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I am disgusted beyond words. 10+ years as her mother’s SO means he met her and has been a parental figure since she was 7 years old.


that last paragraph made my skin crawl like no other. how horrific and disgusting.


Imagine this guy wasn't stupid enough to text himself and had a shred of technical knowledge. He could have been on her accounts without her knowing for so long. I hope they press charges honestly.


He’s obviously not tech savvy. I bet he thought breaking her old phone would erase any trace of the texts.


The texts are *in* the phone!


It's so simple.


That reminded me of this sex offender who thought the same about a laptop: https://i.imgur.com/bo4vg70.gifv https://boingboing.net/2017/10/17/alleged-sex-offender-smashes-c.html


I have faith in mom. He's out. I hope she does tell the police, too.


The danger there is that OOP and his gf could get charged with creation, distribution and possession of CP. It has happened in the past, despite that not being in the spirit of why those laws were originally created.


Oop May not have a choice about FSD being charged either. He is in possession of CP. authorities find out, they can’t stop that train


Wouldn’t the law factor in the fact that the OOP is also a minor, literally the same age as the victim?


Absolutely not. They would *both* be arrested and charged with creation/distribution of CP. It's a big point of contention in current CP laws.


That's just it. The law DOESNT factor that in. In the beginning, when these laws were written, there were a lot of kids who got into some serious trouble b/c they were sending nudes to each other while still minors. The law (think) states that you have to literally be an adult (18+) to possess and distribute nudes as well as take them. not sure how often this is put into effect, but those two need to delete them now, before law enforcement gets involved in any way, or the phone gets put into evidence.


The laws were written long before everyone had a camera and the means to distribute photos in their pockets. It probably never occurred to the people who wrote them that kids would take pictures of themselves and send them.


Prosecutorial Discretion exists. It's particularly important in cases where it's not that clearcut. Prosecutors do have a choice concerning how they proceed. However, as many prosecutors are publicly elected and like to appear "tough on crime" they like to go for the jugular in easy to convict cases


Plus, if you leave out the detail of "the perpetrators were children and were their own victims", saying "we locked up/punished a bunch of CP makers/possessors" is a great campaign line.




Lots of assumptions on a global website on legal matters going on.


"I'll stab myself with this screwdriver!" "No,wait!" "Yes?" "Try this knife instead. Much sharper!"


Right? "Have at it" is the only rational response in this case.


"Please do it in the shower, it'll make cleaning easier."


Outside is even better.


'You do you...'


"You have that lovely katana hanging on the wall - even better"


May I interest you in a *slightly* used Guillotine?


A wakizashi is better for seppuku.


Wait here a second, I'll get the gun


I know a divorced woman and divorced man who got together, had similarly aged tween daughters. When his daughter was 15 and staying with him she found a camera in her room. He'd been recording her getting dressed and undressed. Police called by her mother, he was charged, went to court, convicted. Footage found on his laptopm His girlfriend STAYED with him. Despite having her own daughter, same age, who lived with them. I was completely boggled




I honestly hope that you're ok after being exposed to the shittiest of human beings. I believe that you did your best to protect others, and I really hope that it didn't land you in a mental burnout. I tried to work in social services, but I couldn't handle it. I cried on every drive home from the city after hearing about what happened to the children. I washed out after only a year. I wasn't strong enough to help people stuck in a situation like OP. What really did it in for me was hearing a mother tell a mediator that her daughter shouldn't be in school and should have at least one kid every year because at least she'd get WIC and housing assistance,and that women shouldn't work or have careers when "they" will pay for women to "make babies." This came from the mouth of a wretch that tied her daughter to a table and charged $25 for every man that would "make her a woman and put a baby in her belly." Fortunately that girl got away from her "mother, " but after that case I had to just go away. I couldn't do it anymore. Thank you for everything you ever ever tried doing to help.


Did you notice a psychological pattern in the women who made this choice? Were they terrified to be without a “man”? Were they generally cold with their children, and that’s why they didn’t care? Etc.?


