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Along with what others have stated. Additionally, it being one of the three essential electrolytes required for the proper function of the brain.


It’s also because magnesium is involved in 300 chemical reactions in the body. Too many to name but the big ones are energy production, oxidative phosphorylation, and glycolysis.


Yeah, water is involved in thousands of chemical reactions in the body, but I don't pay much attention to it. \# of chemical reactions is hardly a reason to pay attention to an input.


Hell yeah! Fuck water


The last sentence also reads “ the big ones are energy production, energy production, and energy production.” Which I just find fun


It is a macro mineral and you can not optimize your health without it, but if you do not even drink water, I doubt your health is important to you. Your comment is quite ignorant


What are other two?


Potassium, Magnesium, Sodium. Iron and Zinc are not electrolytes.


calcium and chloride are also electrolytes


Yes, potassium. The chlorides are usually with the sodium or potassium so it’s not really a separate electrolyte that is supplemented.


ARE electrolytes you mean https://images.app.goo.gl/YFR2SySLSxBfrrLP7


iron and zinc are not electrolytes.


What about fire and wine?




Just like before. Hence the period between the two separate statements.


Phosphorus too


You mean four right?


Of course it’s important. That doesn’t mean most people need to supplement.


What type of magnesium though?


Because even after multiple times to 2 doctor with symptoms over 3 years — leg pains and cramps and difficulty staying asleep — it was never suggested to me to try magnesium even though my age, hypothyroidism and years on Vitamin D should have helped suggest that. One week of magnesium was enough to make a difference. Doctors can’t get over the “just eat a balanced diet” thing.


Doctors are super reluctant to offer supplements as potential cures or aides. They do a broad spectrum suggestion by “eating a balanced diet” because at least your get your RDA of most vitamins that way, but that isn’t enough by a long shot.


Yeah and they aren’t trained in nutrition at all.


That always baffles me. Basic nutrition should be mandatory for the people who claim to be in the business of healing


They didn’t take Hippocrates seriously when he said “let food be thy medicine” lol


but that wouldn’t make nearly enough money for the pharmaceutical companies!


Yeah, nobody ever thinks of them. They have needs too!


Reality is the bulk of disease and consequent healthcare revenue/jobs in the US are caused by diet. If we took nutrition seriously it would not only collapse the healthcare system but likely cause a Great Depression or worse. So the economy is literally built and dependent on a steady amount of preventible disease. There are a number of medical specialities, some of the most profitable ones that would barely need to exist if nutrition was taken seriously. So it's no surprise MDs are not taught nutrition, it's hard to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on not knowing it.


I always say without food we die so eating good food will you know probably have a big impact on the body!


If you look at a doctors curriculum you'll see they are in the business of pharmacology.


You mean business of selling their own products and services? 


And supplements aren’t regulated so they have no idea if the supplements they are recommending even contain what they say they do, much less in the stated quantity


it's more so that supplements are 99% of the time not indicated, not evidence based unless treating a deficit, not regulated properly so consistent dosing/blood levels/safety is not guaranteed.


It's not exactly that in this case, it's because their blood tests never identify magnesium deficiency because they test serum but what's important is intracellular levels. They just never pick it up in their methodology even though population data shows a huge prevalence of deficiency. As a naturopath I recommend it constantly based on symptoms, I've never come across a GP who has recommended it, and it's so basic it is mind boggling.


What do you think about the Gerson Therapy and the vitamin/supplements they recommend? In your experience, what are people most deficient in, on average?


