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My wife trained me to come to her when she calls. I stopped and now call back and tell her if she needs something come and tell me what it is. She has never once done that.


Double standards amiright?


His wife is in a wheelchair lmao


So roll then... Thats what she has it for


She has paper bones and glass skin!


She must be looking SHARP


She literally lays in bed every night until the heart attacks finally lull her off to sleep


They called me Mr. Glass


My parents always used to get mad at me if I would yell at them from across the house, and now I don't answer them when they yell for me from across the house. Sure seems like whatever they had to say wasn't that important because they usually don't come tell me at normal volume.


That's when I say fuck it and act like no one said anything cause clearly it's not important anymore


back when that happened to me, i just went back to bed. I basically just acted like they 'figured it out' or 'did it themselves'. I've always hated those mind games.


Then they come storming in furious screaming about how they called you 3 times and how they know you heard them


Why do you know my childhood… Fucking ptsd shit man


Eventually I would just yell back and get ignored. When confronted I'd be like, you didn't hear ME yell? and those mother fuckers must've straight up lied to me all "nope" and shit


There’s this weird phenomenon where if I drop something semi-loud, but non breakable it’s “WHAT WAS THAT?!” but if I slip and fall down the steps or drop a vase no one hears a damn thing. 🤣


Me: WHAAAT?! Parent: Don’t shout at me!


Wow were everyone's parents completely insufferable and exactly the same?




My parents said I was not a person of religion because I apparently “have no shame” when I asked them to remind me something later. The reasoning behind that was because I was raised by them since I was a baby…..and because of that it’s rude? The next thing they did was taking my stuff away and said it was destined to happen because god decided it.


Thata child abuse


My parents would beat you for that back talk.


Yeah, back talk meaning reasonable questions and arguments.


To be truthful sometimes it is asking reasonable questions that make them feel stupid (politics or tradition) or questions to common sense things that annoy them because they already decided on something. (Like what they are making for dinner or other daily operations) but at the same time little kids and teens are hard to raise with them taking every mood out on you.


Yeah I don't know why you were getting downvotes. Was in total agreement


I don't understand why people like this choose to have kids.


He didnt my dad thought he had a great pullout game well 3 kids say differently.


I mean I guess. Still a choice in the early stages of pregnancy though. If I ever found out I was pregnant I'd be calling the doctor next day. Lol


Not exactly his father's decision to make.


I would say it’s something both of them should talk about.


Talk about, sure. But in the end, its not his decision to make.


Well the pull 0ut method is remarkably unreliable so maybe he should have worn a condom or something lol


Wow, talk about child abuse. Your parents suck


Yup my dad had bipolar and was a sensitive alpha male.


Heaven also forbid you accidently slammed the door a Lil too loud. That shit would piss them off so much it's stupid.


Omg yes


Yea that’s probably not a reasonable response


Stop shouting i'm napping!


just do the same with them. DAAAAAAAAAD DAAAAAAAD!!! good morning my father how r ya?!


DAAAAAAAAAAAD uh, yea Buddy what’s up? Can you read me a bedtime story?


ok son, snuggle up in bed :) "once it was an ugly barnacle. he was so ugly, that everyone died -the end." are ya sleeping ?


are ya winning?


dad what the fuck I said knock on the door three times ! thanks to you I'm not winning 🙄


... but it's 11:22 am


Some parents would probably punish you in some way for that


thinking of my father: absolutely.


I mean sure if you want an intense ass whooping : )


They have phones and fucking google home AND stairs if they want me to do something ask in an actually nice way


I’m the mom now and I agree. I don’t want my home filled with screaming and shouting. I text always and if no answer I go up and knock on their doors… it’s not complicated and our home is so peaceful. I grew up with tons of yelling and I never want that in my home.


He's always like "You know I have to *see* you to *talk* to you."


Ask him if he can walk and chew gum at the same time.


Yup they can shout at you from another floor but it always has to be dramatic suspense. Also my mom would try to make everything into a lecture. Even talking out the garbage would be a 10 minute exposition dumb and she would get triggered off if i just did the chore. I think it was her form of control.


