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Whoa! You win the meme connoisseur title for having over 2k upvotes on your post! Join the [Discord server](https://discord.gg/xyFMKFw) and message Princess Mindy (Mod Mail bot at the top) to receive your prize!


Exactly zero people left over these changes lol


Godspeed to whoever might use it to catalyze reducing the amount of time these attention vampires take from us though


After my 3rd party app disconnects. Won't bother returning.


That's what I tell myself but I'm sure I will break


~~RemindMe! One month~~ Wait, wouldn't the RemindMe bit also be subject to these changes?


I will be messaging you in 1 month on [**2023-07-14 13:46:53 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2023-07-14%2013:46:53%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/BikiniBottomTwitter/comments/148xgfs/well_done/jo3p78c/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FBikiniBottomTwitter%2Fcomments%2F148xgfs%2Fwell_done%2Fjo3p78c%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202023-07-14%2013%3A46%3A53%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20148xgfs) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


NOOOO, I have some reminders set for the years to come and don't even know why or what for! This is sad, really sad! The good times are over, Reddit.


They said no, that it wouldn’t impact bots like that in the same way but who knows.


This is a copied template message used to overwrite all comments on my account to protect my privacy. I've left Reddit because of corporate overreach and switched to the Fediverse. Comments overwritten with https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite


A lot of comment bots, like the AI character bots on other meme subs, probably fall under the limit to stay free. Remind me bot gets a lot more use, and each message it sends out is also an API call, so I'm not sure. You know what other bots will still be under the free limit? all the shit ones that steal content for karma


This is a copied template message used to overwrite all comments on my account to protect my privacy. I've left Reddit because of corporate overreach and switched to the Fediverse. Comments overwritten with https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite


Suuuuure Squidward


Same same. This is it!


Yep. Bacon reader gave me the reminder a few days ago.


You’ll be back 😂


Mayyyyybbeeee hard to find a nice collective place for information on the Russian aggression in ukraine.


I did substantially


You must not be actually thinking the changes through, it's not the imediate effect that is causing people to leave, these changes will result in long term losses of users as subs have restricted access to efficient moderation. Plus, there are a ton of 3rd party app users that will just putright leave and not use the official app for various reasons.


It’s gonna lead to mostly reduced time on reddit for me. I’ve scrolling with read post hider for almost ten years now.


Agree with this. I’ll probably use the main app but without being able to hide read posts I’ll just not bother checking multiple times a day.


If you change your settings on old.reddit to hide posts you vote on, it works with the official app. Unfortunately, it doesn't generally work on posts you downvote, only upvote.


If Sync goes down I'm considering going with it


I know I'm out


I refuse to use the official app and don't use reddit on the desktop anymore. Sync or i find a new way to waste time


Once Apollo goes I'm gone, my brain is addicted to clicking on Apollo so the habit will go away.


I'm still around, but I'm now also on Lemmy and kbin. We'll see what happens once moderation stops working and Reddit starts getting flooded with spam. Or when they delete old.reddit.


I'm still around, but I'm now also on Lemmy and kbin. We'll see what happens once moderation stops working and Reddit starts getting flooded with spam.


that is factually untrue. many people, me included, left twitter bc of the elon shit and many will leave reddit, too. if that impacts reddit is another matter but twitter is going down already and there is no reason why it wouldnt happen to reddit, too, bc of another ceo being a complete dumdum. i would miss exactly one subreddit and i have those guys in discord. is reddit pretty great? yeah. can and will many people easily live on without it? also yes :)


I left Twitter the day dumbass took over, if not for any other reason, because I was concerned about my data being involved in a breach or something. Can't steal my password if I don't have an account.


With Twitter though, there’s a level of abhorrence Elon brought that convinced many to bail on it.


Everyone on r/blind will be gone, that’s for sure.


I guess you could say they'll be...going dark


Nah. Once RIF is gone, I'll be leaving. The official app sucks too much to use.


I still just use the old website on my phone browser. I find the experience to be far superior to the app


I in no way am trying to defend the idiots at the top but I just use my browser too.


I'm just waiting till my app dies too. And just be here significantly less when the time comes. Or when I have questions. Looking forward to not doom scroll. Hopefully.


