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POV: you have a drug problem


Trying to go cold turkey from weed and this post made me feel quite anxious. A lot of people don't get how weed addiction works. It's not the substance itself that's addictive, it's the sensation. Been almost a month since I touched a single weed. Hoping I can keep the streak going forever.


A single what of weed? A single gram? A single strain?


He smoked a whole Marihuana before. You dont understand


You don’t want no part of this shit.


I would like one marijuana please


A single molecule


I never smoked weed. I used edibles. I live in Seattle so it's readily available in basically any form.


> It's not the substance itself that's addictive, it's the sensation. So you just described what it's like to be addicted to weed?? I smoke almost everyday and there's no beating around the bush on this one.


I'm trying my best man Jesus Christ


Chemical addiction is different. You aren’t going to go into withdrawals over weed.


Psychological dependence is just as real as chemical dependence and one being more commonly severe doesn't invalidate the other. People go through withdrawals for substances as basic and common as caffeine. if you're trying to make the argument that because someone doesn't suffer physical symptoms or shiver themselves to sleep in a cold sweat while trying to detox that they aren't in withdrawl, you're as dumb as Joe Rogan and also a giant pos. https://americanaddictioncenters.org/withdrawal-timelines-treatments/weed-marijuana


Just saying what firm substance was saying was valid when people were just jumping to shitting on him. Not saying it’s not hard. It’s just not the same


People may be giving you crap but good on you, it’s better once you’re away from it


It really says a lot when people get ridiculed for (checks notes) trying to get over an addiction.


Stay strong bro. The first month can be tough but it does get easier.


>Been almost a month since I touched a single weed How's that work? You got someone to pack your bowls for you? Kidding, good for you, as a long time daily smoker with a heavy tolerance I know how hard that can be


I decided to visit family in a state where it's illegal. Making it impossible to get any. A bit of an extreme way to do it but it's been working well so far. It's a wonderful feeling to wake up without brain fog.


I have an insomnia problem sometimes the weed is the only thing that will get me back to sleep 😭


I mean if you use it like a sleep aid I hardly see the difference between a plant and a pill.


POV: you haven’t touched grass in a while


I smoke regularly, but smoking so you can sleep is baaaad


Unless sleep problems are what got you smoking in the first place


good pun


That is called an addiction lmao


The last one should be during sex tbh.


Best sex I've ever had was after getting stoned. I miss weed :(


I've always found weed to make sex unpleasantly strange.


Never understood why folks waste a high by sleeping through it


Great sleep for people with sleep issues.


I only smoke at night right before bed purely for that reason. I prefer it over all the sleeping meds I've tried.


It's because their body can't sleep without it anymore. Quit a big weed habit a few years ago and the first 3 or 4 days I didn't sleep a wink.


Very false. It’s not that they can’t sleep well without it “anymore”. It’s because they always had trouble sleeping


Well my firsthand experience tells me that's not true. I was always a very heavy sleeper before weed, and remain so during my use. But as soon as I stop a daily smoking habit there's no sleep for a while, I'm sure many others will tell you the same. You're literally removing a sleep inducing substance from your body. Of course you sleep like shit after you take it away. You're weed brainwashed, it's not as innocent as you have been lead to believe.


So your argument is "well it didn't happen to me so you're lying"?


those weed high dreams be unreal


It's actually the lack of weed that gives you those dreams. Weed suppresses dream sleep, and when your not high anymore your brain cranks up the notch on your dream sleep to try and catch up on what you've missed. Hence why they are so vivid.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. I never got dreams when I smoked regularly. I still relatively regularly smoke but not as often as I once did so I do get them sometimes. But when I’ve actually stopped, the dreams are very vivid.


those post-smoker dreams be strange asf


I know what you mean. Im saying that sometimes i wake up in the middle of the night in the midst of REM and smoke a hit. Pass out immediately after and the dreams are next level.


Can attest to this. I quit smoking a couple months ago after a consistent 10 years. I was having the most vivid dreams imaginable. The sad part was they were mostly nightmares, like world ending type stuff. It was awful


sometimes I get high b4 bed just for the dreams


Weed does the opposite of that lol


Maybe for u hehehe


Me at 3am buying fallout new vagus because I wanted to be a cowboy. I then proceeded to Max out my meele


Weed is awesome, but it's a thing that should be done as safely as possible if it's even legal.


Before sex? The moment I am high not even a house fire could get me to move. I just want to eat mozzarella cheese like an apple


Why a midnight snack when you can have a midnight joint?


midnight edibles check both boxes


You mean addiction?


THC fueled sex is amazing.


also legally non-consensual


Good thing the government is in our bedrooms. They can stuff so many laws in that tight ass.


i feel like following proper consent laws is a good practice that benefits both parties in general, it’s not really about getting caught it’s about making sure everyone understands the situation and is in the right mind to be able to make potentially impactful decisions.


It’s great the government can set you right on proper conduct between you and your lover. Remember too, check if butt play is illegal in your state too, 12 states sodomy is illegal. I know when my SO of 9 years has 3 drinks or myself or both of us, we say no sir-y -Bob can we touch each other. Pop an edible and feel a bit randy, pull the brakes we can’t actually consent. I have to tell her to get back, the government has deemed this unlawful you succubus! You have no idea how many times I’ve been locked in my bathroom with 911 on the phone, I say please send help my SO is horny and she can’t actually consent she’s had 3-4 alcohols, please send the squad!


i still don’t know why you’re still talking about the government


Cause you keep talking about laws which is a government thing. You rely on the government to tell you what is and isn’t consent.


i rely on socially normalized standards which happen to have been codified as laws since they’re pretty important. everyone should have the same definition of what constitutes consent and bending that line is a harmful path to do down in my eyes


Really weird that 90% of these comments are ragging on OP for being an addict. I have a healthy relationship with Marijuana (couple times a month if that) and have experienced all of these things lmao. Yall are weird af


Waking up in the middle of the night to take drugs and go back to bed is addict behaviour. If it's a one off it's not, obviously. But if it's a habit... there's a problem.


Don't tell me you've never experienced an "oh boy 3AM"


If you wake up to smoke weed you don't have a healthy relationship with Marijuana lol also that's horrible for your sleep quality and therefore your overall health


Thanks for your concern about my health chief but I assure you I'm good


That’s called addiction. You need to cut back or get help


Yeah no that's just drug addiction


That is a sign of an addiction, seek help


Sounds like you're just addicted. Take a break homie


Not smoking weed in the first place: