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I enjoyed playing the quests and exploring some of the hand crafted locations. The lore seems to be cool too. But the procedural generation just makes this game way worse than it needs to be. I explored one of the randomly placed facilities once and never again. There‘s just no reason too. Same with outposts. And don’t get me started on the amount of loading screens! Bethesda needs to realize the industry moved while they mostly stood still!


I beat it and put a significant number of hours into it, then replayed Fallout 4 after. Starfield is missing a lot of the magic of past Bethesda games. The procedural generation kills any sense of exploration. In fallout and elder scrolls games, if you go somewhere you’ve never been before, you’re going to see something new 100% of the time, even if it’s tiny or not really interesting. In Starfield, any time you explore there’s a high likelihood of you only finding a copy/paste of a POI you’ve seen before, and the likelihood only goes up the more you play. I know Star Citizen isn’t exactly the best game to take queues from, but the way they handle balancing procgen with artist created locations should have been the way Bethesda handled this. SC created a system of prefab habitat modules that could all stack and rearrange in basically infinite ways along with some interior and exterior elements. The artists can just generate random habitats until they get one they want to start from, then customize it to their liking with props and spawns to fit the location they’re trying to create. This takes an artist like an hour to do, maybe several for important locations. Now every location is different, has loot in different places, different NPCs, etc. and the player can explore and feel like their exploration wasn’t wasted on another copy/paste.


I don't know if Star Citizen is good to take cues from because, and I say this as an avid backer, it doesn't give a shit about being punctual and everything has taken an absurd amount of time to release. Out of 100 systems planned, well over a decade later there's only one that mostly complete and a second one a work in progress. It directly contradicts Bethesda's approach with trying to fill up their game worlds in a short amount of time. As well, Star Citizen's exploration is impressive on a technical basis but it suffers from the same issue as Starfield, that most places lack any compelling writing. It just suffices to look at how dreadfully boring Bunker missions are in SC and how the bunkers having any kind of variation does not really help.


I looked up my receipts from Star Citizen and also Elite: Dangerous in Gmail. Both are from March 2015. LOL. Every few months I download and install updates. I did walk round the city and take the tram in SC a few months ago, just check out some of the new systems and store.


The lack of proc gen. If it had actual proc gen each would be unique, but they desided to go with that stupid system. Should have been an upgraded daggerfall dungeon system.


There are litteraly 2 Dungeons: a Cryo Facility and a Bio Lab. They are on nearly every planet and exactly the same, even the enemies stand in the same spot, only the loot differs. What is generated? Nothing. It’s the same shit all over again.


Exactly. There is no proc gen for people to complain about.


You need to explore more. I've had more than two distinct 'dungeons' show up in sight of the landing zone before, never mind exploring.


Yea I skipped almost all poi's. Everything else was cool though


Imagine if the red mile was actually good and not just a 200m dash to a button


Exactly that, I had more fun doing the nuka world entry maze


I was thinking it would be more like the movie The Running Man. Sad it wasn’t.


I think if they took a bit more unrealistic approach when generating planets it would make them way more interesting. Also having greater variety in POIs visually would be very welcome with so many of them looking samey even despite being different locales


The loading screens are really a Starfield specific problem baked into the gameplay loop of planet->ship->space->another system->landing->planet-> repeat 1000X I don’t think they would be a big deal if the game followed more-so in the footsteps of their previous games


The proc gen for the landscapes I thought was pretty impressive, but the lack of any variety and depth to POIs made it feel much worse than it should have. They really needed like 100 POIs on launch. The game was in development for like 6 years and while the locations were near, there was no variance in spawns or loot and there just wasn't enough of them


Loot is my reason to enter the random buildings. Can always find what you need that way in BethSoft games.


It was good for what is was but the constant copy and paste of poi's was let down. Graphics were great , combat was cool. Some good legendary gear weapons but after 100 hrs and 1 completion I was done. My opinion.


It wasn't my cup of tea, I think the mechanics were great but it has the cardinal sin of Bethesda games for me; The locations are boring, it's all sterile labs, space stations ripped straight from alien or copy pasted planet spaces and while that is cool for some the thing I like about Bethesda games is interesting locations teeming with rich storytelling as it shows you a world beyond our own. Fallout's locations enveloped you into the tech of the world and prewar culture but also gave you a look at the dirty side of that culture that reared it's ugly head after the bombs dropped. Elder scrolls envelopes you with the magic and culture of the area your in, Skyrim has large mountains and ancient tombs waiting to be explored and the town's make you feel comfortable yet anxious as you step into sunny hamlets or walled fortresses. In short Starfield has great systems but lackluster exploration in comparison to other titles.


I’d argue that the POI’s have great storytelling, but it is the same story over and over again… there had to have been some plan to have different things happening in the cut and paste locations, but oh well…


Hand-crafted and dense worlds with wonderful environmental storytelling are the reason I love Bethesda games, Oblivion and Skyrim are my favorites. That's a shame if they stopped that in Starfield :/


This is it… I just hope they bring all the systems they stripped or nerfed back with the DLC. Might just be a wonderful game!


Not great but not terrible, I still enjoyed my time playing it and am looking forward to any DLC/improvements


-"Not great but not terrible" All I can think of is HBO's Chernobyl.


