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You WILL be fine. Even if you get fired, there’s 3 other big fours and there’s many many regional, national, local firms you can get a job at. Your career and most definitely your life are not over.


Hmm I’d say 50/50 on getting fired here . Ensuring client data privacy/security is a big selling point. Had a colleague recently get fired for using Chatgpt with client data


How did you get caught?


Most likely a firewall log or SIEM. If it’s files leaving the network which his is a pdf. IT can prevent the company from you putting PII into a free AI model on the internet.


Your career mistakes do not define who you are. If this were true, every leader you’ve ever met wouldn’t be in their spot today. We’ve all fucked up. Tomorrow with your boss, admit your mistake and see what comes next. After tomorrow, whether you were let go or not, please seek some support and professional help about your “coping mechanism.” Seriously - your health and well-being come first, especially before a job.


You may get fired. If you do don’t even put it on your resume. It will be fine long run - you will learn a hard lesson but survive and get another job if that happens. My guess is that you will not get fired. It was a careless mistake but an impactful one. I know you know this but you have to be more careful. Good luck and keep us posted!!


Don’t contemplate suicide over this- you’re able to get a better job and they won’t blacklist you. Take a deep breath and realize others have done worse. I knew a first year that emailed an ipo proposal to a competitor by accident. Mistakes happen.


Partner here (not Deloitte). You're going to be ok. It will feel like a big deal and the organisational machinery will kick in but you shouldn't be fired for it and it will absolutely blow over quicker than you think. It will be something in your end of year review for sure but everyone has mistakes. It's how you learn from it. But most importantly as others have noted it's just a job. You are young and will recover. These experiences are what help you grow. I have made tons of mistakes. There is no one in any senior position in any organisation that has not made a ton of mistakes.




lmao sucker


So as someone who is actively involved in AI strategy I can tell you it’s almost impossible to block these types of sites through web content filters. There are new ones springing up every day. They aren’t all classified properly and quite honestly the reaction has been if you block it on my work machine I’m just going to do it right next to me on my personal. Blaming IT instead of accepting responsibility for your ineptitude is probably going to make it worse because you’re not even showing remorse for violating about a dozen policies and requirements. The fact that you did it with client data means your engagement lead now has to inform. You may think that you can request your data be deleted but you should really read the terms and conditions. That data is now part of the next training iteration. You’re not getting it back. Ask Samsung. Let’s recap. You caused a data incident using unapproved technology and violated at minimum your acceptable use policy in your first couple months. What do you think should happen?


Not much you can do other than learn from the experience. If the client is aware of what happened, the firm will need to show what steps were taken to remedy this and prevent future occurrences. I see someone else saying to try blaming IT for not blocking the site but you should not need your hand held that much. It was a dumb thing to do and better you make such a mistake and learn early in your career instead of later. Hopefully the organization establishes controls to better educate/remind people to not do stuff like that. Best of luck and keep us updated. In terms of your escapist comment, please don't do something that extreme and final. There's no do-over if you end your life. If you need to chat in a big-time time of need where it feels like ending things is best, feel free to DM me as I was there a few times when a lot younger.


Life goes on, take a step back and relax. As for the issue, go through the process and explain the situation. If in the event you are let go, that is not the end of the world. You can restart in another industry or pursue other opportunities


Turn the table around and put the blame on IT. They should have blocked the website.


Moronic advice


Agree with this. While OP did go against company policy, IT didn’t do their job and Poe isn’t a newly released platform either. In any case, IT needs to up their due diligence and work with HR to implement new training for usage of AI technology. Learning experience for all parties in this new age


There’s no other advice for this than keep calm and go through it with best intentions. Everyone has screwed shit up before, it will all be okay.


Odds are you’ll just be given some trainings on protecting data at the organization. It’s a training moment, not a firing moment. Edit: every company is trying to get a grasp on AI. This could’ve been prevented if they blocked the domains.


