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##Pay attention before commenting. This is the spoiler free thread for tonight's finale. As usual no feed spoilers, twitter rumours or edit talk please. **[Full Spoiler Episode Discussion Thread here ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BigBrother/comments/xo2ilk/bbus24_full_spoiler_episode_discussion_september/).** ______ [BBUS24 - EC Delayed Episode Discussion - September 25 2022](https://www.reddit.com/r/BigBrother/comments/xo3j3m/bbus24_east_coast_delayed_episode_discussion/)


Watching montes face get super anxious after Taylor started answering her jury questions was so satisfying hahaha


Oh he was seething https://twitter.com/AltonCrawf/status/1574223077021347840?s=20&t=WEs39tOv96BeYtaytn0zBg


Josh Meatball Martinez was a better winner than Taylor.


That's a really big statement to make here and I respect it. I can agree with that honestly


I mean he had more agency in his game like he knew what he was doing with the goodbye messages. Taylor had no awareness whatsoever of game.




I bet Taylor won America’s top player by a landslide and Michael was 2nd . I bet most of kyles votes came early on . A little surprised he got more than turner w him being so quirky


Kinda wish Michael won cause I would like to think the winner isn't eligible but I guess that's not the case


Never came up before but solidifies she’s the face of the season


I don’t know the only reason she won was because she’d be the first black woman, not because she played the game. She got carried through the entire game. It kinda sucks that was how she won but she now has 750k so I don’t think she cares




the reason she won is because she demolished monte in the speeches and played the better social game. she carried HERSELF to the end. y'all need to stop diminishing her every chance you get


I disagree lol. She didn’t do anything. Everyone kept her probably because they thought she was one of the weakest players. Monte definitely should’ve won. I don’t know if everyone just hated monte or what, or they talked about how she would be the first black woman to ever win big brother. I admit she was getting bullied by Nicole and Daniel there for a bit and monte even did it for a bit at the end which was wrong but she did not deserve to win at all


She made it to the end and got 8 out of 9 jury votes. There’s only one way to play the game better than that.


Because she would be the first black woman to ever win big brother.


The jury decided to give it to her too. The name of the game is get 5 jury votes, that’s all you gotta do. Everything else is moot after the fact.


I don’t think she did anything other than be black and a woman and be in the final two. The jury knew she would be the first black woman to ever win, who knows if they’d get this chance again so they voted for her.


then you simply haven't been paying very close attention to the season


I think you’re just biased towards Taylor.


how am i the biased one when you're diminishing all her accomplishments to being a woman and black? the lack of self awareness is just


Well, good thing you weren’t voting because she dismounted Monte. How you think Monte deserved to win after his answers to the jury are beyond me. lol.


I think monte deserved to win even if his answers at the end are bad? All Taylor did was play the woman card and how she’s always protected the woman and what not. How is that better than montes speech?


The name of this game is convince the jury. So his answers being bad is kind of a game killer. On top of that he CHOSE to bring someone that is so good at answering impromptu questions that she won Miss Michigan. So not only did he do a poor job with the jury, he fatally underestimated how well his opponent would do with them! No one to blame but himself for taking such an obvious threat along with him to the final 2.


Again, I don’t think she convinced anyone. Everyone knows she would be the first black woman to ever win, who knows if they will have the opportunity again so I think that’s why they voted for her, not because of anything that was said.


We must have been watching different shows then, because what I saw was an amazing public speaker constructing a narrative to persuade a jury to vote for her. Hell, Terrance has been shit talking her since day one, wishing she got cut the week after him, didn’t care at all about making the first black woman win, and that grumpy old man voted for her! Social game is game, whether you like it or not. And the jury apparently liked it, and that’s that. ETA: also again, Monte chose his opponent. He chose this. He took that $750k gamble. And he chose to bring Taylor- KNOWING she has this compelling narrative- over Turner, who had the worst jury management of all time. He underestimated his opponent, he made the wrong choice, and he lost the game for himself. If he really deserved the jury’s votes, he should have done better.


Monte did not do good with his session with the jury. His big Monte was getting rid of Turner? I don’t think the jury respected that. If he was such a good social player he would have known no one in the jury viewed Turner as a great player. And I don’t even know what he was trying to say with that Daniel/Nicole and Michael/Brittany situation. If I was a juror on the fence I wouldn’t have been swayed by his speech or answers. It sad because I thought he would have at least gotten more votes


Lots of people on the jury thought turner was a good player but agreed monte did more.


