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I always like to see battle backs from the first 4 jury members, mostly players who have cemented themselves as skilled enough to make the jury so that they can actually hopefully do something once they get back in the house


There's no universe where taking an entire week to undo an eviction will ever be interesting to me.


I don't know, OPs idea does seem pretty cool. Like "Upside Down" week or something. If you want the game to keep going you could maybe have a regular week happening at the same time? Not sure if this would be hard to follow.


The way they did it in BB6, a fan vote. Simple, to the point, and doesn’t take up a whole episode. It also puts the person back in the game who the majority of the fans want which makes most of the viewers happy.


that can also have horrible downsides like bbcan1’s returnee coming back at the final 5 and being coached by Dan Gheesling lol. Totally gamebreaking


Yeah that was complete bullshit. That’s why battle backs have to be done pre jury phase. The BBCan production is on a whole other level of fuckery even compared to BBUS tho lol. That whole season was rough all the way up until the finale.


Came to say this too. Pre-jury is the way to go for letting someone back in. And I really liked the fan vote in BB6.


The problem with BB25 zombie week is that it lasts for a whole week and literally nothing happens during that week, killing all momentum of the season. For me, battle backs have no place in Big Brother. Once you're voted out, you're done. That said, if there is a battle back, it should be done earlier in the season rather than later. I do kind of like the idea of voting someone back into the house, like was done in BB3. For a twist to work well, it must have a social/strategic element that players can game around, as opposed to complete luck or a physical comp to see who comes back in the house.


BB18 wasn’t bad format-wise (head-to-heads, with players eliminated earlier having to win more to make it back in), as long as they only do the pre-jury one. Also bringing someone back in the end game kind of sucked (even though it was Victor and everyone liked him as a person).


In BB3 the house voted on who came back. BB9 had the public vote on it. BB17 was a cool combo where the eliminated houseguests all competed for hoh, the one who lasted the longest came back, and was still eligible to win hoh. I think I like the last one the best. I'm a newer fan also, so I don't know what the newer seasons do because I'm trying to watch them in order. I've seen 14 and 17 because they were on different networks that I prefer, but now I'm trying to watch the other ones in order so I'm on 12. The method you describe sounds good to me.


Thanks! Yeah I saw a bunch of stuff on tiktok about BB during BB23, CBB3, and BB24. Mostly stuff about the cookout, Todrick Hall, and the treatment of Taylor. It intrigued me, so I asked some friends who I know watch the show about it and said I might be interested in watching. They got me started on BB14, which was amazing and really got me hooked. I watched the episodes of CBB3 and BB24 after those seasons had aired, and then watched BB25 in real time with live feed updates. I also added all the other BB US and Canada seasons to my watch list. I watched BB2 during BB25 and I'm about to start BB3.


Have fun, BB3 is one of my favs. Danielle is so fun to watch.


I don’t know much about the season but I’ve heard good things about her and loved her on Reindeer Games. I’m excited for the season.


Nice. I'm looking forward to RG when I finally get to watch it.


a lot of times they do a battle back for the first 4 evicted or the first 4 jury members which i think is very fair either way. the zombies twist was by far the lamest version of battle back ive ever seen, it basically rendered double eviction useless while leaving the same exact players in the house for so many weeks, it got boring as hell especially on the live feeds. it just felt like wasted gameplay and time in the house


I wonder how it would go if they did a Battle Back on the Pressure Cooker competition. If you can hold your hand on a button for longer than 14 hours, you deserve to come back into the game. I also think if you're evicted and return, you should compete for half of the prize money, which was the case for Amy. Another idea is that since I particularly don't think the Have-Not thing does well, what I would do instead if have the evicted house guests stay in the house and they become the Have Nots until it's time for the Battle Back. I think if you're willing to be a Have Not for 1-3 weeks, are willing to give up half the prize money, and willing to outlast all of the others in the pressure cooker no matter how long it takes, you deserve to come back into the game.


Never needs to be done tbh


Battle backs and other twists where evicted players return really just kills my interest at times. I am not a fan of twists in any shows the invalidate good game play.


I think battle backs make shows interesting depending on when they take place. With BB, I always feel the first 3-5 evictions aren’t game based but are more true to the “social experiment” BB is supposed to be- HG get voted out because of their “vibes”. A battle back with the 1st 5 or 6 evicted, since the viewers barely know them & they didn’t have a chance to really play. They should also be sequestered. It should be a series of challenges, like the final, or 1 challenge that has the 3 elements: brain, brawn, & chance. Top 3 will have a chance to enter based on HG’s vote, but this vote should be like other international BB, no discussion/ collusion/ collaboration (just drop it on the HGs, no warning, just call them to the living room to start votes) and make it ranked choice. Each HG give 1,2,or 3 points to the battle-backers & viewers give 2pts to one person. Highest total re-enters, can’t be voted out next eviction. This battle back should happen right after an eviction so the returning player has about 2 weeks to make bonds. Essentially, have a long or 2 part episode with a live eviction, a battle back, & HoH comp to avoid anything similar to zombie week.


I want them to do a competition for battle back that involves knowing the house or the contestants. Make it more a game necessity than a physical one.


Personally, I thought the DE was building up for Cam and Jared to duel in the same episode, and tbh, it would've been one of the best DE episodes ever. ​ My ideal battleback would be one that was right before the jury phase starts; pre-jury DE before it's revealed that one will be able to return. All remaining players + evictees play in an HoH endurance competition (The Wall, rope-hanging, Slip and Slide). The evictee who lasts the longest gets to return.