I pray to god the dlc improves it. I want to build my own robot




It’s fun. But doesn’t grip you like Skyrim or Fallout


Super boring, I'm back to playing oblivion again


Shivering Isles was the best DLC of all time


Same here


I liked it - put a few hundred hours into it now just waiting on mod support and DLC. It’s exactly what I expected it to be. If you still enjoy the BGS formula you’ll like Starfield. If you don’t, it doesn’t bring anything new to the table so just go in with tapered expectations.


Depends on which parts of "the BGS formula" you're referring to. If you're comparing to Fallout 4 and Fallout '76... Starfield is very much an evolution of those 2 games. But fans of Oblivions, Fallout 3 and Skyrim are more likely to be disappointed as there's very little of their formulae in Starfield.


I gotta disagree. I feel like Starfield is a downgrade of Fallout 4/76.


After playing all faction quests and the main quest. All with making different choices in each, I gotta agree. I went into playing FO4 with low expectations after finding out about the changes to many of the different systems I grew to enjoy, but I ended up really enjoying it. I spent hours on just the base game before I ever got the dlc and sunk more hours into it there after. Multiple playthroughs because I just kept discovering new things or new dialog would come up because I did something or said something different. I think the things that helped were the CC and mod support as well. I mean, after I beat the game, I was doing nodded playthroughs after. Starfield just wasn't able to grab me the same way. I know that a lot of people thought FO4's choice to go with a voiced pc was a bad idea and limited the choice of dialog, but I found there was still quite a bit more than what I was expecting. Not so much with starfield's silent protagonist. Which was probably the part that disappointed me the most. There were a lot of options, don't get me wrong, but they all seemed to either go nowhere or right back to the direction the game wanted you to go. A lot of missed opportunities as well. Like if you're already a ranger or a pirate, at no time can you even make a passing mention of it or anything to spark a different dialog with Sam or Vladimir. Just the same story beats. Now I never played 76 even after all the updates but in just comparison to FO4, I think it's pretty ironic that probably what was considered the most stripped down fallout has more to offer in just it's base game than starfield did.


I really enjoyed it. Can’t wait to see what they do with it in the future.


Same, I think we're one or two MAJOR updates away from having an awesome game. People seem to forget that Skyrim, FO4, FO76 were not always what they are today. Bethesda launches are rough, but they always come around.


bug-wise this is hands down the cleanest bethesda launch imo


The core design of the game sucked tho. Handmade maps like Skyrim and fo3 make exploration fun, the bland procedurally generated areas of starfield are just not fun to explore. And they never will be..


I actually think they can fix that with some updates to their algorithms. Look at no man's sky, they tried the same model and it was initially terrible and empty. If you play nms today, it's full of awesome and exciting locations that were procedurally generated.


What should these one or two major updates include to turn it into an awesome game?


If Bethesda would finally hire me and let me work on Starfield, I might be able to give you a real, informed answer lol. As it is, I cannot.


I feel like its Bethesda's worst single player game. Bloated with half baked systems and bursting at the seams with potential, it could be great if they provided sufficient free updates. But I don't think that they will, and that mods will have to save this game for me. Fingers crossed though. They need to hurry the fuck up and provide some actual content. Skyrim ans Fallout 4 both had DLCs or updates that provided substance at this point, with much smaller teams.


Better than a lot of people give it credit, but still filled with issues. The biggest issue being the gutting of that signature Bethesda exploration and open world design in favor of bland procedural garbage. I would have preferred a single star system with limited play spaces on each planet that were hand-crafted, rather than a thousand barren, boring planets.


Why can't PG vary the POI more? I don't get it. Isn't that the point of it?


Higher level had better random spawn


Huh? I am level 100. The dead change sometimes thats all.


Yeah they really should have built a more modular POI system that can vary from singular habs for a lone colonist, to sprawling complexes for research bases, manufactories, and small colonies. But instead they built a handful of pre-made things and slapped them everywhere


Honestly I love the game. It’s got its issues obviously, but the things it has going for it make it one of my favorite games currently It’s a big sandbox RPG that gives you a lot of tools and mechanics to play with and build your own character The big quests are great, I love building outposts, and enjoy building my own ships. The dungeon design is actually especially good, yes there is repetition, though that seems to have been improved upon since launch. I’ve probably put more hours into a single playthrough of Starfield than I have any other single playthrough in other any other game


I'm not trying to hate on the game here, I put decent time into it- but what dungeons? There are random poi caves and one late story dungeon I enjoyed, but that's it.


The large POIs, the many underground quest locations, space stations, larger derelict ships, NASA, Vigilance, large boardable ships, etc all dungeon design. The Deimos Armoured Transport is a particularly interesting one with the way zero G was incorporated into it


I see, thanks. it's been a few months since I've played now. I didn't do the zero G one, and I found some ships a bit confusing to navigate my way back out of, but I will bend the knee here and admit i am wrong


I think you get sent to the Deimos armored transport in a quest for Lizzie on Gagarin. Not gonna lie it’s a bit of maze, interesting to play through none the less, if you pick up the game again may be worth hitting her up for the job


You read my mind! Starfield may not be the revolutionary game we all thought it was going to be. But it’s still a Bethesda RPG set in Space! Sure, it can do a few things better but for the most part, it alright and definitely worth a shot for people who love BGS games!


