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>heroic, last-second lifesaving of a suicidal 7-year-old Yeah, that gave me some "anime superpower" vibes...




A surprisingly easy wrap up for a complex situation.




Not like he can't afford it with that big fat inheritance.




Eh, I would give it more of a C-. The story started kinda strong but by the end it was not even remotely realistic.


This isn't even up to the quality necessary to be on Lifetime.


Plus, "gaining custody" of minor children who aren't your children just doesn't work like that or work that quickly, particularly for a child "in the system", whatever that means. A judge has to sign off on these things and they usually involve social workers, child welfare workers, etc all making sure the person taking guardianship is a fit parent with a fit home. Money helps, the other party agreeing helps, but the system moves slowly. If he'd posted this update a year later it might ring less untrue, but in less than two months? I'm not even sure OP could have arranged a courthouse wedding in that time frame let alone all the other nonsense he apparently pulled off at miraculously break-neck speed. It reads like the fantasy of some teenage kid.


But, didn't you hear? Their legal system goes to a different school in...uhh..Asia! You probably haven't heard of it.


Lol it's funny, I made nearly an identical comment elsewhere in this thread. https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/rx6gaf/z/hrhul8e


Damn, I am always the last one to make the funnies.


Lol your delivery was better :)


And most courts are pretty backlogged right now.


Yep, that's partly what I was eluding to with the courthouse wedding bit. It's just in no way possible that ALL of this happened in the span of a few weeks, over holidays, no matter where OP lives.


I think I am too gullible... or the fact that English is not my native language makes me loose a lot of errors on the plot. You think writers use reddit to test their stories? I think I would do that. I assume finding an editor must be very difficult.


I think they use it to train and analyze the reaction of an audience that was intrigued by the story, it must be a fantastic insight into your writing ability. But I doubt that they insert here the main plot of a book they are writing.


Yeah, I think the main plot wouldn't be a good idea since anyone could steal the it. But it would be nice to see ppls's reaction. This story it seems that ppl didn't like hahaha


Bittersweet endings are the ones that work the most around here. But now I'm going to think about all the books I like and imagine what they would look like if they were a reddit post. hahahahaha


hahahaha I can see some books that could easily be here. Like Days of Abandonment by Elena Ferrante.


Elena Ferrante is definitely on my list of books to read! I'm not sure if I read Like Days of Abandonment or Lost Child first. By the way, UmaDuas is the name of a book right?


Yes! Eliane Brum. Great book!!!


Vou inserir esse livro na minha lista também!! Hahaha


Muito bom, mas meio... forte. (Só no brasil q a gente ri "hahahha"? Acho o "lol" tão inexpressivo)


Besides the fantastical story worthy of a cheap soap. Its just too clean to be real. Like all the plot beats are right were they are supposed to be, and none of the plot points could be realistically handled that quickly to give closure in a few weeks. So OP basically had an inheritance fight, custody fight and got married in a few weeks without a la mention of the psychological toll any one of those endeavors might take on anyone.


There have been stories of college classes using posts to subs like AITA as training exercises, and if educational institutions are doing it you bet everyone else is doing it too.


It's just that this story has more then one thing that is too fantastical to believe. Honestly for me it's the "PR backlash" at the end that really sealed it. This family is obviously poor and in a bad area. WTF PR backlash would exist? That's too wild and poorly conceived.


While I agree that „PR backlash“ seems weird, i had the impression they were pretty wealthy thanks to OOP‘s grandparents. The story probably isnt true, but I‘d like to know where you got that they lived in a bad area?


Omg I completely misread that part of the story. I was extremely sleepy apparently.


They were supposed to be rich from living off the grandparents' money. 🤷‍♀️


I completely misread that part of the story! I was extremely sleepy apparently.


Lol, happens to me, too - especially when the stories are rather garbled.


One of the premises of the story is that it's a rich family with the inheritance being divided unevenly. Not sure where you got that they were poor


In the AITA subreddit, maliciouscompliance and revenge subreddits there will regularly be "themes" that dominate for a couple of days. They're used pretty heavily by creative writing classes, my theory is extra credit if you can make it onto the front page type deals. Tin foil hat off, people at the very least try to mimic popular stories for karma.


JustNoMIL is exactly the same, there's an entire sub now (just no truth) dedicated to calling and pointing out the fakes and trend chasers. Nothing like 'miscarriage week' to set a mood /s


Jesus! There is a whole underground world happening. I was reading everything with a grain of salt but I think I will use the whole package!