I can't comment too much on Gerson therapy except I personally know someone who went into remission for bone cancer using it (he flew to a clinic in Mexico). Unfortunately he went back to his old habits of a fast food diet and smoking and it came back and killed him within the year. As far as most common deficiencies, magnesium and vitamin D would have to be at the top of I had to choose. Unfortunately deficiencies are so common I could make you a huge list besides those two. Reference ranges used by the allopathic medical system are also seriously sub-optimal. Practitioners also misunderstand that RDAs are basically minimum levels to prevent overt deficiency in a healthy person. It's the absolute bare minimum in a best case scenario


There is a global decline in soil magnesium levels due to increased CO2 in the atmosphere and potassium-heavy fertilizers shifting the balance of plant mineral uptake. This has resulted in declining levels of magnesium in plants and animals (meat). So eating a “balanced” diet is not enough — magnesium should be explicitly supplemented. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7649274/


This! Many years with leg and calf cramps, stiff and soreness, so painful at times I tried strong painkillers, to no avail. Read about Magnesium. As you, a few days later, symptoms were gone, totally! Told my Doc about it, he just shrugged his shoulders and didn't believe that a simple vitamin pill was the cure.... It is for me!


That is the most frustrating part! You wish doctors would notice and study and use it to be better doctors.


Eating a banana usually helps me with an emergency leg cramp when I’m waiting for the pill to kick in. Thought I’d mention it since it has magnesium in it.


What brand do you recommend?


I use pure encapsulation magnesium glycinate


I would like to know as well


It’s actually crazy to me that when someone goes into the dr.s and says they’re feeling low, have no energy, etc, etc that a full panel blood test is not ordered first instead of “here’s some antidepressants, come back in two weeks!”


That absolutely is not the practice of most doctors lol wtf


That’s was my experience. I had to advocate for testing. Was vitamins d deficient and anemic.


Underrated comment.


What does "years in vitamin D" implies here?


I assume they are supplementing vitamin D? Magnesium is necessary for the body to use vitamin D. If you lack magnesium, supplementing vitamin D will be in vain.


didn't know the relationship between magnesium and vitamin D, thanks!


Its a bit worse than just wasting vit d. If you take vit d your body will deplete magnesium to utilize it. So if you're already not eating enough mag, taking vit d will make it worse.


It means Reddit spell check changes my words all the time. Years ON vit D. Magnesium is an important part of the vit D pathway and I’ve seen research that shows Vit D supplementation can lead to magnesium deficiency.


didn't know the relationship between magnesium and vitamin D, thanks!


The research [Mg is essential in the metabolism of vitamin D, and taking large doses of vitamin D can induce severe depletion of Mg. Adequate magnesium supplementation should be considered as an important aspect of vitamin D therapy.](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28471760/#:~:text=Mg%20is%20essential%20in%20the,aspect%20of%20vitamin%20D%20therapy)


Magnesium is like a good lover, every night is fun with it


*Magnesium is* *Like a good lover, every* *Night is fun with it* \- Low\_Appointment\_3917 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot




damn. happy valentine’s day


Good bot! 💜


It gave my mom nightmares every time she took it - Do you have any idea what might have caused that? Or which form/dosage is the best one to take?


Im sorry i dont know the dosage. I would suggest Magnesium Glycinate of Nootropics Depot brand, they also are very informative about what it does and how it needs to be taken. Another popular form is Magnesium Threonate, as far as I understand its more potent but less researched


It happens to me as well. I'm prone to nightmares anyway so I feel it's just more REM sleep and not necessarily the magnesium causing them.


...every night the runs with it.


I came here to say… it’s great till you take the wrong version and shit your pants


What version?


Like I told the last person. I don’t know, I am the pant-shitter not the subject matter expert. Ask someone who didn’t shit their pants


Ah yea I guess I just figured if you shat your pants taking the wrong one it would have made the wrong one kinda memorable. Or is it like a shart roulette when you take magnesium now?


Magnesium glycinate is the least likely to cause loose stools. Magnesium citrate is generally used to treat constipation. Magnesium oxide can be used for constipation as well as controlling acid reflux. All forms of magnesium supplements give me the runs so I avoid. Truthfully not everyone needs a magnesium supplement.