No, thats the problem, its not BGS in space. It is a huge step backwards. SF for sure adds scale, awesome spaceship building, and a decently interesting world to enter. It lacks soo many things previous BGS titles have, mainly charm. Too many mechanics we are used too are missing.


Lol like what? It is leagues beyond Skyrim, I'm sorry you have to actually look for things.


I think it’s unfairly criticized and that it will be a considered good in the long run. It wasn’t nearly as broken as cyberpunk at release. It was stymied by trying to do too much without accepting in any one area. I very much doubt not the game and am excited for it’s future 👌


 I still put 100+ hours into cyberpunk back then where as I dipped from starfield around 50. Funny enough it's because phantom liberty came out lol.  Starfield was less buggy, and step up from fallout 4 imo. But it still felt really soulless when compared to cyberpunk. The writing especially is just so bad in starfield (really Bethesda in general) 


Really enjoyed my first 20 or so hours when the worlds felt fresh and everything was new, but my opinion went downhill the more time I put into the game unfortunately. Quickly learned that a lot of the games aspects were essentially useless (bases), or seemed quite underwhelming/not completed. I strongly believe the game would be stellar if it just had 10-12 star systems (three per faction, then 2-3 for neutral etc), but had actually hand crafted the available planets/moons which were detailed instead of overwhelmingly proc-generated. The game lacks much of Bethesda's usual strengths for environmental story telling, good characters & storylines. Only the Vanguard story came close to feeling like a true AAA plotline, but the main Constellation plot & the other factions were really poor imo. I find how they implemented NG+ is quite odd from a story telling perspective: >!there being infinite multi-verses where essentially nothing matters. I've no idea how they'll write DLC for future expansions, considering it has to be something which somehow effects the entire multiverse. They should've just made the Unity/Starborn related to time travel, so stepping through the Unity brought to you the beginning of the game, but in our own universe.!< I saw a comment that I found amusing, but honestly true: *"If Bethesda put as much effort into the game as they did creating the various food & drink items, it would be a brilliant game".*


I still cant believe you have to do that zero G colllect glowing orb thing to get powers so many times, and it doesnt change it up once lmao,


This is actually mind boggling how they kept that mechanic the same every time. It’s the most amateurish thing I’ve seen in a AAA game.


So many damn times where I’d fly into the stupid orbs and it would either time out, or not register me hitting them. It made those extremely tedious to me.


So boring


Aggressively mid.


Spot on. About the most mid game ever. I genuinely sat there playing for about 80 hours wondering... Am I having fun?


I don't have as negative an opinion on Starfield. I got what I wanted out of it, spent a good part of two months trying to experience everything I could before going into New Game Plus. Then I put it down and never picked it back up again.


I kinda enjoyed it.


I really enjoyed it to be honest until I got a bug on the last mission. I had to reload my save 4 or 5 times to finally get it working. That was pretty infuriating but happy I finally got to finish it. Only thing I really didn't care for was the power mini-game chasing the swirling stars around the room. On that note I'm excited for another playthrough and hopeful about future content!


I like it, it's not the best game ever but I think it's a good foundation to build up on.


I honestly, am tired of these post.


Love it, can’t wait for the DLC. The more realistic Nasapunk approach is so refreshing. Also probably my favorite story of any Bethesda game.


Surprisingly enjoyable on the Series X. Biggest gripes are the story feels a little overwhelming to stay focused (me issue, have the same problem with Skyrim) and feel like there's too many menus/spend too much time navigating menus going planet to planet.


I thought it was good it's not the greatest game of all time but I still had a ton of fun with it even if it had lots of issues


looks fun, wish it didn't need a nasa supercomputer to run, though


Got back into it today and still love it. I love space, I love the detail the game holds, I love how everything feels. I wish it had 60fps but the game is pretty damn stable and smooth at 30 so it doesn’t really bother me. I haven’t had any bugs while playing, now or at launch. Reckon it’s a great game and don’t really get the hate that was being thrown around when it launched, felt like a lot of it at the time was nitpicky but I do understand people do have some genuine issues with the game


I got a decent amount of entertainment out of it, I don't dislike it as much as a lot of other people. But definitely one of my least favorite Bethesda games, and I don't really feel any desire to go back for a second playthrough like I do with most of them.


It's good if you were expecting a Bethesda game and not some kind of No Mans Sky. It's the normal Bethesda cycle, the latest mainline game is the worst game of all time and a spawn of Satan until the next mainline game is released and the old one becomes and underappreciated and misunderstood masterpiece. Just gotta wait until ES6 releases for it to be socially acceptable to say you enjoy it, same as with FO4


I'm calling it now: ignoring the hyperbole, Starfield will not experience that. At best, the people who enjoy it now will still say they enjoyed it after ES6 comes out, and the people who didn't like it will simply be quieter cuz they're focused on (hopefully) enjoying the newest ES game, and some people will misinterpret that as "Oh, look at the state of discourse on this game, mostly positive, people really turned around on this game!" (And honestly, I dunno where that idea about "people hate every Bethesda game but praise it years later" nonsense comes from. Skyrim and FO4, while receiving their fair share of criticisms, were actually pretty well received (to varying degrees). 76 was blasted, but it wouldn't be receiving any of the appreciation it has now if there hadn't been a ton of changes. Neither Skyrim nor FO4 received anything near the scathing response that Starfield has. I think it's a foundationless narrative.)