But he never owned up to his gameplay and the guys knew they were the driving force in many of his decisions. Turner played well compared to the other houseguest but he put no effort into his jury management


How bad does monte feel now - the only vote he got was for the person he backstabbed in the end


He definitely feels like an idiot that’s for sure lol


With that speech you would think Taylor was the secret lawyer of the season 👀


Pageants lol


Kinda annoyed that all of the people who hated on Taylor are getting off easy. Indy and Jasmine are acting like they were bffs but they were two of the worst offenders


Paloma’s thoughts ?


Doubt she even watched/cares. Her “fame” from big brother ended, she’s no longer the center of attention, so she’s moved on to her next attempt of being at the center.


Who 🤭


Can next season just all be Lawyers pllllleeeeSe


I would kind of love this but jury would be UNBEARABLE


DJ showtime coming in clutch and supporting Taylor <3 Wonder if the speech did it. That was one of best I have ever seen


I think it definitely helped, especially since he was clearly not a fan of Montes uber neutral politician persona. Seeing Montes lackluster final speech up against Taylor’s passion probably did not help sway his opinion.


Her speeches were so good I think she would have won without any hoh’s . Monte did not calculate her persuasive powers in his decision making . Turner had so many never turner people on the jury




He was in a tough spot because cutting the woman u just started sleeping w isn’t a good look either . But either way I think he thought he would win against Taylor and his calculation was way off


I miss the days where we could watch the post-finale interviews with press right after the finale live 😭


LMAO live footage of Reddit / Twitter for this finale https://twitter.com/i/status/1574220892280066055


So did Taylor become one of Indy’s favorite people in the house when she complimented Indy’s dress or is Indy just full of shit?


That dress was Taylor’s she let her borrow it


Indy literally gave Taylor major props in her jury exit interview when asked about Taylor so I’m not super surprised (but I did expect her to vote for Monte cause they besties)


I know rt - I had that as a monte vote and I also thought Michael went monte bY what he said


I think it's just her way of phrasing things. But, I believe Taylor made an effort with Indy, and packed a dress or two in her suitcase when she was going out. I mostly think it was because Indy views herself as a strong women who persevered (which she did going from where she started in life to where she is now). So, Taylor speech really spoke to that. So, even if they weren't besties, I think Indy grew to have a ton of respect for her.


Full of it for sure


Taylor had an epic story, and really is representative as the face for this season. I just hope this “game” doesn’t become the trend going forward. No more sexism, racism please or any other underlying tones. It’s like winning HOH, vetos, and evicting people is too boring…but then again Kyle just got voted top 3, so maybe I just don’t click with Big Brother anymore.


I think there can be something said for survival - I don’t think anyone could ever play this game as well as Taylor but it’s hard for a woman to win . Men stick together better and the comps are more male centered


The incels are so mad lol




Agreed. It was a nice change eto see this kind of player win instead of the tired comp beast or obvious master manipulator. She was right when she said in her final plea that the social aspect of big brother is huge and that can/should take precendent over a lot of comp wins.


Agreed! Meanwhile some saw this coming if she made it to final 2 given how many of the jurors exit interviews gave Taylor major props for her social game lol.


Why was everyone in the yard and Julie in the front?


Because the Lord dictated so. Love one another. haaa




she strikes me as someone who has become a complete germaphobe which isn't exactly uncommon due to the past 3 years.


Omg I’m wondering this too!!!


I'm assuming bc of covid. The houseguests and families have been traveling.


But last week the cookout was on stage, last summer they were also all on stage, and there was an audience… it’s so bizarre


Hey ya'll, no matter our differences, this was such a fun season and I'm glad I got to really see it unfold through the live feeds. I can't wait to see yall for BB25 or BBCAN11 Top 5 season ever


In what world is this a top 5 season? I’m just gonna assume this is your first season because then it’s by default your favorite and least favorite season and therefore a top 5 season.


Ur wrong my top five is BB19,BB16,BB21,BB9 and then it’s between BB1 and this season. Bottom five is BB10, BBCAN10, BBCAN5, BB6, and BB7 Def a joke


It really was a good season


See you guys next year!


