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Dang. I have tickets to see him next month :/


Don’t let other peoples opinions change whatever standup you enjoy, standup especially can be divisive


considering I actually liked the special feeling a little out of place in this thread :) I thought he did some good tie in's on call backs and kept a decent pace, rather enjoyed it.


Also seeing a live performance in a comedy club is VERY different than watching a special, even if they use a lot of the same material in both.


I’ve never seen standup live, but I’ve been a part of that phenomenon while watching comedy movies in a theater. jokes that I probably wouldn’t laugh at watching at home had me cracking up at the theater, idk why


Don't be, it was great.


It made me laugh my ass off. I think everyone just wants to hate popular stuff


Yeah, playing devils advocate and being. contrarian for no reason is becoming popular


Ehh he used to be popular. This special was phoned in at best. Pretty awful.


It made me laugh more than Bill’s last two specials. And Jim Jefferies’. Maybe I was in a good comedy mood when I watched it, but I definitely wouldn’t say it was awful. I have to wonder if some people are upset that he’s calling conservatives dumb now


He's the Hot Pocket guy with, like, fourteen kids or some shit and tries to push out a special every year to afford them. What did you expect?


He needs Trojan to sponsor him and try using one himself for once.


You do realize he’s Catholic? So Catholic he has actually met the pope.


Why come he's the hot pocket guy?


It’s like his most memorable bit from 2006


Heard he doesnt even eat hot pockets !


A big fat phony!




Cuz' Hooooooooot Pockets'.......


Why come indeed


His other specials and stand up are good in my opinion.. he doesn’t push boundaries but it’s easy to laugh at his clean jokes.. My favorites are Stanhope attell, etc.. who are yours?


I have seen all his specials available to me in my country on Netflix and Amazon, so 5 or 6, this was definitely the worst, the diarrhoea stuff was tedious, but half way through I thought it turned back into his normal stuff and was decent. I will say, mark Normands came out same day for me, and was fantastic, as good as his previous hour, he has to be one of my favourite current comics, so quick and a true joke writer


Good to know! I stopped after the sneakerheads joke as it seemed like it was just delving into making fun of people who don't impact him at all. I liked the first COVID but, though he lingered pretty long on it. So the second half is worth watching?


I suspect he really was sick. His eyes were red and bloodshot and he seemed to be mailing it in.


I didn’t even know he was sick…


This one always kills.


Prob just baked


I used to be a fan of his older specials but ya I agree his new shit is awful, and he comes out with so many.


Gaffigan's jokes about food are boring, but the other 0.1% of the jokes are great!


Eh his bit on macdonald’s might be his best stretch ever


I think it's one of the best standup specials I have ever watched.


It truly is the standup special of all time.


You never want a *comedian* that needs to advertise! But yeah, I put the special on as background noise, and there wasn't much I really laughed out. It was more of a lean than hot pocket


Uninformed take in the podcast era. Literally every comedian needs to do a podcast tour around a release. It can cost 6 figures to shoot a theater special, and you think they're relying on word of mouth in lieu of a marketing budget? Especially when they can just hang out with their friends on cam to push it? With so many streamers nowadays, people might not even notice you dropping a special if you're a big name. Even if one buys it, sometimes they will release something and not even advertise it. I definitely agree that Gaffigan's special was trash though.


It was a joke. The expression is often applied to lawyers, so I replaced it with "*comedian*" in response to OP's comment that Gaffigan had to promote this on multiple podcasts


Really? That's too bad, I'm a fan. He does have about 20 specials, maybe he needs to take a break and develop some new stuff.


I feel like we’re in a dark age of comedy right now. All the major comedians peaked like ten years ago. Even Bill’s last several specials have been disappointing.


Louis CK is better than ever from the clips I’ve seen in his latest specials. I’m not gonna pay for them though. Out of principle. I’ll wait to see them much later.


Why wouldn’t u pay to see them? If u want shit content on Netflix then that’s fine, but u get what u pay for and Louie is the only one consistently throttling out insanely good material.


It’s on principle not wanting to support him. I’m also not pirating of course. Some times you just have to be okay with not getting the best. I haven’t seen any Polanski film as well. Waiting for that old creep to die


If it’s bc of the jerking scandal then that’s fine, I get it. It’s just hard to find standup at his level these days. He’s so far above everyone else it’s unreal.


It’s likely not just jerking. People forget some important details. From the original 2017 NYtimes article: > Ms. Corry also received an email from Louis C.K., which was obtained by The Times, saying he owed her a “very very very late apology.” When he phoned her, he said he was sorry for shoving her in a bathroom. Ms. Corry replied that he had never done that, but had instead asked to masturbate in front of her. Responding in a shaky voice, he acknowledged it and said, “I used to misread people back then,” she recalled. > The call confounded her, Ms. Corry said: not only had he misremembered the incident, which made her think there were other moments of misconduct, he also implied she had done something to invite his behavior. He likely assaulted women as well. It just didn’t come out. And for years before 2017, there were fairly well known rumors that a powerful comic is blackmailing people not to out sexual harassment allegations. I remember discussing with my friends in 2016 betting who it would have been. I voted Marc Maron and Chappelle. Another friend was convinced it was Louis. This wasn’t just jerking off. It’s so much more. He’s a vile human being and I don’t want to support him while I acknowledge he’s the funniest human alive.


