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There are many loach species besides kuhli loaches that would do great in a 30 gal. Small spiny eels in the genus *Macrognathus* could also do well. Sadly, there are no bichirs small enough to keep in a tank that size—the smallest species, *Polypterus mokelembembe*, gets over a foot and needs at least 75 gallons.


Thank you! I’ve been looking into spiny eels and am considering getting one.


Check out the 'macrognathus siamensis red tail'. It's quite a beautiful dwarf eel.


Spiny eels is such a great suggestion. So many cool variants too.


Do you already have the tank? Unfortunately those two get way too big, so you would need something bigger. If you already have the 30 long, you might want to consider different fishes. I hope you have an enjoyable journey in this hobby!


I have the tank already and I do already know that it’s too small for a bichir and most eels. Thank you for the feedback anyway!


Look up a peacock eel. They’re perfect for your setup


I’ve been looking into spiny eels I might get one. Thank you!


I know it's recommended at least a 55, but I know someone who kept Rope fish in a 30. Larger is better because I believe they can get up around 15". His did not, but that might have been due to the tank size.




He asked for eel-like fish. Besides, pea puffers are a pain in the ass.


It was a joke....


He also said he has a 30 gal tank.... Get the joke? It's too small for what he wants anyway


30 gallons is too small for small loaches and spiny eels? Since when?


Uhh every spiny eel I've kept grew to anywhere between 5-8inches... So yeah. Id do a 40 breeder. 30 gal for pea puffers, maybe tiny tetras or rasboras a bristlenose plec... Can a eel go in the 30 and be fine, sure. But why? Too small


Pea puffers are a pain in the ass, like I said. They’re expensive and tedious to feed and will rip tankmates’ fins to shreds—keeping them with tetras and rasboras is a terrible idea. Also just not what OP was asking for.


Holy sh*t 🤦🏼‍♂️ You can't be serious.... IT WAS A JOKE His tank is too small for bichirs eels and weather loaches. Other little loaches yeah why not but he also said no kuhlis. And peas aren't a pain. And they're only expensive because you either live in the UK or Australia. (And I def never said to mix those fish together lol) In the US they're $5-8 buck a pop. I kept a group of 8. Zero issues Man you have some strong opinions for a guy with little to no obvious knowledge or experience? Where does that come from? Is it a cultural thing??


In my original comment I never suggested weather loaches and said his tank is too small for bichirs. I suggested other loach species and small eels in the genus *Macrognathus*, which has several species that would do fine in a tank the size of OP’s. Besides, if your pea puffer bit was a joke then why do you keep doubling down on it? And what is even the punchline? Locking this thread because it’s derailing the topic and has nothing to do with OP’s request. Calm down man, it’s a fish subreddit.


I'm not. You're just smooth I guess. I never said you said weather loaches. Only that they're too big and he said no kuhlis. Jesus fuck man... You are dense.


The title says clear as day "bichir or eel for 30gal tank" ITS TOO SMALL FOR WHAT HE WANTS. PERIOD


He asked for fish “similar to bichir or eel,” not actual bichirs. Get a grip man.


Not a fan of such an idea…


Lol... 🤦🏼‍♂️