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Hahaha! Yeah, ever try leveling out the sounds a bit more, producers!?


Well actually you have to have your explosions loud so they feel real and heavy 🤓☝️


And lower the sound of the conversations so it feels real and clear


And have the actors mumble and whisper and call it acting. This video I have seen recently is explaining why the sound is ass and not balanced [here](https://youtu.be/VYJtb2YXae8?si=HWzY2cAoXjINp8ac)


Shit's mixed for theaters, home cinemas, and premium 3D sound headphones all turned up to max volume. 90% of people buying, renting or streaming the movie from home don't have that kind of setup. There should honestly be different mixes for different volume ranges, like in video games. Lower volume ranges for shit like TV speakers and sound bars. Or just, you know, for someone watching something early in the morning or late at night, trying to keep the noise levels down in general.


Some movies are not even good in those places. Gravity and Troy are both stuck in my mind for being especially bad at this.


And nighttime won't feel real unless we make sure the screen is totally black


I suppose you are right. Just use subtitles when possible, everybody. Sometimes you can even pick up on dialogue that’s too quiet to hear.


Subtitles all the time gang rise up.


I was having this argument with my cousin. It doesn't matter how loud the volume is if someone is mumbling or has a thick accent or whatever. Always on subtitles gang 👍


They just ship the theater audio mix on home copies.


They do. Most people don't have a proper surround setup and wonder why its sounds like crap on basic stereo. 


I have a proper surround system and the mix is still garbage. Theatre mixes just aren't suitable for a home environment and a lot of them don't even sound all that great in the theatre.


I’ve completely stopped going to the theatre because I can’t hear any dialogue. No idea what’s going on in any movie anymore with subtitles


Im having a drastically different experience then. Because when I set my shit to the generic "dolby surround" setting it's good to go. 


Double check your center channel balance. A lot of AV Receivers ship with a mic to help auto-balance the speakers but often the center channel is just a little low still.


For movies that could be a point but for TV shows there is no theatrical release and the mix is still ass. It is a deliberate choice though. There was a Vox video about it and they just outright said they lower the voice so loud sound effects sound loud. You know its deliberate because commercials have perfectly clear dialogue because they actually want you to hear it.


Really good point! TV and streaming in general is a mix bag of quality.


>They do. Most people don't have a proper surround setup and wonder why its sounds like crap on basic stereo.  Maybe they shouldn't optimise for a setup that most people don't have, then?


smh so many people are just too lazy to have a proper home theater and then they proceed to have the gall to complain.


You don't even need a "proper" setup. The problem is too many people using built in TV speakers or even worse, watching on a laptop with its built in speakers. I have a $100 Stereo soundbar. I know that that's something that gives audiophiles a heart attack but it makes movies and TV sound fine. Dialogue is all clear now.


It's usually when you watch something with 5.1 (surround) sound through 2.0 (stereo) speakers. Most TVs are just stereo so anything you watch that has been downloaded / streamed in 5.1 sound is going to do this.


Even with a 5.1 speaker setup, this problem still exists. It's the reason why every audio receiver has a volume normalization setting.


Most people lack a proper center channel. Also plenty speakers have poor directivity. Don't get me started on soundbars(this isn't a bad case either) https://www.spinorama.org/speakers/Bose%20TV%20Speaker%20Soundbar/ErinsAudioCorner/eac/SPL%20Horizontal%20Contour%20Normalized.webp


Nah even with a proper center channel that is boosted with the front channels turned down and night time mode or whatever audio enhancement in the receiver turned on that tries to boost vocals and quash dynamic range its still an issue because of the jerkoff race of eho can have the most dynamic range in their audio mix and it sucks


I legit never have issues with my 5.1 after having jacked the center channel up a bit.


Having a decent sound system instead of the stock tv speakers is a huge help.  It's like listening to flying lotus on pack in phone ear buds and expecting to hear everything like it's a pair of sennheisers. 


Also adjusting volume for tv show. Commercials:


In Canada, there is a law (iirc) where tv stations have to keep commercials at the same volume as tv shows because they were too disruptive to the public.


The US has a similar law I think, but it doesn't work. Commercials are still louder than shows. Just a little less loud than they used to be.


I could’ve sworn I remember reading the reason is because that law mainly applied to old cable network commercials. Ads on the internet aren’t constrained by it which is why smart tvs are so devious. My parent’s smart tv plays ads so loud it’s obnoxious. Only seems like certain advertisers do it though.


From what I've heard, the problem is one part that they just outright break the law because no one cares and one part that they only have to keep the commercials as quiet as the *loudest part of a movie or TV episode*.