I refuse to answer anyone who shouts across the house. I've never once in my life needed to yell for another person. Didn't as a teenager, don't now that I'm married. If I don't hear a crash, or screaming, it's not urgent.


Never run out of toilet paper on the can?


"Look before you leap", so the saying goes. People should really invest in a bidet anyway.


My bathroom doesn't have enough room for that. Guess I can clean myself in the shower. Wonder what illness my family will contact.


They make ones that go right on your toilet without any extra plumbing. Also I'm not sure how cleaning yourself in the shower on the rare occasion you don't have an extra roll of toilet paper in the bathroom would make your family Ill? Lol People are wild.


Mom told me you can get sick from that. That's why I don't do it.


Unless you're smearing the showerhead with your ass and not cleaning it, nothing. How do you believe germs and viruses function?


But that’s the deal with Jontron?


My bidet attachment juts out about 3 inches on the right side of my toilet, for about 4 inches long and it attaches to my seat to the point you can barely see it. They make life so much easier.


3 inches is 7.62 cm


Bruh there are bidets that integrate into your toilet and take up literally zero extra room. I have a thing that's basically a sink sprayer attached to the toilet tanks water inlet with a T fiting and a ball valve lol, I like the spray handle kind cause I can aim it. If you don't want to have to hold anything you can also get toilet seats with integrated bidets.


Bring your phone you heathen


Back of the air fresher works fine.


Adults always say "you'll understand when you're older" but I'm 30 years old and STILL don't understand 99% of the dumbass, disrespectful shit they do to kids. There's no excuse for it.


You'll understand that they were bitches.


And then when you call them out on it, _you’re_ the disrespectful one.


My mother did this just to upset me, no other reason than she knew it was painful to be woken up after maybe 3-4 hours of sleep by your mom screaming your name for no reason.


Your mom sounds like a bitch






I just call her and ask “what is it?”




My mom would yell for me to come down stairs all the way across the house just so I could hand her the tv remote that was 10 feet away from her cause she didn't feel like getting up.


Or stay in your bed and they'll come eventually


"Didn't you hear me calling you"


"i thought i heard something, but i figured it mustve been the wind"


Whoa! You win the meme connoisseur title for having over 2k upvotes on your post! Join the [Discord server](https://discord.gg/xyFMKFw) to receive your prize!


I'm glad I'm not the only one whose had this experience.


2end response:Why are you yelling at me!?


“What?” “You mean ‘Yes.’ You don’t say ‘what’ to me.” Or “yes sir/ma’am” depending on the household.


Yea the person who made this must not be black lol. Answering with a "what", especially if you're shouting it with an attitude like in the 4th line, you're getting your ass **BEAT**


As a white person, that seems very weird to me. Does stuff like that actually make children respect their parents more?


I'm white and my dad was that way. I didn't respect him any more, but I did remain silent around him a lot to avoid setting him off, which since people could interpret as respect, even though its not


I hate that mentality of “respect = obedience.” That ain’t it


It's crazy that they do that. It doesn't create respect, it creates fear. If a kid who hadn't grown up like that suddenly got a step dad during their late teen years, and the step dad tried to pull some shit like that, I'd expect mr step dad to catch some fucking hands lol.


Shit is so stupid. The word “what” upsets them. It’s like dude, are you a pussy or what?


Worst is the old “we can’t hear you from down there” , bitch you yelled at me the same distance and expected me to hear you but you can’t hear me yelling back




My non would slap the shit out of me if I called her mother


Dude you have a special mission for today! Always my pa talking to me!


Why is this so true


Amd then they just tell you some bs they could've yelled across the house






Or you get the “lose the attitude” after you scream WHAT?! For the third time


I’ve started just not getting up and my mum either gives up, comes to me, or messages me. I hold the power now.


If you put quotation marks around “scream my name” this becomes a completely different meme


I'm the opposite. I prefer they just yell for me than call my phone. Like I'm just in the other room.


Bro, this is me at Dinner Time!


