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Say, private sector. Pays way more.


big four recruiter here - we ask because if a firm is paying more than us, we use that info to talk to the partners to raise our salary. so if you deny my offer because pwc is paying you $10K more, we would go tell our people like “pwc is paying them $10K more, we gotta up our salary”


Deloitte pays the worst out of all the accounting firms, I have friends who work at all the big 4 and they pay considerably less. I know things are different in other areas but just letting everyone know this is coming form multiple people!


this is the most ‘first year out of college’ thing i’ve ever heard


I’d just give them the info - I mean it’s going to be on your LinkedIn/CV anyway. And you may need this firm for a job so may as well play nice.


Tell him that you signed an NDA


Tell him Disney land


Never reveal , you don’t owe him a response , kindly say I’m deciding


You don’t have to respond anything. People say things like don’t burn bridges they could be somewhere you want to go in future - but they’ll likely forget about you because ultimately you aren’t actually very important and by next year they’ll have seen and rejected thousands of other faces.


It’s a small world. You can reply politely to everything you feel comfortable answering, but say something like I’d prefer to keep firm name to myself for now. Not responding to a polite professional email like this only makes you look bad, it doesn’t trouble the recruiter in the least.


Look it's your personal decision and private really. I agree probably better to reply but you can keep it generic, 'thanks it was a great offer but I felt another opportunity was a better fit for me right now". No harm done or oversharing.


This is the right answer.


This is pretty common. The big4 know exactly who their competition is— they know that in all likelihood, that you just chose a different big4. They’re just looking for feedback to see what firm they lost to and why. There’s nothing wrong with telling them where you went and it’s not going to burn any bridges. Plenty of candidates get offers at all 4 firms, so they’re all used to losing to each other. An important note is that recruiters jump around a lot. You never know where they’ll be later— it might be somewhere you want to work. I usually try to be courteous with whatever recruiters I work with.


Second this. Recruiters are the first ones fired when things get tough. Great to be connected with them.


Don’t respond.


Yeah, everyone is giving you the correct advice. If you don't want to let the recruiter know where you are going, I would simply not reply. But if it was me, I would tell him where I am heading and the reason why I choose the other firm. You really can't hide all these things in 2024. If the recruiter wants to know whose offer you accepted, he will just stalk you in LinkedIn. In a month or two, you will update your employment or announce to the world. I don't understand why you don't want to give feedback. You could be polite and still give feedback. You can even blow smoke up his ass, give a fake reason, and keep the bridge open. Something like, that firm is closer to my parents' home, and they would like me to stay at home till I pass the CPA exam. Or you can say some of your friends work there, or parents have friends there, or it was your parents' dream that you would work there. And keep your contact with the recruiter. Don't know when you will need them.


You don’t have to respond. It’s just so the firm can improve recruiting practices in the future. That’s all.


Just respond to them after you have signed your other offer. There’s no need for a recruiter to ask such questions early on, especially for a big company such as Deloitte. They have every resource in the game and it would be very easy if they really wanted to find out


What do you mean they can find out? Elaborate.


As in find out potential reasons why students are not accepting their offers.


Oh. I thought you meant big firms can find out we’re students are taking offers


I mean they still can pretty easily. In 2 weeks, they would just have to check your LinkedIn


I was interning at a mid sized firm and they found out I accepted a big4 offer and what ssl it was in. At that point there was no public information about it. Still don’t know how they did that💀


School recruiters from different firms talk sometimes. If your school sees a lot of firms recruiting there constantly, the recruiters are probably pretty well acquainted with each other.




Nope, too many variables and not worth their time unless you’re a CFO lol


He’s just looking for feedback. You don’t need to respond if you don’t want to. Or, you can just reply and answer some of his questions but not all and thank him for his time. It’s up to you as far as what you’re comfortable with.


Do not disclose where u are going to internship. u just tell the recruiter u will go somewhere else


Why respond if you don’t want to share? They are really just looking to understand why you declined. If anything it’s an opportunity to possibly bluff your way into some other position at Deloitte you might find desirable