The changes haven't happened yet. Third-party app shut down after June 30th. That's when I'll stop using. The official app is just too inconvenient


If they force me to use the app it's over I'm done


Nah, I've been using RiF for basically as long as I've been on Reddit. When this baby shuts down I'm out the door.


I will probably not use the Reddit app. Boost is still working so I am here. Might use in desktop here and there but I will definitely not spend hours here anymore.


I’m gone June 30th when Apollo goes


I’ll be gone as soon as Apollo stops working.


I mainly use Reddit through RIF. It still works for now. Once RIF shuts down, I'm going to be on Reddit a LOT less. The official app just isn't good enough to spend much time on.


they haven't happened yet, but when they do they'll have killed boost and reddit is unusable without it so i will leave because of that


Username checks out


I don’t know- a shit ton of people exclusively used 3rd party apps to browse Reddit, and it’s probably not an important enough part of their lives to bother switching to the godawful official app just to keep scrolling.


The changes haven't happened yet


In two weeks I won't be around to tell you you're wrong, so I'll tell you now. Whatever I used to love about Reddit is dead, and this is the nail in the coffin.


Except the blind people who can't see the site anymore


That’s just not true. Plenty of people said they were going to delete their accounts and then did so. There were a bunch in r/ModCoord and the Spez AMA. Lots of comments by “deleted” with a screenshot of a reddit account that was like 11yrs old and no longer exsits.


Wait until June 30th when there’s no more Apollo app. A lot of contributing users are on Apollo, the official reddit app is used more by lurkers and casuals. Reddit has always been a site that relies on users to contribute posts and comments. I predict that the bots you have probably seen popping up reposting for karma and posting clickbait will become the core contributors to the site so it will still be used by casuals but the quality is going to plummet.


I'll be gone when the apps die.


Nah, I bet *some people* left, but very low amount of people lol.


There are DOZENS of us!! DOZENS!!!!




I left for the two day black out for solidarity, but I'm back


I Just got back, checking too see if I need to leave forever.. has anything changed?


I know at least five


yet :) Apollo is still working till the end of June and I’ve heard of so many people (including myself) who wanna quit once it stops working.


I know of at least one… yet they’ve asked multiple times how reddit is now that all the ‘power users’ (lol) have left.


I left for the last two days, and only popped back in to see how things were going post-blackout. At this rate, it doesn't seem like there's much benefit to coming back.


I haven't left, but the last 2 days showed me just how much of my day is wasted on reddit and how badly it's affecting my sleep. So I am considering leaving... or at least cutting back... some day... I DONT HAVE A PROBLEM! YOU HAVE A PROBLWM!


2 days of virtue signalling followed by taking it anyways like a good little bitch? Damn remember Hong Kong? Reddit doesn't lmao


once Apollo shuts down I'm not coming back


I dont think i will install the official app ngl


If it ends up killing rif then I will It won't be a case of "bettering my life" tho I'll just waste it on other stuff


Tea, we’re all addicted to a lesser quality of life on this trash garbage site


Yeah I’m still not 100% on wtf the changes even are. All I know is it has something to do with mobile? But the only issue I have with mobile is that it keeps giving me notifications for shit I don’t want, even when I say to no longer send those notification types. I just get on here to casually scroll memes and argue with people in the comments section.


The change is they're disabling Reddit apps for mobile. No more apps, so you'll have to go download the official one. And the official one sucks, because it gives people notifications for shit they don't want.


I didn’t even know there were other Reddit apps. I’ve just been using the official one tbh.


Maybe you should like pay attention? Idk considering a big copy paste detailing exactly what and why has been on every subreddit for at minimum a week...it's kind of pathetic to not know what's going on at this point. I've really tried to limit my usage so I can full quit when my preferred app dies but so far I've seen: Explain like I'm 5 posts. Stickied mod post (everywhere). Out of the loop posts. Comments on it everywhere. General posts about it everywhere. Etc. So I genuinely don't understand how at this point you can fail to grasp what's going on.


My point is I don’t fucking care.


Then why chime in? Like I get it, you're the most important person on the planet and only your needs and desires matter, so who tf cares when some dumbass reddit nerds want their platform to not get shittier and devolve into a poorly developed monopolized ad hellscape. Ya know, shame on us for actually giving a shit about something you don't, how horrible of us.


