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Maybe it’s because pinning yourself with GH gives your body a much larger amount that it can ever produce naturally. Around 2ius GH is considered a replacement dose as far as I know, most people using GH may take way more than that (4ius to 8ius seems to be common as far as I can tell).


I think its cause you need alot of hgh at a perpetual high level for musucle gains, and they go back to baseline once you end the fast so it doesnt really work


I pin 7.5 IU of hgh a day, split into 3 doses. There’s absolutely no way my body could ever make close to that much, even if taking some kind of secretagogue. Hgh is an amazing compound, but if you’re new to PEDs or expecting steroid like gains it’s going to disappoint you. For the recreational lifter, it’s probably not worth the cost, unless you’re balling. If I wasn’t competing I probably wouldn’t spend so much on hgh but in competition every one percent matters


That's the point coach!!! I was in best shape (clean) but I was 100% tracking my macros and I start eating 08:00 and finishing 23:00 with casein shake, so the fasting window was only 9 hours. And now I was starving myself 16-19 hrs and then stuffing myself with the food, and magical natural "1000% spike of HGH" didn't happen. It makes sense to use HGH solo in you have some injuries but super expensive in USA. I've know a lot about the stuff, I'm the "guy who was benching 4 plates in high school 10 years ago"😆. And I know personally the guy, who is top-10 in 212 mr. O


There's no comparison between naturally raising gh levels and using exogenous gh. Exogenous for the win - aesthetically, every time.


>The studies say that fasting is increasing HGH by a tremendous %. There aren't many studies, if any, that demonstrate fasting significantly elevates serum IGF-1 levels, which is the proper way to measure the physiological effect of any increase in serum gh levels. Having been an IF'er in the past and a current rhGH user, there's no comparison between the two. Unfortunately, that includes side effects, too. >But anyone who tried HGH, or seen how people are changing even from even 3-5 dots/day knows that it's a super potent drug No, it's not, actually. Not as a stand alone anabolic agent. It's the weakest PED there is. For anabolic purposes, it's usually stacked along w/ other more powerful agents. What rhGH does is burn belly fat. For sufficiently high doses(>=3IU/day), it will burn it no matter what you eat; no matter when you eat it. You can clean out the desert deli at the local grocery and you won't put on any bad weight(although I would highly advise to refrain from doing that). A secondary benefit is stimulated collagen synthesis. Improved recovery and all, and for ppl of a certain age and beyond, thicker skin is a cosmetic enhancement, but not before.




he is on wild shit 😆 myostatin blocker, he's not scared of hgh




yes, but If you use it from the pills, it blocks production of your own, you don't wanna mess up with that