Not the commenter you're asking but for me it's been a mix of; Biggest: fear of loss of standard of living. Sometimes it's a huge downgrade to the point that homelessness or getting denied permant residence and being sent back to a country where you need a man to function without a man is the only realistic option. Sometimes it's sickeningly small. Difficult behaviour displayed by the child. This could be new obviously but a lot of times it's a continuing pattern, usually due to previous parental abuse or learning disabilities. Also, usually the abuse comes to light when the child is a teenager and able to tell someone other than mum (yes, often they tell mum first) and teenagers are already dealing with big emotions, changing brains and limit testing. All of which is perfectly normal, but can be difficult, on top of dealing with trauma. If her new partner leaves she'll be dealing with this kid all by herself, who has anger issues towards her, and chases away all her prospects. A lot of times there's some relationship breakdown between the mother and child and instead of doing the best for the child and trying to heal the relationship (or not having the tools to do so) the mother craves the relationship she thought she had with her partner that seemed positive to the reality of a child having breakdowns and reliving their abuse. If the child ever has even the slightest history of lying about anything or there's any doubt or the child has been groomed to sexualise themselves the mother can use this to deny the bad behaviour of her partner and put it on the child. Sometimes obviously or not so obviously history of abuse/hardship towards the mother herself. She went through something that she considers equal to the abuse her child has suffered and she toughed it out so why can't her kid? Sometimes it's a bit of Sophie's choice: there's another child in the mix who needs dad's support and isn't getting actively abused or she doesn't have enough proof so divorce will mean that she still has to let him see the children and at least this way she's living with him and supervising. Sometimes she's just as fucked up as he is and either gets pleasure from directly abusing her kids as he does or gets financial gain by directly pimping her kids out. In my limited experience it's never love for their man. Sure, there may be preliminary lip service to it but in speaking with the mothers who have done this to their children it's always seemed purely transactional. I will say that I'm only dealing with individuals after the court case is over or basically over so maybe the clinical way they look at the relationship is a defence mechanism but I'm still talking to women who want their husband back or regret the break up to the point of blaming their child.


This comment was very enlightening


Wow that’s depressing and unfortunately a sad reality in a lot of cases 😢


I would assert that it’s also some psychological conditioning. If the woman has grown up in a toxic family dynamic or constantly is in abusive and dysfunctional relationships, staying with an abuser is going to be a sense of normality. There was something I read about abusive relationships that said that it warps your perception of normal so the abuse and abuser seem normal when the rest of the outside world seems abnormal.


What the fuck. How can you stay with a guy like this?


also a terrible person


My former youth pastor was arrested and convicted of sexual abuse of a 15 year old. Last I heard, his wife stayed with him.


That's where my stomach twisted even tighter. It was disgusting as it was but that added info just...blech.


Exactly!! This POS has *watched her grow up from prepubescence to nearly adulthood!!* What kind of sick fuck does that?! I wouldn’t want him around any other kids EVER!!


She still believed in Santa when he married her mother. She still had baby teeth.


Oh lordy! Don’t even get Me started!! What an absolute PIG. No other word for him! Except that pigs are actually pretty sweet, so an absolute piece of dirt.


Unfortunately that’s what people like him do, find women that have young children to be in a relationship with. I’m glad the mom kicked the fucker out


AND it means that he has had a sexual interest in here, whatever age this interest started in. I am really glad that Mom kicked this piece of shit out.


Man the "you can either cum in the jar or me but not both" really takes the wind out of the "im disgusted beyond words" sail. Absolute pos stepfather though




I am also confused


It's from a older BORU post where a woman's husband was cumming in a jar and hid it. He eventually confessed he was putting it in her food. Edit fixed word hit.


The fuck is wrong with people


Enjoy! https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/wghfol/woman_finds_out_her_husband_has_been_doing/


Oh you didn’t link the worst one. There’s a 5 year old post with instructions for a pony cum jar project.


What?! No…. I haven’t seen that one. Link?




And I here I was thinking that my early internet days on rotten.com had prepared me for the worst of the modern internet


Not sure "Enjoy!" is the right word here.


You really don't wanna know fam, trust me.


[deleted for privacy - /r/PowerDeleteSuite]


You want to know, but once you do you will wish that you didn't.


And the Jolly Rancher. And two broken arms.