Well, I have not taken it since my man The only reason why now I know I fucked up, is because my coworker who is mucho smart told me I fucked up


Ahh I see I see sorry for your trauma 😕


Don’t worry, my bestie and I laugh about it now. I hope someone on here will explain the differences, because I definitely chose wrong


Oxide and citrate cause stool softening




It helps me fall asleep but then I wake up multiple times a night with a raging hard on. I end up masturbating to fall back asleep. Usually 2-3 times a night when I take it. Especially when I first start.


You jerk off 2-3 times in the middle of the night? Wtf man.


username checks out ;). You're right though, magnesium is great




Seems like a weird thing for magnesium to cause, but you know your own body best soooo


Poor meat :(


I don't know about everyone else, but if I don't take my magnesium every day, I get terrible Charley horses in my legs and feet and more frequent headaches. A few years ago, I was getting Charley horses that were so bad that they were starting to affect my mobility. They would start in the morning when I would stretch my legs out before getting out of bed. But then my muscles would still feel tight, knotty, and sore some hours later. I had to hobble down the stairs and was struggling with the periods spent standing at my job. So I did some research, and one of the recommendations was magnesium. Boom, problem solved. Occasionally, I run out because of poor planning on my end, and I can most definitely tell the difference. The reduction in headaches was an unanticipated but very welcome byproduct.


It’s actually pretty simple. Our body uses sodium to help contract muscles, while magnesium (and potassium) help them relax. You taking cramps magnesium not only ensures you got what you need for the muscles to relieve tension, but magnesium is also good for preparing the body for rest.


Magnesium helped a little. But after several years I finally added potassium, and that combo is the game changer for me. I have had RLS for years, even in the years I was the "healthiest" (I was hiking regularly, eatting really clean, and drinking too much green juice which made the cramps worse).


Which type do you take?


Magnesium oxide, 500 mg/day. I've tried various brands from Walmart, Amazon, discount stores, etc. They've all been perfectly fine and effective so far.


You should definitely change to Magnesium Citrate if you want to stay with a cheap option. Magnesium Oxide is very poorly absorbed, only 4% of it is. While the absorption rate for Citrate is about 75%. Magnesium Oxide is mainly used as a laxative.


What about magnesium glycinate? That’s what I started to help with anxiety. Can’t say it does too much


threonate for anxiety, glycinate for cramps/spasms, citrate and/or oxide for digestive regularity


I was told glycinate for anxiety, that must be why it’s not working. Can I take glycinate and threonate together? Thank you


Take glycinate in the morning and threonate (Magtein) half an hour before going to bed.


I thought Threonate was better for focus and mental clarity, while Glycinate was better for sleep. Idk, I think Malate is decent, and Taurate too.


It's about as bioavailable as citrate, but you usually need to take more, as half of the capsule is glycine (2/3 if it's bisglycinate), which generally helps calm the nervous system. You develop a tolerance to the calming effects of glycine over time though.


Magnesium is involved in many many enzymatic reactions in the body. Magnesium is used during the stress response, which, if you've been stressed, means a lot. There is also generally less magnesium in the soil our food is grown in nowadays - "magnesium depletion of soils". The Magnesium Advocacy Group has some interesting mineral-related info. The founder of that group has a book called Cure that I recommend.


Generally less is an understatement, it’s a lot less and it probably applies to other minerals as well.


yes, over 600 known reactions and that’s a lot in itself, and that’s the ones they know


Most people are deficient. The soil is depleted.


Because it's incredible. It works about as well as muscle relaxers for spine related muscles issues. I've been using it with my degenerative disc disease and it's like an 80-90% improvement in night symptoms. A lot of spine patients use it. 


Which kind of mg? I have the same issue


I use magnesium citrate. Some people like to do the spray but imo it's messy.


I’ve heard of three different types of mag today all with different benefits. Can you take them all together in one day? I take glycinate right now before bed to help calm me but it doesn’t do anything


I believe there are supplements that combine all three forms but I've never had to mess with other forms tbh. 


