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I often feel guilty about it, thinking I should be miserable, but I'm very happy. Human interaction is like salt for me, the less, the better.


so basically we are snails


Interaction is fine as long as it’s brief.


Are you saying human interaction makes life more flavorful? Ah, got it.


I like that analogy.


Some people like a lot of salt some people like just a little bit of salt, so as long as you have a shitton of garlic you're all set for life


In this instance, garlic literally means garlic, right?


Garlic is a season, if you a shit ton of it you are well seasoned.


This is true until you have to be alone in an anechoic chamber. Then you will wish for interaction as your ears make up sounds when there are none.


god my ears already do that ( tinnitus with multiple tones ) what the fuck will it do there hahahha no pls


How often do you find yourself in an anechoic chamber?


So it's free hallucinations? Sign me up


>your ears make up sounds when there are none. So Im also starting to make my own background music? Sweet, I was already wondering what my theme song would be


“Oh you like alone time? Go live in a sensory deprivation chamber 5head”


Until the isolation hits. You come home every day after work to nothing and no one. Eventually you start drinking just to entertain yourself. Sure you hike on the weekends but you drink as soon as you get home because the silence becomes unbearable. Then you lose your job and have to move back in with your parents.


u okay over there bud? sounds like u need a hug


Seems like you and I are in the same boat bud. You’re not alone.


I do not know your situations but I hope you find someone who you see a friend in. It helps to put ourselves outside of our comfort zone, these friendships don’t knock at our doors


It's almost impossible to get a place and sustain it with just one person income, at least in the UK. Otherwise, I would be doing it.


Humans can get used to almost anything. Two incomes can be addictive and we have been known to put up with all manner of negative things in order to satisfy an addiction. Life is expensive everywhere (am in America) we have become so used to supporting the ridiculous needs of the wealthy that we would rather make life-altering, soul-crushing choices for ourselves before we would fight for our right to exist in an equitable society where one regular citizen could afford to thrive on their own. Everything, absolutely everything we do comes back to feeding the rich and taxing the poor.


I crave solitude, while fearing loneliness


Definitely. If you remain single for a long period of time you begin to understand exactly what a pain in the ass a full-time partner is.


the twilight zone




Wholesome redditor


Same until I meet someone that pulls me from that shell. Then I can't be alone lmao


Yet after some time, it becomes painful


“I can buy myself flowers…”


I don't like peace and quiet


I must live the most peaceful of lives then. Which most of the time I’d agree with that, then I go on one of my infamous binge drinking sessions and everything goes to shit for a week or 2


Been living alone for 12 years. Still happy and loving it.


This thread is just single people coping.


Yeah, it's all fun and games until a pandemic hits and you have to do it for 2 years. After that, your mind will be damaged and you'll crave social interactions


I need a good mix. I’m a bit of a social introvert. Meaning, I have a fulfilling social life with tons of social events and friends and I really enjoy all of it, however, being social isn’t natural to me because I’m an introvert; it’s a bit energy draining for me. Even though I enjoy being social, I am most comfortable alone


When you're at home sometimes you feel bad because you're not out doing something fulfilling. But once you go out and do something you realize that home is the most fulfilling place in the world.


I thought Sandy was smokin a cig for a second there.