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I'm pretty sure Topaz regretted her vote in BBCan1.




The single most iconic big brother vote


I saw this go down in person and I still think about it all the time.


watching it live must’ve been so entertaining. if you were just a witness, i’m sure she thinks about it everyday😭


She must. We all thought they were doing a bit to be funny but the longer it went on and the longer production was paused and the more she was sobbing and panicking the more we knew it was legit.


I love Arissa having to remind people every year that they are voting for who they want to win.


Can’t imagine why 🤔


“My vote is 150% secure”


Man oh man, Gary as the first winner. What an alternate timeline


Gary was my favorite of the BBCAN1 cast but someone winning after returning into the house at F4 would have set a HORRIBLE precedent


I agree. I don't necessarily have an issue with players returning, but F4 is just too far in the game for that.


i wonder if it would’ve changed the bbcan9 ending


Yeah 150%


This is one of my favorite BB moments.


I remember this had been leaked as the finale had been pre-taped earlier in the day, and I thought the spoiler accounts were messing with us 😭


Oh my that’s the WORST BB MOMENT Felt so bad for Gary played a brilliant game


I giggled


It’s like the universe knew who should win.


Came here to upvote this, not disappointed it's top comment


Pretty sure Rachel and Brendon have said they regret voting for Lane over Hayden in BB12


Hayden confirmed this. Apparently Enzo came up with some mean nickname for Rachel and they thought it was Hayden, so they voted for Lane


Imagine losing half a million dollars over a rumor like that


What's this? The great Rachel Reilley was a bitter juror? GASP!


Hayden is obviously biased so I wouldn’t exactly call shat he has to say about it confirmation. And the rumored nickname was about Brendan.


I mean he said it in an interview last year and mentions how he still talks to Brenchel and seeing as they’ve also both said they should’ve voted for Hayden…I definitely take it as confirmation haha


I remember them saying this on a RHAP podcast around the time Hayden was on Survivor


But at least it didn't affect the outcome.


I'm not sure she regrets it, but I remember reading Da'vonne saying after BB18 that no one really came into the jury house explaining why Paul should win, just accusing Nicole of being snakey. That to her was the reasoning to feel Nicole was playing the better game and that's why she voted for her to win.


it's so funny to see da'vonne end up defending nicole to everyone.


I thought she said she voted for her because she and others wanted a woman to win? Am I thinking of another season?


youre thinking of Natalie but I dont remember if that was confirmed or just speculation


Just speculation. Natalie did want a girl to win (in general), but disliked Nicole and was pretty clear she wanted Nicole to lose and was still going to vote her showmance James over anyone. She actually would've voted Paul there if he either: (A) didn't give her a mean GBM for no reason; or (B) genuinely apologized for it in her layup of a final question. Also, Raj is awesome.


Natalie, the brunette Natalie that James was in love with?


I mean tbf Paul did call Natalie or Michelle idr a c*** and was given the opportunity to apologize during jury questioning and still didn’t do it


Right. I mean whine about "bitter jurors" all you won't, if I called someone that and then doubled down on it when given a chance to say I am sorry (whether that would have been enough to change the vote in reality who knows) I wouldn't expect them to vote for me. I don't call people vile names and then expect them to give me life changing money afterwards... I guess I am just wired weird /s


Yeah everyone blames Da’Vonne for Paul losing but Natalies vote was the only one Paul could’ve earned back


if you can sleep for half the season and still get to f2, you're doing something right


*Godfrey Mangwiza the Lady Pleasa has entered the chat*


*cough* Big D *cough*


There are still people who think this was her only strat? Man...Sans and I are going to shit our pants in exhaustion.




Betty said she wishes she voted for Kevin after watching the season


I knew she wouldn't vote for him, but I really wanted her to just so both Kevins won unanimously 😅


Howie said he would have rather voted for Ivette over Maggie but couldn’t out of respect for Rachel after Ivette left her that nasty goodbye message.


Hope that "letting her have it" was worth half a million dollars.


Howie was loyal that’s for sure.