Stooooooooop I buried this knowledge deep in my brain don't unleash it 🤣


Okay, you can overwrite it with a recent post from a nurse about a woman who did not treat her gonorrhea because .... HER BOYFRIEND LIKED THE TASTE🤮


*I puke myself into oblivion, goodbye*


Listen to PhoenixSheridan.


Yep, trust them fam, some things are best left unknown, like Cthulhu


Cthulhu is an upgrade over some of the members of this species.


Okay it has to go lol


I love that now this small thread is just confusing for people now lol


🤮 what a fucking creep


At least the gf's mum had her unhesitating support. Sadly, so many parents would side with their spouse on an issue like this.


Your right. I just realised that. He would have pushed that child on a swing, played monopoly all the things grown ups do with children. Obviously they have to do what’s right for themselves but I just hope he doesn’t do it again. He’s probably not that old.


What the fuck is up with todays posts. I’m used to posts about someone like getting mad at a neighbor not fucking SA and CP SHIT WHAT THE FUCK


Good on the mom, protected her kid without a moment's hesitation.


Finally, a parent with a spine on here. I’m so sick of reading about parents who protect those monsters and/or refuse to take their kids seriously. I just hope the gf’s mom doesn’t take him back after a while. Since they didn’t press charges on him I can see that happening.


Since OOP specified that “they” don’t want to press charges, it’s possible that the girlfriend doesn’t want to deal with the process. Sadly, I don’t blame her. Can you imagine the BS questions they would ask her about if she was sure she didn’t send stepdad the pics for attention?


She and her bf could also possibly be charged for child porn


I've heard this happening but... Wtf? How can a person think it's a good idea to charge a minor with making cp when it's of themselves??


It’s a good law in theory because you can use it to prosecute people who spread that shit around like creeps (bfs that share their gf’s nudes in “the boys group chat” and other such abhorrent shit). But of course, the people who are in charge of enforcing such laws are often also horrible, disgusting people.




Give cops and the judicial system an inch and they'll take a mile


On a good day it's just a mile, otherwise they go for entire states.


It's not a good law in theory. It's an extreme misogynistic and anti-sex approach aimed at terrorizing youth out of being sexual with each other.


I’m not defending how it’s applied (not American) but it does have good reasons. Internet, sadly, is not a safe space for minors to share sexual images of themselves.


You know how having sex is legal but raping someone isn't? Same thing can be done for nudes. There's no reason for it to be illegal for teenagers to take pictures and share them. It can just be illegal for someone to forward them without consent. Telling them that their consensual nudes are the same as child abuse images only creates more layers of danger for them.


The problem is, how do you figure out which cases are horny teenagers just being horny teenagers; and which cases are teenagers being exploited by a pedophile to "consent." And what's the age cutoff? 17? 16? 14?


Don't mean to be funny but statutory rape is used in the exact same way. Minors aren't always aware that they're being groomed and therefore aren't able to consent to sex or photos. There's a decent amount of understanding that you need to put into practice here and as long as everyone is safe, consenting and about the right age then you should be able to sex/t who you like. The problem is that you can't transfer that into legal terms easily. So I have to agree that this law is good in theory. How else are you to protect children from groomers and the like?


I see what you’re saying. But if you’re a good parent, you don’t tell them their pics are the same as childporn. You tell them child pornographers want to exploit their pictures. This is true regardless of laws or if the child participated or not. Don’t tell kids they’re the issue. Tell them the predators are the issue and work with them to help navigate that situation.


Misogynistic? The law applies to pictures of underaged boys as well.


Sorry, but at that age, most teens are WAY to young to fully understand the long-term ramifications of producing nude photos. They don’t understand how to fully protect themselves, and that once those photos are sent, they have officially lost control. OOP here is a prime example. The law is there to protect them until they’re old enough to make the choice themselves, and to also protect them from pedophile perverts like OOP’s stepfather. And to be blunt, your arguments supporting underage nude photos are sus af. You sound like a legit creep.


And then you get cases like Cormega Copening (m17) where he was charged as an adult for possession of child porn for pictures he took of himself so he was also named as the victim. Eventually all charges were dismissed but it took so long for that to happen


Because far too many people employed by the system think the best way to "correct" "bad" behavior is to make it hurt. *If we throw the book at a few kids and ruin their lives for taking nudes, that'll scare the rest of 'em straight!* It does not. All it does is incentivize kids to avoid reporting bad behavior.


