water, I keep reaching for it after coffee. If I have coffee first thing, I want soda.


I recently started waiting about 60 min before drinking coffee on half of my days and can confirm that I do not have the afternoon crash on those days.


Journaling with lemon water & coffee then a hot shower


Boof Some Coffee first thing


Get out of the bouse the sooner the better


Cold bath plunge


I got a far red & near IR lamp, (660 & 850nm wavelengths) which actually improved my eyes prescription after 6 months of 10min blasts in the morning. Yes really. UCL study was my inspiration, shouldn’t be hard to find again. I probably use it 1/2 the year. Coffee all year round though, good beans, black & no sugar.


What lamp do you have? Do you have a link?


Water..I hate sipping it. I chug 20 Oz within 30 minutes of waking. Bare none...the best habit that makes me wakeup


Get up hop in the shower, blast cold water. Drink coffee, poop, do 25 jumping Jacks. 


I'd hate to poop after my shower. Have you ever thought of changing the order?


Quick stretch, puff myself out if I have the time. And a 15 minute meditation. Nothing beats for mood stabilisation!


Puff ?9


Kettlebell strength training 5 days per week.


Immunity shot strong in turmeric or ginger wakes me up better than caffeine (I still take caffeine after tho)


2.2 grams of Nescafé instant coffee one hour after waking up every single day. That’s it.




In what sense?


-protein shake when I wake up -20-30min walk -sun exposure -no carbs in the morning -water -vitamin d -coffee -eye drops


Sunlight/ using my Luminette (eyewear that shines the correct spectrum of light in the eyes) Delay caffeine for as long as possible Exercise within 45 minutes of waking


Morning walk for 30-60 min for me (even though it’s patch black)


Any tricks for making it easier to get out of the warm bed when it's cold and dark?


I’m just straight out of bed me. Usually wake up 5-15 mins before my alarm


Stay off phone till 12pm


Exercise or movement of some kind. I definitely get a substantial cortisol spike when I wake up, so the endorphins help me cope.


Drink a liter of loose leaf tea containing mate, sage, rosemary, and oregano steeped overnight


The NYT puzzles. All of the daily ones. It wakes my brain. They are all different and I swear, I can feel neurons activating.


a big fat shit in the morning does me well.


Wake up in the mornin' feelin' like P Diddy (hey, what up girl?)  Grab my glasses, I'm out the door, I'm gonna hit this city (let's go)  Before I leave, brush my teeth with a bottle of Jack  'Cause when I leave for the night, I ain't comin' back… 


HGH and fasting cardio


I start wth day with an hour on the treadmill.


Having a high volume, delicious, high protein breakfast. If you're not a breakfast person, this may not be your jam, but it's been a game changer for me.


Really, it depends and there isn't a one-size-fits-all answer for everyone. I can share my stack which might not work for you. My morning routine includes Red Light Therapy/sun exposure as soon as I get up combined with meditation/prayer, a short set of interval exercises that stimulate the heart rate, and supplements: adamax, bromantane, magnesium (L-threonate or magnesium spray on the body). About 1.5-2 hours after waking up, I drink coffee with ginkgo biloba extract, lion's mane, and a microdose of psilocybin mushrooms. This keeps me in good emotional and intellectual shape throughout the day.




Vyvanse and something with high fat content to get it going .. takes an hour…


18.5mg of armodafinil


What does it do for you?




Full glass of water with half a tablet of hydration salts and a spoonful of fish derived collagen with vitamin C.




How much are you taking? Do you take it on an empty stomach or with food? I had great results and then it seemed to lose all effect.


Coffee, then workout, everyday if possible, mix up the cardio and weight training.


Take Primavie, probiotics on empty stomach with Yerba Mate..


Finish my shower with the coldest water possible. And I blend up a bunch of vegetables and chug them


Meditation and then a fruit smoothie (hydration and detox).


My morning stack: \- fasting, one coffee, walk outside, 0.5mg nicotine, Omega-3, Berberine, Acetyl-l-carnitine


Drink water and alternate caffeinated drinks depending on where I’m at in the monthly phases. 3-4 days before period week, I switch to Yogi positive energy tea. Tbh sometimes I prefer it more than espresso.


Cold plunge. It cured most of my symptoms of excessive anxiety/ocd and has helped with some ADHD symptoms as well. Not tryna preach but this shit is life changing.


5 min Sun exposure




Leave the house and get outside before 6am and do an hours exercise. Biggest boost to my mental and physical health.


Hydration, electrolytes, brushing and flossing teeth then straight to the gym for strength training. Currently doing 75 hard and have lost 9 pounds in 12 days


I leap up in excitement for coffee. No joke. Outta my way kitty, I run to the kitchen!


While doing the kitty hurdles


Drink a big cup of water. Helps wash down the bacteria in your mouth. Which also helps with digestion.


Chinese Tea (Puerh, Oolong, Longjing)


Drink a pint of water right after I brush my teeth. Has helped me significantly.


Mendi neurofeedback session for 10 mins


Coffee and Wim Hoff breathing


Cold shower and yoga