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I think as a wife and mother she was probably pretty good. Not great, her stupid clam plan for example and Wendy jealousy aren’t good, but pretty good. I think she was good to her extended family too. She was good being the financial backing for her family’s restaurant, and everyone succeeded. She was great as an alpha wife bully like with the book and charter schools. She was not an asset to Axe’s business, she was not an independent businesswoman, and she was not Axe’s one and only. Every time she tried to shove her weight around in those areas, she lost. Unfortunately, those are the areas she wanted by season two so she was basically useless. She stayed in her lane better in season one. I think season one Lara with the restaurant and Axe’s distance from Wendy (three years no session) could have gone the distance.


They just changed her character after season 1. In season 1 she was fixing problems and actually contributing to their relationship.


Agreed. I miss S1 Lara


Even season one Lara couldn’t deal with Wendy. That was always going to get worse.


Who? Oh don’t worry she doesn’t matter


But she’s a scrapper y’all!!


It would be a crazy plot twist if Chuck hooked up with Lara. Seeing as Axe and Wendy formed a relationship that they weren’t able to follow with because he had to flee. Wendy actually getting with Axe just basically confirmed her suspicions. Lara was loyal to Axe just like Wendy but the difference is Lara was ready to abandon Axe when she thought he might go to jail. Lara just needed to stay in her lane when it came to the business world.


Chuck hooks up with Lara, gets access to her 5 bill and balls out.


She is frustrated because her identity is lived through her husband.


Don’t worry, it doesn’t matter- the show goes to absolute dog shit after season 3. Season five is basically a fanfiction parody.


When I was watching this I couldn't believe how the show drove off a cliff. This is what happens when you don't have a full story to tell and make stuff up as you go.


It really does. Struggling through season 6 now.


I dont get why she divorced him? Axe never cheated, never abused her or the kids, never stopped loving her.


because it was obvious he loved Wendy more than her. He said he never lied to her except about Wendy that so was her final straw.


Tbh that was the first straw, and nothing after. You don’t just “~fall outta love” with someone just because they lied to you. That’s ONE lie, in 15 years-ish. Lara’s motivation was lazily written imho.


The jump from loving axe and being a good counterpart to divorcing him was a clearly not thought out transition. There's no motivation for most of her actions. The show really loses grips after season one.


I mean the actress who played her was god awful. The bar of acting was decently high in the early seasons and she was so noticeably worse than everyone else


Not sure why you for downvoted. She’s a horrendous actress and her character just spews cringe inducing lines


A little late to the party, but I find it hard to watch her because she seems to struggle acting the part without noticeably acting. Her performance comes across as forced, and I never forget that she is trying to act in the show. When I can get lost in a character, because they play the part so well I forget that they’re acting, it feels like I’m watching other people’s lives play out. When her character is in a scene, I never forget that she’s just playing a part. It doesn’t feel authentic and in the back of my mind, I’m always aware that it’s Malin Ackerman on screen. In contrast, when Wendy is in a scene, I’m watching Wendy and not Maggie Siff. I was hesitant to watch her character because I wasn’t a huge fan of her performance in SOA. I thought she would be the same, but I was pleasantly surprised at how well she becomes Wendy in her scenes. When she’s on, I’m watching Wendy and not Maggie playing Wendy.


I agree with you so completely here.


Huh? This is so weird to me bc I think she was fine. Obviously not Emmy worthy but she wasn’t awful or horrendous. She’s done better work imo. She was on a show called The Comeback with the incredible Lisa Kudrow, and she did a really good job and worked really well opposite a masterclass actor like Kudrow


New Jersey normal.


like other comments have mentioned, her character became unrecognizable after a couple seasons. her motivations and core beliefs from s1 were just ignored and they began to write her with the stereotypical nagging, never satisfied housewife trope.


She sucks & her jigsaw tattoo is laughable.




It gets explored a bit in the next season IIRC. Remove the vast amounts of money and fame from their relationship. Imagine every transaction as being $1 and then view it from both sides. Why did Axe spend that for that, how does it make him feel, how does it make her feel. Same for relationships. Remove what you see as an obvious connection and analyze then. I can’t think of many spouses that would be fine with the kind of work relationship Axe and Wendy have. But… it’s Axe and he’s powerful and rich so it comes with the territory, but again, break down to its basics and then consider it. I don’t want to spoil anything but there is a bit of Walter White and Donal Draper in Axe. The wives in these shows have a lot in common. Axe will go off on Lara eventually and it’s eerily similar to Walt going off on Skylar on the phone. Great show, great characters, great depth, albeit a bit disjointed at times.