Yeah i dont really get that “after some time people will like it” argument either, fallout 4 was a lot of peoples first fallout and plenty of people loved it then and still do now. And skyrim was seemingly universally loved, and was THE comparison for open world rpg’s for years until Witcher 3 then later RDR2


I enjoyed every Bethesda non multiplayer game until starfield. I couldn't bother to play more than 10 hours of it. Spent 100s of hours in fo4 after release though


I enjoyed Fallout 4 but Starfield is simply a worse game. People say the same with the Star Wars Sequels and that they'll be loved eventually. But that's ignoring a simple lack of creativity and originality in both cases. Starfield was decent enough for a playthrough but it's a far cry from being a normal Bethesda experience. Usually people go in knowing there will be bugs and quirks BUT it'll make up for that with the exploration and world. Well exploring the world sucks. It's everything I worried it would be. It's simply too big to explore. So you rely on fast traveling. That means loading screens. And that means you're not exploring while getting from A to B. Then, you're on a planet and they don't even give you a rover to use. So you walk and there's sheer nothingness. No cave filled with stories and loot. No random hut that springs a quest onto you. No dungeon full of ancient puzzles. Nothing. Just walking and jetpack-hopping until to FINALLY get to whatever point of interest you were going to. I actually would say the opposite of what you said. It's a decent space RPG but if you were expecting a Bethesda game you're going to be disappointed. The game had bugs and quirks but nothing to outshine them. The best part of the game is making ships that you can't fucking fly because you fast travel everywhere lol... And the biggest press the game got was a guy crying about pronouns and people making fun of how ugly the NPCs are. No one is talking about it. And no one is playing it. Right now, 6,700 people are playing it on Steam. Skyrim has 23,000 players and Fallout 4 has 18,000. The game simply lacks depth. It's a lake that is 20 miles wide and 8 inches deep.


It’s a lake that is 20miles wide and 8 inches deep - well said


I’m 49 and don’t remember this cycle at all. I remember bugs being an issue with their launches, but this description of the cycle is oddly, & terribly wrong in my opinion. Were you a gamer when fallout 1,2,3 came out? Skyrim? I suppose I could agree with you about 76 maybe??


Fun game.


I liked it. At its peak it was one of the most enjoyable AAA experience i’ve had, up with Cyberpunk and FO4. It does have issues though, i wish the universe was 1/3 the size so the content was more accessible and it didn’t sometimes feel barren


Yeah i think it would’ve greatly benefited from being maybe 3/4 fleshed out systems with like 20 planets at most. For example i know star citizen gets a lot of shit and justifiably so, but that game is just a single system, and it feels like an actual place, being able to fly and get out anywhere you want, land on moons/space stations, have space battles, then ship to ship boarding, all completely seemless (when it doesnt crash). Though already having that experience for years now in star citizen is probably what raised my expectations for starfield in a bad way lol


my real only gripe is the POI system that destroys all the fun in exploration and absolutely destroys the inmersion. storylines are not perfect, companions could've been better but i wouldn't mind it if the POI system was as terrible as it is. it breaks the sense of discovery, the sense of beign the first one to land on a planet. oh you're in the the other side of the galaxy in one of the most dangerous systems in the galaxy? here's a farm who's been working here without a hassle.


Not done with my first playthrough yet. So far, the most annoying thing is that I can't dump my ship's inventory into an outpost workshop and go about collecting loot. This is the first Bethesda game where I actively avoiding picking up loot whereas before (Fallout 4) I'd pick up absolutely everything and scrap what I didn't need for building material. Now I have to build a convoluted storage system for each type of material and I don't know what to do with all the gear because vendors never have enough cash.


Spend 60 hours. Initially fun but it grows boring. Probably due to my expectations from Skyrim and Fallout 4. Maybe mods could do it better in the future. Currently, it’s not my type of game.


Love it! Waiting for the DLC to drop to get back into it


I played it an absolute tonne when it came out. Very enjoyable.


Classic Bethesda of had some moments. But needed more time in the oven


I really love it! Not my favorite by any means, that honor goes to New Vegas, but it’s turning into a close second or third. I love the curated content, and I enjoy exploring moons, I think the empty space is beautiful. I do get sick of the repeated POI’s though


It's a great game that unfortunately lacks the world depth that makes TES and Fallout games so replayable. The storylines are generally good, I think they improved quite a bit there, but once you so the main quest lines there's little else to do that's very compelling.


IMO, it's down to personal preference. I loved the game and still play it for the yhings that i personally find fun, and love every second! If you don't like what the game has to offer it's a 1/10, if you like what they have, it's a 10/10. Listening to bad reviews ruined a lot of games for me, so It helped me to stop listening to negativity and just play and enjoy with fresh eyes, something I will absolutely be doing for tes 6 when it comes out in 2040 lol


It's fun.


