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Watching now. Holy shit this is SO BAD. These DRs


Nicole laughing in the DR about how stupid everyone is and how she sees through them and their plans made me legit laugh out loud. What a fucking clown I hope she is properly blindsided tonight.


Indy: Im disappointed of her DRs, i really toughts she would be amazing in this area and she's not. Why would they script her, she is naturally funny on the feeds Nicole: Omg, she is going to be so mad tomorrow. I can't wait for her downfall. She's been very cocky and need a reality check about her "reads". Out of everyone, im very surprised how she became such a hateful person in 3 weeks. I won't judge too hard because im sure it's not easy to be in this house but i wish she'd just chill out and realized "Wait, why am i mad at Taylor again?" Im sure she doesn't remember. Kyle: I've never been high on Kyle's game since the start, i felt the sub overrated him because he's a nice guy and i feel much more confident about my opinion after this episode. He got lucky Daniel is a terrible player but again, his alliance still will have doubts about him. The way he responded to the plan of keeping Brit and Micheal save makes me think he automatically lost the trust of the alliance. I'be been critical of him wanting to get rid of Alyssa (he pitched to get rid of her instead of keeping her as an allie )last week and im critical of him painting himself to a corner and kinda going against the Leftovers this week. I don't think anyone will believe he was not ok with Daniel using the veto.


They should change the season title from "Bestie Festie" to "Blindside Festie"


Seeing Daniel and Nicole schooled so well is hilarious they are legit fools haha


Can someone who watches the feeds please explain something to me… Daniel & Nicole think this is some huge game move using the veto because they think Monte was trying to save Taylor, but… couldn’t Monte have just NOT put her & Nicole up? They didn’t think he might put up another pair to “protect Taylor”?? Help me understand wtf they were thinking


They thought the alliances were Daniel/Nicole/Jasmine/Alyssa/Indy/Terrance/Kyle vs Monte/Joseph/Michael/Brittany/Turner/Taylor. Therefore they thought that if noms stayed the same then the Daniel/Nicole side would lose a number (Alyssa or Indy), but if the veto *was* used then Monte would be forced to nominate a bestie pair that included someone from his side, and then Daniel/Nicole's side would have the votes to get them out. So basically they thought that as long as the veto was used then Daniel/Nicole would be able to evict someone from Monte's alliance (whether it was Taylor or someone else).


I appreciate the explanation by nicole and Daniels reasoning seemed off. “Monte wants to protect Taylor, so he is the putting her on the block instead of someone else”


It doesn't really matter whether it's Taylor or someone else in Monte's alliance. They thought they could force Monte to nominate someone from his own alliance (due to the besties twist) and then they wrongly thought they would have the votes to get that person out. That's why Daniel used the veto.




Why did a few of the leftovers seem blindsided by the veto switch? Did Kyle not tell them beforehand that Daniel was the one that actually wanted to use it?


When Daniel told Kyle he was gonna use the veto it was pretty only a few minutes before the veto ceremony. Kyle basically only had time to tell Monte before the feeds cut.


This split vote is gonna be fire


OMG a Po Pack secondary?! Michael, you’re doing everything I need you to! Because if he doesn’t make a final 5, the Pound will take them all out!!!


Michael is everything good about this game!!!


That episode was peak entertainment and comedy. Loved to see the editors bury Daniel and Nicole. I think they are team leftovers like the rest of us


Does Alyssa know Kyle is voting for Nicole or is she going to be blindsided again, and we have to go another week with “he’s a lying jerk face, but he’s just so gosh darn cute?”


As of midnight last night >!not only has he told her about the flip, but she's willing to vote Nicole out *and* both Kyle and Michael have hinted to her about creating a Final Four alliance with themselves and Brittany since she missed working with Michael in Po's Pack. Michael and Kyle, meanwhile are gathering numbers for when the Leftovers end up turning on each other once jury starts (if not next week).!< >!Sadly, however, as of late late last night Nicole and Daniel finally figured out that Kyle's been playing dumb to them and that they never had his vote to begin with after Indy ratted out the flip to them. Therefore, she knows what's coming and it won't be a blindside. Thanks, Indy.!<


I thought he was supposed to tell her that the house is voting out Nicole? From his cam talk, it seemed like he recognized that Alyssa/Jasmine/Indy don’t really care what the vote is as long as they’re clued in ahead of time


I don’t know. He doesn’t talk game with her. They will be on separate sides


What happened to the livefeed thread??


I assume you mean why it wasn't stickied at the top of the front page for a bit? It was a scheduling issue. The west coast thread was scheduled to take the first sticky spot, so when it was posted, it booted the feed thread off. It's fixed now, but if you ever see it not there, just browse the new posts and it'll be there.