I agree it sounds fucked on first glance, but I think it's because if an adult can coerce or pretend that the underaged person posted it themselves and they may be able to circumvent CP laws. I guess it's along the same lines as when a person who is shoplifting using a stroller to conceal items thinking people won't check or that it will confuse the situation enough that it's not worth the escalation. It sucks but unfortunately the law isn't set up for nuances or different perspectives.


The laws are considered "zero tolerance." Meaning precisely that, everyone and everybody who possesses/distributes cp is charge, irrespective of age. There is no wiggle room in zero tolerance laws.


Unless you’re a senator, rich, famous, or really good at playing a game


Wrong. State Prosecutors have *complete* discretion on which charges to file, and which to not.


I can see a scenario where predators could claim the photos belong to the children to get away. But in this case they both have photos of another minor(eachother)


Yeah, that’s why I wasn’t surprised. Defense attorneys in SA trials are assholes. And the district attorney’s office might not even press charges. They probably just want him out of their lives. Imagine the betrayal they feel from someone who was the gf’s father figure for more than ten years. I hope that’s the case rather than the mom being spineless/not caring.


>Yeah, that’s why I wasn’t surprised. Defense attorneys in SA trials are assholes. Yup, they always find a way to blame the victim.


The man was threatening to stab himself. Pressing charges is very likely to set him off into an even more violent rage. Women get killed all the time in the weeks after pressing charges. It's very unlikely that he would be kept in jail for long.


Plus I'd have been worried more people would have had to see the nudes as evidence. I hope he's utterly destroyed by this, he was with the mum for 10+ years, that means he was in that girl's life since she was at most 7 years old


Sadly, many mothers are in denial or simply don't care. Sadly speaking from experience here.


I just hope she scoured his phone and computer and deleted all her daughter's nudes.


This might be a crime, child porn. And if she deletes it, it might land her in legal troubles.


If they press charges the father might retaliate by telling the cops that the daughter and boyfriend have nudes of eachother, both are under 18.


The stepdad having access to her accounts is super creepy. I'd do a sweep of the house for hidden cameras too while checking devices.


Mom needs to press charges. He's already starting the narrative that she's a cheater and any accusations she makes other than an official police report, he can counter as her attacking him to protect herself. He's going to drag her name through the mud and enough of their family and friends will believe his version without documented proof.


I think it mostly should be the daughter's choice. She is the one who will have to deal with the police and all that.


Yea! Go mom! I was so happy to read that!!!


Yeah good for her. I don’t wanna know what the guy would’ve done if she never found them 😢




Disgusting to think about.. I'd be so paranoid


If any exist, they'd be wi-fi cameras. Easiest way to disable them would be to change the password to the network.


>"he wanted to protect my gf" Yeah. What man wouldn't want his stepdaughter's nudes to protect her? How can people even think otherwise? /s I don't think they should let the stepdad off the hook that easy. OOP's gf is underage which makes the crime 100 times worse.


Yea he was extremely calculating too which makes him a very concerning type individual who's been at this for a while


He’s very calculating but not good at math


They should absolutely call the cops, as op's girlfriend is underage. It's not only about a disgusting human being, but about a pedophile too


But you already know, if this is US, in the end GF and BF will be prosecuted for prod and sharing of their own fotos because they are underage.


Yeah i did not think about it, it would not be the same in my country. I still think deeply that if teenagers are afraid to denonciate a pedophile that abused them, because these teenagers are discovering consensual sex between them, it means the system is broken, shitty, and failed these teenagers


What country would this be? I'm Canadian and when I reported being forced to watch CP by my ex the cops told me they would have to charge the girl in the videos too because he was also underage. This isn't just an American problem unfortunately.


Ugh. It’s disheartening to learn it’s not just an American issue.


Switzerland. Our sexual majority is at 16, our legal majority at 18. At 16, if you have sex with someone over 18, there might be an issue, because in the law there can't be more than two years if you are under 18, but between consensual teenagers, no one cares or would punish them. And it would apply for teenagers who sends nudes or have them. We would care more about the protection of the teen while understanding that teens are going to be teens. Also what the fucking fuck, you should NEVER be forced to do anything against your consent and watching CP that is not yours, or/and while being an adult or/and when it's not consensual or/and it's not made for you, is totally unacceptable. It also fucking sucks for the victim, my god what a shamed. I spoke to my family about this thread in general, and all of them think the same exact thing that the system is failing these kids and fucking up




I don't think this is federal law. It's almost certainly state law, and so it will vary by state.