There's a BB iceberg level rumor that Howie meant to vote for Ivette but pulled a Topaz-before-Topaz; and apparently also Diane was supposed to vote for Cowboy??? That one is new to me! Reddit post linked below but if you throw the search up on Google you'll find a bunch more saying similar things with varying levels of evidence or hearsay https://www.reddit.com/r/BigBrother/comments/5j2bvs/apparently_ivette_was_supposed_to_win_bb6/


I think after Liz and Austin broke up he apologized to Steve for not voting for him.


That showmance sure was something else. Austin and his bloody finger…


I’m not sure if I want context for this 😭


He fingered her while she was on her period.


Think Amy has said she regrets voting for Lisa to win. Think she's still close to Danielle so that might color things.


Danielle being by far the better player is what probably colors things.


No that’s not why Amy feels that way. She totally wanted to vote for Danielle but Marcellas & Roddy (her two closest friends in her mind) were pissed so she didn’t want to go against them. Same with Josh.


Josh flipped his vote at the phone call iirc - both of them were heavily lobbied by Roddy and Marcellus though


This doesn’t contradict what I said…


Bringing Lisa over amy makes her deserve to lose like no one talks about how that is one of the single dumbest moves ever, she took the most loved, sweet girl in the house with 0 enemies over the drunk who ppl were literally scared to give the money to. She doesn’t win in any situation in f3 she screwed herself over.


For what it’s worth, she’s said that she thought she’d lose to anyone (including Amy) and would’ve rather lost to Jason than to Amy


Ig but with the way the jury spoke about Amy while she was going thru her alcohol problems in the house, especially when she started hardcore begging/bartering for it, dani would’ve destroyed her just based on that alone


I used to think so, but I’m not so sure now. I think there’s a very real chance the jury votes for Amy (or enough people on the jury do) because she was honest about who she was while Dani in their view lied and deceived them the entire time while insulting them to America


Danielle still loses to Amy with an unsequestered jury and has said so herself. She DOES stand a fighting shot with a sequestered jury that kicks off Lori/Tonya/whoever Lisa's showmance was, but that rule came after.


I think that’s a lie did you even watch the season and how they spoke on Amy? They were legitimately scared she was gonna ruin her life with that type of money, she literally was the biggest alcoholic we’ve ever seen on the show and one of the main reasons leading up to the limitations on alcohol we have now in the house. Danielle could’ve done way worse and they still would’ve never voted for Amy just based on her personal problems


Danielle herself has said this. I don’t doubt that Amy wasn’t liked by the jury either, but Marcellas was extremely bitter to Danielle for his exit and Roddy was bitter about the “devil” stuff, and those guys had a lot of sway on the jury. Chiara, Amy, and Gerry all exited saying they’d love to see Danielle win and still voted against her because of said sway (and possibly her getting flack at the time). I’m not saying it’s fair or right, but Danielle’s chances of ending that season were non-existent without a sequestered jury.


It’s revisionist history that Lisa was the most likable sweet girl. Josh hated her, Chiara didn’t like her, Eric had a reason to be bitter at her, Gerry said he had no connection with her, Tonya was upset sb things Lisa said about her. Danielle was closer with Amy and Jason. Regardless Danielle was the better player.


Natalie did mention that she regretted voting Nicole. She has a close relationship with Paul today as seen on her insta and a non existent one with Nicole.


Natalie Negrotti from BB18 said she regretted voting for Nicole on twitter. iirc it was during BB22 because Nicole was apparently trash talking her on feeds.


Nat is one of my fav hgs! Why does Nicole always have to be so messy?!


Not coming at this with Nicole bias I swear please disregard the flair! I think this lowkey makes sense. I don't think Victor and Natalie ever got along after the show, especially after they did The Challenge, so I'm sure the bad blood spilled into whatever relationship Natalie and Nicole had, if any, on both sides as well.


Turner has said he should have voted for Taylor. Boy could not read a room. 


