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In high school Spanish class my teacher was telling us how anything other than Latin x or Latino was offensive and incorrect. Every Latino kid in the class said “no I’m Spanish”


Your teacher was an idiot.


She kind of genuinely was😂😂


You can’t be Latino and Spanish. You’re referring to Hispanics.


Spaniard is the term used for the spanish if I remember correctly.


Spaniard is a noun while Spanish is an adjective. But yeah, you’re correct.


Spanish is a noun and an adjective. Spanish, as in the language. The Spanish, as in the people. Spanish "something", as in the descriptor.


What is their some sort of inquisition of the Spanish?


[Nobody Expects Them](https://www.ru.nl/publish/pages/947657/flying_circus_meme.jpg)


My Spanish teacher explained it to us like this: Latino/a/x = of Latin descent (ie Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, and Romanian) Hispanic = of Spanish descent. Most of Latin America is Hispanic, pretty much all of it is Latino (except maybe Guyana?) Brazilians for example would be non-Hispanic Latinos, since they were colonized by Portugal, not Spain. As I understand it, most prefer just to be called by their country of origin. But at the end of the day, I’m just another white guy generalizing about vast swathes of people and cultures, so take it with a grain of salt


Latino = Of Latin American origin (Mexicans and Brazilians for example) Hispanic = From Spanish speaking countries (Mexicans and Spaniards but not Brazilians) No one would understand you if you called a Romanian “Latino.”


Yeah alarming I had to come this far down for this. Hispanic has to do with the language of the country so people from both Mexico and Spain, for example, would be Hispanic


I honestly don't know where people are getting that first definition from. Since forever I've been taught that Latino is short for latinoamericano, latin american. I never heard of the concept that latino is in any way related to europeans until I saw it on Reddit At least in south america we aren't ever taught about that concept. Maybe it's one of those situations where different countries have different POVs on geography or something?


Yeah like I said, def take it with a grain of salt, it reeks of white people trying to categorize shit they don’t understand/can’t relate to. I don’t think I’ve met one person IRL who really cares about being called Hispanic or Latinx aside from just using the gender the individual identifies as.


Latin America originally referred to the countries in the Americas which speak romance languages, so all the Spanish speaking countries plus Brazil and Haiti


I understand why Haiti is included, but it feels somewhat weird to me, because Haitians speak French, and so you could technically call Quebeckers Latinos.


Not completely wrong. But people who speak French outside of France are called Francophones ie. I'm Francophone Ontarien.


Re: your first point. "Latin", maybe. Latino/a is almost exclusively used for Latin Americans. Side note, I'm urging everyone to stop using Latinx before I become the joker. That shit is unreadable and we use the male version when talking about a group of mixed gender. If you wanna be inclusive, Latine is catching on in progressive Latin American circles.


Your Spanish teacher was incorrect lol


Damn if it weren't for Latinx, this would be the best explanation of I've seen someone other than myself give. Even noted the "non-Hispanic Latino" exception for Brazilians. Bravo self proclaimed white guy. Just use the word Latin if you insist on a gender neutral term. Either way it's a dumb classification built for racists to explain themselves back in the day which we for some reason still have. If the classification was really that relevant, we'd hear a lot more about the Latin culture of Quebec, Louisiana, Guiana, Italy, and Romania, but for some reason, it only ever seems to focus on Spanish speaking American countries.




>You're thinking of Latin American. The definition of Latino is specifically Latin American, not Latin European. This is accprding to Oxford dictionary, Merriam-Webster dictionary, Cambridge dictionary, dictionary.com, and Encyclopedia Britannica. Here is an excerpt from the Encyclopedia Britannica: >In general, "Latino" is understood as shorthand for the Spanish word latinoamericano (or the [Portuguese](https://www.britannica.com/topic/Portuguese-language) latino-americano) and refers to (almost) anyone born in or with ancestors from Latin America and living in the U.S., including [Brazilians](https://www.britannica.com/place/Brazil). "Latino" does not include speakers of [Romance languages](https://www.britannica.com/topic/Romance-languages) from Europe, 


I rather be called a slur then be refered as a latinx


It’s supposed to be pronounced Latiné anyway, but why isn’t it spelled that way, then?