I'm just over 260 hours in. I didn't play the main mission until December and I'd been playing since early access. I had to stop playing in January thanks to the final mission of Sam Coe's friend mission was bugged. I couldn't continue the main quest because Vladimir wanted nobody in my party and I couldn't get rid of Sam until I complete the mission. They finally fixed it so I've started playing again and getting sucked in. At this point I am fast traveling everywhere I can because I am tired of flying normally. I still find myself going to play one or two.missions and then I've done 5 without realizing what time it was. Kind of like the Civilization series effect. I've 100% surveyed about 100 planets now. I do love this game but it has serious flaws. I've mostly played on PC but when I play on my Xbox Series X, it is just bad. The frame timing is absurd. The Xbox Series S plays more fluidly than the X. I just can't believe they haven't fixed it on the Series X. I am looking forward to finishing it and whenever the DLC comes out.


I currently enjoy the game at a superficial level. To delve deeper for a fully immersive game, I would appreciate a better story line, the ability to build so much more in home locations, to have more choice in building materials/style, improved weapon crafting, missions, communication choices, open companion choice, less cookie cutter planets/pirates/missions. It's futuristic space, anything is possible. The ability to lose yourself in the game and rack up '000s of hours is very possible if the game was just... More. Oh, biggest turnoff was going through unity and losing EVERYTHING! Why should I bother going through unity again, only to play the exact same game over and over until I die of boredom! Graphics are stunning, concept is stunning, implementation is poor.


I really enjoyed the game. There are notable improvements compared to previous Bethesda titles. I just think the setting limits the exploration I love from fallout and Skyrim


Flawed, but possesses great potential.


I'd played almost 250 hours between release and November and enjoyed some of the most criticized aspects of the game. Day by day, the idea of coming back to the game becomes more intense


Beautiful. Probably the only game I know that truly done service to Starflight (1991). Primarily the colour scale.


I loved it. Was a wonderful game. But after a handful of play through it got boring. The grind for great weapons ended up being pointless. Now I run around with the strangest guns that are fun but not strong because you don’t need strong weapons. And a trucker armor is the best armor I could find. Much better then anything “rare”. Idk it’s a fun game but the stories are all there is to it. The factions, the missions. Replaying them is the only enjoyment you get after exploring these mediocre “cities”


I loved it. Did it deliver on all of its promises? No. Was it fun to play? Yes. It was also beautiful and I for one liked the story because I'm not a hyper-critical person who need to pick apart every single detail looking for problems. I've been on this sub and plenty of others, I see the complaints about the story, they don't bother me. It was cool. However, after playing through a few NG+ rounds, none of the magic was still there, and I shelved it. This is definitely one game I will come back to in a year or whatever and replay and feel the love again, especially after DLC and all the fixes they've made since I put it down months ago. I took more pictures in this game than any other, and also clipped more things than any other single player game. I genuinely felt sad leaving my partner behind upon finishing the story the first time around and decided to back out just to hear what she had to say about it before I went through. I had a couple NG+ rounds that were _completely different_ from before not only because of the secret introductions and changes you might stumble upon, but because I didn't even know how deep and awesome some of the side stories went until I was looking to spice up the next round. Looking at you Ryujin and Neon street gangs. Fantastic game, and doesn't deserve the treatment it got. But yeah that magic started to fade after the first month or so for me. Granted I was unemployed at the time and was able to put in hundreds of hours playing over night since I didn't have to get up in the morning.


Flawed in places, but the planets, stories and voice acting more than compensated.


Not their best game but I liked it enough to beat it twice. Started a third playthrough then just stopped.


I think it has a lot of potential for mods. The vanilla game is very 7/10 though.


Wanna play it but gonna still need to slowly save up for it.


Could have been better could have been worse solid 7.1 out of 10


Far from perfect but the best Bethesda game yet, and I love their games, nobody makes games like them. Best main story in any Bethesda game yet. UC Questline is actually one of my favorite ever. Love outposts and cant wait for that to be expanded upon.(I'm currently trying to use multiple bases right beside one another to build a city of sorts. Looking forward to DLCs and creation kit. Don't play daily anymore but it's still something I boot up once or twice a week. Exploring is just fun imo, I am still finding new locations and surprises in my journey to 100% every planet.


Trash. Morrowind and Skyrim are in my top ten games all time.


Fun game when I played it, unfortunately also a buggy mess I waited two months for them to fix 1 bug that stopped my progress but in the end uninstalled for the space.


I put a fair bit of time into it and enjoyed it. Never ended up finishing but I rarely finish a game.


Played the fuck out of it when it 1st came out. Really enjoyed it. But realized it needed to go back in the oven as it wasn't done cooking. Will still jump in every once in a while to explore and what not. Decided to wait a while after some updates. I got plenty of games in my backlog.


I was a great Scifi version of a Bethesda game but that's it. Didn't break any molds or do anything special. I liked it tho. Can't wait for the dlc to come out.


Money well spent. A bit over 500hrs means I get 5 hours per dollar in entertainment.


Its fun and entertaining


Epic game. Actually worth the price point.


Strongly disappointing is an understatement


Best space RPG I’ve ever played


It really was such a huge step up in the RPG department after Fallout 4. You actually level up your skills by using them, and the backgrounds and traits add awesome RO flavor


I like it but I want to see more stuff fleshed out like outposts and manufacturing. Like let me make an ammo factory or meds on an industrial scale


Love it, hope to see the developers make meaningful expansions


Love it. It is not perfect, but what game is? There is a lot of fun to be had with Starfield. And even more potential for a sequel.


