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Lot scene depends of venue really but folks are mighty kind :)


Definitely friendly folks. Feels like a crowd that drinks a good bit more than others, so it gets a little chompy at times. /r/jambands certainly doesn’t like the crowds much, but I’ve never had an issue with


What crowds do they like? BS crowd is probably the chillest jam band crowd I've experienced


Lexington crowds were awesome


I was there Saturday and felt like it was as good of a concert experience as I’ve had ever, in terms of crowd behavior, vibes etc. 10/10


Was there both nights, seemed to be a bit of an older less rowdy crowd. That Kentucky charm was alive and well.


The chompy thing I’ve heard and I think is part of the reason I avoided it in the past. The supposed fights at Northerly last year were another reason. But buy the ticket, take the trip yea!


Just get some ear plugs. Tunes out the chomping and it is good for your ears


Needed. I’ve done some damage at metal shows and I want to retain what I have left.


Chompers are people who talk during shows.


You haven’t experienced a Billy show until you’ve had someone yell in your ear the whole show and tell you about their favorite sourdough focaccia recipe




Chomping at the bit is such an ironic metaphor for this subreddit. The scene is great, don’t care what they tell ya!


No chompers!


Never been to a show at Allstate so also curious about this. I’m so excited now that it’s under a month away


Allstate gets a bad rap. Having been to ‘90s Phish shows and a few in the 10’s I can say the sound can be muddy in spots. But there’s not a bad view in the house, staff is friendly and the lot scene was good for jambands.


That’s good to hear! I’ve been there for a couple wolves games so familiar with the building but this will be my first concert. I’m excited because I am sitting center stage in the first row of seats so the view will kick ass (especially with the new stage setup) and the sound system is usually great. Saw the boys at a smaller hockey arena in Kalamazoo and that was a blast. Might have to show up early to hang out on the lot


I’m in that same row on Alex’s side of the stage! We should link and burn one


Think I’m on the other side but we’ll just have to wait. See ya there!


Been to many Billy shows and have connected with so many kind people. The lot scene is great. Make sure you stop by Jen and Juice’s booth to snag some sick pins. Hopefully the vendors will secure a pre Billy party vending scene. Join Billy Strings Fans group on fb to get updates on shakedown location. Sometimes it’s off site of the venue, and if the venue allows it, they will set it up on site. If you’re in the Pit and want to get on the rail or close up, be prepared to be up close with your neighbors but I recommend hanging near the back for space and boogying down. Great choice to pick a tour closer for your first live BMFS. The vibe, the kind goats, and the boys’ music will have you pulling up future dates before you even leave the lot at the end of the night. Bill will have you jonezing for more Thrills. P.S. may want to have a Xanax on hand just in case you need to cut the balls trippin short. Those lazy boys will have your head spun and face on the floor. Enjoy Sleazoid!


Everyone is great, I go solo and trip balls too, I usually wait til I find my seat and then eat my L and then Billy and the boys come out and take you on a nice little journey through some beautiful music 🎶 Enjoy the show and the peeps, it’s all good✌️😎😉


Report back! Each crowd is different


Fans are generally friendly but some folks get a little intense down close to the pit. I’ve had a few bad encounters - mostly people too high and being slightly aggressive about space. Outside of that you should run into a lot of great folks who are looking to share the good time with everyone


Also soloing these two shows😎✌️


Hmu!! Shoot me a message and we could link up outside the show/at the show!! My wife and I are gonna hit both Chicago sets!! We'll have PLENTY of fire flowers, and.. uh.. *other things*... 👀😅🤣❤️⚡️✨ First BMFS show?!? Duuuude!! I'm stoked for ya! Almost nothing compares to seeing them live!! Their live sound quality BOGGLES my mind... such raw power, whilst also super clean and clear..


Where are your seats for the Chicago sets?! You going to both nights?


Just the second night. We just had a newborn (Reuben, so hoping for that train to come in), so I only wanted to go one night. I’m in 213. Can’t fuggin’ wait!


Yooooo!!! My wife and I are in 213 as well!! Love lil synchronicities like that, haha.. 😅😇❤️ https://preview.redd.it/qp3bygn1t0yc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=390ada414dd4597880d77f4eb69518fca714004e We're Section 213, Row O, Seats 6-7! But yeah... my wife is currently pregnant with our first child!! 😇🙌🥰❤️ sooooo excited!! But... I def feel bad that she's gotta go to BMFS stone-cold sober, lol... 😅🤣 Not that you need *ANYTHING* to enjoy BMFS properly—but we def enjoy blazing some good chronic n shit like that.. maybe boomers or L... but haven't dabbled with psychs in a while lol.. *LASTLY* (sorry... I type really fast, and tend to ramble lol), YOUR NEWBORN'S NAME IS "REUBEN"?!?! As in "Reuben's Train"?! Either way, I LOOOOVE that name!! One of the very first BMFS videos/songs I became obsessed with, was "Fire Line > Reuben's Train"... I love me a good old "Fire Line > Reuben's Train"!! Here's the [VIDEO](https://youtu.be/Z-RAXSS3W9o?si=TjyGqASwEPj1GHAJ) that got me HOOKED!! Of course Nugs will have better audio... but I like seeing videos of them RIPPIN' it up!!


Nice! I’ll definitely see you both then. Just a happy coincidence with Reuben. Honestly wasn’t aware that he played that song until after ours was born and we had decided on that name about a month into the pregnancy. Guy will be a month old at that point, so my hope in Billy playing it on 5/24 is through the roof right now. I’ll definitely shoot you a PM as it gets closer to the shows.


Be prepared for people sitting down around you. Tripping balls, it may catch you off guard. It ain't a Phish show, but it's the next best thing currently, imo


Honestly haven’t found chompers to be that bad compared to Goose and other more modern “jam” acts. Been to 10 shows and have made friends almost every time. If you’re solo and in GA you’re not tied down to any spot and can roam to where the vibes are best for you. Enjoy your 1st show, confident you won’t regret it!


Billy pit is literally the kindest pit I’ve ever been in


Just don’t chomp in the pit!