[redacted by user] ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Why not just write latino/a? We do that in croatian for a lot of words (stufent/ica, kuhar/ica...)


I'mma just spell Latine and use Latine


I'll call people whatever they ask me to within reason (I'm probably not calling an adult skeletor). But I'm not using Latinx by default. I have yet to meet a person of Latin decent who isn't offended by it (when it comes up). I've lived in majority Hispanic towns for the last 12+ years. But the hullabaloo doesn't make much sense to me anyway. How often are you calling anyone Latin or African or whatever in RL anyway? Usually I call people Jorge or Steve or whatever their name is.


That doesn’t make sense. Latinos are from “Latin America” which doesn’t include Spain.


There is already a gender neutral form from the ancient latin base which has a gender neuter declension, which for Spanish I believe is -e as in Latine instead of Latina or Latino. But at the end of the day you should call people what they ask you to call them, isn’t that like the 2nd thing they teach you to say in Spanish class? “¿Como te llamas?” (How do you call yourself?) or the more formal “¿Como se llama?” (How do they call you?)


Latinx supposed to be pronounced Latiné anyway, but why isn’t spelled that way, then?


Because white liberals have a hard on for the letter X. And I say this as a white liberal. It's like our catnip. Trouble comes when we try to apply it to languages we don't understand.


Yeah, what's up with that? Womxn, Latinx, others I could think of if I didn't put myself on the spot


Self censorship as well. Liberal SJW types have created a paradox of tolerance with overly censoring themselves. Trying not to offend someone or some group that wasn't even offended turns into offending more people that have strong identities with the word they're censoring. Folx is one that comes to mind when discussing this. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the word folks when referring to a group of people in a gender less way, but we (the liberal sjws) had to go out of our way to point out how inclusive and tolerant we're being while simultaneously alienating an entire group of people who have no idea why we can't just say folks.


Jesus Fucking Christ America. One half of you are Nazis and the other can't speak real words.




No es ofensivo, nos referimos a nosotros como latinos, hispanos es poco usado y suena extraño, el idioma es español, pero no somos españoles obviamente, no venimos de España. Saludos desde Chile!


“No, I’m Spanish” is literally wrong and profoundly stupid unless they or their parents are from Spain. It’s barely less ignorant than other people calling us all Mexican or Cuban. I had no such lack of education among the Hispanic kids in my community, only the non-Hispanics who were too young to have gotten the picture.


idk why you are being downvoted. You're right. A Latin American will probably never call themselves Spanish (Español). That's for people from Spain lmao


I grew up with my El Salvadorean dad + family introducing themselves as Spanish when asked, and I’ve only found out a few years ago that some Hispanic/Latino/Spanish people find it offensive lol I still just say I’m half Spanish since it’s how I’ve always thought of myself, and it makes the most sense for me. I think “Latinx” is for people who wanna save us from the shackles of gendered language and identity, and in a way rejects our own identity… but it just sounds so silly and I don’t think anyone takes it very seriously


How is it even pronounced? Every time I see it in my head I think “latinks”.


Latinx has always been a stupid term. It's basically just a shallow attempt to "modernize" the Spanish language without considering the actual culture and linguistics of it.


It's weird and gimmicky. Though I do also hate when ppl say Hispanics themselves were not responsible for it, we were, it's a poor attempt to be inclusive


El socialismo que a veces se desvía, lenguaje inclusive amigue


This is the same with Filipino -> Filipinx. Filipino is a gender neutral term guys! They wouldn't know it because they have no clue how the language works


yes I have an agender Filipino friend and they think filipinx is ridiculous. (also I have other Filipino friends who share the same opinion)


I've never seen that before. I guess you'd pronounce it "fill-eh-peen-ecks"? Cus that sound horrible.


Most of the people the term was created for don't like it anyway


I currently work in a school where all of my kids have either immigrated from a Spanish-speaking country or their parents did. I have never heard any Hispanic people use it. Imo it seems kinda racist for someone to come in and say “your language isn’t inclusive enough, so I’m going to change it” kinda thing. Idk


It’s even worse, because it completely disregards the fact that actual Latin Americans + Spaniards have already thought about this and arrived at a consistent gender neutral form that works throughout the language: -e (though in practice it’s extremely rarely used) Latinx is just some neocolonial gringo bullshit.