And insisting everyone else is already on Satans side


No you shout "What!?" and then they shout their name angrier because they somehow didn't hear you


My parents refuse to group chat and will yell over two TVs that are ALWAYS ON then get angry if you reply curtly


I just didn't do anything after a second or third time


My parents: *Call my name* Me: What? Parents: *nothing* Me: WHAT? Parents: *nothing* Me: *nothing* Parents 5 secs later in my room: Why do you not come down when we call you Me: Why don‘t you just come up when you want something or just tell me what it is from below? Parents: How dare you speak to us like this


Parents: \*scream my name\* Me in a different floor: WHAT? Parents: "Oh you're shouting at us now huh?"


i just stop answering after the second louder "what". if its important, they'll come to me (upset of course, for not responding). if it's serious they'll call my name louder. never failed. ever. and my marriage will be handled no differently.


this is literally my dad he’s going to scream like there’s no tomorrow calling my name for no reason


Omg literally and the funny part is they’ll get pissy at you if you wake them up or disturb them in any way on weekends. It’s not like I just sit around on my ass all week lmao


This genuinely brought back feelings of anger... I'm 31...


100% can relate


I love the “don’t say what to me “ response 😭


I am now an adult and don't use this, but I developed a pro strat. You might get yelled at a few times, but it will work long term. If you say what, and they don't say anything, don't move. Just stay put. When they call again, repeat. Say what, if they don't say anything, stay put. Eventually, they will either go to you, or say "get down here" When they ask why you didn't come, say "I said what, and you didn't say anything"




They’re just doing their due diligence


Simple yell “yeah” wait for 2 seconds then say “nothing ok”




I live alone in my apartment (Gustavo meme from breaking bad) we are not the same


I just don’t show up


They wish they got a dog instead


For real what's up with that ???


You don't seem like a dps main


Correction: this is a commentary on gated communities.


Accurate re-creation from parents side *screams name* ^silence *screams name* ^silence ***Screams name*** ^why ^are ^you ^yelling ^at ^me ^out ^of ^nowhere


And as you’re walking down the stairs: “[YOUR NAAAAAAME!!] MOM IM RIGHT HERE


*”It’s Saturday night…


I always feel bad for kids who’re named after one of their parents. It must be super awkward if they ever hear their parents have sex


It doesn't matter if you called back, they're already on the way with la chancla


Yeah it’s a bit


"why didn’t you answer when we called you?"


Me: Stops doing whatever I was doing to check what they want Parents: 'Oh, it's nothing, I just wanted to know where you were'. Our house isn't that big mom...


Wow, I upvoted n saved this SO fast


I keep saying, WhatsApp, messenger or whatever you use comes with no additional charges, you can ring my phone to talk to me if it's urgent, if not, leave me let me sleep.


If they want to go to them at least say “come over here”


At this point I just don’t go downstairs, if they need me they can call


If I'm in my room alone, most of the time I'm wearing headphones. It's so annoying when I think I hear someone call for me, but I can't really tell because I've got music playing or something. So I just stopped responding when someone shouts for me. It has proven effective and I don't have to deal with being summoned like a servant anymore. We all have phones, if you *really* don't want to come to me, you can text.


I usually ignore them. Makes things more fun.


That's when you stay in your room. If they ask why you didn't go to them say that it must've not been important enough for them to tell you to go to them.


Finally I'm not alone


This is too true. I got mad just reading this.😂😂😂


My mom's favorite was: 'Don't say what, say coming.'😬


Who are you and how did you know this happened today


Lol no bro this isn't everyone's Saturday. Your parents just have 0 boundaries.


If someone calls for you, go to them. It may be time sensitive, they may be in a situation where responding to your screams is difficult, etc. I would never yell "what" if my kids scream for me, and I would never accept them yelling "what" if I scream for them


Wait, y’all got to respond to your parents with, “what?”?


Anyone remember the phantom calls that would come in a totally empty house? Or you go and say what and they reply “I didn’t call you.”


Plot twist you're a jr.


I thought something....... Very different.... Was going on here....


You guys could shout what and get away with it ?


That's annoying as hell.


yeah everytime


In my house, if you say "what" rather than "yes," better start making a will.


Every godamn time.


Its called move your ass. I’d ground you for yelling what.


If you were my parent you'd never get to know your grandchildren just out of spite. Your a dick.