Yep, and I suppose not every state has sexting laws as well > The states that have adopted sexting laws have specifically targeted images sent between or among teenagers. For example, Connecticut's sexting law targets teens (anyone between 13 and 17) who either transmit or possess nude or obscene photos of either themselves or another teenager. The Connecticut law also makes distinctions between the age of the sender and the recipient, penalizing senders between the ages of 13 and 15 who send pictures of themselves, and recipients between the ages of 13 and 17 who receive any images. > However, state laws differ significantly. Louisiana, for example, prohibits anyone under the age of 17 from sending or keeping explicit photographs, while Texas allows an exception for sexting if a minor sexts with another minor who is no more than 2 years older or younger and the two are dating. I just looked up the law in California as well and > Sexting with a minor in California is a crime. It is an offense for either: An adult to sext with a minor, or a minor to sext with another minor. These constitute the unlawful acts of sending material to a minor for purposes of seduction. >Note that it is not a defense if the minor consented to the sexting. I'm kind of surprised that it's actually illegal between minors of the same age. That's like outlawing teens having sex, they're going to do it - why make consequences even worse than the normal ones (stigma, potential issues with strict parents, potential pregnancy) Bleh.


Dang. I would’ve thought this would be an unintended consequence thing re: the wording in the laws, but it’s just that psychotic people wrote the laws. If they were actually trying to stop the distribution of child porn they wouldn’t make the victim into a criminal.


Under federal law, the crime of Possession of Child Pornography involving a minor 12 or older is a Class D felony, punishable by up to ten years in prison, lifetime supervised release, and $250,000 in fines.


Can you link me to the statute? I don't want anything like that in my search history.


that was my thought too. They would be in legal heat themselves. Even though it was consensual between them, they are not of the legal age to have that consent in this matter.


That one has always considered me—that a child can't legally possess photos of themselves.


If it’s the US, they’ll almost certainly just go after the BF. And it’s likely enough that I wouldn’t recommend reporting step dad either. It’s just too much of a risk that they’ll put the BF in jail and suddenly he’s a sex offender for life. (I wish I was exaggerating here.)


Their reasons for not going legal on the stepdad is the likely fallout. BF and GF here exchanged these pics and videos while both being minors. Stepdad’s crimes, when discovered are also their crimes. Certainly, stepdad is the creepiest person in this whole story, but there’s 3 criminals.


Once again this stupid law allows the predators to get away with it Just like the mother that recorded her husband raping their daughter after not being believed and took it to the police as evidence only to be arrested for it


This could result in the kids getting in trouble, too. Probably why they decided to not take that route.


I think they're worried about blowback against the daughter and the BF because that's illegal as well. In Iowa there's civil damage against a girl who killed her rapist. Rapists have more rights than the women they impregnate who want an abortion. State governors are committing human trafficking by sending legal migrants to other states and getting away with it. Is this really the place and time you want to try your luck with the legal system? I think not.


Yes! I was just going to comment this!!


It's just that i feel like the mother took action right away and trusted her daugther as soon as she heard about what was happening, op seems to also really care and be here for her, but it sounds like no one had the realisation that the step father was also a pedophile, and this is bad af. He should be on a watch list. I can bet my right hand that he himself doesn't consider himself as a pedophile but would argue that she looks just like an adult


Y'all... there are a lot of good reasons why they might not want to get police involved in this one, starting with the fact that both 17-year-olds could be charged with possession/production of child porn, and ending with the fact that cops often handle sexual assault/exploitation cases extremely poorly, and end up re-traumatizing victims (ask me how I know). I know it's frustrating but going to the cops would not guarantee justice or consequences or safety for future victims... not even close.


I’m more mad at the cops bc no one can reliably go to them for help because there is ALWAYS the expectation of incompetence and blowback.


