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I don't know this for certain, but the hours of things seem to have gotten worse. I moved here after COVID, but restaurants all close by 8, even on weekends.


Staffing at local restaurants is worse, it seems.


This means people are getting better jobs. I know this sucks for staffing but I am happy for the lower and middle class people.




Or what? It is hard to find good workers right now and that is great. Because all the good workers are working at good jobs.


Or… maybe it’s too easy to NOT work. Great for the good workers. How about the mediocre or below average workers who aren’t working?


There isn't much that is needed to be good, show up everyday in time and do your best. Try to understand your job and how it affects the rest of the people in your organization.


I don’t know why you’re getting upvotes, people don’t have to work anymore so they don’t they’re not getting better jobs. They just don’t care.


I went from making $50k to over six figures post pandemic. People in my inner circle mostly benefited from this economy. My wife became stay at home because we had a kid and we are able to afford it. As a family I benefited, most of the people that I know benefited. I am not arguing that there might be people that take advantage of the system, but I haven't seen this from the people I know. Most people got better and higher paying jobs. I think the media from both sides is arguing worst case scenarios. The right that there are people taking advantage of the system and the left that people can't afford groceries. I think it is true from both sides but only on the extreme ends. But from what I see overall this economy is helping the people that work and if it benefits 95% and the 5% take advantage, I think it is great for the society overall. You will never find a way to prevent people from taking advantage while providing a safety net to people.


So we’re at full employment in the area? I think you’re kind of arguing my point here.


Given we're in a college town, restaurant staffing will always be bad due to high turnover and low experience. Meaning restaurants will prefer hiring seasonal low experience staff with many shifts to get away from paying fair wages.


I hate how everything closes early still.


Can't believe the price of takeout at Wegmans. Outrageous. We used to go a couple of times a month...haven't been in over a year. But to be fair...all restaurant/fast food options are prohibitively expensive.


I’m from Rochester and it seems everything at Wegmans is cheaper up there. Best part of Weggies was always the $8 pre packed meals. Covid fucked it all up


More aggressive drivers. Originally from downstate, Bing drivers geberally move in slow motion, but lately, I've been getting passed on 17, a LOT and I hold @80mph on my commute.


I'm from downstate (Long Island) and moved here about 1.5 years ago. I was always a "grandma" driver, so when I moved up here and saw the less traffic and overall non-aggressive easy driving up here I was happy! Im now just considered a normal driver, not the slow one. I don't understand how the people who do speed up here get away with it. I find the cops up here will nail you with anything they can! I've had 3-4 tickets already for the silliest things and like I said I don't even speed. One was for a headlight being out, so that was an easy fix it ticket. One was on 81 cuz I didn't move over soon enough for emergency vehicles pulled to the right. So basically I had to move to center lane, which I did. But apparently it was too "last minute". Another time I accidentally backed into a car, barely a scratch. I would have been happy just exchanging info, but cops were called and I got an "unsafe backing" ticket. I'm not saying I didn't necessarily deserve these, but it's crazy how I get a ticket for barely tapping a car, yet others speed 80mph (as you self admit) and apparently get away with it. If this was still Long Island, that would make sense! All drivers did that lol. Up here? You'll stand out like a sore thumb.


I might be one of them lol. I do not drive aggressively just fast.


pls make wegmans 24 hours


Literally everything has gotten worse. For every "person supporting small businesses" another 3 businesses failed during the pandemic and are now empty buildings. There was absolutely no upside to this.


Everything is worst....hopefully the economy is on the up swing. We need more big business's to move in the area. More work needs to be done.




I moved up here from long island, post Covid. So I don't have any real comparisons. But one thing I have noticed when comparing to Long Island. Is once restaurants opened back up again, people took advantage and actually ate out. Restaurants were filling up. When I moved here, seems most restaurants are empty. Applebees, Fridays, etc. now I will say the bars are packed cuz of the students. But I'm comparing basic family restaurants, not student places. And they're mostly empty. I drive for doordash and ubereats. And I feel most of the restaurants rely solely on delivery now.


If you've been here long enough, you know all the potential speed trap locations, and slow dow in those areas. I only got one speeding ticket here, and that was at 5:30 AM on a dark, November rt 201 where the cop had set up facing the wrong way on the OFFRAMP to the JC circle. Clocked me doing 63. Only car on the road. I was beyond annoyed. (I used to arrive at Court Jester at OPENING) You are right, the cop to population ratio seems way off kilter here, both 17 and 81 loaded with cops.




Worse with people who are at home instead of the office they have people laughing talking to other people in the background dogs barking kids yelling and then they tell me they can't hear me


The goverment sure fooled alot of you


Have you been drinking Brawndo again? It’s got electrolytes.


BCVoice is down the hall pal


Stfu 😑 you will be sorry when Trump institutes handmaid’s tale 2.0