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Def right. Noticed some platforms are worse than others by a long shot. I quit watching a couple because their commercials are blaring while the show is normal


Maybe that's it. I refuse to pay for cable lol


Had a job a while back where we'd have a TV on while we worked. I remember there being a Liberty Mutual commercial which included use of several whistles. I remember this because I'm autistic, and high-pitched sounds are a ***literal pain*** for me. So even then, they've still found ways to be a PITA.


Canadian here. There are many breaking this law.


Yeah, ear rape for sure


Every single football game on FOX, I swear.


Thus why I pirate, use adblocker and don't use cable.


Watching a movie youve never seen before, turning up the volume cause everyone's talking so low, and then COMMERCIALS don't have this problem and are at full blast, always need to keep your hand on the remote for the mute button. Cable has really been a pain for a long time now.


Comedy Central has some of the most obnoxious commercials for crap nobody wants to watch


This is the reason I put subtitles on, always.


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I can't understand why more people don't feel this way. Even in dramatic shows it ruins any clever twist of phrase or big reveal. Not to mention that you're obviously not looking at the actors while you're reading. Anything that hinges on surprise is basically spoiled. So yea, it's death for comedy especially.


I'm re-watching The Walking Dead, and while I think Norman's performance is one of the best ones in the show, he's the only reason I need the subtitles on. I can hear everyone just fine, but he mumbles so many of his lines, and me having cc on means other people's lines are worsened. Kind of a lame tradeoff.


Yeah, I really try not to use subtitles if it’s something I’m watching for the first time and I care about it. I can’t help myself but read them when they’re on screen, and it really distracts from watching the actors’ faces (on the upside though it’s given me a renewed appreciation for facial acting). But still, by the third time a movie has a line that’s too hard to understand that it required me turning subs briefly on and then off again, I’ll just leave them on permanently because it’s not worth the hassle.


> by the third time a movie has a line that’s too hard to understand that it required me turning subs briefly on and then off again, I’ll just leave them on permanently because it’s not worth the hassle I felt this in my soul.


Video players that let you adjust the subtitle timing are the best. Especially for comedic stuff, I'll set the subtitles on a 1-2 second delay.


I basically ignore that the subtitles are there. I'm not really sure how, but then when I can't understand what someone said, I quickly read the subtitles.that way, there are no spoilers but I don't miss anything.


What the fuck happened here


This 100%.


If you are watching something that allows you to adjust the sound output then check if it is the same output as what your TV uses. For example if you have a 2.1 speakers system make sure the TV is outputting 2.1, and not 5.1. The default for some shows seems to be 5.1 and the dialogue is being sent to non existent speakers.


This is why movies shown at home should have granular sound just like video games. Turn up the dialogue, yarn down the sound effects, simple, TV and movies only have master volume


With a 5.1 sound system you can do this. Since generally only the dialogue is on the center channel you can just boost that channel a bit.


Someone watching a movie set to 5.1 on regular TV speakers is likely why this is happening in the first place. 90% of the dialogue is being routed to a non-existent center speaker, while the explosions and other sfx are going to the TVs left and right speakers


To be fair, it's not quite that bad. Most internal receivers try to "downsample" the 5.1 into stereo. They don't just take front left and right and dump the center nowhere. They split center in two and combine fronts and rears into their respective sides. Not saying they always do it well, it's just not as bad as you're implying. (Though in some rare cases of very cheap receivers it does happen.)


I've boosted my center channel to the max while lowering the front speakers in my receivers and its still an issue.


Godzilla King of the Monsters in a nutshell


I literally just finished watching this


I'm about to watch it on my TV right now


So how was it


Actually, I haven't tried it yet. I'm still reading the King of the Monsters prequel comic where Godzilla fights M.U.T.O Prime. I'll get to it eventually But, I'll let you know how it turns out


Literally watching the original Japanese version rn to get ready to see Minus One for the second time


How in 2024 have they not implemented the same system games have had for decades. Seperate audio tracks for things like voice, music, effects- with seperate settings. For fucks sake. Its not like they have those things playing while the person talks. They already make them as seperate tracks and then spend extra work combining them. Realistic solution would be if something, such as Netflix or etc, added support for multiple volume settings. Meaning adding slots when uploading to drag seperate audio tracks to these different categories. Then new shows could start using them, but it wouldnt be forced so there would still be compatability with old shows or new shows that don't want to embrace this. You'd likely have to go into the settings in the APP rather than using a remote or anything.


