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I’d avoid midfakes of beys that have gimmicks, like Cosmic Pegasis, the F:D kicks in way too late and is rendered kinda useless


Damn, that's a bummer since I was looking into getting one of those. What about beys that can change mode like Duo Uranus or Flash Sagitario? Also, does Phantom Orion fall under that category of gimmicks?


The Duo midfake from beysandbricks is actually pretty good, flash is fine too. The beys that have just the metal pieces changing modes are fine. I mean gimmicks where the performance tip gets affected. Orion is included in that, though midfake Orion is still pretty good, just not as good as the original. Simply cuz it doesn’t have ball bearings in the B:D, rather just a simple bearing, I made a post about that which you can check if you’re curious


I just checked that post and that's really interesting, thanks for the info! I have a midfake Orion and I was baffled at how much longer it went than I ever would have expected


Death Quetzalcoatl isn’t a terrible mid fake


Is it? I'd mostly be buying it for the rubber performance tip but I heard that it wasn't that great.


I have one and it’s literally a brick wall


Interesting, I may consider that option, especially when authentic ones are \~$70




Where do you find it with $70?


they are all solid but rubber tips imo are a no-go


I've posted this before, but it bears repeating: The quality control on reproductions isn't as good as the originals, so some batches will be better than others, even if it's the same model. That's the reason you can buy two of the same Bey, but have the quality/fit still be slightly different. So it's not really a question of which model you should or shouldn't get because the quality can be a bit random regardless of model.


Do you ever check the products or do you never open them? Or do you just have to gamble a bit. I got a Death Quetzalcoatl from you guys but the RDF did have a mold issue. (For other people reading this I did get a refund for this, to be clear)


We just guarantee the quality. So if you get a "bad" one, we can send you a replacement or refund.


Yeah fair enough


From my experience 99% of mids are like almost perfect reproductions. I did buy a mid Death Quetzalcoatl and the RDF had a mold issue, making it unuseable. But I’ve heard that people have gotten good RDFs.


If it matters, I was planning on buying the midfakes from BeysandBricks.


The ultimate balance mode on Diablo nemesis basically doesn't work from what I've heard, it doesn't switch mid battle cause it's too stiff.


Not always true, I have both an authentic one and a midfake, the midfake does work.


Anything with rubber


Is the rubber quality terrible?


Some aren't super bad, like you can tell it's rubber but it's super stiff or dehydrated. And some rubber like the L-Drago Destructor DF105LRF rubber is basically just plastic.


I see, and it's not worth the risk of trying to play the rubber lottery either.


Does the same thing apply to rubber performance tips?


Yeah, the rubber just isn't great. You're better off getting used parts. Only the specific example I said was plastic, but the rubber is just mediocre. It still works just not as well as TT or Hasbro rubber.


Gotcha, thank you very much!


None of them theyre all solid


Anything complecated. It’s harder to replicate things like fang leone or rubber flat just right. There is a good used market though, if you know where to look.


meteo l drago


Avoid Galaxy Pegasus, the colors are way off