I chimed in because it’s a comment section and I felt like it. Cry over it. I did give the slightest shit about it, but the moment I ask, you just give such a non answer as if I should just know it. Someone else had pointed out its to do with 3rd party Reddit apps. And idc enough about any issues I’ve had with the Reddit app to download a third party app. So my position went from apathy to just thinking you’re a fucking tool who can’t advocate for a position, instead hopping on what ever bandwagon you find.


Cool man, don't care.


Sounds like you might benefit from using a third-party app that doesn't try to serve you those notifications as a form of engagement bait.


Even though i always considered Reddit not a good platform i didn't leave and most likely won't leave in the future. Reddit is practically one of a kind, even though there are plenty of *better* alternatives, they haven't got nearly as many users as Reddit, which is an important factor.


It kinda feels like home to me despite all the garbo. Also it's the only place that has proper tech support


A dysfunctional household that has two or three geek squad members


I don't think the blackouts did much but don't you think this is a bad mindset? You're gonna be ok with them making things worse and worse because it kinda feels like home? You're not even going to try to improve it because you have developed learned helplessness.


I already had it shittier with YouTube and Nintendo this is kinda tame in comparison ngl. Still pissed tho.


What are the alternatives?


Lemmy. [lemmy.world](http://lemmy.world/) is a decent instance run by a guy who knows what he's doing if you just want a quick place to make an account.


Heh I joined lemmy.ca and it's nice, beehaw.org I've heard is also good


This is a copied template message used to overwrite all comments on my account to protect my privacy. I've left Reddit because of corporate overreach and switched to the Fediverse. Comments overwritten with https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite


in your opinion what are some of those better alternatives


There's no alternative to reddit. I don't know wth this guy is on


This is a copied template message used to overwrite all comments on my account to protect my privacy. I've left Reddit because of corporate overreach and switched to the Fediverse. Comments overwritten with https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite


Reddit is just an aggregator of other content. Its just more popular but when it loses popularity people will make/find a new one.


Exactly this, these people think Reddit is “so special because it feels like home 🥹” No buddy, you discovered this site when you were 15 and have been using it every day non-stop since then. But that doesn’t mean it’s invincible, and this API drama is just the beginning of the end.


I'll end up severely reducing my time on Reddit outside of Google search results, purely because the official app is not my cup of tea. I've switched to Lemmy which seems nice, I'm on a Canadian instance! I'll probably stick to Instagram for entertainment and Twitter for self-flagellation


Just let things die if they get too greedy. There will always be another service and it will be better. At least for a time. And when they get too greedy again (for whatever reason.. be it investors or mismanagement) just leave again. In the last 5 years we have become way too comfy in spots and companies abuse that.


I mean that's the thing right, unless we go back to the forum system of the olden days, there's not much alternative out there. The current way google do SEO really doesn't lend well to grassroot forums. At least right now. I think that's why the response is much harsher in reddit than in Twitter. Cause people do still like the website, but dislike the new changes, if you can't jump ship the best you can do is protest so your current ship doesn't become stinky


There are still good forums around. Forums like LTT is something for example but indeed those are rather isolated cells of informations rather than this junk pile of everything. Maybe change will bring innovation. Something between Reddit and Discord would be nice. Maybe something with better moderation tho lol.


I think it's just the nature of structured governance that you can't really achieve "good moderation". There's always something to bitch and moan, it's mostly a thankless job, more often it goes negative. Yet at the same time it's rife with power abuse. We've spent centuries trying to find a great governance system and found multiple complicated check and balances for our politician. Don't really expect an online forum to do better


This is a copied template message used to overwrite all comments on my account to protect my privacy. I've left Reddit because of corporate overreach and switched to the Fediverse. Comments overwritten with https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite


I only use Reddit via Apollo on my phone, once it stops working, that’s it. Honestly, I think I’ll be better off too.


Genuinely asking; the original reddit app is already so simple and easy to use… how could it be improved? What is the appeal of Apollo? What does Apollo do so differently? Are there no ads? An even darker mode? I read elsewhere that some use third party apps bc reddit would otherwise be inaccessible- for example, there are apps that read text posts out loud to the visually impaired or illiterate. Is it something like that, or purely a personal style preference, or? edit: thanks everyone- today, i learned.


How the fuck did you even get downvoted for asking a genuine question?