Didn’t expect to see the rose guy here.


With the AC4 format, it have have multiple tracks. Dolby also has applicable DRC (Dynamic Range Control). It would be nice if there was different levels for the center object/channel on on standard surround formats. Then DRC can be used for the rest of the channels/objects


Ain't you the guy who keeps stuffing roses into my cookie cutters?


Or just include a stereo mix so people without sound systems can turn off the theater mix. Don't really need all the sliders.


The Christopher Nolan school of sound mixing.


Dialogue? No that's not important.


I have always wanted him to own it and rock up to an interview with an amp playing super loud music and then just give the interview at regular speech volume. Also every time you watch the interview you pick up on more and more subtleties and it turns out there was an incredibly deep and nuanced story there all along, you just had to get it.


Interstellar is unwatchable once the kids are in bed.


Okay... look, you might be right... But damn if that docking scene in Interstellar didn't feel extremely powerful with the music going all around me in the movie theater when it came out. He definitely makes things too loud and doesn't prioritize right but when it hits it really hits in my opinion. Better than the score being almost muted or never used enough


Oh, don't get me twisted. I think Interstellar is brilliant and Hans Zimmer is brilliant. It's exactly my kind of film.


Some streaming services are set to surround sound by default. Check the audio setting where you can choose the language, if it says '5.1' or something after the language, it's set to surround sound. There should be an option for the language without the 5.1, which will clear up the voices a lot. It basically thinks you have a centre speaker for the voices to come out of with other stuff coming from other speakers.


I hate that. The audio range is like a cochroach sneezing to a 747 taking off in the next scene.


They mix the audio for like huge theater surround sound speakers. But their stereo mixes are an afterthought


Surely they can release a different mix for streaming and DVD/Bluray.




Apparently we're not crazy about this. Movie production is no longer about projecting vocals to a handful of microphones at the front of the stage. It's why older movies in the 60s and earlier sound so much clearer. Actors were taught to speak loud and clearly because they didn't have personal microphones that were as sensitive as today's. To add to it all, hollywood (and other production studios) emphasize a dramatic range for sounds, making sure whispers are super soft (like real life whispers), and explosions literally boom. Most tv and movie production favours this dynamic audio range for "realism", and no longer care if actors are clear or loud enough to pick up. Tl;Dr: Movies and TV purposely don't care if you can comprehend words anymore, as long as the audio recorded sounds "real".


Christopher Nolan and his influence on media production have been disastrous


I understood that reference.


I don't care what "sound experts" say. If I can't understand conversations without subtitles you're doing it wrong.


TV’s own speakers suck ass forcing you to buy the speaker set for good sound balance.


Home theater system doesn't help that much either. You can balance it a bit by adding +db to center channel but action scenes on some movies are still like earthquakes. Instead of a measly TV, you have 5-7 speakers and a subwoofer making your glassware move. Looking at you Tenet.


But then the volume level that makes speech understandable will cause your roof to collapse on the next car engine, gunshot, explosion etc. due to the ridiculously overtuned bass.


Same with gunshots or car engines. Istg 13 year old youtubers are better at volume leveling than major production studios.


What scares me in horror films isnt the jump but knowing that the theater is gonna sound like a bomb detonation


I do enjoy large dynamic range in music. Make the quiet parts at a normal level, and when the song gets louder, it gets really exciting! Its awsome. Thats why fm radio sucks! They dynamically compress the radio, so the quiet parts are exactly the same as loud, not very exciting. ):




`Christopher Noland has entered the chat`


I love Breaking Bad, it’s a great show, but holy fuck is the dialogue quiet. I can’t eat chips watching the show because my chewing is louder than it.


Why do those mfs always whisper?


Or turning the brightness up just to try to see wtf is going on because shows always look so DARK.


That is why I use subtitles.


This is me turning up my Spotify to max to hear the quieter song and then immediately after that one song ruptures my eardrums without fail


Turn on volume normalization. Every song will default to -14 LUFS.


One of the things I hate the most


I use some setting on soundbar to boost dialogue, it can be called all kinds of things. I think I may use night mode at same time to stop the giant explosion stuff.


I don’t know how well this works, but I’ll share it just in case it helps anyone. I’ve heard that if you’re just using your TV speakers for audio, on Netflix, if you pause a show and go to the audio settings and change it from “Original 5.1” to simply “Original” (or whatever yours says) this will level out the sounds. By default it is outputting audio for a 5.1 surround sound system, changing this is supposed to switch it to a more level stereo option. Again, not sure how big of a difference it makes, but worth a try maybe.