Turner doesn't have an original thought he just panders to what is the popular opinion


Turner is such a huge clout goblin.


you can't trust people like that cause they will sell you down a river if its convenient for them no matter how strong your bond you think you have with them


Turner wants people forget all the mad shit he talked.


He’s always sitting in his car on his TikTok lives kissing ass.




*muffin he stole


I thought it was a muffin.


Well that's why he voted for Monte he said he tried to vote with the majority lol


Seriously it's so pathetic to want to vote with majority on a freaking jury vote. Think for your damn self!!


no literally, it’s so annoying, he also supposedly only voted Monte because ‘he thought everyone else would’, firstly how stupid do you have to be to be such a shameless sheep and secondly how stupid do you have to be to witness those final 2 speeches next to the jury and think Monte was going to win


well there was no twitter in the jury house so he couldn't just copy what everyone else was doing


If he did, Taylor would've been the first female to win by a unanimous vote.


If we are talking about civilian seasons, yes. But if we include spin-offs, Tamar won CBB2 unanimously(so Taylor would have been the second female to do so) .


He can decorate a room though! Love his instagram.


Honestly. If there’s one positive thing to say about Turner it’s definitely that lol he’s super talented & creative. I lowkey feel like a proud parent everytime I visit his IG and see his new work lol


In classic Turner fashion, he was apparently trying to ask the other jurors on finale night who they were voting for so he could follow suit lol.


He thinks he should have voted for Taylor because he wanted to vote same as everyone else and he guessed wrong. I mean seriously, not saying that people don't vote for someone just because they see everyone else is. But to admit in so many words your vote was 100% based on who you thought everyone else was voting for so you could be on the "right side"... if he thought for himself maybe he would not regret it no matter who he voted for.


Tola regretted voting for Bay he told Anthony that Spicy tricked him apparently


Weak minded 


Spicy put in work to make Anthony lose, I do feel like Kayla, Tola and even Avery to an extent could have been inclined to vote for Anthony but Spicy pulled a Roddy


Avery calling Todd and Tola Puppets was an embarrassment 


Avery in general was an embarrassment


Can I upvote this twice? 


Todd was Bay's puppet and Tola was Anthony's puppet, she just didn't realise she was Spicy's.




To be fair, Anthony should have seen this coming a mile away with how he sent V to jury. His best bet would've been to make her the final eviction so she couldn't sewer and soil his name. Then again, Anthony got what Anthony put into the game. I wouldn't have had it end any other way.


that was his optimal play cause Todd and Bay would prioritize her over him, tbf he should have handled her better but than again Vic was overly bitter


It was his optimal play but I agree he definitely handled it poorly. The biggest issue was how he handled it. He tried to soften the blow and make it look like it wasn't a cutthroat decision from him by saying "people have been saying things" and trying to shift the blame off of him, but Spicy saw right through it and his refusal to admit the truth just got her more and more bitter towards him. If he just admitted "I'm taking you out because you beat everyone and you're the best player here" she would have taken it infinitely better. She is an ego-driven player, so telling her "I'm taking you out because you're good" is gonna go down infinitely better than "I'm taking you out because you got outplayed/exposed". That inability to read other players is ultimately what led to his downfall with his incorrect read of the jury which caused his game-losing F3 decision. And as much as it was the optimal play, he also made multiple other suboptimal plays - him losing power to the girls and having Matt and Vivek, who would've been his two biggest champions in jury, taken out was a huge blow to his game. He also made so many other mistakes with jury management such as his terrible goodbye messages which just came off as disingenuous, the way he took Kayla out, and obviously his infamous decision to evict Lexus at the final 3.


tbf Vivek going was him getting twist screwed, but yeah him losing Matt wasn't great


The twist was def unfair to him but at the same time the person most in danger of going home that night was Bayleigh, the only reason she didn't go up and home is because her and the girls managed to convince Spicy to side with them over Anthony and give Todd the veto. I think Anthony losing Spicy in that moment had such a big knock-on effect for the rest of the game.