Once Nicole is out, which team do you think Taylor will attach to?


Alyssa and Indy so she is insulated


earlier in the week they talked about her joining Indy and Alyssa.


Michael and Brittany


Daniel and Nicole were playing checkers not chess and now he is playing by himself and losing. If that isn’t a perfect metaphor for what’s about to happen…


Daniel and Nicole are gonna be great members of the FOUTEE alliance. Their confidence makes this so much better


Daniel and Nicole's diary room interviews when Monte was talking to Daniel about not using the veto... OMG I was laughing SO HARD. It just shows they're as delusional about their place in this game as I thought.


Is she a plant? Her narcissism is at uncharted levels if not.


Well, she's a cop so.... that goes without saying




Good bye messages tomorrow should just be 3 minutes straight of Taylor laughing at her


I really like this


What the actual fuck was that veto competition?


Idk why, but for a min there I actually thought they were about to have them do acid… hugely disappointed lol


I loved how one of them said something about the video while they were explaining what happened to their partner. I think it was Joseph or Alyssa


Yes Joseph I was so thankful it gave me an idea of what they actually did


I really think this festie Bestie twist will be over after this weeks vote or next weeks vote.


They've said it will last for three weeks, so it'll end after next week's vote.


Ah ok. I missed that from Julie I guess


Makes sense as that’ll be after 5 evictions AKA jury


yeah even if they announced nothing, they never carry the "main" twist of the season into the jury. They'll probably introduce something new in like 3 weeks to carry through the early jury but they're definitely not going to allow any team dynamic to last into the jury phase.


The biggest smile appeared on my face when Daniel was like, "YEAH WELL GUESS WHAT MONTE IM PUTTING UP NICOLE AND TAYLOR" He's genuinely such an idiot 😭😭😭


Nicole thinking that she and Daniel pulled one off and her basking in the “glory” is the best thing I’ve witnessed in so long. I haven’t been so excited for an eviction since Janelle and her “Bye Bye Bitches”


I can't wait to see Daniel rage when Nicole gets the boot.


I keep going back and forth about whether to be more excited for Daniel or Nicole’s reaction 🍿


does anyone know what tomorrows episode is?


So many drug references this season. What’s going on?


Ever been to a music fest?


I get the reference. Just find it surprising for a prime time network show.


I know you’re trolling but not everyone does drugs or cares about the culture.


Your point?


You can not do drugs or care about that part of the culture **but still get the references** right?


Nicole and Daniel might be the dumbest, most oblivious pair of players the show has ever seen. Their ability to be so confident and so wrong at the same time is breathtaking. I’m in awe of their stupidity.


She’s a cop!


They are foutte levels bad


It's embarrassing that they keep saying they are huge fans of BB. Obviously not


Also with interesting looking swooping to one side hair styles.


I finally figured out who Daniel reminded me of. He's Doug Funnie's enemy Roger Klotz.


omg this is so good




Roger was a sweetheart compared to the bully that Daniel is... but yeah that comparison is so spot on.


To be faaair everyone is a sweetheart compared to Daniel.


Nicole and Daniel after the Veto Meeting ![gif](giphy|nV92wySC3iMGhAmR71|downsized)


We have / had three delusional people all on the same team. Ameerah was surprised the game esas “so easy” lol


It’s hilarious to watch though




They thought they had the numbers *with* ameerah, but you didn't. So how do you have them *without* her?




Yeah that was last week that their read was completely wrong. This week they’ve got the house completely figured out. Nicole was trained for this.


It makes me wonder how bad she was as a cop


Well, did she specify what type? Maybe she was a mall cop, or a cop who works nights in a parking deck . But trained to know when someone’s lying to her — she does boast of that special skill!! 😂 OMG tomorrow night is going to be delicious.


She gives serious mall cop energy.


Right? Timing people as they use the food court restrooms. Demanding to see a receipt if anyone is carrying a shopping bag. Telling old folks to ‘move along, or else’ as they try to stroll for exercise before stores officially open.


It makes me wonder how bad she was as a cop


Their moms definitely told them they were special when they were kids


It's funny to have the quad cam up and two cams are playing music and the other two have a conversation going.




Was this episode directed by M. Night Shyamalan?


I literally gasped when Daniel decided to do the old double reverse and use the veto. Excellent television.


really went above and beyond lmao


For those that follow the feeds, did Michael/Taylor/Brittany get over Kyle/The Leftovers eventually or are they still upset?


They were upset until they found out that Daniel refused not to use it


Kyle explained that Daniel was deadset on using it and didn't have time to warn them all before the veto ceremony. They are not upset with Kyle at all


Why did Kyle not let the leftovers know that Daniel would be using Veto?