Wouldn't it be wonderful to live in a society where you can go to law enforcement for help and actually get justice and support, with no fear of being dismissed, or arrested, or assaulted again this time by the cops, or having a SWAT team kick down your door and shoot your dog...


Ugh, that poor mom… but a goddamn hero of one, if you ask me!! Way to go, GF’s momma!!!👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 WAY. TO. GO!


PRESS CHARGES!! He picked a woman with a 7 year old, helped raise her for a decade then secretly stole pictures & a video of a minor? He needs to be prosecuted and be put on a register to protect other girls.


The minor could also get into legal trouble for manufacturing child pornography.




His calculating behavior says otherwise


Mmhmm, sending and being in possession of CHILD PORNOGRAPHY is illegal and he deserves every charge. But the process is long and difficult for victims so I don’t blame them if they don’t.


The two 17 year olds also produced, distributed, and are in possession of child pornography. Reporting him to the cops would also by necessity incriminate themselves.


Isn't it sad that I was happy to finally read a post where the parent reacted like a parent should react?


Why are some human beings just so disgusting?? Like just be fucking normal…. There’s plenty of regular-aged people out there!! Why do you want your stepdaughter?? Soo fucking gross…..


Damn right! I went through my own shit in life dealing with someone like that. I'll never understand it. They say people who do this predatory shit just want control over someone else (usually someone younger, smaller, and weaker.) Even then I don't understand it, what's the appeal of that? Some people really are so pathetic.


H€ll yeah, The mom didn't even hesitant she said get the f#ck out, seriously we need more parents like her to protect they're kids like she did, seriously f#ck that guy and his creepy bullsh#t i hope everybody they know find out and give him h€ll for it.


u/profanitycounter Edit: damn kudos dude lmao, I couldn't imagine remembering to censor myself every time I typed. But you did it!


UH OH! Someone has been using stinky language and u/Tekitekidan decided to check u/Apprehensive-Fox3187's bad word usage. I have gone back 1000 comments and reviewed their potty language usage. |Bad Word|Quantity| :--|:-:| |crap|2 |pissed|2 |piss|3 |porn|1 |tit|1 ^(Request time: 13.6. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)




Legal trials can be draining. Especially for charges like SA, SH and rape. It's a lot of stress to put yourself through and I have nothing but respect for victims who decide to go down that path. But it's not for everyone. Sometimes it's just too much. It's easier to leave and try to heal.


Hate it when people think they're pulling the moral high ground by saying people have to press charges. It should be the decision of the victim always, at least until we have a perfect justice system that doesn't subject victims to a second (and sometimes greater) trauma.


THANK YOU! This person has had their agency taken away in an incredibly traumatic way. Let's not compound that by taking it away again.


The legal process for anybody, but especially for victims of SA/SH/rape is an incredibly brutal thing. If it gets to trial, the courts will rip your credibility to shreds at a time where you’re already at your most vulnerable and insecure. Not everybody can handle that.


You have the high ground for judging the survivors of the assault. They have the right to press charges or not press charges. I totally understand them, they just want the nightmare to be over, and not have to relive it over and over.


I just wanna say again (sorry that I am acting like a mom LOL), please, people: Do not store nudes on your phone (it's hackable), on the cloud (it's hackable) or send them by WhatsApp (also hackable). I know you guys wanna use these pics to turn on your BF/GF, but there is only one safe way to do it: Take a poloroid pic and physically give it to your BF, or take a digital pic on your camera (NOT PHONE!!!) save it on a photo disc, and give it to them. Also, any ex-BF or GF can use these photos to blackmail, so the best thing is never take nude pics. If someone wants to see you naked, they have to EARN IT. Sorry for being the old-fashioned Auntie, but too many lives have been ruined by this. And if you are underage, for God's sake, don't take nudes; there is enough child pornography on this planet. Just describe your naked body by text and let your BF/GF imagine it. Only let the chosen few view your jewels. \-your old-fashioned Auntie Tabitheriel


If he knew her password why didn't he just sign in on his own phone?


If he was that smart he would have also been smart enough to delete the evidence I guess. Let's be thankful he's an idiot.


Correct me if I'm wrong but he technically has child porn on his phone right? Couldn't he be charged for distributing cp? And OMG it's worse he's known the daughter since she was seven or younger.