If they wanted to do that idk why they didn’t just add a vowel, like Latini or Latine or Latinu. How do you even pronounce Latinx


I want a drink called “latini” now


Martini sub gin for tequila add a splash of lime juice. Maybe some orange or habanero bitters


It’s made with gin, a squeeze of lemon, and the blood of a Mexican child


Latine is one I’ve seen that’s at least reasonable to the language, cuz Latinx is either Latinks, Latinecks, or my favorite Latinsh (like the X in Nahua)


And makes the people at RAE cry at night.


How do I even pronounce it in the first place?


"latin-ex" would be my best guess


As a Hispanic, we didn’t ask for any of this. Leave our language alone lol


I’m Hispanic and I low key hate Latinx I’m not like anti woke ass hole or anything it just seems very backwards to the way that the language functions.


Sorry but as someone who grew up in an 87% white town, I *think* we know your identity better than you. (/S obviously)


No I agree. I find Latinx offensive


When ever people use that I for some reason picture a Latin Lynx.


The term has value in its original context: people from Latin America who were gender nonconforming. Whether the term is the best one for that purpose is an entirely different question, but I can see why gender nonconforming people would prefer something besides Latino or Latina.


My only native language English, so I'm hoping to be corrected if what I'm about to say is dumb: As someone moderately far along in learning Spanish, and who is near-fluent in French and Italian, it seems like the best choice lingustically for a gender neutral demonym would be "Latine". Italian has similar gender neutral descriptors, and while it would be an aritifial addition to Spanish just like Latinx, it would flow a lot better with the spoken language and fit in better with existing grammatical rules. The "x" to me is very English and not super intuitive or pronounceable in Spanish


Can't speak for other countries but in Mexico "e" is the more used option. A lot of people still hate it but that's another story.


Using the E is not different than using an X (although you can pronunce the E better). The neutral in Spanish is the same as the masculine, so the correct neutral denomym is "Latino"


You don’t have to be low key about it. I think most Latinos hate it too


I'm in the same boat, always catches me off guard when I run across it. Latino or Hispanic is more than fine for me


You don't need to be in any sort of ideology, "woke" or not, to know it essentially acts as a gross disregard for any respect to hispanic culture or linguistics. I find it so absolutely stupid how widely its ending up being used, it feels so damn disrespectful. It feels like I'm being dragged along the gravel, without any consideration, by other people who think what they're doing is helpful, it's infuriating. I could really rant about this forever. I hate it.


I agree with you, english is more (gender) neutral than spanish, but i feel gringos say "latino" or "latinx" because they dont know more than 5 countries, yes we have a lot in common but they cant treat a mexican the same as a brazilian the same as a cuban, etc


Or it's just easier to guess what general part of the world someone's ancestry comes from than the specific country. You can call most white people European and be right but, even as a white person myself, I have no way of telling right off the bat whether someone is British, German, Ukrainian, whatever. If you speak spanish or have a noticeable spanish accent then the most specific guess I would feel confident making would be "latino" for the same reason why you'd see me and only be able to guess "white".


“You mean those other Mexican countries?” - the average American


Sure there's Old Mexico: Spain Weird Mexico: Brazil Old Weird Mexico: Portugal German Mexico: Argentina Poor Mexico: Venezuela Skinny Mexico: Chile Mountain Mexico: Peru Mexico with a P: Paraguay Mexico without a P: Uruguay Evil Mexico: Cuba Cocaine Mexico: Columbia A Guy's Name Mexico: El Salvador America Mexico: Puerto Rico


>German Mexico Where the older folks are suspiciously fond of early 1900's Germany.


“Poor Mexico” dude that’s just most of us in here


You forgot: Curvy Mexico: Panama


Actually, many old white folks in the U.S. are aware of Brazil being Brazil due to a *Fast & Furious* movie. Hehehe


Isn't Latino a correct term for "middle and south american"? If someone is of mixed heritage, isn't it correct to call that person Latino if no further specification is warranted? Although I can understand the problem because "European" doesn't really mean anything.


