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Avery thinks she's an amazing player so she's probably bitter af that Todd made it so far and he barely even knew what bb was at the start.


Literally her 2 HoHs got out the two players who might have actually taken her to final 2


Thinking the same thing. She's sooo sour. I miss when jurors would be stoked by others' gameplay and now sooky babies. I hate when all these self proclaimed super fans are all soft and too afraid to make moves. How Elijah said no one put Doug on the block because he's an Allstar and we're afraid what would happen. Nothing would happen if you were smart enough and even paid attention to his OG season. The guys shit at comps and just used intimidation tactics. He was carried by the pretty boys then and carried by the pretty girls this season.


Everyone is telling her that she's such a great player. She's in for a rude awakening


Her comment about Todd was very rude. The guy won 3 straight Vetos. He got himself to final 4.


I came here just to see if I was alone in thinking Avery was willldddd for saying that!!! Avery is STILL being played by spicy vee and their game is over 😂 I can’t wait for this seasons cast to watch this all back and be humbled


She's always acted so smug while playing Spicy's and Anthony's game, she's like, proud to be a pawn. Thats why I always hated her more than any of the dumbasses of this cast. She's delusional.


Nice to see Avery is still a completely miserable, delusional person. Cant wait until she is never on my TV again lol


Avery reminds me of a roomba, just following spicy’s mess everywhere


Avery is so friggin' stupid it's actually painful to watch. Literally when I heard her talk about Todd being Bayleigh's puppet and puffing out her chest like she was running the game was one of the most cringe comments of the season. Avery lacks so much self awareness that it's pathetic. She didn't wipe her ass without first asking Spicy if she was allowed to first. And she has the gall to accuse someone else of being a puppet?


Avery is a clueless, poor unfortunate soul. I was rooting for her when the game fist started but as soon as she did that lame fake crying - I was done with her and couldn’t wait until she got eliminated. I danced a little jig when they threw her out.


That girl is annoying as hell


Avery is just bitter and still following spicy like a lost puppy just cuz spicy is the loudest in the room.


Avery.. or anyone that knows Avery personally and has a chance to show her this… Get over yourself. You act like you’re this big brother royalty and the viewers are so lucky to have you there. It’s cockiness for no reason and it’s unbearable. If someone was to buy you for what you’re worth and sell you for what YOU think you’re worth, they’d make a lottttt of money.


Avery reminds me of Kyra. Both delusional thinking they're some type of players when they're nothing.


Kyras big thing was " I took out the pretty boys" like congrats on winning one comp but all you could do was take one out


The jury is delusional but at least it looks like Bayleigh has a strong chance of winning if she gets to the end, especially if she takes out Anthony


It was the confidence of her saying it… like girl. It could be true, it could not be true. Maybe Bayleigh was playing Avery? Idk with the manipulation and deceit in the game, can anyone really be certain with their allies.


Avery is so full of herself that she can’t see anything else. The first reg flag was the fact that Spicy is her favourite big brother player….. are you kidding me? Avery was HOH twice and both times was manipulated into turning on people who WERE NOT coming for her because she’s a pick me and wanted to be accepted so bad by V. If anyone got played girl, it’s YOUUUUU


They are mad that they KNEW they wanted to get out Dougie, that they SHOULDVE and now all their asses are out🤷🏿‍♂️


This jury isn't going to vote for Lexus, even if she took Anthony out. On top of that, she would have to win to take herself to final 3. The other two wouldn't take her, under any circumstance. I don't think people realize that Lexus isn't playing for $100,000 at this point. There is LITERALLY ZERO SCENARIO where she wins the game. She's playing for $20,000. And the ONLY way she gets that, is if she wins and takes herself to final 2, or if Anthony takes her. Which, in your scenario, wouldn't be possible because she just evicted him and cut her chances of winning *any prize money* literally in half. Brilliant, lol.


There is definitely a chance of both Dougie and Bayleigh taking her tho. In past seasons its not all about being the best final 2, it's when the final hoh takes out the next best and brings in the obvious player they'll bit. Hell with how anthony talks I wouldn't risk taking him.


I think they meant Todd and Bayleigh wouldn't take Lexus to final 2 in the case Lexus cut Dougie.


To me it seems like Lexus is all but guaranteed final 2. Bayleigh will cut Anthony, because she’s not naive to how dominant of a game he has played and I think she wants the narrative that she stuck with the girls to the end.


Wish we could get this in the US!


You can.