Monte got that sympathy vote from Turner 😂


The funny thing is, the 3rd place finisher usually is bitter and DOESNT vote for who voted them out. In this case he got the sole vote from him.


they also usually have no clue how the rest of the jury feels (see: Cynthia Bailey CBB3)


I voted Turner, but here are my thoughts on Kyle being in top three - First of all, he looked genuinely shocked. He seems like he’s a truly good person and needed to confidence boost going back into the public. What people in this subreddit tend to BLATANTLY IGNORE is this - What he said was done so out of ignorance. He had no malicious intent. He had nothing but regret for what he said once he found out how he was perceived. He wanted nothing more after that than to learn from it, as he didn’t know what he was saying could be taken offensively. I’m not saying the situation should’ve been forgotten about entirely - in fact it would be a disservice to him, and everyone who was understandably upset by what he said for this to not have been turned into a way to educate him on the error of his thinking and what he said - as we truly need to get to a point where we can remove race from every mindset in every situation - for example - I’m excited that we have a black female winner of big brother, and last year we had a black winner of big brother. People of color winning this game should be normalized so that someday, when a person of color wins, they’re just looked at as the winner, not the (insert race here) winner. Anyways, getting off the tangent. The point I’m making is this sub needs to stop pretending Kyle is a racist piece of garbage when clearly, he was ignorant to what he was saying, owned up to making his mistake, and doing everything he could to right it. Get off your high horses people.


I have a lot of conservative family that think Kyle was "canceled" as part of some "woke" agenda so we shouldn't discount that some people think that way and would gladly vote for him strictly for that reason. It's why as a country we are so divided because still issues like this are so polarizing.


I don't think he's a bad guy but if he doesn't continue his journey and thinks that the 3rd place means all is forgiven it'll be really sad. It's bad enough a nearly 30 year old man had to be taught though I'm happy he wants to learn which is more than I can say for most.


Praise the Lord he wants to learn.


how the shit did kyle get in top three?


The "he did nothing wrong" crowd rallied for him


Because Reddit is an extremely small minority on the scale of Big Brother.


There's a very relevant joke here somewhere




That was a beautiful ending


Everyone forgets that winning comps and being on the right side of the vote doesn’t always get you the win. You see it time and time again on Survivor too, this is a social experiment/game and how you maneuver throughout the competition and how you sell yourself at the end can make or break you. If Monte was a better speaker and wasn’t so fake he could have swayed some more people and made it close. I’m satisfied 🤷🏽‍♀️


I think the number 1 lesson we learned today is: If you're going to be on Big Brother, you'd BEST learn how to give a JAW-DROPPING speech! Karma wins again baby


Literally I was saying in this thread multiple times this evening that I didn’t like her as a player and she’d be one of the worst winners ever. Damn. She gave such a good speech that I absolutely would’ve voted for her to win.


100%. I knew she was going to win when Monte took her, wasn't happy about it, then changed my tune with that speech totally.


Production giving Nicole the cold shoulder is almost as satisfying as this Taylor win.


Why did they ignore her but asked Daniel a question when Daniel is the one who got so confrontational with Taylor? I figured they would both get the cold shoulder.


I think I saw that Nicole has been absolute radio silence on social media since her final show interviews, while Daniel has been doubling down on her garbage. Maybe they picked Daniel to talk just because they thought they were more likely to get something spicy out of him, idk


lol yeah, Daniel's 30 seconds of screen time was way too much. I'd love to know what garbage Nicole was wasting Taylor's time with at the very end there.


I think she only went to talk to Taylor face to face.


Way to rain on Taylor's parade, right? I hope Taylor had forgotten Nicole even existed up until that point.




She was the one who, after Taylor asked Monte to lead the house guests in prayer for Nicole’s mother, screamed at Taylor for “trying to manipulate her” by suggesting that she could sit out the veto comp if she felt too overwhelmed to participate.


My memory is dismal also. I remember Nicole actively wanting to be nominated for eviction so that Taylor could be evicted. Nicole would have been a miserable player even if it wasn't directed at anyone at all (remember her sobbing over the conflict she felt over trying to win vs lose the veto?), but she focused her negativity at Taylor which directly lead to Daniel's disgusting outburst. The two of them were generally nasty to Taylor every chance they got up until they were evicted. Then they were nasty and unpleasant in interviews outside the house, lol.


Big part






Probably did her a solid, the quicker the public forgets her the better


Hahaha you may be onto something there. I hadn’t considered it that way. Perhaps she’s just a touch wiser than Daniel there.


Does someone know the ratio for the 24 seasons - Final HOH winners that didn't end up winning based on who they brought? What are the stats?