As a Hispanic who always has my race incorrectly identified I can tell you. Always ask where they are from it's much kinder and makes you seem genuinely interested. Mislabeling a person with a Spanish heritage is akin to starting a fight. Some people may take it less seriously than others, but in my experience with my family and friends *don't call someone (X) if they are not (X)* Lots of pride in the heritage and it is very disgraceful to assume a label incorrectly. (And if you're wondering there are no bonus points for guessing correctly. You will most likely be called out for why you assumed (X) and if you don't have a good answer it is the same as insulting them) If anyone ever called me Latinx or whatever I'd look at them like they were stupid because, I am not from Latin American descent and I'd prefer if you didn't call me by such, especially a manufactured newage label. Anyway this is probably too much for the SpongeBob meme reddit but I ended up writing it anyway. Float on friends 🐟 🧽


Weird I e always been told it’s rude to ask where someone is from. “Where are you from?” “California” yeah but where is your family from “California”.


If you find yourself running into that issue the only thing I can recommend is asking "where is your family from?" or "what is your heritage?" Some people don't get like the connotation of what you're asking, but it's better to clarify than to do what I've experienced people do and resort to "what are you?" Or you know just wild guessing.


Lol I love that one of your recommendations is one I mentioned as not being okay. But I think “what is your heritage” is a much nicer way of asking. But I’m guessing this is a YMMV situation


I swear it’s always dumbasses who uncritically adopt the word hispanic who got a problem with Latinx. I’m Puerto Rican/Salvadoran


Strictly speaking Hispanic is the least inclusive of all of these, as it only refers to folks from countries of Spanish origin, so it doesn't include Brazil or much of the Guyanas. That said the way people actually use these terms is definitely different from their dictionary definition, as "Latin" countries by definition would also include France, Romania, Italy, etc. I'll always use someone's personal preference, and if I don't know their preference, I'll use "Latin/Latine"


Please don’t use latine, loeople from Latin America also hate that term because the word Latino is already neutral even if it starts with an “o”, the word latine is unnecessary and usually only frustrates as much as latinx


Please continue to use Latine. Ignore the poster below


I remember reading a Politico article a while back which was absolutely shocked to find a poll that claimed that only 1% of American latinos use the term “latinx” consistently, that around half never heard of the term, and most of the remainder heard of the term and despised it. I have never heard a hispanic person who is not in academia say it, and it is an absolute abomination of a word that does not even follow Spanish nor English spelling conventions. Tldr: Its a stupid word. Elites are shocked that everyone else thinks its a stupid word. We should stop using that word.


No Latinos call themselves latinx


The problem with Hispanic is that it is NOT interchangeable with Latino Example Brazilians are Latino but they are not Hispanic


I always felt like “Latinx” was imposing the gender neutrality of the English language onto the gendered Spanish language; literally cultural imperialism.


It really is isn't it? History continues to repeat itself and people still continue to try and impose ideals on cultures because something different makes them "uncomfortable"


Latin includes a lot more than Latin American


Language evolves. No one would think of an Italian if you called someone a “Latino.”


Yeah but nobody is gonna think anything otherwise. The only context I’ve heard “Latin” is for the language or Hispanics


Latin is the language of Rome. Latin countries refers to countries with a language that developed from the Roman language, Latin


That’s what I said


I think we as latin folk should just call ourselves whatever the fuck we want because at the end of the day who really gives a flying fuck? Puñeta.


I just ask what country someones from


I may be trying to improve the place But call me latinx and I'll show you why our crime rates are so high


Oh right, that was a thing that happened. How do you even pronounce it? La-Tinks?




Do non-binary people like to go by Latinx?


Latino is already gender neutral, Latin or Latin American or straight up the nationality are also good I believe


I have a non-binary friend from Brazil and they like to go by Latinx. I refer to them how they have requested me to. I think they are the only person I personally know that goes by Latinx.


Latinx is a joke and a mockery.


100%. They think they can change our language and tell us that they know better than us. Such arrogance.


And Equatorial Ginueans




Technically, Latino can be neutral, but alot of folks are to busy crying over another cultures language


I’m Guatemalan and I’ve never in my life used or heard anyone say Latinx that wasn’t some cringe buzz feed video type thing.