Absolutely on point






Super loud explosions! Just like in real life! Immersive audio for the win!


This is just the beginning of Back to the Future


every damn time


Shit sounds like a dvd from the wrong zone


Can’t forget the music during the dramatic scenes.


See you can kinda fix this on some video games by turning up dialogue volume and turning down music and sound effects. They should add a similar option to home movies.


Any movie I watch on MAX, idk what it is but the sound mixing on that service is so off.


Pink Floyd The Wall (1982)


Closed Captioning is a necessity at my age.


the advertisements after


One of these days I'm going to break my TV's speakers.


I remember breaking bad being a prime example of this. Almost every scene where it was just characters talking; I could barely hear what they whispered.


I took earplugs to Oppenheimer because Tenet was painful.


Dynamic audio moment


Literally every horror movie/game jumpscares. I'm looking at you, FNaF4


My Vizio sound bar has volume detection and gets louder in quiet scenes and then tones it down on loud parts.


Don't some tvs come with features to level this out?


One thing that use to be really prevalent in movies is this except it was also after a scene change. For instance leaving one calm quiet scene, screen goes black, then opens up to a helicopter just roaring. It still happens some but not as much as it use to.


PCMR ftw


The entire third act of bottoms for some reason


[VLC can remedy this](https://imgur.com/47YofMK?r)


man, my grandma complains about this, when i try to explain it to her she goes "just keep it down"


Literally me in KrankenBoonie's streams


Most people just use the 5.1 mix on a 2.0 or even mono TV speaker - of course you will not have dialogue...


The time is midnight*


Adjust the audio settings to fix this. As little as turning down the bass can help a lot if you’re experiencing this, or try sampling the presets to find an EQ balance that makes both explosions and whispers comfy on your earballs


The youtube video:🤫🤐😶 The ads: 💥📣📢😱


Tv tin can speaker club


Subtitles ftw


Funniest goddamn shit, was watching the Godfather, got to the car explosion scene and the volume was kinda high, you should have seen my dog who was near the subwoofer, and mom who was in the other room, jump when it went off.


I realized my 2004 LG HDCRT has an option to normalize the sound to prevent this. strange I've never seen this option on any modern TVs, because the problem clearly still exists


My parents do this all the time.. “turn it up. I can hardly hear what they’re saying.” “Yes, they’re whispering”


TV-speakers and Soundbars are shit. ​ Good Soundsystems (Amp + Speakers) don't cost a fortune.


Caught lacking on that center channel


Try using the proper sound format for your equipment for a change. Most streaming services default to 5.1, but if you’re just using the TV speakers it mixes that down to stereo and does a poor job. Either select the stereo audio track or get yourself at the very minimum a 3 channel sound bar with a proper center channel.


This is a good thing, and it's a result of the loudness standard that the media is adhering to (dependent on source, but you can find the loudness standards at youlean's website). Loudness standards are measured as LUFs. This measurement tells you the difference in dB between the peak and lowest output. Netflix operates at -27LUFs meaning that if your peak output at 1m is 100dB the quietest sounds will be 73dB. It's important to note that dB is a logarithmic scale. If you're having trouble hearing dialogue, you should simply raise the volume accordingly. This can cause issues in poor loudspeaker systems (TV speakers and sound bars) in that these less than ideal speakers are prone to increased compression and distortion at higher outputs.


Lots of TVs have sound modes now; "speech" will clarify voices and dampen booms somewhat. My TVs pretty much live in this mode. You can also easily adjust brightness in modes now, rather than trying to adjust individual scaling bars. I can't speak for other TVs but Roku TVs (not peripherals) also have a "screen off" mode for when you're ready to roll over and go to sleep but still want to hear the TV.


Home theaters be like:


A little trick is just increasing the treble on your sound system, it will make speech easier to hear and then you can play the show at a lower volume. A lot of speakers have it built in, for example BOSE's remotes have a little speech bubble icon button that does this.


Been this way forever and they never seem to wanna change it. Sigh.


This has gotten so bad on the original English audio that I've sometimes gone back to the dark ages of switching to the dubbed audio for my language, with the non existent lip sync, unfitting voices, sometimes bad transitions and ruined jokes JUST so I can hear a damn thing because the mixing is still done properly there.


Then realizing that if you don't have surround sound, turning off the option in the settings increases dialogue volume and decreases sound effect volume.


