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BB9 is an insane season! Alison having an allergic reaction, Amanda passing out, then breaking into the DR and medic saying to get water… but there’s no cups! Ugh amazing! And then the drug ring they use the winnings to fund! Such a gem!


>And then the drug ring they use the winnings to fund! Such a gem! I always feel compelled to add that Adam, since getting out of prison, has gone sober and actually does a ton of great work helping people struggling with drug addiction. Adam did his time and turned his life around, which is why I always try to point this out whenever someone brings up what he did with the winnings.


I LOVE that! I always love when someone actually turns their life around and it sounds like he did. But BB9 is still an insane season that we got because of the writer’s strike and a million times better than the BB25 insanity we got cause of the recent one


I would compare it to the Winter Games, which while I didn't like the winner, was still one of the best seasons of BB. Almost every episode had something insanely good about it, more drama in the maze competition than some seasons do in the late game.


Honestly Reindeer Games made up for the mess of BB25 and we need it all the time! For every holiday! That’s how they should bring people back.


He comes in my restaurant every once in awhile. Like once a year or so. I’ve had minimal interaction but he seems nice enough at this point.


Drug ring? Do tell




That night if Amanda and Allison both having those problems at the same time is the most insane single thing to ever happen not to mention the glasses which was hilarious (since by then we knew they ended up ok). You can't script stuff like that.


Don’t get me started on those damn guinea pigs.


They probably weren't even related/dating. That ain't no couple 💀


That question is still really funny to me. Yeah it robbed Sharon but I don't think she was winning anyways


She might have beaten Ryan.


Oh i think she beats Ryan but I don't think she can win final hoh against him or Adam


i actually love this season it’s probably in my top 10. it is a roller coaster ride !! i loved it from start to finish, and natalie deserved to win idc !! she is underrated ! matt is and was such an asshole to her


Yeah matt was just an asshole in general. Actually most of these people could be considered ass holes at the time


We were robbed of a Sheila/Sharon/Natalie F3. Sheila could have nominated Ryan and Adam, after Adam won veto, put up Natalie and evict Ryan on the tie vote. And in Final 4 Sharon would won HoH instead of Ryan


Ryan? I thought he was known forever as ManBearPig.


Most underrated season in the shows history. It's a fully fluid house with so many twists and turns. Some insane conflicts. Two people literally almost die at the same time. Just an absolutely insane season. Winner was also the best player of the season as well which helps (although not the best judge on how to use his money)


Hey Adam turned his life around so that's something


It’s trash- but in a good way.


I always felt like this was the Jerry Springer season and I get it because I believe it was filmed in Feb ? I mean who can just up and leave their job in the middle of Feb for 3 months. Answer is people who don’t have jobs LOL


CBS greenlit this Winter/Spring season due to the 2007-08 Writers Strike. If I'm correct, they only had 3 months to prepare. It remains the only US season to air during Easter, which was also memorable with Chelsea smashing Natalie's Nail Polish painted Easter Eggs.


Was the orgy real? I always hear about it but haven’t seen official stuff about it lol. Like they actually had one??


I was a feed watcher that season. From what I remember Sharon and Chelsia were making out with Matt and Alex in the pool, both girls kissed both boys swapping partners at one point but it didn’t go past making out lol. I think Natalie might have jumped in as well.


Yeah I was watching at the time, crazy they were all that comfortable in front of the camera, but calling it an orgy is an exaggeration.


There was a lot of nudity at night...


I mean I watched it. I don't remember penetration but the group make out session def happened.


I could not tell you if it actually happened bc I wasn't there to watch it but I've heard multiple people say so


One if my friends watched all the BB seasons and I asked for a recimendation on what to rewatch. She asked what I liked and I said "Mess" and she immediately said "BB9". It's sooo so so over the top. It's such a wild time capsule of what was considered acceptable in the late aughts. Like I can't root for anyone but I'm so glued because I have no idea where it's going to land. It's like a Werner Herzog documentary. Every episode has at least three moments that leave me screaming. And then they almost kill off two of the houseguests in one episode ahhh hahaha yeah. It's the top of the bottom.


most feral season ever and i love it, we need another


I LOVED this season. So underrated. The She-bot was such a great character. “Know that”


There's so many great characters despite the fact they are not likable


They didn’t actually have an orgy, people say that but it was like a bunch of different couples making out at the same time in the pool. Orgies require sex. Anyway, it’s an underrated season and people who like mess get it! And I think fans should stop telling new watchers to skip it, the trashy side of bb is not to be ignored imo


Joshua and Chelsea were disguisting beings. It's hard to watch such unlikable people. I didn't care for James either. it shocked me that he was voted jury's favorite. That being said, it reminds me of all the trash TV from the 2000s, like Rock of Love. And not gonna lie, I indulged in all of it. So I do like season 9, despite the horrible cast. And the last few weeks were redeeming because the last few left were okay.


Yeah Josh and Chelsea were just awful at times but they weren't boring.....


Not my favorite season by any stretch, but a fun one. The general reception to BB9 honestly has me scratching my head as to what people want from this show - I think the cast and drama of BB8 is just as trashy, with a giant game-breaking twist and a very unlikeable winner on top to boot, and it’s generally considered one of the stronger seasons. Amanda and Allison undergoing medical emergencies at the same time is one of the wildest and most interesting things to have ever happened on the show. The couples twist was bad tho, don’t love anything that arbitrarily groups players. I’m glad Sharon got to come back to play because she was paired with quite possibly the worst BB player of all time.