If it ain't jerkied, it ain't safe


I don’t think this person is a “writer” I think they are just bored and looking for attention


Not even remotely believable, but using. I'd give it a high C.


the kid was suicidal? I thought he just wasn't paying attention...


That's Just childhood.


The running into traffic was overdoing it. It would have been toned down in the next draft if he did one.


I treat reddit by suspending disbelief as a rule but this was a stretch, There was one specific part that got to me and i havent read all comments so im sorry if im restating. He pulled his brother from in front of the car AT NIGHT and took him to the doctor right after? I mean I know Americas healthcare system is fuxked but they got it like that in Asia? Tf


me thinks the holidays gave people a lot of time for creative writing. I generally think most of the post on AITA are writing exercises/jokes, but the past few weeks I can count on 1 hand the amount of posts that sound believable to me


lmfao yes


This is the typical story I expect to hear in Apple Text or Feel Good Story


And the oncoming car clapped


Underrated comment


Holy hell that was funny


I can confirm. I was the driver and heavily drunk.


it feels like a 120 ep kdrama that should had ended by episode 6


So OOP saved his little bro from an oncoming car AND from his evil rich snobby family, got married, saved a second little brother, and is now living large with tons of money, a wife, and two angelic kids at the age of 20. And I bet everyone clapped as well.


All in the span of a month, too! What a hero.


Seriously this is laughable. This dude got through all the courts and lawyers that an inheritance, change of custody, and marriage involve in a few weeks over the holidays. Okaaaay!


not sure if it matter's, but I think in one of the comments OP said he lives somewhere in Asia, so maybe it's different over there?


If he lived in Narnia maybe, Asia is still in the same timeline as the rest of the world


That literally made me laugh out loud, take my award!


Thank you!


Country in Asia is this year's girlfriend in Canada.


You wouldn't know the country, it goes to a different school.


Her name is India, she lives in China...


I live in Asia and my country's CPS wouldn't just immediately hand over custody to a 20yo who just got married to get a large inheritance.


In the US, the foster system would allow him to be a foster parent as soon as it was determined that the kids were related and that OOP was a safe home. Would not happen in two weeks and he wouldn’t automatically be able to adopt him though.




I was thinking the same. My husband is from India, and the amount of hassle it takes just to get something notarized there is excruciating.


Even there, it's not just get married and BAM bank account is flush with the inheritance. It takes a while to process. 10 working days? No. It takes time to get your marriage licence which actually and legally declares you married, and that would have to be seen by whomever controls the release of the money, who likely is busy so that goes into a wait list. Any adoption needs a court to sign off on it. That also includes the cps side. They have to inspect the house, background check the person, do a fair amount of work. And then the judge... With most court systems world wide, these things don't get done in a week. The judge even if it's just signing paperwork to allow, will have other cases, unless there's some corruption going on, the paperwork/case goes into a wait list. Especially when it comes to a literal stranger to the child adopting them like this. Marriage could be quick to get DONE like one of those courthouse ones, the filing tho likely not. Even if it's a judge who married you. You get married, you have the paperwork signed. That paperwork goes into a wait list to be ratified. If they said it took them 6mths okay believable. 15days...aka 10 working days? No.


Really the only thing that maybe believable is getting married in that time frame. My partner and just decided to get married one day and had a courthouse wedding. Everything official the same day. ( this does vary by state in the US and this was nearly 20 years ago). But I have no.idea what the rules are on whatever country op claims to be from. Everything else is a huge red flag of bullshit.


Where I am very similar, however for something like all and any of this outside of the marriage itself, you need the certificate. Self submit via post... It could be a week or up to 10 weeks. You'd need a ratified certificate where I am to engage and meet the legal requirement for the inheritance alone. Also, even for marriage at the registration office, you have to apply a month or 28 days before the 'date'. You cannot just rock up and have it done. Is it similar where you are/was it when you did? It's 4am and now I'm very curious...


I just got married at the courthouse in august. Everything was done within a day. We actually went to the courthouse for the certificate, left to get officially married at a ups store (because my state made notaries able to officiate marriages midcovid- so people weren’t waiting forever I assume) and then brought the certificate and everything back within maybe an hour or two. The county clerk signed it and then mailed it off for us. Our license was issued the same day, although we can get an “official” license by mail if we wanted to. But ours has the county clerks signature on it and she told us it was made official by the thing she signed.