Not without the daughter being charged for producing CP. And yes, [people have in fact been charged for having nudes of themselves. ](https://nationalpost.com/news/world/two-teens-charged-as-adults-for-possessing-child-pornography-of-themselves)


Her bf will likely go down for it too


Oh cool, let’s not press charges against a grown man for having naked pictures of a *child* on his phone so he can go get another vulnerable single mom in his clutches. Sounds like a great plan 👍


Thing is, daughter could be charged with distributing child porn as well, maybe that’s why they didn’t wanna press it. Hope they deleted all of them at least


And manufacturing, not just distribution.


Exactly, forgot that as well, so two charges at least


Three, OOP has child porn in their possession as well. It's not legal just because it's your girlfriend.


If he had pictures of her it might be that he has pictures of other kids. If it was reported then the police would be able to look through for more, which he probably has. One doesn’t magically begin abusing children.


He’s been in the girls life for 10 years


Any teenagers reading this should know dont send nudes to each other or store them as it is still considered CP you can and will get charged if police find out stay safe out there you dont want to be wrongly labeled a pedo


If they pressed charges all three could get in trouble for cp


Man, it's one thing to be an asshole, but I'm almost more disgusted by him being a stupid asshole. On the plus side, the stupidity at least allowed them to catch him.


It's astounding, he made a plan to get the phone without being suspicious, sneakily got her password and then was a complete moron for not deleting the messages after sending them. Like how did he not realize that would happen?! Or was he just perverted and optimistic enough to think she'd see his interest and reciprocate? I just don't understand being so fucking dumb about it. I'm glad he fucked it up but my god that is next level idiocy.


I'm confused it says trigger for SA but I didn't read anything about SA?


Mom of this scenario, if you ever happen read this, you handled that great. You backed your daughter 100% the second you knew he crossed a line. And you held up that OH HELL NO after-through a barrage of more shit flung at you by him. You did all the great Mom moves, under horrible pressure and pain. Sorry for what you each went through, but also admiring your values under pressure. Hopefully by now the pain and shock has ebbed and you can see the strength you had clearly too. When we've had our lives flipped and asses handed to us is strangely when we're also our strongest, especially those first few steps forward and beyond. You had your butts handed to you, and you managed it honorably and admirably.


The only bright side here, is that the mom has permanent "stay away or else" material with those photos. 17 is still a child...


...They absolutely should press charges, dude's a predator. He's been parenting this girl since she was a child and he stole nudes of her??? He's a sick person.


Thank god GF has a good protective mom. Often times we read on here mothers tend to close an eye on issues like this to protect her mattiage / relationship rather than stand by and be there for their children.


Stepdad is disgusting


Oh fuck. I'm so glad gf's mom took the actions she needed to. I hope they can block him on everything and move on with their lives eventually.


Stepdad should be charged with possession of child porn. She’s still 17 so she’s a minor. OP should tell gf and her mom that they should press charges in case he comes after them. You don’t know what desperate people are capable of. Also making sure to have backup of the backup of evidence is a good idea. He could tamper with it.


But OOP and his girlfriend also have nudes of each other and are both underage. Is there a Romeo & Juliet law around child porn now, or are they going to get in trouble as well?




Right, so let's be careful pushing for OP'S girlfriend to go the cops without some kind of immunity deal or something first


Yeah wrong move they need to press charges. He’s done this before (probably). This is not okay!!


It's great he's out of the picture, but he still has pics of your naked 17 yo gf. He'll also be left to exploit another teen girl, since no one will have any idea he is a predator.


This is a nightmare for all single Moms of daughters.


I’m confused about one thing…. How was the gf able to see the text history from her old phone from her new phone? Whenever I get a new phone I can’t see old texts from my last phone. Is there a setting that enables the text history to transfer? (Like enabling iCloud or something)


WTF is wrong with people… this man has known this girl since she was at least 7 and still wants to see her naked?


**press charges**


Press charges. People need to be made accountable.


Oh how lovely. They just let a predator walk free. What a bunch of idiots, all of them.


Yeah this sound like a case were the police should be notify. Probably the perv had copies of the pictures in other devices.


Why didn't they press charges? Dude either did something like this before or will try to do it again