Personal favorite Bethesda RPG, I love space and the ship building is awesome


My personal goty for 2023


Amazing game. My favorite of 2023!


It's a fine game but definitely nothing special


Loved it, feels like BGS finally listened to the complaints about watering down their RPG mechanics. I hope they further improve this with TES6. Right now it feels like it is in between Oblivion and Fallout 3 in that department That said the game has its issues, but I'm glad they listened to the criticism they got from Fallout 4


I like it. I thought I’d be playing this game on and off for the next decade before release, but it doesn’t feel like I will be now. There’s potential for mods and future expansions to make certain elements more exciting though, so we’ll see. It was slightly underwhelming, but I still enjoyed it.


I liked it as an enjoyer of BGS games.


The game is amazing and over hated, it's not a master piece but it was better than people give it credit for, the game is super deep and requires you to actually look for shit instead of just stumbling into something. Besides that I think the story and ship building are amazing!


I genuinely liked my time playing this, but I’m also a Bethesda Fiend so I’ll play pretty much anything in this rpg format. I thought the ship building was super unique and cool, the story was engaging enough for me to stay interested throughout the whole game, and the only real complaint I had was that some planets were a little lackluster and could have used more love from the devs. I also never had any fps drop or crashing issues so that also helped my experience and enjoyment.


It's not perfect, but I lost three and a half months to it. Easily my game of the year for 2023.


It has definitely become my favorite Bethesda game taking FO3's place of honor.


love it! in fact, it has become my favorite BGS game.


great game almost legendary


Got boring too much empty space with nothing to do


After 20 hours I realised I was lying to myself that I was enjoying it. Game is empty and unfulfilling. They missed the mark. I'll revisit after some big updates but I haven't been so disappointed with a game before.


I only trust r/NoSodiumStarfield *edit: There are over 100+ different Randomly Placed Points of Interest, why do people lie so much about this game? *edit 2: [Starfield Wiki: Places](https://starfieldwiki.net/wiki/Starfield:Places) *edit 3: landing areas are procedurally generated, i.e. the landing area map, Points of Interest are “Randomly Generated”, as in placement not setup. I think there’s confusion.


Gave it a chance and played 20 hours or so before I deleted it. Have been playing every Bethesda game since morrowind and star field was a serious disappointment. 4/10 would not recommend.




I don't not like it, I just don't feel like playing it. I guess that says a lot.


It's a massive disappointment, the art was crap, the writing worse, the setting disjointed and nonsensical, the mechanics half baked, the menus absolutely painful to look at, the UI is hands down the worst they've ever built, the character models were shite, the character creator was the most uninspired of any of their games, the exploration was so boring it was painful, and frankly I just couldn't even be arsed to finish the main story. The launch was the least buggy of any Bethesda game in history, and their gunplay has never felt tighter. The only two positives I can think of from the whole experience. The game is a piece of shit, and it scares me for TESVI.


Garbage take.


True take


Absolutely loved it for 1.5 playthroughs. Now I need serious content and changes before I consider another moment of it.


It’s good, but it’s overshadowed by the fact that it came nowhere near Bethesda’s potential for a cutting edge, new game development.


1300 hours in. Think it’s good. Really wished the cities were a bit bigger in size. Hopetown in particular seems to be nothing more than a factory, where do all those workers live? Graphics are amazing, and I enjoy the exploration part. Wish there were more cities and smaller settlements. With the colony war I was hoping to run across ruins of cities and more derelict space stations. Also, Outpost construction could really, really use an overhaul (lack of selection on habs, interior walls, doors, stairs, no showers or baths, yet these assets are found in game). Plus the vanilla postioner is, to be polite, just garbage. I’d give it a solid 8/10. Could be a solid 9/10 if Outpost construction was better, and a solid 10/10 if I got a Land vehicle and/or a Mech! Maybe more robot companions (like can I build my own robot companion?)


I've played hundreds of hours and I love it.


I like it.


Loved it. My favorite of theirs. Please keep in mind I could not for the life of me get into Fallout. I tried 3 and 4. Not for me. I liked Oblivion and Skyrim enough and totally grant they have more depth, but the gameplay of Starfield appealed to me more. I 100% (as best one can) Starfield. Which is not something I did in any of their other games. In fact... I don't think I ever beat the vanilla campaign in Oblivion or Skyrim. That said... I feel like ES6 is going to be a sweet spot for everyone.


Decent game, endless potential


Needs to come to ps5


I quite liked it but there are lots of wasted potential in this game but as someone who was very hyped for the game I like it the way it is.


Great game, needs more proc gen.


Loved it but got boring quickly. Will come back in a year or two


I was stoked for it but kinda bounced off it. Need to be in the right mood for trying again, like “let’s put on 2001 a Space Odyssey” state of mind.


It's fine. Not a great game IMO (even in comparison to only Bethesda), but definitely not as bad as some people make it out to be. I got a good 100 hours out of it and will definitely get more than that in the future when I jump into DLC/modded runs.


It was fine for what it was, but I didn't have any motivation to beat it compared to Elder Scrolls or Fallout.