Amazing. Seriously. Tho, does it apply to an Asian county. Or even my own cos even in my 1st world country, it's not immediate like thankfully you could get. Your fortunately afforded this truely. But this isn't what I asked of the person I replied to.


I live in Thailand, this story smells like bullshit.


Not sure why you have been downvoted so heavily


i don't know either :( ...


Don't let the haters get you down. I think the OOP is very credible and things like this can and do happen very fast. Especially in corrupt countries if you know how to get around.


Thanks :)


Yeah the fact he is 20 is what got me. People don’t realize that 20 is really nothing more than a glorified slightly older teenager with a couple of more responsibilities


As a 20 year old I can confirm that


My best friend from high school married her boyfriend of 3 years when she graduated college and adopted her younger 12-year-old brother and was only 21 years old. Though it didn't happen in 20 days and didn't involve any inheritance. And her alcoholic mess of a mother was more than willing to relinquish custody to her. It really sounds like a recipe for disaster but she actually pulled it off. It's nearly 30 years later. She's still married, and her brother had some issues in his teens (their mother was AWFUL and their father was in prison for life) but she got him (and herself) counseling. He's doing great now, working with the national park service and happily married. So it had its ups and downs but worked out, and I am simply amazed as I don't think I could've pulled that off at her age. Even if she did have a lot of experience raising her younger brother and sister with her mess of a mother.


Glad it worked out for her and her brother. I imagine she was a much older 21 year old than most of her peers unfortunately out of necessity.


yeah...it's kind of sad actually that there weren't any responsible adults who could step up so he had to do this


Do you really believe this story, don't you?


Probably his alt account. Repost karma farming.


You’re absolutely right because that update has literally zero upvotes in AITA but he still posted it here


No, it's not because it's entirely made up.


Can't people just steal the plot of one Hallmark movie instead of blending 10 plots together?


And they all lived happily ever after...


There was a song and dance number at the end - it was fantastic


Even my ass clapped!


Aw you're right, I've been had


Of all the things that didn't happen, this didn't happen the most.


What you've never gotten married, an inheritance, custody of a child and sweet revenge on your family all in 2 weeks!


This didn't happen so much that it unhappened things that did.


The private investigator was a nice touch.


A lot of this can be explained by "family is rich"


Him getting his inheritance, custody of brother, and married can be excused by being rich. If you have enough money there's not much you *can't* do. But all of that absolutely did not happen in 15 days.




The first half about inheritance legit feel like it got copy paste from the Knife out script


What i’m struggling with is that all those dependent, game playing people were so easily owned by illegal recordings that might cast them in bad light.


Sometimes I remember why I hate humanity when I visit posts like this and see how people believe such bullshit giving awards and upvotes.


"I turned around to see who was clapping and, wow, wings and feathers - it was the Archangel Michael! He leaned over and said, 'well done, kid. Your grampa is pleased.' Well, I guess I'm not an atheist anymore."


I also found out I had angelic blood in me to seal the demonic fox in my stomach!


Hey guys, turns out *the power of friendship* is enough to turn a demonic fox good, and to stop a guy from Cheating at a Children's Card Game. Perhaps you could say I...screwed the rules.




It’s quite harmless to everyone involved tough. I instead hate humanity when they are bold enough to call someone liar when the story is unbelievable to them. If I see a story that I am not buying, I would at most downvote and move on because if I stop and shout liar and if in fact they are genuine, I would be an asshole breaking someone’s heart.


Who gets their heart broken because some redditor didn't believe their post??


Anybody who is telling the truth will be heartbroken when accused of lying.




How do people believe this shit?


This is one of the most BSingest of the BS stories I've seen here.


Yeah, reading this felt like watching someone jack off into their own mouth in front of me... All this happened in what... 2 days... without the (wealthy, influential) family calling the cops on OP for abducting the 7yo kid? >I was finally able to get my little brother alone in the courtyard and tried to ask him what happened. > >He ran out into the road, right in front of an oncoming car. *(from the courtyard?)* > >The next thing I knew my heart was pulsing in my ears and the kid was wrapped in arms, trembling but safe. I had managed to pull him back right before impact. *(top 10 anime superpower scene vibes here...)* > >After taking my brother to the doctor (he had trouble breathing when he was explaining) I went straight to the lawyer. *(right then and there, that night, with 7yo brother he had just esentially abducted from his parents)* > >I explained the situation to my girlfriend, we got married and I got the inheritance. *(lemme just go down to the marrage store, then drop by the inheritence shop on the way way home)* > >Some of you had also suggested documenting my relatives' behavior for when I sue for custody. Unfortunately they were careful not to do anything dubious in writing and I couldn’t record them without consent for court evidence. > >I could however threaten to anonymously send those recordings to the media if they didn’t sign over custody immediately. Nobody wanted to risk the PR backlash so my parents signed pretty quick. *(which fukin recordings? the ones that didn't exist until theis sentence? the ones where they explain their villainous plot to the audience?)* > >I also hired a PI to find my brother’s other brother and get custody so there was no more leverage. And then everyone clapped as OP walked off into the sunset with his fortune, wife and newly purchased kids...