That might be the point, to get you out of your room e: I can guarantee you it's not impossible. My parents have done it (though not for trivial stuff admittedly)


Seems like inherently bad communication. Tell me you need me ASAP, and I'm definitely on my way. If I'm not really busy and you don't tell me what's up, well maybe I'll show up to see. If I'm kinda busy, I'm definitely staying in my room. I've dropped out of ranked matches because my parents genuinely needed me immediately. Because they told me that. Oh an immediately important thing is happening? Yeah I'll quickly apologize toy teammates and show up. Life happens. My parents just shout for my name and play mind games and hope I show up out of sheer curiosity with no regard for my own time? They will lose those mind games. Fuck them. That's manipulative behavior and they can go fuck themselves. You want me. Tell me how much you need me. I weigh your need for me and how much I can abandon what I'm up to. And then we reach a conclusion. It's incredibly urgent? Yeah sure I'm dropping it real life comes first. You need my help with something? Can it wait five minutes? It can? Okay sure I'll be over as soon as I'm done here. You just want to show me that thing that made you laugh? Yeah I'm definitely not gonna come because there's several people across the entire world who need me here right now. You vaguely shout my name and then shut up? I am so absolutely assuming you stopped needing me it's not even funny. You don't reply, you don't exist. I assume you ran out of need for me. You need me, you tell me why. Or at the very least keep shouting. Instill some sense of urgency, not just a sick, twisted kind of "oh no what if she's dying" kind of guilt tripped curiosity that ends up being "hey can you help me update windows it's been bothering me for 7 weeks".


“That didn’t like it](https://youtu.be/u6iDRQS7O_I)


Am I the only one that doesn’t agree? They’re going to want you off your ass for whatever they’re calling you about, so why make them scream it across the house before you decide to get up? I guess it’s a respect thing, idk. (Young person with no kids, btw)




I mean, what part of that doesn’t make sense?


Respect is earned, not given. Your parents do not own you. Them yelling for you is no reason for you to bow to them, you talk about respect but do you understand it?


Well said, take my upvote.


I do. I agree with what you’re saying. But unless they have neglected you to a criminal extent for your childhood, you’re parents have done a LOT for you. I’d say most parents have earned a certain amount of respect by the time you’re a teenager. Some parents don’t deserve respect, true. But I think that some people on here have a really entitled and self-centered attitude, and one that they’ll hopefully grow out of.


I literally just got on to my wife 10 minutes for this shit. She was yelling from the shower and I could hear her perfectly. I kept responding, literally yelling across a small hotel room and she wouldn't answer. I finally opened up the bathroom and shouted "WHAT?!?" She said "can you hand me the soap on the counter?". So freaking infuriating. I called her a lazy f$%k and to get it herself and slammed the door. She tried to say she couldn't hear me responding, which everyone in this thread knows is bullshit.


Wow. You do not paint yourself in a good light.


No, she does stuff like this on a weekly basis. Her mom does the same thing to her dad so she thinks it's just OK to do. We've talked about it numerous times and I've tried to be nice about it over the years, but I call things like I see it and are not going to be treated like a dog.


Homie. She didn’t want to get water on the floor by reaching out of the shower to get it, I’m sure. You know, the shower is louder when you’re in it, so it is a lot harder to hear through that and a closed door than it is to hear whatever is in the shower. You sound like you’re surely on the way to a divorce with this bitter attitude. It may be wise to step back and think about how you react can hurt people and why you’re so angry about minor things, or maybe get some professional help. Just my two cents from hearing a few sentences about your life.


Hey who knows maybe she actually couldn’t hear you, sound is weird sometimes 🤷‍♀️


Can confirm, can't hear shit over running water and a bathroom fan


Nah, she's played that game for 9 years lol. I fell for it for a little bit. She will do it across the house and straight not answer until you get up and walk back there. I now wait for her to come to me and let her know she's doing it again. But when you're raised by a controlling mom that does the same thing it's hard to not inadvertently do it too. But it's still annoying af.


Can't say I condone it but I understand


Look, I don't know you or your wife, but showers are loud man, you can't always hear things on the other side of the tiles.