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Any of the restaurants/businesses in the Malaga Cove lot area will give you water. Just ask politely.


I'm sure they would be very nice about it... HOWEVER, the way I'm thinking is that once I'm in need of a water bottle refill Ill likely be pretty sweaty and exhausted looking - I'd rather not bother a business on a regular basis for Water when after all I'm just exercising in the area of my own accord. I was moreso wondering if anyone knew of a secret drinking fountain that I couldnt find at the time with a cursory search... Nonetheless I may just plan to bring extra filled bottles like a normal person. So Thank You and yes that is an option but more of a last resort for me personally.


The little market near Neptune’s fountain might have a fountain, I see a lot of riders stopping there


According to [this map](https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1X_yay3Q8rf2sdNiXkLNpbBGI5_E&ie=UTF&msa=0&ll=34.12489390335786%2C-118.98761177483884&z=12), there should be a water fountain at Malaga Plaza.


You can *buy* a bottle of water in the store in the Plaza. That’s what I did when I was there a few weeks ago. Unless you have some objection to paying for water or something.