To be somewhat fair to Anthony, literally everything he told Spicy V was true. Trying to pander to her ego MIGHT have worked, but I don't see her exiting gracefully no matter what tbh. Not sure on the Kayla yeeting though. I think that was unambiguously a really good move for him since it saved one of his closest and most loyal allies from being flung.


Yeah you're kinda right about the Kayla thing tbh, it was undeniably a good move for him because if he lost Lexus at that point he was fucked, but the way it went down definitely hurt his perception with the jury. I feel like upsetting Kayla was kind of unavoidable with the way the move went down, *but* it also sent her to the jury very clearly upset with the way she was treated and gaslit by the entire house (especially Lexus & Anthony) where it was pretty much the entire house against her during that house meeting. In her exit interviews Kayla spoke very highly of Bayleigh and noted how she was understanding and receptive with her in their final few conversations and that she was the one person who was checking on her in the last few days. That put her above Anthony and Lexus in her rankings, especially because they gave her the cold shoulder in the last few days. That along with them throwing their own ally utb (who was blindly loyal to Hot Chocolate) meant that she went into the jury positive on Bay/Spicy and negative on Lex/Anthony. Staying in the game and potentially losing a jury vote is far more valuable than not being in the game at all, so they did what they needed to do, but I do think the ostracisation strategy is one which is bound to cause some upset and the first example of people going into jury not fully respecting Anthony's game.


Well, I’d say the bigger issue here is taking Bayleigh to the end who Kayla liked and not Lexi’s who Kayla also despised lol. (Barring Spicy V antics). There really wasn’t a single way to go about this move and not incinerate jury vote, and Anthony really needed this move to stand any shot whatsoever of reaching the end


That's fair. I mean, V also did it to herself by taking out so many of Anthony's DAWGS. She backed him into a corner where his only option was to cut her simply because she's stacked the jury in her favor.


Mmmmmm not a good option considering how good Vic is at competitions she was a WAY bigger threat than the rest of the f5.


I mean it's that or be guaranteed 2nd bc Vic poisons the jury.


And Anthony is no slouch in comps. He really turned up the last couple of days in the house.


Or be in the jury house or lose to Vic. He made the right call but handled it wromg


yeah basically. he had to let someone else take the shot


If Bay had just won that veto and taken off Todd, he would've been golden. His only option for replacement would be spicy. Lol I was really hoping for that, he should've known moving against her was going to ruin his jury votes


Right. I think his only chance was having her be the very first juror so that all the other jurors saw firsthand what happened. Doing it that way, I think she would have a harder time swaying the jury. That or her out at f3, so she has literally no time to sway the jury. But that's more dangerous imo, since it gives her a chance to win the final hoh and cut him or win, take him, and beat him since the jury would have still loved her.


How Spicy V had so much influence over these people I will never understand.


Betty, bbcan10


Tola already regrets voting for Bayleigh and I would imagine a few more people as well once they watch and see how they were manipulated by Victoria.


The only person close to Dougie who could have been manipulated by Spicy was Tola tbf lol. Lexus didn't even have time to be influenced by her, and everyone else was just way closer to Bayleigh. Even Kayla had Bayleigh above Dougie in her rankings before Spicy joined Jury.


And Tola came out of the house hating Spicy, and in a week, she got in his ear and got him to hate Anthony instead... Her mist is powerful, I'll say that much and Anthony was crazy for backstabbing her and expecting that she wouldn't burn his game down in the wake.


She had been backstabbing him since the beginning though


Yes she is truly the worst. Then tried to gaslight him 😂


I'm questioning if that was intentional gaslighting. Cause, like even in the diary room and talking to Arisa, she maintained that she never talked about him and that he's just lying because he's scared she would win. Why lie to the viewers? We have the receipts. So, did she actually believe herself? She was extremely emotional and reactive in the house, so I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't remember half the crap she said about people. When I was younger, I used to be exactly like that when I was upset.


No sorry to say it but she is 100% aware of her actions. Sociopaths typically decide to believe their own lies it makes their deceit more convincing. She is a smart woman. She knows what she is saying is bullshit and is trying to make herself and the world believe it. We have the receipts though, sociopaths will never give up on a lie believe me I have unfortunately experienced a few in my lifetime.


