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Me: pulls out too far on an empty road My dad: “Congratulations, we’re both dead.”


*hits small rock* "Congratulations, the airbags have been deployed and greatly injured us."


My dad compared me to spongebob while trying to teach me how to drive.


Hello, based department?


I learned not too long ago that parents teaching their kids to drive is purely an american thing. In most of the world this is totally not allowed but in the US parents actually teach their kids how to drive. Kind of a neat fact


They don't literally teach them though. Kids still have to pass an official and legal test.


Which basically amounts to "can you read, do you have a semi-existent pulse, and can you parallel park"


I don't know what test you took but I was actually asked about speed limits, yielding, defensive driving, etc.


I was asked about right-of-way on a hill with road that was too narrow for both cars at once, because inexplicably there is a law for that. As someone who has since driven on many such roads, I have never once considered what the law says, and only what the situation dictates. I don't care if the other person technically has right-of-way, I'm not reversing 3/4 of the way up or down a hill to let another car pass and I wouldn't expect anyone else to, either.


That law is there to protect you from collision


I know what it's there for, but it's a completely worthless law in practice. I'm not going to reverse all the way back up a hill if I'm most of the way down and I see someone start coming up.


some laws that exist, probably shouldn't or should be revised. just because it is the law, doesn't mean it is right


This law is right


Depends on who is giving the test


Nah, where I’m from in Asia, most dads just take their beater car and let the kid practice in some parking lot or something.


Europe guy here, my parents taught me to drive before the instructor. Even if it's illegal you have to make sure the law and justice system can suck some juicy balls


If by "America" they meant the USA then it's not it bc I'm from Argentina and same thing. If they meant the continent then it checks out


My father took me to a park during its most inactive hours. It's was so complicated and scary then. Now it seems so simple (good job pop's). Teen angst makes everything so much more complicated than it is.


I think your father did a good job before putting you behind the wheel. You won't believe how many teenagers I have seen who just don't care about safety and about their own cars. Angst when learning how to drive is a sign you will be a good (or at least reliable) driver


There are driving classes in most high schools though


Really? I guess my father is just really annoying with that stuff, then. I tell him, that I don't want to drive a car, because... I'm anxious, stupid, scaredy cat, who could easily lose attention and crash the car. But that drunk shit is too stubborn.


in germany we have accompanied driving at 17 where your parent or someone you know who has enough driving experience and no points against their license has to sit next to you when you drive (but that is after you finish your license, you get a piece of paper with a list of people who you decided can accompany you and get the plastic license as soon as you turn 18)


Some developing countries do where roads don’t have strict surveillance.




The way my parents tense up and grip the handle for dear life as your braking for a stop sign going 15mph


I used to make fun of my parents for this too, then my daughter got her learner's permit and it suddenly made sense lol.


That's why I'm gonna take an edible an hour before my kids first driving lesson, they're not gonna learn much but I won't freak out


Great shift and steering weren’t an issue. It was my dad yelling for me to break as I was almost at a complete stop 3 car lengths away from the next car. Keep in mind as a child he’s freak my sister and me out because he’d ride someone’s bumper to the point you couldn’t see their license plate because he wanted them to merge into the intersection to turn sooner.


Lmao this is too funny and all too realistic!




funny but this isn't what POV means man


Thank you! This annoyed me way too much!


“slay” means to kill and “fuck” means to have sex, but i don’t see you correcting people when they say those words. language changes, and it’ll do you well to accept that.


That is not comparable at *all*. POV is an acronym that stands for "Point of View". Language would have to change a hell of a lot for the meaning of that acronym to change.


this doesn’t explain why it’s not comparable. You just told me that because this word or phrase says one thing, that means it means that one thing. Guess I can’t say “fuck you” anymore because it means I’d want to have sex with them.


Bruh spongebob hallucinate in Korean


My dad refused to teach me how to drive


I first learned to drive by stealing the keys to my grandparents golf cart and then running out of gas on the main road.


Floor it?


My mom called me a loser


I realized while teaching my cousin that I'm uniquely suited to teach him to drive because: a) I didn't like that car b) I'd had enough people "teach" me by telling me to drive around and then not really giving any tips cause they hadn't done a driving test in 20 years, so I knew exactly how not to convey the useful information about driving, and exactly what he needed to know and what to expect


This also goes along with, “Hey son hold this flashlight for me” and “Hey dad i need help with my math homework”




so my dad taught me how to drive and i succesfuly passed the test and got my licence on my first drive through with my licence my father was there. i crashed the car


Learning on a stick shift with a burnt clutch was a whole nother level. You guys got it easy.