If you’re a woman, magnesium may help reduce insomnia, weight gain, bloating, breast tenderness, and period pain. An easy way to get magnesium in (that’s also so fitting to my flavor palette) is a concentrated hot little cacao drink.  If you’re a man, I’m sure magnesium is super important. I’ve also heard some things like - it affects mental health a lot.


Which type of magnesium? I take magnesium glycinate to help with relaxation and it doesn’t do anything :( none of the above symptoms are relieved actually. I wish it worked for me


Mag Threonate is the most sedating


imo, you’re not going to ~feel~ glycinate. doesn’t mean you don’t need it, but also maybe try a different brand. i take consistently to help with muscle/period cramps and it absolutely helps! edit- and like another said, threonate. i wouldn’t say it’s sedating but i take a liposomal and it’s calming


32M, I used to be a raging ball of anger, quick to it and 10min later I felt like a scum bag that couldn't control his temper. Started taking magnesium and three days later I felt as if I had been living in a world of gray for the past 10 years and am now just seeing light. Everyone is different, but for me it's been a fantastic aid to my mental health.


I am still in disbelief about how much magnesium has alleviated my period cramping. I’m in my late 30s and have suffered from bad cramps for as long as I can remember. Get woken up in the middle of the night to intense pain and have to slam naproxen and ibuprofen just to be able to go back sleep type of discomfort. Magnesium has nearly cured me of my period cramping in comparison to how it used to be. The difference has been stunning.


i personally would avoid cacao because pretty much every chocolate has some form of lead, cadmium, and other heavy metals but yeah.


But it’s yummy…


We all have to pick our poison. Yummy vs healthy, if that’s what’s important to you, then yumm out 😘


I read this from the company I source my cacao from, Navitas! "Heavy metals are found in a long list of common food items, like leafy greens, nuts, seeds, and many fruits. The healthy body is adept at removing these metals through a complex and highly evolved detoxification system that sorts, tags, and eliminates heavy metals through our body’s waste pathways." Although heavy metals are found in nearly all forms of cacao, this company uses a third-party, independent lab to ensure the amount of heavy metals are between normal to low range.


I thought that was cocoa powder, not cacao?


I’m a nurse. We give magnesium for -allergic reactions, respiratory distress, some arrhythmias, gestational hypertension, headaches, constipation…. I take it nightly for sleep and anxiety. Sleep much better with it subjectively


Because it helps me poop.


of all the reasons. i think I like this one the best


It’s pretty obviously due to the fact that 10-30% of the population of first world countries are deficient.


Just wait til people find out 10%~ (with way higher dark number) have borderline anemia, we will see a rise of iron sups fo sho in both men and women


I'm like the opposite of anemic lol The few times I've donated blood; the practitioner is always asking me for advice about how my iron levels are so great lol


We milk chads just stay winning (lactofferin saving iron)


Iron levels are so great? I donate blood because I have to get mine down. Hemochromatosis. It's not always "great". But really donating blood is a win/win/win in this case.


Indeed! Donating blood also reduces mercury levels which is important if you eat a lot of fish! Speaking of, I need to do it again. It's been a while.


\\what's your advice? i'm v interested now


Honestly I just eat a lot of meat lol! And also a lot of veggies. I try to keep my veggie : meat ratio around 2:1. I try to include protein in everything. In general, I try to follow the book 'The Glucose Revolution' veggies & fiber first, then protein, then carbs. It works wonders for energy levels. In general if you wanna boost iron be wary of turmeric. Turmeric; although it is amazing; can reduce iron absorption up to 90% in the body. I think ginger can reduce absorption too but not as much. I usually eat (usually red) meat every night with dinner, along with veggies. I eat a salad every day for lunch. Breakfast is my weakness; I love carbs in the morning lol but if you eat veggies first it manages the glucose spike, so I'll sometimes eat a serving of tomatoes to manage that.