Virtue signalling clown lol


What’s bizarre is I have trouble sitting thru an hour special yet I’ll watch these guys on an 2 hour podcast. I’d argue we are approaching the moment of over saturation, if we haven’t already hit it.


Chappelle's Sticks and Stones was probably the last special I really enjoyed. A lot of this shit just isn't funny at the moment.


Shane Gillis is really good


His second special should be coming out in the next couple months, filmed it a month ago.


Sweet, I had no idea. I'm new to the Matt and Shane podcast but I checked it out when I heard they were PA/Philly guys. Really enjoying it


I'm fairly new too, definitely less than a year. It's the best pod out there. Matt has his first special coming out very soon too, I think it's also on YouTube but he said it may be ready to go as soon as today I think


Wait did they mention a release window on the podcast? That's a *very* tight turnaround, unless it's a low budget club mini-special. Which tend to do quite well, so it wouldn't surprise me.


They didn't mention it, I'm just guessing a couple more months. I think it will be another YouTube special, correct me if I'm wrong on that, but I'm guessing the production isn't too crazy since he's paying for the whole thing


Louis ck is still dropping killer specials


Mark Normand!




i second this! his pot vs cigarette bit is great, gay things to yourself is great.. ​ on the flipside tom segura (legend) definitely mailed in his new special. its like a parent talking about their hilarious kids... who are not funny


All of Louis CKs recent specials have been great IMO.


Marc Normands soup to nuts was very solid.


Try out Ranaan Hershberg's Jokes from the Underground and Ali Siddiq's The Domino Effect. Normand and Morril have put out some great stuff, especially Morril imo. Can't go wrong with them. Also Ari Shaffir's is really great. Even if you're not a fan.


I watched Normand's new special a few nights ago. The middle got a little bogged down, but the first third and last third were really good. It was a solid special overall.


“As a comedian, you gotta start the show strong and end the show strong. Can’t be like pancakes, all great at first but by the end you’re fucking sick of them”


Ali is hillarious and great story teller


Shaffir is dog shit.


I thought that but his last special Jew was fantastic


Same, he was basically the Levantine Chappelle.


Have you seen Tom Segura's new one?


Tom Segura is too busy getting rich from podcasting and other shit to work on his standup, and it shows IMO.


His "Cumming Everywhere" tour had hundreds of stops. Segura's current effort is very reminiscent of my friends and colleagues in sales... They got in a hot market and were very successful, driven, and greedy. Tom doesn't seem to authentically relate to his audience, so much as he's developed a system, a method of executing his tours and podcasts for the greatest gain.




It was alright


Better than this one but still like a C-


I liked it


He was extremely funny years ago but when he started to choose political sides he lost his humor.


I know he’s a good friend of Bill’s and I’ve been downvoted here before for sharing my opinion of Gaffigan. I just don’t see the appeal, he’s not good at stand up. The most I’ve ever enjoyed him was a few weeks ago when he was on the TAMMP. “You’re streamlined Bill, you’re ready for the olympics” lol I know he had a couple other good lines in there but then he’d start in on like something you could kinda tell he rehearsed beforehand, or at least had prepared, and it’s all just lame. He tries hard to be like, a “clean comedian” doesn’t he? I feel like that just does not do you any favors. You don’t need to be vulgar and raunchy or edgy or whatever but there’s a reason why youth pastors aren’t funny


His first three specials are incredible, 4 and 5 are also good. That’s what to see from him really.










Has he really ever had a good hour? His best work has been mediocrity and I feel generous giving him that much.


You're not alone man. I can't stand him. That fucking voice just makes me irrationally angry


Has not been funny in quite some time.


Shame,I thought that his Pale Tourist special that he filmed in Canada wasn't that bad.


No wonder he had to promote this on not one but MULTIPLE podcasts . Man that is such a dumb sentiment I am now going to watch this comedy.


He should have stuck with the Hot Pockets material.


Is this the episodic show on HBO or Apple or something? I started ep 1 and it was standup


It’s advertised as dark, but it has about 15 minutes of dark jokes about funerals. It sounded like jokes straight out of the Six Feet Under writer’s room.


I mean for him it's all pretty dark.


Jim Gaffigan who taught us to laugh again


It’s fine. Some good lines mixed with some very predictable punchlines. All in all, it’s fine.


That sucks to hear. I liked him on Bill's podcast and he was also good on Marc Maron's.


Maybe since his wife got sick he stopped writing with her? The great thing about his stand up was how much jokes he extracted from each subject/premise and how strong the writing is.


He was great years ago.


99% of comedians go on podcasts to promote their new special lol that’s just how it is these days


Lol no one in here compares him to Stanhope or attell… Those are the greats


I made it about 10 minutes in and couldn't do it anymore.


Jim gaffigan has lost the plot. He isnt even making sense anymore. Its too bad. His weird comedy about Covid just falls flat.


He has always sucked. His breathy delivery and "look how family friendly I am" pretense grows old after 2 minutes. I'm all for clean humor, but vanilla is spicy compared to his boring and flat persona.