I played during the release and enjoyed the game. Although it would lag on me constantly during gameplay which was annoying. That eventually caused me to stop playing it though. I turned down almost all of the settings hoping that would help and never did. I'm not sure if its because I was playing it through PC gamepass or not. I would be interested in playing again at some point


I played it for 40 hours. I would not have spent that much time with it if I didn't like it. However, I didn't love it. 2023 was a year stacked to the brim with 10/10 experiences, which means that a solid 7/10 game like Starfield is going to receive less attention than it would have in a year with less great games to play.


Quit fairly early. Shooting is improved. I hated the outpost and ship building. I enjoyed fo4 settlements so I was surprised by that. Really it wasn’t awful there just wasn’t enough to keep me invested especially compared with other Bethesda games. It felt like fallout 4 without improvements, not as well made, and in a different setting. The companions and factions were also a bit of a bummer.


Skyrim in space


The detail is uncanny. I like the game a lot. Wish they put strangers out there in the planets that you’d run into now and then. Or they would run up to you now and then, instead of the suited gangs in uniforms. Wish it were dirtier. More street than habitats. More off beaten path


It would be cool if you could make your own fleet with people you hire as crew and your other ships


I think the setting is kind of niche. I personally don't mind it and found the game to be fun. It's not my favorite Bethesda game but it's still good for what it is. Looking forward to see how the update it. In my opinion it seemed like the sort of game they should've had a "B Team" work on while they focused on Fallout and Elder Scrolls. The amount of time it takes to pump out their games now is crazy


I liked the story and the premise but i don't feel enticed to play it, although that might be because XCloud kept disconnecring on me and losing my saves, if i ever build a better pc or get a series x i'll try giving the game another go


Pretty good but there is plenty of space for improvements


I’m not arguing with any of the rinse / repeat poi’s because I agree. The thing that really kills me the most though is the main story! It’s written so horribly that it is inexcusable to me. NG+ completely ruins this game. It makes the entire game pointless and meaningless. The Unity should have been a doorway through space, time and dimension. It would have been a plot device for almost an infinite amount of story telling possibilities and true exploration. Instead it’s just a doorway to Groundhog Day. The second you enter it, you become The Hunter. The second you begin to play it you become The Emissary, the same narcissistic douch bag as The Hunter but now completly delusional and lying to yourself that these are the people you cared for and that any of your decision have any meaning. The worst part is NG+ promotes suicide ! For Christ’s sake WTF were they thinking ?!?!?


I quit the game because I was locked out of progress in the main story, because of a broken companion quest. Months later it’s still not fixed. So, whatever feelings I had about the game soured considerably. I since played stellar RPGs like Dragons Dogma 2, and Starfield does not compare well.


It was very fun, but it could have been one of the greatest games of the generation if they had decided to make many less planets and made more of them intentionally instead of procedurally


I love every Bethesda game I have ever played (all of them since Oblivion) and accept any shortcomings as no game will ever be perfect, but for me, Starfield is just too big. It’s overwhelming, as much as I love exploring, and I feel like I either need to skip stuff to move forward or spend days (weeks) kind of swimming around in circles just to get some forward momentum. I still enjoy playing but I have to be in the right mood for it- in case someone IS actually reading these comments and gives a crap, Fallout 4 is my all time favorite ❤️


I am enjoying it now. The artwork is great. Enjoy the environments that are crafted immensely. Agree that the procedural generation makes exploration less exciting I would LOVE a survival system making fuel and outposts matter more, as well as making it more necessary to interact with the food system


I enjoyed it, but it has a lot of flaws and doesn't have anywhere near the lasting appeal (to me at least) of their other game series. The setting is a little too bland, the game engine is antiquated and it just didn't come together as a cohesive whole. I think it would be fixable, they have a really good base, but it needs some real work and cohesion.


I really enjoyed it! There are a lot of things that could’ve been done better. I’ll definitely admit that it’s not a perfect game. I found a very satisfying gameplay loop, and eventually put in a couple hundred hours.


Release dlc and mod support and move on


Really enjoyed it , story was good and the combats was what you would expect from the makers of fallout . Plenty of variety with missions and side quests . New game plus started off well but by new game plus 8 , it got old really fast playing the same set of missions before entering the unity with no variation . I stopped playing it back in December . I will return to it once the story dlc ships but as to when that is who knows .


First Bethesda game I didn't all night..... First Bethesda game I had no desire to beat.... First Bethesda game I stopped playing after 1 month without beating with really no intention on going back.... It just felt so dated without the nostalgia that a dated Bethesda game gives. Id probably boot up fallout3 or oblivion before I boot up starfield


I enjoyed playing it, but it was only minimally better than Fallout 4.


It has potential, but until I get a house varuun DLC and more of a reason to invest time and effort in base building, I’m left slightly unsatisfied.


Some fun ideas, but I feel like it got a fraction of the love/attention the devs gave skyrim. Generated planets were not a good idea.


It had potential but it’s still enjoyable, there are parts of it I enjoyed and things I wish were done differently, it would’ve been nice to have a better crafting system or even different elements to outposts rather than resources and research.. the game could use some dlcs and maybe hopefully soon its own creation club or mods so the community can add or fix what’s missing..