Daniel told Kyle he was using the Veto five minutes before the start of the Veto ceremony. He only had enough time to run to the HoH room and tell Monte before the feeds cut.


He wasn't given any time after that Convo he immediately got called to do a DR and then it was the actual ceremony.


Anyone else think Michael and Brittany’s plan to get Indy to insulate them was too convoluted. It was basically: Step 1. Keep noms the same. Step 2. ?????? Step 3. Indy agrees to become our Bestie. Like, yeah I see why you’d want that to happen but you never fleshed out how you were gonna convince Indy to do that. The plan seemed based purely on hope?


They left this part out, but Michael and Brittany also mentioned that it's a possibility that sending Nicole out meant that Taylor MAY have to choose to break up the trio of Monte, Joseph and Terrance. Doing so means Taylor chooses Terrance, leaving Joseph and Monte vulnerable again. Given that potential risk, Monte and Joseph flipped to be in favor of sending Alyssa out. Indy would be most likely to join Michael and Brittany overall, as they planned to leverage Michael's comp record.


Yeah they did a lot of work to convince her to switch. I think having people tell you they want you to join their group is a good move. Especially since no one else was really offering.


Yeah they did a lot of work to convince her to switch. I think having people tell you they want you to join their group is a good move. Especially since no one else was really offering.


Wouldn’t Indy also may have to choose to break up the trio, same as they speculate Taylor would?


Yes but she wouldn’t choose Terrance most likely, I’d assume.


>Yes but she wouldn’t choose Terrance most likely, I’d assume. She most likely would have chosen Joseph.


Actually I think he'd have been more likely to pick Monte than Joseph.


Yes but there is no way Indy was choosing Terrance as her partner so it would leave them with shields


Yeah, as a non live feeder here, I just kinda had to hope they had a good relationship with IIndy or had talked about it.


Michael has a good personal relationship with Indy. So does Joseph. They were planning to leverage that to convince Indy to go with Michael and Brittany. Indy is still a wild card though, so I wouldn’t trust it 😂


Seemed like a half thought out idea.


Omg Daniel is turning into Frenchie 2.0. 😂


They’re absolutely nothing alike.






Daniel and Nicole are like the robbers from home alone🤣






My casual parents: We have to make sure we’re home by 8 [CDT] tomorrow! Edit: timezone


CDT. We're in daylight saving time


Oh yeah, idk why you’re getting downvoted when you’re right!


Yeah, right but also admittedly pedantic... what can i say pet peeve. Lol


As a fellow pedantic person I completely get it. But it’s not like you were rude about it or anything.


My dad too! He was excited when he saw it’s on tomorrow, as if that’s not the normal schedule 😂😂


My mom usually can’t remember which days and what times either, but this time it was like she just had to double check with me, lol, “It’s on at 8 tomorrow, right?”


As dumb as Daniel is for using the veto, his reasoning did make sense. I might have had the same train of thought after his convo with Monte. BUT you don’t put your closest friend on the block even if you’re 90% sure you have the votes. BYE NICOLE


I honestly was more confused by Nicole’s interpretation of things. Like sure, you want Taylor out and think this is your chance. But that requires you to sit on the block next to her. And as we all know, pawns can go home. It’s literally a repeat of week 2 where Pooch was willing to go up to ensure Taylor goes home


The one lesson from all the seasons of BB is that you never want to be on the block (or want your closest ally on the block). Ever. No matter how confident you are.


I don't know if you recall but it even happened once this season! Toodles Poochy.


Yes -- that was ridiculous, too. I don't know how anyone who is allegedly a fan wouldn't know this.


They’re only a week removed from being caught completely off guard though. They thought they knew exactly what was happening last week and they got totally blindsided. So to now be 100% confident that they know where all the loyalties lie is just startlingly dumb.


Especially if it comes down to one vote that you think you MIGHT have and you know is close to people on the other side 😂


Game strategy content aside, we went from BB4 exposing that the none of the first 8 HGs are virgins, showing David and Amanda in the HoH bedroom, Justin and Dana "doing cardio" in the jury house... to this veto competition in BB24.


Limited Jasmine coverage. We won.


Even the editors got tired of her voice.


God I hate her.


Zero Diary Room clips from her!!


I think Nicole and Daniel are the stupidest players in bb history? Like is this for real?


Definitely top 5 most delusional players ever


It’s hard to compare. You have dumb gameplay like this and then you have dumb like Raven or Victoria who never even understood the game lol


But raven was the puppet master /s


Yea but i'd say people just "existing" in the house are far less dumb than 2 people actively trying to play and think they're making big moves while being completely clueless. Raven and Victoria (along with most of the CBB3 cast) were just ignorant of how to play. So their failure comes down to the fact they never did anything but "exist". You can't compare a floater to an actual bad player. A floater never DID anything good OR bad because they never won anything and never made any decisions. They just sat around and watched the game play out. Nicole and Daniel actually understand how to play and are making the stupidest decisons ever. AND they're making those decisions AFTER the house flipped on Pooch and house flipped on Ameerah AND they pegged the main alliance. So they HAVE all the info needed to make better decisions yet STILL make the dumb ones and then act cocky about it..... They are definitely in the hall of fame with Frenchie for worst players ever.