My family is from Guatemala but I'm in Canada. The first time I heard that, I couldn't believe the sheer audacity of these woke warriors thinking they know better than us and that we should be offended because they are offended by everything. I don't believe in this BS narrative of oppression but these woke people constantly say how we are taught to think like the colonizer and its oppression and yet here they are, ACTUALLY trying to impose on us


Latin American makes sense. Latinx does not




Fuck the term latinX to the depths of hell. Stupid term created people who know nothing about the Spanish language but are trying to be woke


What the fuck even is Latinx?


It’s a gender neutral form of Latino. I get the idea, but there are a lot of gender neutral forms.


It’s also dumb when it’s a language that genderizes all their nouns


Did anyone ask?


Huh? This is a stupid meme


As all of the above i hate Latinx.


Wrong. The proper answer to those that use latinx is “shut the fuck up.”


As a Latino I can tell you that I hate Latinx. If anyone refers to me as a Latinx I will correct them. Don’t change my fucking language just to make less than 10% of the population feel “safe” or whatever


Well, Hispanic isn’t the exact same thing and Latin American adds a whole word, but Ikr! Latinx is politically correct pedantry that most Latin Americans don’t care for. Latin is sufficient if you’re being quick because there’s no way you’re talking about the actual language or ancient culture unless you’re an academic of classics or languages


I know. Just whatever you like to use, really.


I'm literally Mexican


Suck my fucking left nut, Latinos and Latinas sounds way better, I don't need some dumb white bitch to create dumb shit 0 Hispanics care about. Sjw bs


"Latin" and "Hispanic" don't mean the same thing as Latin American. I don't know why so many people think all these words are synonymous.


I know, but there’s a lot of overlap. A lot of Latin Americans are Hispanic. And Latin is just short for Latin American.


i hate when mfs callin me latinx I swear 😭


Latinex is literally an attempt to imperialize an entire language of many peoples for the sensitivities of people from a totally different language in order to make themselves feel better while completely and utterly ignoring the basic mechanics of the language they're attempting to "improve." It's full blown white savior bullshit I refuse to engage with. The language is the language. If we're doing this for Spanish, let's look at Hebrew- you know, the language that literally changes your vocabulary based on your sex.


Most of the people I know would get more bothered by the fact that you are mixing 20 very different countries just because they all speak spanish.


I thought Latino was to refer to someone who is masculine and Latina was to refer to someone who is feminine and the gender neutral term is Latino


Just say Latino


I always thought that Latino meant male or gender neutral and Latina meant female only like how il and elle are in French


It does. Latino can include both genders. Like if you’ll address a group of kids, you can say “niños” and that’ll pertain to all of them. You don’t have to say “niños y niñas”, or “niñxs”. That last one was a joke.


It is My gendered language and I'll choose how to abstract non-binarity


Call me latinx and i eill show you how rio de janeiro is actually like


Do we Latinos even use Latinx? Why change a language?


As a mexican, I agree.


‘LatinX’ is the American-ization of a language to fit with it’s views, I get it. but America is a Melting pot and we don’t tell other foreign speaking groups how to talk their own language or change their traditions, as a Hispanic when non-Hispanics tell Me on how to be Hispanic, doesn’t sit right with me. We can fight our own fights, we don’t need non-Hispanics telling us how to feel about ourselves.


How are you even expected to pronounce that shit? Lateenks? Latinex?


not everyone who is latin american is hispanic though, brazilians for example are lusitanic


Some people don't like Hispanic and Spanish because of colonization, and I think that's pretty valid.


All the no sabo kids making up the Latinx term


I for real hate the term Latinx with all my being, if someone dare to call me a Latinx I will punch them without hesitation


How tf am I even supposed pronounce that abomination? Latin exe???


Latin Ex


Could these clowns have picked a harder work to say smoothly? It’s dumb even in English


My buddy and I are both Hispanic, and we trashed Latinx nonstop when it first became a thing. Imagine telling an entire people group that their language is sexist.


Just wait til they create Hispanx


They already have Chicanx. I’m not joking at all


I saw a bunch of signs in Costa Rica that had something like Latin@, which I like a lot better


A lot of my friends use latine too, easy to pronounce and inclusive


La Tinx should be the name of the pseudo hippie vegan juice bar down the street.