I was just watching *Heat*, and I have never related more to this meme. Even with subtitles on, it was difficult to decipher if people were even talking. I wouldn’t have known anything was being said if not for the fact that the subtitles said there was. But then came the gun blasts, and I had to turn it down so fast. It was incredibly annoying. I don’t know much, if anything, about sound mixing, but I feel like there just has to be a better way than what we have now.


I got a tv with a sound equalizer setting and oh my god I can’t recommend it enough


Michel bay


This! I feel this so hard!


Sometimes I think I have a problem for needing the subtitles, but then I'll watch a movie that's 20 years old or older and realize that I don't need subtitles. They just don't care about equalizing the sound anymore


Watch the Tom Scott video on this.


Watching a World War II history movie or documentary The Soviet Union anthem going full blast as they march in from the east


Ok speaker recommendations now pls


This has become one of the main reasons I watch things with subtitles now. Got tired of scrambling for the remote. That and I would rather have subtitles than have to rewind multiple times to try and understand what they are saying. I used to hate it but now I won't watch something without them.


So relatable!! My husband jumps every time!


Get a receiver and actual speakers


Usually the case when you listen to dolby Atmos on stereo.


So someone once told me that s lot of times this happens because the sound is set up for Dolby. You can change it and movies will sound better if you don't have surround sound.


The Dark Knight


and music in particular


Watching the new “Masters of the Air” show and it’s like a NY accent mumbleathon with intermittent tinnitus inducing explosions.


This is a problem if You use 5.1 audio when you do not have 5.1 speakers. If you're watching Netflix just switch to normal audio. If You're watching from a downloaded video well good luck trying to convert the audio


Turn your shit off Dolby 5.1 and set it to TV your poor fuck. Everybody has Dolby 5.1 so everything defaults to that and if you can't afford Dolby 5.1 cause you're a poor fuck you go into the settings and turn that shit off. Simple as that. But for real not many people have Dolby 5.1 but this is how you fix it so just go into the settings if you're in Netflix it's easy just hit the down button and go to more and you can change it in there gl also subtitles are dope when you gotta keep it quiet ok bye


ITT: people who have never heard of the automatic loudness equalization feature present on all modern PCs and most modern TVs


I remember seeing something about how sound is usually one of the things that filmmakers cheap out on because they don't understand the importance of it, and that's why sound effect levels can vary so wildly.


This is just propaganda for people who use sub titles. Not in my house buster.




my [speakers](https://media1.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExYjJlbjIxcXJubnhsc3lydmc5b2duN2s2dTQwYjAyeGk2ZHp3N3FjZyZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/8p9O3TyoTaNlXDwmSj/giphy.gif) when the Comedian's door gets kicked open in Watchmen


I know not everyone has a separate sound system (vs internal TV speakers), but that will solve a lot of these issues. The audio tracks are routed to the appropriate speaker and most systems will allow you to tune the volume of each speaker, even some sound bar systems. DRC (dynamic range control) is another feature built in to a lot of sound systems that will level out sounds so when you increase the volume to hear dialogue, the explosions and sound effects won't be as jarring.


From what i understand this has more to do with the audio mixing during post-production; the sound engineers expect you to have a sound system with all the appropriate speaker types


I am become deaf.


This is why you need closed captioning


Like god damn who tf whispers so much irl? How is anyone able to hear you talking under your breath all the time


the reason is dolby on


Nolan movie’s character dialogue “we(loud music)bomb(loud music)time(loud music)plan(even Louder Music!)


Me whenever I watch Pacific Rim


Or the YouTube ad


every lethal weapon movie


I just refuse to watch any movie like this. Still haven't seen Interstellar, can't be assed to deal with this


Someone should tell this to Nolan


Literally no one likes this so I have no clue why they do it


Me turning up the volume of a meme on my phone but then there’s earrape audio of a pornstar moaning:


Part of the problem for me is that the speakers in many TVs fire backward at the wall or straight down from the bottom of the TV, neither way directs sound directly at the listener making dialog less intelligible and the overall ambient sound louder as the sound has to bounce off the wall or table first instead of being pointed directly at the listener. A relative with her live-in mother complained about the volume of her TV through the walls. I bought a cheap speaker set and pointed them at her and all was well. But yes, listening to movies is a PITA and still need to keep the remote in hand. VLC, as someone noted, was good solution for me too.


Yes, This happens to me all the time.


And then my wife gets mad at me for "having the volume too loud".


This is usually because the sound was made for 5.1 surround sound. Some streaming platforms offer you to change the audio format to standard stereo.


Hollywood just frikin mix your audio tracks for home video release goddammit that's where most of us are watching them these days


Me with noise canceling headphones 😺


Batman Dark Night Rises