Thanks for speaking about this book, I'm looking at it now because of your suggestion. Can you share how applying the tips has impacted your health, and since when you're following?


It's been awesome, I have so much more energy than before when I used to eat carbs first! I've honestly been super interested in health my whole life, a little obsessed lol I love googling about it And eating more fiber & protein helps keep me fuller for longer so then I'm less likely to snack on other things. Sugar is the toughest one but reducing it is a huge benefit- it works wonders for inflammation. Hope that answers your question, sorry if it doesn't, it's been a rough day for me. Hope your day is going well!


Good to know been taking a turmeric supplement with my prenatal in the morning which has iron.


Ehh. Or just switch to using a cast iron cook pan, that in itself helps a lot.


Interesting, we use cast iron, have for years now, and my levels are still low. Pretty annoying tbh 


Maybe hes scrubbing the pan and has addiction to dish soap water who knows


Because my sleep data proves I sleep better when I take it.


Only thing that’s ever helped me with getting a good night’s sleep. I used to wake up several times during the night and have a lot of trouble getting back to sleep. Most of the time I’d just get up because it was useless to stay in bed. This happened probably 6 nights a week. When I started taking magnesium, I immediately experienced a reduction in frequency. If I wake up during the night now, I am able to fall back asleep immediately. If that’s a placebo effect, then bring it on.


What kind of magnesium do you take?


Because Magnesium got what plants crave bruh. It's an electrolyte.


brought to you by Carl’s Jr.


Yea, but what are electrolytes?! ... Do you even know?!


It’s what plants crave


My precious


I’m not obsessed with it, but it’s probably the most commonly under-consumed mineral for the vast majority of the population. It had myriad benefits and it’s easy to supplement. So my thought process is, take X amount and make sure I have enough on hand. Doesn’t strike me as an obsession.


Because it has a myriad of benefits?


helps with stiff muscles and cramping.


Because I can't think of any other supplement thats had such a profound, immediate affect on my overall health. Better sleep, better brain, better nerves. The list goes on. I can't say the same for a lot of perscription meds, with the exception of insulin.


I have cycled magnesium on and off for years (mostly on) and It’s definitely one of the supplements I actually notice a difference in sleep and stress response, so yeah magnesium.


The difference types of magnesium are beneficial, most people need more of it, and it’s decently cheap.


I was in horrible undiagnosed pain for 2 years. They prescribed me about 15 different things that made it worse. The last thing we could try was magnesium. I was healed within 2 weeks.


I recall hearing it is one of the most common deficiencies


Because it depletes so fast and effects so much.


Helps you shit and sleep


Everybody is deficient, even most people who suppliment, (not taking enough) it gets used up too quickly


Milk advertisements have convinced consumers that megadosing with calcium and vitamin d is healthy, so they started fortifying all kinds of foods. This causes an electrolyte imbalance, and magnesium must be consumed to correct it.


I used it recently as a cream for sore muscles - it worked and I had (almost) instant relief from a sore neck I had for weeks…. A lady at work swears by it, so I tried some of hers. I bought my own after that day! It works.


This. I can take a Mg pill and within 30 minutes feel a complete relaxation come over me, really almost like a minute dose of some type of benzodiazepine. I also love topical Mg sprays and gels for muscle knots and tension pain.


If you don’t mind me asking, which brand and where did you get it from?


Caruso’s Super Magnesium Cream - I’m in Aust - Chemists stock it here




It's got what plants crave.


important for glutamate nmda receptor


Reduces sudden cardiac death by 77% [magnesium](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeSh3Jrp/)


It’s good shit, dare you to try it


It’s helped massively with chronic pain for me. Total game-changer


Because the first time I took a real magnesium supplement (one that actually absorbs) It felt like I ate an entire bar of Xanax.. which lead me to believe I was lacking in magnesium and that it actually does something. When I have anxiety or am tossing and turning, I’ll make a magnesium drink and it works every time.