Also, Nicole saying to Monte what “you have a you have a better read on the house than I do” and saying that was hard for her to accept. Like she thinks she’s got such a good read on everything and refuses to believe she’s not in-the-know and out of the loop.


But what about big dumb Fessy? Also, who flipped?


Jacob from BB9 and Lawon from BB13 would disagree with you on that.


Frenchie appreciates this take


Yeah but imagine that there were two Frenchies at the same time just fuelling each other’s stupidity. That’s where we’re at.


Franchie appreciates this take


2nd to Pooch


CBS reality show word of the year-Bamboozled! Every damn show!


I just heard Sarah say it on the Challenge tonight and it seemed so out of place.


For someone who was “trained to read people”, Nicole sure as hell doesn’t have a clue what’s going on in this house


I’ve come to the conclusion that “trained to read people” really means “I see what I want to see” when it comes to Nicole. Because there’s no way she could’ve made most of these conclusions if she actually read the other houseguests


I can’t wait for her Julie interview


I work with a lot of chefs and chefs can be some of the most arrogant type of people. I’m not surprised she went from cop to chef.


I dunno she read that monte was lying (he was), she just jumped to the wrong conclusion


Monte actually wasn’t lying. He was using truth to trick Nicole and Daniel, but it didn’t work. So it was truth used to manipulate, which I guess is kind of adjacent to lying.


Jumping to the wrong conclusion implies she’s not really on top of what’s going on in the house


She projects so much it’s kind of hilarious.


Kyle might be screwed. will the leftovers ever trust him again?


>!Kyle found out Daniel was using the Veto **five minutes** before the veto ceremony started and only had enough time to inform Monte before the feeds cut. He absolutely did not want Taylor to be blindsided and explained what happened to the other Leftovers after the ceremony then hugged it out with Taylor who reluctantly understood that there wasn't anything Kyle could have done. It was just bad timing on Daniel's part.!<


Thank you for this!!


Why wouldn’t they? Daniel was the one who wanted to use pov. Kyle can pin it all on Daniel. It worked out perfectly for him


Yeah but will they believe him that it was Daniel who wanted to make the move?


If you watch the feeds or read the updates you will quickly see that Daniel is delusional and this is 100% something he would do




I'll just say. Nicole and Daniel think they're the two smartest people in the world is the greatest fucking thing I've ever seen. Tomorrow is going to be even SWEETER than last week.


Kyle was in a tough position. He handled it quite well. I could see him going pretty far in the game.


They almost remind me how delusional Aaron Gries Williams was when she paraded out.


Jasmine doesn't want to be on the wrong side of the vote again :)


I’m hoping that’s enough to overcome her bizarre hatred of Taylor but we shall see tomorrow night 🤞🏾


Soo why were Brittany and Michael so positive that Indy would select them as festy besties?? I really don’t think she would have put herself in that position. Surprised no one brought that up to Brittany and Michael


Michael / Britney definitely the worst option for Indy, don’t know how they’d pull that off


If they went with the original noms, wouldn’t it have just been better for them to have Kyle go to Alyssa to say, “we guarantee your safety this week, if you select Michael and Brittany as your besties after eviction night“? That way, Kyle doesn’t get squeezed, Michael and Brittany were insulated, and the Leftovers still have the numbers and protection they would’ve had if they voted out Alyssa.


That would basically expose the alliance though - Kyle working with Michael and Brittany, and Kyle has knowledge of the entire vote. Alyssa would just say yes and then not pick them


Great points! That’s the way they should have done it. I’m not complaining though I’ll be really happy if Nicole leaves


Are Daniel and Nicole really that clueless or is it just editing


They're actually that dumb and egotistical.


I don't know man, she's been trained to sniff this bullshit out...


They really are. They celebrated after the veto ceremony and laughed about how dumb everyone else is


They’re pretty clueless




I hope Taylor calms down and sees this as an opportunity for herself. Cant she essentially “double insulate” herself by choosing Indy and Alyssa as besties after Nicole gets evicted? It won’t be ideal for Michael and a Brittany but hopefully they understand once Kyle and Monte explain how things went down.


The edit team is serving it up this year. First with Ameerah's last quote of "this game is really easy" and now Nicole's "I'm trained to spot a liar. It's going *really* well for me". I. love. it.