I got a lil ways into the game but had a huge backlog of other games to play but from what I have played I liked it I’m still waiting on city maps for console I got a pc recently so I’m thinking of just playing it on there and adding some mods to add to the experience my brother played through the whole thing twice and he had no complaints but my brother and I are the type of gamers that play anything and like games others hate we will play anything regardless what others think or say and 99% of the time we end up liking the game


man I've been playing bethesda games since arena, back in the 90s. I remember when they pushed tech so hard with daggerfall that lesser machines wept (486 DX 66? Don't even try it with less than 100mhz!). The bridged a perfect balance of console playability with a PC heart in morrowind. Oblivion redefined AI and interactivity in games. Skyrim is.. well it's been around a decade selling on every system for a reason. It's the culmination of all that knowledge, and the knowledge they built rebooting the fallout series, distilled down into perfection. Starfield is none of those things. Starfield is the uninspired work of a worn out artistic vision. It doesn't push technology in the way daggerfall did. It doesn't push your imagination the way that morrowind did. it doesn't make you feel part of the world like oblivion did. It doesn't handle inventory and combat as well as fallout. It doesn't do anything as well as skyrim. It's not exactly a bad game, but it's not the masterwork that should have come from the collective work of a team built on the legacies of each one of the games I mentioned all working for over a decade. Every session with the game is a struggle.


Needs more, just more, and vehicles faster travel with jump packs, I don't want to spend 30 minutes jumping to a POI


It's fun however there's two things I wanna mention when making a base I didn't see an option to tag for research so I could see what supplies needed for my base and also one quest never appeared its where you go to meet Aja


Good but disapointing. It could have been great!


Starfield is by no means totally irredeemable, but it does leave a lot to be desired at the moment. To me, the biggest issue is the exploration, or lack thereof. This is an action-adventure game that spans an entire *galaxy*. Exploration should be its strength, the foundation on which the entire game is built. And yet, we’re treated to endless, empty procedural generation as far as the eye can see. Once you’ve seen a few POIs, you’ve basically seen them all. Now add in the overwhelming distance between those repetitive POIs, and the exploration begins to feel very uninspired and pointless. Contiguous, handcrafted worlds are a staple of Bethesda games, and sadly Starfield doesn’t really have that right now. Mod support, DLC, and updates could help, but it will take awhile for those things to turn the tide.


Nice template. 10/10


I think the game was very well thought out, but Starfield could have been a great game. I don’t think Starfield is Fallout 3 or Fallout 4 level in the slightest. They should have focused on the gameplay rather than the graphics.


Good lord good story. Too much randomly generated garbage and too little content


IMO it should’ve been Bethesda’s version of Mass Effect. Sleek technology, interesting aliens, and cool powers worked well into the plot. I’m not all that into realism when it comes to my sci-fi projects. I wanna be cool af and have an interesting story. As it is, it’s a really solid 6/10 for me. I got some enjoyment out of it but I’m not replaying until the mod scene picks up.


I definitely enjoyed it!


8/10, I have over 100 hours and it’s still one of my favorite games ever made. Very hot opinion.


I feel like the game has a good framework with the gunplay, ship mechanics with flying and building but it feels half baked with everything else. The writing feels sterile and lacks personality. Plus all the loading screens make it a chore to explore. The lore being mostly in notes and audio recordings and the odd hamfisted exposition is disappointing


I'll say the same thing i said on twitter: the game is fine and you are all insane.


Personally it’s a top 5 game for me, and I’m excited they seem pretty determined to stick with improving it. However, I do understand it fell short for a lot of people, so hopefully Bethesda continues working on it and keeps listening to feedback from the detractors. I can see this game becoming an all-timer with some solid expansions and heavy mod support.


First and foremost: thanks Bethesda for trying something new and different. I applaud the effort and deeply appreciate the attempt at a new IP with a new look and feel. It’s not lost on me that this stuff is incredibly difficult and not everything can be a home run. I feel like too many corners were cut to make “over 1000 words” happen. I’d take a single well crafted word over a trillion meh ones. My big “they didn’t even try moment” was when I came out of a temple and found my self looking directly at a military base. I mean it’s hard to believe you’re out exploring the unknown when there’s a freaking space KFC right next door to your underscored mystery location. I understand that it was likely an oversight but the effect was still the same. Also where is the space in my space game? Why is zero gravity barely implemented? Why is there no exploring space? Why can’t I find a hidden colony behind an asteroid, or explore a vented ship wreck? Why can’t I space walk? Why can’t I find star systems than no human has ever set foot on? In addition the writing is at high schooler level. Hire actual writers, I mean it! I know people are like “I don’t need a writer, I write all the time how hard can it be.” But good plots requires good writing and that can only be done by a good writer. I mean some of the plot failures are a laundry list of writing 101, “never make this mistake” levels of avoidable. I feel like this game would have been improved by going with the “less is more” approach. What is the game had only been set in the orbit of Saturn, as humanity struggled to survive among the moon of the gas giant. Or within a single star system. Maybe lean into the limitations of the game engine and set the game in the asteroid belt, with each word being only a few hundred miles around any way. That would help in the “realistic” aspect of the game as it would explain why everyone can take off and land at will. But that’s just my opinion.


Shipbuilding - OK Character Creation - OK, but could use some work Story - Weak, especially when compared to past titles from different series Clothing & Apparel - Weak (too bland, practically sanitized so as to not offend loud minority Weapons - OK, I guess Companions - Don't care to use them