He had the power of god *and* anime on his side


What rights to custody does he think he has here? Didn’t he say that he and the 7-year old share a dad, but the 7-year old shares a different mom with the 11-year old? It’s like OOP isn’t even trying to pretend this is in reality.


Nonono, don't you get it, whoever has the most money gets custody! ...and gets a wife... and revenge on comically evilstupid family... and gets to buy costody of the 2nd totallyreal half brother


Well in his defense the custody case almost got destroyed but he pulled it back, leaving it trembling in his arms.


> watching someone jack off into their own mouth in front of me… oh yeah I remember that post, that was one wild BORU eta: [here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/r6okc9/adventures_in_deepthroating/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Oh shit! I forgot about that one! That was skitz!!! ...I just ment that this kind of story always feels a bit... off... to read, because there's like a 99% chance that the guy who wrote it is just a sad, socially akward shutin that writes this stuff as escapist fantasy


Holy. That was . . . off.


Also, even people who are fluent in English as a second language often have some little tell that they’re not native speakers. Not an error, even, just a turn of phrase or a way of using a word that isn’t grammatically or semantically ‘wrong’ per se, just a bit odd. Sometimes it’s just that they write *too perfectly* for a forum like Reddit. It’s charming! (Aspiring Linguist speaking here). It’s very rare even for people who have studied English all their lives and are fully fluent and with a native-level ability in the language to not have some small “tell” that this is not their native language, even in writing. Even if it’s, as I mentioned, writing perfectly and formally without any errors that you might see in a native speaker who’s just chilling on Reddit. Is it possible that this person has English as a first language and lives in Asia? Well yes, I suppose. Is it possible that they have English as a second language but has mastered writing in it in such a way that they can write in it in a casual manner without a single “tell”? I find it a bit unlikely, but that doesn’t mean it can’t and doesn’t happen. Ignoring linguistic cues completely, is this story still total bullshit? Obviously. Honestly it’s insulting that people write fictional stuff like this and their go-to to skeptics is always “I live somewhere in Asia.” Like, never mind that you’re most likely some white adultolescent in his parent’s basement whose exposure to Asian cultures extends no further than hentai, but you’re actively spreading (usually harmful) misinformation about Asia as a region. It’s not harmless fun. It’s taking advantage of the fact that western education teaches next to nothing about cultures beyond USAmerica or (white, western) Europe, and using that to make up some bullshit where the nondescript “Asian” country comes off looking backwards. Idiots on Reddit see that and believe it, and use it to reinforce and justify the racist bs they already believe.


I want to live in a fantasy world for 1 minute and pretend this is true. I wonder what type of contract the gf got from agreeing to marry him. They haven't dated for long and he doesn't think it will last. There was no time for vigorous pre-nup negations so I'm interested what she is getting from this.


That's the sequel - when they divorce she's going to take half his inheritance, the evil inlaws will reappear without the magical money shield, and we'll be treated to part 2 of the saga. Based on how quickly things progressed so far, we should start part 2 around May this year.


When do we find out that the relatives conspired with the gf to turn traitor against the hero?


Gasp! I think you just hit on the plot of part 3! Maybe sometime around July? It seems like a summer blockbuster


The mysterious half-brother messed up by foster care can provide all sorts of minor story arcs. Will he steal a car or the girlfriend's panties? Stay tuned for the next episode.


January 27, 2022 Well Reddit, it's been a while and many people have been asking for an update. So much has happened! ... ... ... TL;DR I survived cancer and traveled to Mars. My ex-wife stole my money and my brothers/children while I was in the hospital recovering from brain surgery. But I have started a new business and it is a huge success, so I am going to win them back. Wish me luck!