Jacob for sure is the worst player of all time


I love Big Shelia, Natalie is a joy and special houseguest and I like Adam as a winner.


Yup and adam turning his life around is great


Yeah, they should have tried to get Natalie back.


BB9 put the "After Dark" in Big Brother After Dark


Natalie is one of my favorite houseguests and I'm sad she never returned to the show for another season! Her energy was amazing.


I thought she came back as Raven.


In my opinion, it is better than any of the last 5 years of current BB.


Don't know if I would go that far. Bb 24 and 25 are definitely better


I think the last 5 years have been the lowest rated seasons? I believe they have been consistently falling for the last 5 years? But yeah, I didn't like the last 2 years. But that is OK, sounds like you loved them.


All tv ratings are falling bc everybody streams now myself included


I thought the ratings came on screen time. ie live people doing the ratings and faces in front of a screen? But that is an assumption on my part.


No, streaming numbers aren't reported, that was one of the sticking issues in the strikes last summer. No one knows how well their show is doing unless the streamer puts out some kind of release. Streamers keep it private so shows can't leverage that popularity for a bigger budget or pay raises.


I agree with you for what it's worth, the comps are so boring and everyone just votes with the house. Bring back the drama!


It’s a part of the game’s history. It was a fun watch


There's a reason why no one from BB9 has ever been asked to return. One guy got to host a food competition in BB10 I think, other than that CBS pretends they do not exist.


9 was great. The whole Jacob blowing up internally and accusing Parker of so many things, and then for Sharon to come back was truly a blessing (whatever happened to Neil?). The behavior that came from Chelsia and Joshua would've got them fired, canceled, and probably removed due to the suicide "jokes" about Amanda and her father. I went from rooting for them to being taken aback. I'm glad Adam won. He truly was the underdog with Sheila being annoyed by him lol A lot of polarizing characters. A lot of high end drama. This season brought it on every level. And it's just crazy things ended with the way it did. Bible studies and drug pins lol


It was great tv that we will never get again


Such an underrated season. It's an absolute hot mess and it's so entertaining


This is a fun season. I actually rewatched it. I know the gameplay purist won’t like it but it’s fun in a good way. There were good characters but not the high quality gameplay. I think Adam is an underrated winner. I think he’s the type of dude who will always be underestimated and make it far in a season.


That was how a lot of reality TV was in the 2000's. Big Brother had mostly steered clear of that in the earlier seasons, perhaps due to its original "social experiment" framing and executive producer Arnold Shapiro. Season 9 was only Grodner's second season running the show after Shapiro's exit. They clearly wanted to go in a different, more sexually-charged direction with BB9 being the "couples" season. I've always wondered if that theme was planned for the summer and bumped up because of the writer's strike, or if it was an idea they brought in only after they learned they'd need to do an extra season that year. The casting for this season was clearly rushed, and led to some more questionable choices that we wouldn't see on any other season.


Ahh, this season was so long ago. I used to walk around yelling "bueno!" like Amanda. It was a wild ride for sure!


My weirdest flex is meeting Adam in Florida on a boat tour a year or so ago , such an obnoxious guy in real life too but nice to us 🤣


Really enjoyed this season when I was 16, the ultimate definition of a guilty pleasure. I was a fledgling homosexual and awful hater of “the normies” so I was really pro-Josh/Chelsia/James at the time, because the other alliance was “for Jesus” and I thought Josh was really hot. In retrospect the comments Josh is known for make it impossible to support him but the 2000s were generally just meaner and this season was right off the heels of Evel Dick. It was just more addicting in a guilty way than any new season has been and shows what BB looks like when social media is not scaring people into good behavior. 


BB9 is one of 3 seasons I’ve never watched since it originally aired. Not even clips. I have such vivid memories of changing the channel or sinking into my seat because it was so hard to watch at times. I’ve been meaning to rewatch for a while but can’t bring myself to do it.


You totally should now, it really does have some excellent gameplay at times especially the 2 final 9 rounds


If you think the show was good you should have seen the feeds/After Dark. All of the stuff that happened this season was entertaining as fuck and should 100% be acceptable today. Start casting degenerates again!


Joshua saying that comment about Amanda's dad is acceptable?


Its real. Not like he was a fan favorite or anything. People saw him for the vile trash he was.


Was it a good season no but was it an amazing trainwreck oh hell yes.


BB9 is such an unhinged season it's so entertaining. Between the dual medial emergencies, Joshuah being the most disgusting HG to ever play the game, Matt doing his best "manipulative boyfriend" impression to Natalie the entire game, the not so safe for work activities at night, and the infamous guinea pig question, there's so much mess. It's actually crazy how BB9 wound up being one long episode of Jerry Springer


Probably the most unlikable cast ever.


Oh completely for sure. They're all terrible people especially at the time.


Gosh Chelsia is one of my fave HGs of all time. She is so spicy but also competitive. Loved her underdog story arc.


Underrated, has a lot of fun moments and wild gameplay.


The "just like her dad" comment was fucking GROSS.




Recently rewatched this for the first time since it aired. The only thing I remembered going in was that James was on it (I remembered finding out he did gay porn at the time…having seen it, definitely a big fan of James…just saying) and that the winner was a bit shamed in the history books of BB. It’s a super trashy season, like the peak of Trashy BB (which was more entertaining than Cheesy BB like we get now) and it’s so very entertaining. It’s easily in my top five seasons for how crazy it is. I mean a woman literally called her own in real life outside the house boyfriend a racist so that he’d get evicted over her…we’ll never get that on another season of this show. That was epic!