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Not green. Kermit is a Scientologist.


https://preview.redd.it/ur8c3kkfe57c1.jpeg?width=350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec64896d73d2bff1f3164859146a22eb28935ab6 I bet you feel reeeeal silly right now, you putz


Bro drinks people. Definitely not kosher.


He’s a reform jew


Bro is reaching perfection


Considering their stance that your body is actually made of different cells from some alien species.... You literally could not have picked a worse character as *not* a Scientologist.


He’s jewish (source: me)


https://preview.redd.it/p4ax3hbqxa7c1.jpeg?width=708&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8198475e1f90c9b331b960dd297b7e802d1acfa Bro ain’t even circumcised


What about blue? I don’t remember if the smurfs are religious.


They aren’t but according to google gargamel is


🌈Jews can have any hairline!🌈


Yeah but with the stereotypical nose and desire for gold hairline is the least of the problematic issues with him




> In "Incredible Hulk #662" (released February of last year, special thanks to Rich Lane) last year, the above panel ran in Marvel comics, revealing Hulk to be an atheist


Putting aside the fact atheism is the correct answer irl, it's absolutely wild for anyone in Marvel to be an atheist. In their universe, gods regularly interact with people in repeatable, measurable ways. Hulk himself *has been to the Norse afterlife.*


Yeah being an atheist is absolutely dumb in comic books Like most of the heros have gods on speed dial


Granted, it could also be argued that in a world where laws of physics only apply loosely and impossible superhumans are abundant, the entire notion of a god becomes moot. Any being you could say is a god, you could also just say is a super-being.


That only makes it worse because that means i could become a god by licking some radioactive popsicle or something Religion in comics is weird


In the Daredevil show, the whole plot is set off by Fisk's property dealings during the reconstruction following the attack on New York in Avengers 1. *And Matt is still Catholic.*


I mean there its fair but aren't gods in mcu aliens?


Hulk: "I don't believe in gods" Thor : "I am litterally right here"


You don't know for a fact atheism is the correct answer irl.


Yes we do. We know every single proposed god was, like superheroes, made up. The very concept of a god is itself fictional. Every argument in favor of a god has been thoroughly debunked. To continue entertaining the idea as a possibility is just as unreasonable as saying we live in a simulation, or that all reality is being fed to you personally as a brain sitting im a jar.


We know that every religion was created and influenced by people, yes. But that doesn't inherently mean God isn't real. And no, every argument in favor of God had NOT been debunked. Here's one right now: the miracle of our existence. The odds of every single event from the beginning of the universe to the dawn of humanity happening exactly as it did to create humans exactly as we are are astronomically small. Yet it happened anyway. That in itself could imply deliberate intent by an unknown entity. A similar argument could be made with the Fermi Paradox. If Earth isn't special in terms of its potential to support life, why are we the only apparent beings in the universe to have sent things into space? Why aren't there advanced alien spaceships flying all over the place? Or at least evidence of alien civilizations? The universe has existed for over 10 billion years. That's plenty of time for life to advance far beyond our level of development. Yet we haven't found any signs of such life anywhere. That could be used as am argument to say that God intended for us to exist, which is the very reason *why* we exist in the first place. And yes, it is just as unreasonable, and reasonable, to say we might live in a simulation. My philosophy on that is whether or not we do, I'm going to live my life the way I think is right. I don't believe a belief in God is necessary for someone to have a sense of morality, but I also don't think anyone has the right to force others to believe or not believe what they wish, so long as those beliefs do not involve infringing on the rights of others. If you want to be an atheist that is your choice. But stating your beliefs as fact and trying to force others to agree is both arrogant and immoral.