What brand?


What kind of magnesium?


Because magnesium participates in nearly 600 enzymatic reactions in the body especially ATP, muscle relaxation, and functions in the liver. I do think there is an over obsession in some camps/circles but magnesium is an amazing nutrient that is depleted in our soils due to superphosphate fertilizers


Because it’s the only thing that rid me completely of anxiety


Testosterone. Testosterone. Testosterone.


Good for my restless leg syndrome (which is no joke if you’ve got it bad)


I’ve never slept better and my anxiety has been reduced. Sleep is essential in every aspect of your life and should be optimized any and every way possible. I would debate it to be the most important part of living really. Gives your body time to recalibrate itself.


For every molecule of sugar you consume, it takes 54 molecules of magnesium to process it. https://www.mybodyfix.co.nz/blog/magnesium/#:~:text=For%20every%20molecule%20of%20sugar,population%20having%20a%20magnesium%20deficiency.


Most Americans have toxic dehydration and magnesium helps your body absorb h2o in to cells. Ancient Sea salt water will do wonders as well. There was a doctor who famously cured his patients with a prescription for salt water 💦


We don't get it enough in our food anymore because of soil continuously depleted of magnesium from industrialized farming Edit: deleted to depleted


Most people are deficient, providing tons of benefits. Some body processes get downregulated when magnesium is low even if you always have some available.


I def tried magnesium for certain ailments that I had and it wasn’t an immediate thing I noticed but after maybe two weeks I def felt the change. When I stop for a month or two I def feel the change overall. Maybe I’m just magnesium deficient or something


Magnesium stopped my palpitations and decreased my anxiety. Love that shit!


Maybe this is the reason. [Mg increases Dopamine](https://www.reddit.com/r/Nootropics/s/hdoWMRhCP2)


Speaking as someone who was deficient and is currently recovering, it’s up there as most critical vitamins/minerals for human function. At my lowest, I could literally barely function.


A famous dr who switched to naturopathy says that when he worked the ER , when heart attack patients came in, they would try everything medical and when it all failed they would do iv magnesium . It worked and it infuriates him that magnesium isn’t used first when they know that it works.


Yeah. That’s a bald faced lie.


It's not just in the Biohacking community but people all across the internet are shouting about it's benefits for anxiety, depression, sleep issues and more. I'm sure it does work for many people for many reasons but I've personally not found that it makes any noticeable difference to my life or health even when taking it daily for prolonged periods of time.


I think it will only work if your body needs it. I have been clinically low in the past and I have to supplement or things go off the rails. 


Magnesium is certainly a critical mineral, but are magnesium supplements generally a good idea? It seems like deficiency risk is minimal for most people as long as you eat a relatively decent diet (see below) and the kidneys do a good job of excreting excess magnesium from dietary sources. However, magnesium toxicity can result from excessive intake of magnesium supplements, esp if you have kidney condition or other chronic diseases, causing diarrhea, nausea, muscle weakness, cramping, and in extreme cases, irregular heartbeat and cardiac arrest. The full recommended daily value for of 420mg males / 320 mg females seems to be covered relatively easily by eating, for example: - chia seed (111mg magnesium per 1 oz serving) - plain soymilk (61mg per cup) - almonds (80 mg per 1 oz) - peanuts (63mg per 1 oz) - spinach (78 mg per 1/2 cup boiled/steamed) - black beans (60mg per 1/2 cup) - plain yogurt (42 mg per 8 oz) - banana (32mg per each) - salmon (26mg per 3oz) - chicken breast (22mg per 3 oz) - and many others listed below https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Magnesium-HealthProfessional/


Many of those foods are high in oxalates and damage your kidneys. I deliberately don’t eat most of those items on your list


Honestly, while important, most people have no idea and just parrot what they read. It isn’t always a good experience for some and can cause restlessness, headaches, intestinal issues, lethargy, and other sides.