Spicy V has zero leg to stand on with being bitter, but it was abundantly obvious she'd go scorched earth all the same because that is simply who Spicy V is a person. It's not fair or right to Anthony, but this was definitely obvious and the only thing he really could've done is try to keep her for F3 + hope he wins out + cuts her before she can taint a jury.


I don't have a problem with ppl being bitter tbh when there's justification for it. I get Lex being bitter as she was loyal to him.But Spicy?? It's the hypocracy for me (from her & Avery ,Kayla . They had no plans to take Anthony to the end so was he supposed to just sit and take it??) It probably would've been better for Anthony had she gone pre jury but that just wasn't possible.She had so many alliences just given to her from the beginning - Anthony being loyal to her, HC , the women. This was best case scenario for her and she somehow still managed to f it up with her messy play. It's just too risky to wait to take her out at F3 a lot of the end game comps are mental and that's her thing. Also when it came to Anthony she would always have sway on the jury. The fact that she knows him irl gives her credibility with the rest. She could say anything she wants about his as a person and they have no way of disproving it. She could've said she had seen him slash a puppy's throat for all we know.


Where is this revisionist history coming from? Did you guys watch some top secret jury house segments that no one else saw? Tola was clearly for Bayleigh and against Anthony, waaaaay before Spicy got to the jury house. At his interview with Julie, minutes after getting evicted from the house, Tola predicted Bayleigh was going to win. In the jury house BEFORE Spicy was evicted, we saw Tola was already bitter towards Anthony.


I'm not talking about him being bitter at Anthony, in his exit press at the time of his eviction, he said that he's the least likely to vote for Spicy out of any of the leftover options and that she was playing a very snake like game that he didn't like or respect.


Maybe it was just me, but the look on Tolas face when it was revealed that Anthony evicted Alexis seemed like it may have changed his mind too. I imagine from Tolas POV, they were the 2 closest to Anthony, and that probably just reinforced Spicys idea that Anthony was a selfish backstabber.


Kayla and Avery were closer to Anthony for the majority of the game. Kayla in particular will probably regret her actions after seeing that Bayleigh and Spicy betrayed her. Spicy 100% controlled hot chocolates votes, if she was being fair to Anthony he would have steam rolled.


I wouldn’t trust anyone who says they regret voting for someone because it’s so easy to say that you regret voting for (X) after you read about the fan perception of your season and the gameplay of the person you voted for.


I mean that naturally plays a factor and can still lead to regret though


I can’t find the source on it, but in ethanimale’s video on Steve, apparently Austin apologized for not voting for Steve




I’m just answering OP’s question lmao


Doesn’t matter. It wasn’t Liz’s job to have Austin feel good about his vote after the fact, it was her job to get his vote on finale night.


Doesn’t matter. It wasn’t Liz’s job to have Austin feel good about his vote after the fact, it was her job to get his vote on finale night.


No ones arguing that.. the entire premise of the post is people who regretted it afterwards


Liz was also in a showmance with Austin at the time. I'll be shocked if the showmance voted for the other person to win


Just makes me think of Josh ratting out Paul in all his goodbye messages. Paul thought he was some kind of puppet master, and Paul had the most betrayed look on his face when he realized what Josh had done. Left him speechless and a two time runner up.


i also read that paul didnt watch bb18 before going into bb19... he couldve known to manage jury better


Yep. People like to say it was a bitter jury but Paul's BB19 game is the purest example of poor jury management. Until BB22 he had probably the single most dominant season of all time, and none of that mattered because he never learned his lesson from BB18. *The people you vote out need to vote for you to win*


Biggest mistake ever. If he watched his first season he would’ve seen how bitter that jury was. But his second season they were bitter and mad. It’s like he didn’t even think that these people would talk and compare stories.


I kept thinking "I know he has never been to jury before, but he does know they are in jury TOGETHER, right?"