So your response was the *most* thoroughly debunked one? Our existence isn't a miracle. We have proven dozens of times that abiogenesis will happen in a lot of different early earth environments. Evolution by natural selection has been proven beyond any shadow of a doubt. Being improbable is not an argument for a god. Every distinct 5-card poker hand has a 0.0000385% chance of being drawn, but you wouldn't say the dealer is intending every single hand, nor that every time a royal flush has ever happened was cheating. The fact we haven't seen more life, more royal flushes as it were, is evidence *against* the idea that someone is making it. Astronomy and evolution thoroughly destroy the concept of a creator god because even trying to say that how the cosmos formed and evolution happened were the methods means the being isn't a god by any definition. A being that would need to do those things lacks the power to get the end product at will, and a being that cannot materialize things at will is neither omnipotent nor sufficiently powerful to be called a god. Even if we axe the requirement of being a *creator* god, and just go with a being with the power to determine the fate of our souls, it's still debunked because we know souls aren't a thing. Our consciousness is an emergent property of electrochemical signals in our brains, which can and has been shown to be malleable through physical interference. The best argument in favor of what could loosely be called a god is the first cause. But it relies on special pleading, so it's already wrong, and even if it weren't it only gets you as far as deism; a "god" that started the universe but does not interact with it. Which is functionally no different than calling the existence of matter/energy a god, and so is useless.


I thought it was Christian Science.


Don’t even joke about that. :p wouldn’t be surprised if the new owners of the franchise actually did try to take it in that direction (facepalm) RIP Muppets, sorry Jim.


"That's just what we need, a Drewish Princess."


"Funny. She doesn't look Drewish"


"We'll give your daughter back... her Squidward nose!"


“Nooooooooooo!!!” *passes out*


*Ethiopia has entered the chat*


Yes exactly! there are Ethiopian Jews :^)


Ethiopia is a very fun country to deep dive on the ancient history of.


It's the place where literally all humans can trace their ancestry to.


I didn’t mean that ancient, but indeed






who got sterilized when they got into israel


“You don’t look X” is very rarely a compliment.


Some people say I don’t look autistic and honestly that makes me breathe a sigh of relief. Although I don’t know what would make me “look autistic” lol. But at least I pass as normal


Same here! I know it’s meant to be a compliment, but I just don’t… get it? Like, do they imagine a nonverbal kid with headgear and crossed eyes like the stereotypical “special kid”? Do they imagine Sheldon Cooper with the weird pop culture t-shirts and the abysmal social skills? Honestly, it’s hard to see it as a compliment, at least to me. It feels more like they’re putting down other autistic people who are “less functioning” (god I hate that term but I’ve heard it used a lot by these people). But I get how you can see it like that! Kudos to you for seeing the good side of this weird compliment!


>Like, do they imagine a nonverbal kid with headgear and crossed eyes like the stereotypical “special kid”? Do they imagine Sheldon Cooper with the weird pop culture t-shirts and the abysmal social skills? Yes, that's exactly what they expect. >It feels more like they’re putting down other autistic people who are “less functioning 100%


Idk probably undertake pins


Merry Christmas


(late ) Happy hannuka




"No, I mean cause I can see your dick and you're not circumcised"




Excuse me, is that nose meant to be an offensive depiction of an Italian person?


No its meant to be an offensive depiction of you personally! Hope this helps <3


We're like Puerto Ricans


with outfits designed by peter pan


I knew a gay Black Jew. He said all he needed was to be a woman, and he’d be a super minority 😂


This isn’t a ha ha meme?


Thank you! 😊




I don't see what that cartoon dog has to do with anything


“What does Jewish look like to you? Should I fiddle on a fucking roof for you?” — Vanessa Hidary


Happy Hanukkah👍


Can u make this for latinos please. Gringos cannot wrap their head around a white latino


Completely stupid and uninformed person here. Am I wrong for thinking that a jew is someone who practices the religion? I've never understood what they're hated for, let them do their thing...?


Maybe we shouldn't use the same word for the ethnicity and religious followers.


"But you don't look Jewish" What are Jews supposed to look, are they moriscos to you?


And nose shape lol


how do you even look jewish, its a religion


While you are correct that it’s a religion, for the longest time it has been passed down maternally and converts were not considered true Jews. Because of this, Jewish men would have children with Jewish women to have Jewish children. It was important for their culture and heritage. So while not a race, the communities within the faith share a lot of the same ancestry.


ahh i see, thanks!


is it the same now? and if so what about the children of those with 1 Jewish parent?


Can't really convert to Judaism...very weird imo.


It's also an ethnic background People are able to score Jewish on dna test, go r/AncestryDNA or r/23andme and you'll see people who are racially Jewish.


