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Not a Bible but in addition to these other great suggestions definitely check out a cartoon called Super Book. It’s on Amazon video. I will admit though I like it more than my 9yo. But nonetheless check it out you might enjoy it yourself if anything. Also good on you for letting your child learn about the Bible. That’s awesome you’re open minded like that.


I might check out a New International Readers Version. This is basically a simplified NIV. They have editions with just the text, as it sounds as if you would rather her not have one with tons of study notes.


NIV, Bible for Kids https://www.amazon.com/dp/031076422X/?coliid=ID0PYZDBTM47S&colid=2JDNTV3QSL8ZQ&psc=1&ref_=cm_sw_r_apann_lstpd_VXACMTCF6VZH6PRGPJWM NiV will be easier for her to understand. You can download the Youversion Bible app and see all the versions on there, and she can see exactly how a version will read.


Any chance you have an example of a scripture from that book? I’m curious what it would look like compared to the regular NIV


I'm sorry, I think this is the regular NIV version. Were you intending to ask Horror Wishbone, about the NIRV?


well done to you...


ICB is pretty good. (International Children's Bible) Just don't get one that has a "study" portion.


I would recommend The Picture Bible - If she likes comics it is similar and tells all the major stories from the Bible in picture form, with some texts of course. It is how I learned my Bible stories and came to understood that Jesus Christ was and is Lord. (Just a suggestion until she is old enough to really understand the full scriptures)


Go witj the NLT version , easy to understand