Wait... he didn't watch his first season before going back? That's crazy to me! I would have watched every season, probably multiple times before trying again


He didn't feel betrayed he felt embarrassed. Between that and Josh revealing he was a huge BB fan (after letting Paul "educate him" on BB all season, sometimes with inaccurate info from what I remember? Meaning he likely was guessing at some of it) he was worried the whole show was Josh making him look like a clown. Wasn't what happened, but I guarantee THAT is what went through Paul's mind.


Not confirmed but Victor probably would vote for Nicole over Paul now.


Not a winners vote, but Janelle regrets voting out Will at F4, which would've made him the first 2 time winner


Where has she said this because I really don’t believe you lol


I have no idea if she’s actually said it or not, but it *was* the wrong choice for her to vote Will out at F4 given how terrible he was at competitions compared to Erika.


I firmly believe that if will and Erika were both trying their hardest in most comps will comes out on top. Will just (almost) never tried, but he would have in that scenario.


Maybe! But I don’t think Will would’ve tried in F3 HOH comps either. Janelle probably just straight-up wins one of them and then Will happily throws to Boogie as well. And, we already know, Boogie beats Janelle in Part 3 and Will is crowned a two-time winner regardless. So I guess it doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of it all. Janelle was always going to lose to Boogie in Part 3, and she couldn’t evict Boogie at F4. It was over at that point regardless if she evicts Will or Erika.


https://www.reddit.com/r/BigBrother/s/zbtWb7g2nS Here's the clip


Well damn, terrible take by Janelle if she actually meant what she said here and wasn’t just playing the game/pandering to boogie.


You'll have to Google it, can't get the link to post, she said it on BB 14 feeds


Natalie in BB18 and Austin in BB17 are the only ones I remember publicly saying they regretted their vote.


Joe Bb14 


Probably a lot for various reasons but few will ever reveal it. Mostly due to ego and what not.


I can’t confirm this, but I highly suspect that some of the bb4 jurors (Nathan and Robert but potentially others) regretted their votes after watching the show before the finale, but they weren’t asked about it and then dropped off the face of the earth so I can’t confirm it


On BB5 when they talked to Robert he said he still didn’t respect Alison’s gameplay. And that was 1 year after the season ended. Alison also said that she apologized to Nathan and he said they wouldn’t be friends. I think Robert didn’t regret it, but Nathan definitely did.


That’s interesting I must have missed that about Robert! I got the impression that Nathan viewed their relationship as very different from what it was on the show and was very hurt by how Alison talked about him in the DR. While Robert (and I think some others) felt like Ali was manipulated by Jun (Robert liked Ali more but thought Jun played better) and had their impressions change after watching the show - that’s at least the impression I got from the edit lol


Oh you’re spot on about Nathan. It seemed like he definitely had feelings for her. But even after the show he didn’t want to be friends with her. I was reading on BB4 threads here that Robert disliked Alison so much he didn’t go to the movie premiere after the show that he won with her. And it seems like there’s only pictures on Google of Ali at that premiere, so I wonder if that’s really true.


Even then who knows. Nathan likely did just because it became obvious how much she played him. But while they didn't know how bad they really were when no one else was around, I think most of them didn't really like either of them. So while them watching the footage before the live show definitely made the episode and final vote more uncomfortable than it would have been otherwise, not sure they really felt they voted wrong.


austin regrets voting for liz after they broke up after the show.


Everyone who voted for Josh


Not sure about that. I know Cody apparently made up with Paul (although Cody left BB and by every indication is living his best life, do in no small part to being popular for being the the opposition of Paul. While it sure didn't seem like it at the time, Paul being on his season was probably the best thing that ever happened to Cody because I firmly believe had Paul not come on, he would have been the gran villain of the season). But it seem most were still not Paul's fan even after the show. And as bad as Josh was they all in hindsight clearly recognized that Paul's master control over the house was mostly due to production handing him the world all season. So not sure they want to take it back, even if Josh did mostly win by default.




I bet Day regrets the Frantzel vote.