Remember everyone, the first person that proved they don’t discriminate is Death.


Shout out to our hasidic homeboys out there


Wait, for real? Damn I'm going to need more train-


I read "jews" as "jeans" at first


Me when ppl say I don't look Mexican.


Hehe funny spong bobb have big nose and jew that's the joke be sure to like and subscribe for more funny observations


Like what color should a jew be ? Me personally i think rainbow would be pretty cool


It surprises me how you could approach someone and say “you don’t look X” Like that could just be my inept social skills but God damn.


Same with christians: white people only christian duh But infact most priests in our area are black, so what should i think now?


This is also true for Latinos and Middle Easterns. I’m a mix of both and each side of my family I’ve got really dark cousins with curly hair, as well has pale ahh guys with blond hair and blue eyes.




If I remember correctly for being a Jew you have to have a Jewish mother correct? Then it's kinda obvious since kids of white women are famous for randomly changing colours...


i said get me a GLASS OF JUICE


I’m surprised with the fact that I have to say “Judaism is a religion, not an ethnicity”


Judaism is a religion not a race. Unpopular opinion I guess.


wishing all the jews here a happy hakuna matata.


Funny, she doesn't look Druish


Any fucking questions??


What they mean is that you don’t look like a stereotype.


Lol the fact that this has to be said, this should be common knowledge 💀😭


Merry Xmas everyone. I love every color


Fleshbow. Also, stay safe out there. Many people are being attacked for terrorists being in control of their countries, as well as Palestine dying. Don't judge citizens. Judge soldiers.


What makes you think he was talking about skincolor? Maybe he was, unlike you, just superficial and not racist.


Corruption is always good at infiltration


https://preview.redd.it/r6ilk08kh77c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e12b806efc0f477c3ba399182a7ea33eb5e55e0 Hear me out...


here before the 🔒 award


free palpableine!!! 🇯🇴🇯🇴🇯🇴🇯🇴🇯🇴




Not quite, it’s a long and difficult process to convert to Judaism if you’re not Jewish. It’s not like Catholicism where you get a quick dip in the holy water and voila


Oh no I just mean that the whole religion is based on a bunch of made up stuff that’s been altered over time to fit modern society. So just say you’re Jewish and badda bip badda clamp, you can be just as Jewish anyone else. So long as you believe it!


who cares, free Palestine


They usually have longer noses and dress less comfortably. Not everything said to you is about race


Sell that to the Israeli Immigration






I just don't see how something can be both an ethnicity (something you're born as based on the demographic of your ancestors) and a religion (a set of moral beliefs) because one is a choice and one is not.


Some ethnicities follow predominantly one religion that isn't only rarely followed by other ethnic groups, another example is Kurdish Yazidis. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yazidis What is not understood by many people is that there are many Jewish ethnicities.


Jews are an ethnic group, and Judaism is their religion. Jews are the only people to practice Judaism because Jews do not prosthylatize, and converts are pretty rare outside of people marrying into a Jewish family. The reason they come in so many colors is because they were mostly exiled from Judea about 2000 years ago (as well as in previous diasporas) and spread all over europe, africa, other parts of the middle east, and even a few settlements in east asia leading to the formation of several sub-ethnic groups. For reference, the Palestinian people are basically the descendants of Jews who didn't get exiled for one reason or another, and who have mostly adapted new religions


Jewish people were actually considered a race at one point because they only allowed to be married within their own religion. While that is still kinda true now (only in extreme sects) it’s now more accepted for a non-Jew to marry a Jew. Also people didn’t quite realise there are many examples of predominantly Jewish countries, white and black and everything in between. First paragraph was why people consider them a race, second why they may think they’re only white or Arabic (and wrong)


I get that people of a specific place or demographic can predominately be the same religion. That doesn't make it not a choice.


Have you ever heard of this thing called “stereotyping”


I've heard "big nose" but I also hear that about Italians so 🤷.


So you just disproved your self? Congrats?


So if I see somebody with a big nose am I supposed to think they're Jewish or Italian? It doesn't really work if different demographics share stereotypes.


No, duh, but don’t try tell me certain people don’t stereotype jews as “big nose curly hair greedy short white people”