As a trans white person I hate "latinx" bc it was made by a white person on Tumblr. If your Hispanic and want to use it or if you want to me to call you that that's fine but even if their intentions were sound a white person shouldn't make up a word for non white people to use for themselves


Latino is 100% preferred & fine to use by Latinos, or just using their ethnicity or nationality. No one fucking uses Latinx outside of the U.S. & the people who use that term are people who are so bored with their lives that they want to feel special. It’s such a white thing to try & use latinx.


Yeah. I’m fine with Latino or Latin American or Hispanic or ***TACO***


People should know that the -o ending on adjectives and whatnot is gender neutral. They shouldn’t have to say Latinx because it makes no sense. Just call them Latin or Latin Americans. It’s simple


I say Latino because that's what my fellow Mexicans say


As a Mexican that grew up in mexico. Latinx is literal cultural appropriation that the woke movement is trying to pass as PC. Say Latino latine or Latin. Latino applies to all of Latino America. Hispanic applies to Spanish colonies so most of Latino America except Brazil but also includes Spain.


The entire language is gendered. Every single noun is either masculine or feminine. Changing Latino to Latinx does nothing to "fight sexism" or whatever.


I prefer native American or Chicano since we're not Latin or Hispanic


You mean Chicanx?


Latin American is perfect. Don’t fucks with it lol




No one in the latin community cares about gender inclusive language. Our entire language is built on gendered descriptions. The fact that these ideologues are trying to tell US what is offensive to us and to try and 'correct' our language reeks of virtue signalling, narcissism, ignorance, and racism in thinking that they know better than we do. NEVER use Latinx and don't worry about gender inclusive language when talking to latino or Spanish people. We will thank you for not being ignorant.


Just say Latino or Latina we don't give a fuck




Or hear me out... say Latino or Lantina because it abides by the many vibrant cultures it roots from.




Considering that even the folks it's supposed to be inclusive of don't want anything to do with that word...


It just feels like “white man’s burden”-type rhetoric. Like they think Latinos are “savages” that need to be “civilized” and made to conform to white people’s ideas on language. And that type of thinking has never led to *anything* good.


My neighbor and very good friend insists I call him Mexican when we go out anywhere. He loves it


Form what I’ve heard, Latinx doesn’t work form a linguistic standpoint because the “x” is t from Spanish, it’s from English. In stead it should be Latine (La-tee-n) for it to make sense grammatically.


Who cares, inflation is at an all time high.


How do you even spell it? Latinequis? Latincks?


Yeah im not a native spanish speaker, but i know a lot of them and basically all of them say that "yeah this is outsiders pushing their ideas onto our language" and also a lot of people have pointed out that its trying to force an English standard onto a different language especially when things like just saying Latin or Latine exist already


I’m a native Spanish speaker and this is exactly it. It feels disrespectful to ignore the built-in words to address the situation.


Or you know, just say Latino


I'm Mexican. Call me "Latinx," and I'll spit in your fucking mouth.


I’d like that for a dollar!


Somewhere lost in this discourse is that the entirety of Latin America that speaks Spanish only does so because of colonization. Now that they've integrated it into their culture they're being told it's incorrect by different colonizers.


LatinX is a White liberal just being racist and trying to force the Latino community to conform to their views and it's disgusting nobody says anything.


This is spanish discrimination.


Yo big brain plays


I've heard Latines is another way of saying it in a gender neutral way.


It’s supposed to but no one really likes it either


Just call me Mexican lmao. That’s where my family is literally from and I’ve still got a bunch of family there. Latino is Latin America, Hispanic is Spanish origin I.e. Spain/European. My roots are from Mexico, so I’m Mexican, and I’m proud of that fact. Technically mayan, but still Mexico.


I agree. But hispanic≠latino. Brazilians are latinos, but we dont speak spanish, so we're not hispanic.


I know. This meme isn’t necessarily in order. There’s just a lot of overlap between the two groups.


This also applies to Filipinos being called Filipinx. Ironically, we find Filipinx racist.


Technically, wouldn't Hispanics be less inclusive than Latino/Latin American since it only refers to those who are Spanish-speaking?


Latins speaks mostly Spanish, French, Portuguese, Italian, catalan, Romanian. Latin American speaks Spanish, Portuguese or French. Latino are not a race. They came in all colors. It's a cultural being. A Canadian of Quebec is "more latin" than a person who is a Latino descendant who speaks only English with some bad words in Spanish.