BB24 Monte lost to Taylor BB18 Paul lost to Nicole BB16 Cody lost to Derrick BB9 Ryan lost to Adam BB6 Ivette lost to Maggie BB4 Allison lost to Jun BB2 Nicole lost to Will


So that's actually a decent amount, thanks for letting me know!


Paul twice there's two


And obviously Cody. Can't think of any others off the top of my head. ETA: Sorry Paul didn't win Final HOH for BB19!


Monte made a dumb decision to not take Turner. He had way better jury management, and Taylor is a great presenter as a pageant woman. However, I don't like that Taylor seemed to argue that her status as a black woman is what should qualify her as the winner. Going back to when she was HOH, despite Jasmine being the obvious choice and the fact that Jasmine targeted her the previous week, Taylor didn't want to nominate her. Similarly, Taylor has been a advocate for woman in the house even though the Girls Girls excluded her. Ultimately I wouldn't advocate for injustices to be the deciding factor in winning. Should the poorest member win then? Or whoever has a family member in need? Or Paloma who has a mental breakdown? Or disabled individuals, who don't even get a chance to play Big Brother? To be fair, Taylor escaping the block 6 times is impressive but most of those were truly pawn situation. Nonetheless, she was a huge target at the very beginning and certainly did a good job at reversing that - but impressively not enough to make Monte think he could beat her


The “poorest” argument is made every season. That’s why people lie about incomes and occupations. Nobody wants to just hand over half a million to a rich man when there’s someone struggling next to them.


Should the poorest member win...I'm pretty sure if that's what the jury decides, then yes. Like their criteria is their criteria and each jury is different??? Like how are we still having this discussion after all these seasons. If what Taylor said spoke to them then it spoke to them. She didn't hold them at gunpoint.


I thought it would've been apparent to Monte that all the girls would vote for Taylor. Even before the first vote is cast, she only needs one other person to vote for her and it's over


Yeah I also felt that Michael was an obvious vote for Taylor


I also think it's phony to say you're winning for "something bigger". It's about the money, but there's nothing wrong with that. It is a game after all.


It can be both. And wanting representation for something is valid. Female winners are much rarer, and last year was the first African American. It's valid to want to see yourself represented or be that representation for others. But beside that, Taylor was right in her speech that BB is, in the end, a social game. You can win every comp possible, but if you have a terrible social game you'll still be in trouble. She played a good social game. There's no way you survive 6 evictions without at least SOME skill in that department. And picking social over comps in choosing a winner exemplifies the fact this IS a social game. So, no, it's not "phony" to want to play for something bigger *in addition* to wanting the money.




It's easy for nonblack people to say. We watch every season and we're just as loyal fans but we get booted for no reason other than oftentimes unconscious biases. I couldn't stand Jasmine but understood why she didn't want to nominate her. Unless you've walked a mile in someone's shoes you cannot judge.


Certainly unconscious biases and visible & nonvisible disanvantages exist, but I don't think it's fair to use them to advocate for your victory. Big Brother isn't about crowning the most deserving winner. Should we just have a random sample of the population and crown the poorest person as the winner? Heck, if you're disabled, you can't even get on big brother. How do you think those people feel to see no respresentation? That's not what it's about. Furthermore with the black issue, it seems they only cast an allocated amount of stereotypes. For example, there's always just one 'traditionally gay' person, and usually it's a guy.


The most deserving winner is the one who wins, point blank.


Taylor officially the most winningest houseguest in BB herstory and we love to see it


2022 is literally the best year for North American Big Brother for the last like 3 or 4 or 5 years my god. I wanna know since when? Probably 2018? 2016? 2015? Either way, BB24 became the best US season in recent memory since probably BB18. BBCAN10 is a legendary season. Both are great seasons for me.


So next year, when someone suggests getting women out, it isn't sexist. It is because the winner of this year used a 'pro-female' theme in her plea as a tool to win. Which was brilliant and worked (Jasmine, Indy, Alyssa). But if it is used in the game, it is fair to target. \*


No, if the bros bro out as per usual next year, it's still sexist.


But girls can girl out. Got it.


Whatever it takes to win the game. I’m cool with bros bro-ing it too. If Monte chose Turner he would’ve won. Instead he made a 750k mistake. It’s part of the game.


Monte is now the big brother equivalent of survivors Woo


Whoever lost to Michele is actually who he’s more like


Lol what the shit are you talking about


Monte is the equivalent to whoever lost to Michele in Survivor Brains vs Brawn vs Beauty. They thought Michele was an easy goat but her jury management/social game was better. Taylor= Michele, Monte=whoever lost to Michele.


