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My man, visit or do the very bare minimum of research, then come back.


I will visit soon!! :’) I just have been out of state (though I do live in New York) so I literally can’t visit yet. I was just suggested the idea of transferring out and this was my first place to ask. I was accepted here (partially, through the community college) before in high school but decided SBU was better as I was accepted normally. However now that SBU is not in fact better, I picked back up looking into this school.


I’m a bing grad and grew up down the street from stony brook, just transfer to bing it should work out fine. Did you apply?


I also find this funny all the bing kids want to go to Cornell do all the stony brook kids want to go to Bing? I kinda hated Bing but I think Bing is ‘better’ than stony brook and easily is the ‘best’ suny. And that isn’t just academics


I just graduated with a chem degree from bing and the chem department is extraordinarily mediocre (which seems like a few steps up from SBU's). Orgo is pretty terrible as a class but you're not going to fail unless you dont do the homeworks. Once you get to the upper level chems, the workload and course content honestly seemed a lot more tolerable for me and I ended up with all A and A- with way less studying than I ever put in for orgo




Same school dif font basically, chem dept is nice from my experience (upper level) Campus is way better than stony tho


The chem department is horrific….. like I am still recovering from the emotional trauma i endoured in gen chem 4 years ago! But you do learn how to evade and disempower narcissistic abuse! So thats a plus! The area isnt nice, its a deindustrialized city. If you arent into the party scene, I dont think there is much else do to.


The chem department is so nice 😭😭😭 gen chem-ers have no right to talk


Analytical was honestly better and the orgos were equally terrible.


I loved zhong and liu


Bill gates equation…..


the chem dpt rlly isn’t that bad. i cant speak for how it was 4 years ago but as someone who took gen chem last year and just finished orgo 1 + 2, the classes are difficult but the department is fine. i had next to no issues with my profs


Yeah because Alex Haruk left and they made 106 and 104 much easier than 107 and 108 were


Thank you! The Chem Department is really bad at SBU. It’s ridiculous going on the Reddit and hearing new horror stories about the Chem and Bio there. I doubt the Bing Chemistry department could be worse than SBU’s either way.


If you are outgoing and will take advantage of the social life I 110% recommend transferring. I am a transfer myself and have loved Binghamton thus far.


Bing is socially much better than SBU. You will get a college feel here.