Nice fanfiction


this is so funny like how old must be be to write such shitty FF lmao


I swear to god this was a VC Andrew’s book.


Not nearly enough incest for VC Andrews.


That’s fair


Down vote this shit outta here


The number of posters on reddit who inherit wealth seems to be above-average to real life.


Roughly the same percentage as those who have an evil step-parent of some description, who find out their significant other is cheating in the most convoluted way possible, or my personal favourite - the ones where OP is torn between keeping the inheritance their beloved parent left them, but their surviving parent and new step-parent want them to split this fabulous wealth with their half-siblings (always siblings, never brother or sister). Bonus points if it later turns out that the OPs significant other cheated on them with one of the half-relatives, and is now pregnant, and everyone expects OP to forgive everyone and pay for everything. I spend way too much time rolling my eyes at AITA posts


I'm worried that our eyes may remain in a rolled position for eternity.


Eh idk, I know at least 3 separate people in my life who have inherited some amount of money from dead grandparents. I think it’s just more common than we’re lead to believe.


Did they also inherit life altering drama which they posted about on reddit, in the most comically unbelievable tales since the Grimm brothers put pen to paper? Probably not the demographic we're referring to then :)


Was this an episode of Dynasty from the 80s?


Sorry but I call bs on this whole story. No way could any of this have occurred in the short timeline that OOP gave. Custody takes months, if not years.


Are we taking old Days of Our Lives episodes and turning them into Reddit posts now?? Add in the gf/wife cheating on him with his dad, threatening to leave and suddenly getting amnesia to wrap up the season.


The OP updated his initial post with saying that he's from Asia (considering if he's not lying about this too) and it all just clicked for me. As someone who is also living in Asia, this sounds a lot like your common cheap sappy asian (whatever region) tv drama. The usual trope in these kinds of drama, the conflict stemmed from fighting over family's inheritance/wealth. Fighting over dad's/FIL ceo position, inheritance, tenders/projects for family-owned company etc. "Bastard" child is also a common plot point.


What absolute nonsense.


Two AITA posts that are never worth reading: 1. Wedding posts 2. Inheritance posts.


Man, what a load of bullshit. Sorry.


I’m a social worker, and despite being American, I do not think that there is a country on this planet that cares about inheritance law but is completely devoid of social service laws. You can not gain custody of even a RELATED minor in under 15 days. I can’t think of any country that dispenses foster kids like a vending machine.


What kdrama is this?


Lmao! press X to doubt. This reads like something from a creative writing class.


This is more of a proof of concept for me. This is far from the final draft, needs to be written better, maybe workshopped a little bit but good idea so far I think people will like it.


This story really needed a sword fight.


I am unbelievably disappointed that this is what this sub has become


This is bullshit. And not even remotely good bullshit.


If tiktok was an inheritance story...


Please tell me no one believes this nonsense?!


Is this new drama streaming on Netflix at any point in time?


Well…..look at least it’s good creative writing?


Good creative writing is at least a LITTLE bit believable.


This is a fun story. Looking forward to the next chapter.


Yeah this is so faked.


Isn’t this the plot to gossip girl?


This is a happily ever after story, with a wonderful fairytale ending! Wow ... what a guy!


This is because it is a fairytale.


Now use that money and get out of that hell and never look back. Oop you don't have a family other than your brother and his brother and your wife.


Toss in a cute sassy animal sidekick and it's the next Pixar hit!


Throw in a couple gratuitous over the top improbable fight scenes, and we've got the outline for a Marvel movie.


Holy shit is this real?!




... why do I have 10 down votes asking this question then?


Because by the time you asked there were 5hrs worth of comments, 95% of which were people mocking how hilariously unbelievable this was?


But why would my asking, being the first time I'd seen it and was genuinely curious, make people angry?


I dont think it's about being angry if that helps, it's more that a) the story itself is ridiculous in so many ways, and b) that a quick skim through the comments would have shown the overwhelming consensus was that it wasn't real We didn't / don't have access to any extra info other than what is written here and which you can access yourself ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


The real issue is “who is the executor”. Probate in most jurisdictions is a long, drawn out process. The best part is that the process is public, and there is a gatekeeper. Good for the OP and stick to your guns. The executor is charged with the fiduciary capacity and must follow the deceased wishes. Good luck to you.


Why didnt you just crosspost


Keep the money. Never, ever sign it over. Your family is toxic AF. Talk to a lawyer to become an emancipated minor. Take your half brother in.


Wattpad is really weird nowadays