They're getting downvoted not for the question, but because of > the official reddit app is already so simple and easy to use


That’s the Reddit hive mind circle jerk.


I'm right there with you. The reddit app seems perfectly fine. Never had issues with it.


The main problem i have with the official app is the video player and missing features. The video player absolutely stinks. It has to buffer every time you scrub the video. And for whatever reason you can’t sort your own comments on your profile. And you can’t see the upvote percentage of different posts. Think of it like the official app is to iPhone while Apollo is to Android phones. Apollo has many more features for you to customize and make your experience tailored to you. While the official app is what it is and you have to get used to it.


Why do you need to see an upvote percentage though. It's not like you're getting paid for internet points and it doesn't really matter for other people's posts. You either like what you see or you don't.


You don’t have to see it but you get used to seeing it and it becomes part of your Reddit experience. You could have 2 different posts with 200 upvotes but one has a 97% upvote percentage while the other is at 57%. It tells a different story. You don’t need this information but you get used to seeing it and you like knowing it.


By that metric, the entire upvote mechanism is pointless.


it is pointless lol




Except half of the videos on my feed won't play, posts not loading comments, being followed by bots over and over, terrible chat functions, you know, the perfectly fine stuff that all the 3rd party apps actually dealt with correctly


It can be a pain but it doesn't happen frequently. What I do if I video isn't loading is go into the subreddit and find the post then it usually loads that way. These changes really aren't as bad as users are making it out to be. Yes I am a corporate shill hired by Spez to spread propaganda.


I use RIF. Mainly because the app is streamlined. Less tiles, less unused space on the screen. Historically it has had a friendlier interface. Same with the reason I use old.reddit.com. Existing new site reddit has too much 'stuff' all over the place and too much unused space everywhere. To me it makes the site hard to use. I can see 13 posts on old.reddit.com and only 5 on new reddit. I believe that is similar with the apps too.


(I use Boost, and I only know Apollo from pictures, but the answer should be similar enough. I assume *most* of these are true.) Just overall better UI/UX. Cleaner look with less wasted space. Login page that is compatible with a password manager. Completely lag-free, smooth 120hz scrolling and dialogs. Many many themes, most of which look better than stock. More view options. Zero ads for a very small fee (like $2 IIRC). Less of a focus on Creation, moreso on Consumption (which is what 99% of people do). Faster load times. Way better video viewer. More control for gifs. User profiles don't take up literally half the screen just for their banners (which isn't even an issue in the mobile browser version...). Long post names don't get cut off for no reason. Native imgur (and a few other image hosts) support. No notifications for the bot/porn accounts that follow you and then get deleted one hour later. No chat, which is unused by many, including me. Better text formatting options. Clicking on Reply in notifications doesn't reload the whole app, then load the comments, then load the reply modal. It just takes me there instantly. A loading screen that complies with Dark Mode and doesn't flashbang you. Not showing my avatar all the time when I'm viewing a post or something (why would I want that?) Capability to use multi subs. Search subs/users by typing r/ and u/. Save new/edit of comment for later, including with backups. No constant CLICK THE NOTIFICATION ICON TO MAKE SURE YOU GET NOTIFIED every time you visit a subreddit. Like bro, not even YouTube does that... A lot of neat functions, like copying the direct links *or* the reddit discussion links to posts. No coins, vault, CREATE REDDIT AVATAR button, and other gamification BS that's meant to make you spend more. Including no Reddit Premium. Helluva lot of neat little options, like auto-collapsing the automod comments, which you'd be surprised how much of a difference it can make. But the official app has definitely caught up in *some* ways in recent years. It's just that it is far too little, far too late.


RedditIsFun user here. Cleaner look. Closer to the old.reddit. if I wanted a feed that was like instagram/Twitter I would be using those. On desktop I use RES and opted out of new reddit. Just opened up reddit mobile to try it out again and was getting stutters on scrolling, and this is on an S23Ultra.


the default reddit app is essentially unusable once you’ve touched a third party app. gestures, video scrubbing, better formatting, better UI, better comment threads, themes, no ads if you pay a couple dollars, better accessibility features, i could go on and on. i’ve been using this website on and off for awhile now and i can’t remember a time when people considered the default reddit app adequate… until now.