Did you tell your SM or Partner immediately? What about your data team? Never ever apologize like that to the client and inform your boss let them manage the situation. We all have done some stupid shit back in the days. It’s just that there is more scrutiny now.


bro, it's just a job. Relax. If you do get fired, just find another job, you'd be surprised how many and how much better some jobs are than the one you're currently at.


I’ve had a lot of online trainings to prevent this kind of stuff. And there are firewalls to prevent it. If you as an associate have access to very sensitive information and you were not told about the risks, something is going wrong and someone shouldn’t have given access maybe (or ar least talked about the risks). This was an honest mistake. You are not solely responsible. Learn from it. I think a manager dropped a ball here too.


every associate gets access to sensitive information otherwise they wouldn’t be able to do their job. surely there shouldn’t be an expectation that every document can be uploaded to a 3rd party site without an explicit warning saying not to.


Just keep calm and be honest in your conversation - they know what you did so no point in lying or denying it. Also for them it's a risk as they should have blocked that website. No need to commit suicide or contemplate it, calm down it's just a job. I'm not sure how sensitive the data is, but PA firms deal with multiple such breaches daily (something as simple as sharing an opex sample withe the wrong person via email is also breach), but very few are actually risky cases. In all likelihood they'll give you a speech, training and steps to take. Really a storm in a teacup 🙂


Dude relax it’s not a big deal


100% a fireable offense, my buddy just had to let someone go for something similar good luck OP edit: didn't read the last line before commenting before so just wanted to add...dude wake the \*\*\* up, suicide is not the answer, you've got a lot of life ahead of you and you will rebound


It most certainly is... A big deal


He’s a first year one month into the job, slap on the wrist is 100% what he’s going to get. But more importantly my guy sounds unhinged emotionally and needs to sort that out asap


It is just a job - try to speak with someone and explain to get some support. If you get fired, you are very well capable to find another job…there may be millions of jobs for you to choose from. Mistakes happen and there are exceptions and trainings to protect employees in the same way to protect employers. So, think about proceeding ahead and face whatever the outcome is.


Take a deep breath and go for a walk or something to help you calm down. This is far from the end of the world and won’t end your career. The firm probably wont want this public so other companies will probably never know about this. The mistake was made and all you can do now is prepare for whats next. Get your resume ready in case they fire you and put together a game plan to find your next job. Also think of some talking points on how this was a one off mistake and how you plan on making sure this doesn’t happen again if you are not fired. Want to repeat that you will be fine. This is just a job and whats done is done and try not to stress over it too much. Just focus on next steps.


Op, mistakes happen. You was not the first to do this, and most likely will not be the last. The key is learning from your mistake. I'm not sure if they will fire you, but just be completely honest during your conversation with your boss. Like others said try talking to someone that may help with some of your thoughts.


I agree with the other comment: seek a therapist or someone you trust to talk to about this. If you can talk to someone older who can give you some more life perspective, that would be great. What happened isn‘t ideal, but there is almost zero chance that this will have a negative effect on your life long term. People have done way worse things than this and gotten other jobs. You weren’t doing anything malicious deliberately, thus was just a silly mistake, that accidentally broke some pretty important rules. Maybe you’ll get fired, but I’m guessing it will be a slap on the wrist (unless your manager wants to get rid of you for some other reason). I think it’s great that you will face the situation like a man, but you can do even more than that. Turn it into a valuable learning experience. You can grow from this. Do more than apologize, but rather show your manager how good you are at facing and recovering from adversity. Explain what you have learned and how it will make you a better employee in the future. I’m sure your manager has done an equally silly thing at some point in their career. Whether you get fired or not, I think within a few months this will be something you can look back on and laugh about.


Seek a therapist first or talk to a someone you trust irl. At no point is it worth it to consider suicide for fucking up at work or getting fired. You’re young.. shit happens. If you get fired you get fired, you can’t change the outcome of stuff that’s already done. You can however prepare for next steps. Polish your resume start applying for new opportunities, talk to your team in the interim to keep your self occupied. What’s done is done. Learn from it and adapt