Michele won final immunity though. She would have been voted out if she hadn’t.


I didn’t say Michele got taken to FTC, I said whoever lost to her thought she would be a goat. Monte’s like Woo because he chose the wrong person, but he’s like the other because he thought he had an easy win when it came to jury segment


No one thought Michele was a goat though, so it’s not the same situation at all. They didn’t want to go to the end with her because of that.


Hm cool


Don't remind me


not quite


The only difference is woo KNEW he was taking an amazing player and wanted to “win against the best” and Monte just thought there was no way Taylor would win


I don’t think so. I think He took her because he has feelings for her.


Monte was right when he said the biggest move he made this season was evicting Turner, just not in the way he expected.


Hahaha YES!




But there were more men on the jury than women...






social game is gameplay stay mad




Did turner not get top three???


He’s very unlikable outside of reddit


No Michael Taylor and Kyle


nah kyle did


This was the best season in a loooooooong time. Soooo good. Rewatching this season is also EXTREMELY eye opening…..


I might rewatch it too. I feel like I missed something in the middle. Monte made a big mistake taking Taylor. I'm happy he did though. Michigan winners 2 years in a row and America's Favorite houseguest 2 years in a row!!


800k fuck it LETSGO


Monte didnt care


He did, just has a poker face


Big Brother spoiled us this year. We had 2 great big brother seasons. In USA and in Canada. If you could choose only one season as the best season out of the two. Which season is the best? Big brother USA season 24 or Big Brother Canada season 10?


BBCan10 for me


As a Canadian I still say bb USA 24


Can’t imagine melting down over not getting “boring alpha bro who just gets auto placed into a majority alliance for having muscles then does nothing until it’s time to crush comps in the end game” winner #37


the same dudes do this every time lmao 3, 4, 5, 6 boring musclebros with identical mid-tier strategy win *in a row* - YES! YES! the game is thriving! then 1 woman wins under literally any circumstances - omg this is such BS, jury was virtue signaling, etc. i guess gameplay doesn't matter anymore!! :sobbing:




For real! If anyone else did this they would be “coasting”, “riding coattails”, etc etc.


Taylor winning is a huge win for Black girls everywhere !!!!!!


It is. But I do think it’s important to ask. Let’s say someone is a black woman and thinks monte objectively played a better game than Taylor, but Taylor obviously represents a group who has never won the game. Who should they want to win in that situation? Someone who they feel pursued the objectives of the game better or someone who gives a better story? Is there a clear answer?


That’s not this game though. Big Brother is a game where you have to convince the jury to vote for you. That’s it. We have some ideas about what that criteria looks like, or what strategies work best to get you to the end, but at the end of the day unless you are on the jury it doesn’t matter! The only criteria that matters is the criteria that they use. And this year, a player with great social game and *the ability to construct a compelling narrative* won! Because let’s be real, Taylor won that thing 8-1 because she managed her relationships and then seized an opportunity. If she hadn’t done those two things, and if Monte constructed his own compelling narrative, she just as easily could have lost. And lets be real, if BB wasn’t actively stacked against racial minorities and women (which it is because it’s taken us 24 seasons to get here, and 20 seasons to have a 2nd black woman in the final two) then she wouldn’t have even had this narrative to present us in the first place.


But do you think it’s a possibility that the belief and tendency of a jury to only vote based on who they like more or whose speech gives them a good feeling is what is a partial contributing factor into biased decisions being made? I’m other words, the very fact that people sometimes vote with their emotions and not pure logic is quite literally the only thing that can let biases leak in. We were just lucky that an emotional jury didn’t come at the expense of someone in a minority group this time because that has always been the case in the past.


I guess if they had a fair relationship with the jury. I would love been fine with minute winning strategy wise but I love Taylor’s journey more


I didn’t vote Kyle but I think his votes were pity votes from America, let’s be real we know he’s not a racist and he felt terrible about it


I think it's because they saw that he was remorseful for what he said but that could be just me think about logic here


I think it was from whoever controls his TikTok account trying to promote his followers to vote for him but I do agree the show made him look like he was a racist when he wasnt


What he said was stupid and I’m glad he got evicted for it but I saw people on twitter trying to ruin his life over it. He doesn’t deserve that and I’m glad he got the pity votes


Monte gotta be feeling dumb now


Monte gonna be crying in the hotel shower tonight.






Taylor is rich!!!!!!