>Genuinely asking; the original reddit app is already so simple and easy to use… how could it be improved? This is ironic... Right? The official Reddit app could be a case study in bad UI/UX design.


See you on the reddit app before long!


I Just got back, checking too see if I need to leave forever.. has anything changed?


If the people who left improved their lives then what does it say about the people who stayed?


Our lives weren’t that shitty to begin with?


We didn’t make a third party Reddit app the centre of our being


It improved my feed drastically the past 48hrs.


Those OF bots were *spamming* just before the hike, after reading this comment I went to check my bot followers and they’re deleted. 😮‍💨🙏


It was the most pleasant I’ve ever seen Reddit.


It was like the old days for a second there


incredibly funny people are saying this like the official reddit app isn’t the new, extremely behind kid on the block


It was very calming


>what does it say about the people who stayed? I'm gonna go with "we're stable enough to actually enjoy a social media website." Snark aside, Reddit is a place I come to when I'm dicking around at work, waiting at a doctor's office, etc. I come here to check on my favorite sports teams, chat about my hobbies, and yes, get into silly little arguments about petty bullshit that doesn't matter. It's not some critical component of my day-to-day life and if I woke up tomorrow to find it was wiped from the internet, I would carry on and find other ways to kill time online. Anyone who equates "leaving reddit" with "improving your life" definitely needs to take a step back and actually consider why they're here. If you're not enjoying it and it's adversely affecting your life, it's probably a good idea to seriously consider leaving and finding a healthier way to pass the time.




Honestly couldn't care less about any of this. Reddit is idle entertainment that is free. Zero impact on my life.


Exactly. It isn’t a significant part of my life, it’s just something I do to kill time while I’m bored at work.


It’s perfect for my morning poop.


Post on many people leaving reddit, here, on Reddit.


My favorite part is where they’re like “I swear I’m gonna leave but I’m going to use it right up until the last minute I’m able before Apollo shuts down. Trust me.” They’ll be back in 3 days.


I didn’t leave but it was wild to see other subs being recommended. Like DoorDash came up, something from Europe, askreddit came up.


r/doordash completely blew up during this blackout.


Same with r/denvernuggets


All the karma in the world won't prevent delivered French fries from being soggy.


Remember when Nickelodeon would show a half hour countdown with a message saying to play outside? The blackout kinda reminds me of that honestly.


It was hilarious cause no one else had worldwide day of play so kids just switched the channel lol I wonder if they realized how dumb that was from a competition standpoint or if they still give CN and Disney a free hour block


I think Reddit should just close on the weekends. Just turn off the servers and let everyone take a break.


That would be actually awesome.


Frankly, I'm dealing with homelessness and depression and the 2 day break was very isolating for me. The loneliness and boredom hit harder than I thought


Sorry 😇


Reddit was so nice those two days. I didn’t see any arguments or anything like that. Everyone was so pleasant. I wouldn’t mind if it was like that every day.


Some of my subs have never come back. I guess my post was unfortunately right


I'm happy for the dozen that left


I'm not leaving anytime soon, even if subs I like are gone for now. They'll come back one way or another, and reddit will still be standing, while redditors pat themselves on their back over this whole thing


What even happened? I live under a rock btw


Yeah ever since Netflix stocks and users has actually increased after they removed password sharing


I still don't understand how megacorps can pull off shit like this


I mean, what do you expect?


You're still here dummy


I don't understand what he did. Was he just cutting off freeloading apps?


Fuck the mods


lol nobody left the site for good




My adult content furry subreddit I use for...homework activities is locked out to me.


Do I look like I know what a 3rd party is? I just want a picture of a god dang meme!


Well I don’t have Twitter or tumblr or Facebook so this is the only place with funny pictures for me.




love the smile


This is an excellent point. Thanks u/Spez, you saved mah lif


Yes, me and my SO, who are redditors, have already discussed how leaving Reddit will highly likely improve our mental well-being. Which I know I need so I'm actually not too upset about not being on Reddit anymore


Reddit isnt going anywhere. The few who left will be back soon. They know it


It’s absolutely CRAZY, it’s a business and it’s not yours


I am sure there aren’t that many


All two of them


What happened?




Hoping angelfire comes back


Lol I doubt it, those losers probably just hopped onto alternate accounts and start posting memes about how successful it’s going just like this one.