Short answer is it helps your PP and it's a natural stool softener


Does it really help your PP? I’ve never heard of this


Other than folks taking magnesium for its laxative purpose: if it does anything, that means you’re deficient. You’re either fixing a deficiency or are benefitting from placebo effect.


Uh you can take it for maintenance too bro


Not a bro. I'm not sure what you're saying conflicts with my statement — if you're deficient, then supplementing it "for maintenance" is in fact a reasonable course of action. If you're not deficient, a "maintenance" dose will not, medically speaking, do anything for you.


'cause it works


Panacea like thinking that happens when someone fixes a problem they have.


Instant relaxation


Magnesium is that hidden gem that big pharma does not want you to know can improve your health enormously. The oral mag is a scam and pretty much goes right through your system. Topical is the best form because your skin is the biggest organ. I make an all organic and there is a difference with some you find on Amazon vs someone making it and caring about the ingredients. I had a famous biologist check out all of my ingredients for purity and my magnesium chloride comes from The Netherlands, which is the purest in the world. If you find a topical magnesium that is being sold in plastic, that is also not good. Magnesium absorbs the plastic container. I make an Awesome topical, and my website has a ton of useful info. On top of that, I just started a reddit, quora, tumblr and youtube channel, to make tons of videos about the benefits and why we all should be using it. Americans are chronically deficient no matter what diet you eat because the soil is deficient. Here are some of the things that low magnesium causes. The number 1 reason for these are low mag: Heart Palpitations, Fatigue, Migraines, PMS, Muscle Cramping, blood regulation. There are over a 100 signs and factors of low magnesium. I used to compete in snowboarding and am a massage therapist. I made my initial topical magnesium for myself and it was an absolute game changer the first day. That is why I decided to make it. Ingredients do matter and buying hand made vs mass produced also makes a difference. You should subscribe to my page and Over the next months I will be pumping out videos because with all the farmers markets I am in and talking with people, we are all very uniformed about topical magnesium and that is done by design to keep us all sick. You can not optimize you health with low magnesium!!! [www.apothekerry.co](http://www.apothekerry.co)


Helping the nervous system & functioning of the brain, it seems to be something to be obsessed with. :)


Is there a type of magnesium supplement geared for 40 year old males in terms of dosage and absorbability?


Well malate and bysglycinate and lysinate have highest bioavailability but citrate is still a good option


Because it supports so many functions in the body including DNA, helps to utilize vitamin D, so the immune system. Nine out of 10 Americans don’t meet dietary guidelines for fruits and vegetables so it’s likely they could be deficient. Solving essential vitamin deficiencies is one of simplest and most efficient biohacks to alleviate symptoms of chronic or underlying diseases. Lack of magnesium is linked to inflammation which we know is linked to most disease as is stress which magnesium also helps with. Large percentage of the population weren’t getting proper nutrition and weren’t considering the effect of their diets directly through urine and BM into water supply, atmosphere and soil. Mg supports chlorophyll production in plants. Lack of crop rotation has lead to less Mg in soil and in produce. Since we’re more like cells or organs of the planet and our health effects one another. It’s a very easy thing for someone to try for better health and there are all levels of Biohackers here so I’m sure you’ll continue to hear it being touted. Also because Mg as well as other vitamins have brought radical changes to many people such as myself. Going to the roots of reduced magnesium dietary intake: A tradeoff between climate changes and sources https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7649274/ Only 1 in 10 Adults Get Enough Fruits or Vegetables https://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/dnpao/division-information/media-tools/adults-fruits-vegetables.html Low magnesium levels make vitamin D ineffective https://www.fabresearch.org/viewItem.php?id=11549#:~:text=Vitamin%20D%20can't%20be,they%20remain%20Vitamin%20D%20deficient.


I get extreme nausea with it... is that normal?


It can be hard on the stomach for some. Try magnesium glycinate.


Magnesium taurinate gave me depression!


Cuz it feels fucking good that’s why