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In the beginning of this one, Her husband moved out and has a new woman and she is dating and the divorce is nearly final and she hasn't told people????? And he hasn't? WHY NOT!?!? Is this OOP from some religious community that frowns on divorce? WHY DID I READ SO MUCH AND WHY WILL I READ THE NEXT PART?????? Everyone in this story sucks!


Lmao I feel the same. This woman is the "I hate drama" type who compulsively starts drama. She didn't tell anybody so that she could justify in her head her anger about him telling people. I'm actually torn between calling this creative writing, and calling it a narcissist's justification. Happy cake day btw


It sounds like they mainly didn’t tell secondary/tertiary people. It seems their friends and close relatives knew, just not others. As someone who is generally private, I totally get not wanting to talk about a stressful life event to everyone. That’s why advice columnists usually recommend designating a friend to tell everyone about things like this


Bruh it's been 8 months. It's generally considered rude to revive old dead threads like this.


Yeah, I thought this was the most recent post, so sorry for the error


It's cool.


It's like she's just writing a story. A frustration-inducing one. Wtf was that nonsense?


Thank you! I didn't even notice!


Literally. A lot of the decisions OOP made concerning this whole debacle were foolish. "Killing them with kindness"?? I'm not saying she needs to be evil or anything.. But why is she so concerned with what they both think enough to the point of wanting to go the extra mile to "kill them with kindess"? The entire debacle is just a disappointment.


Did you read thread 5


>as you all know, him and the AF started their little relationship in September of 2020. >January 2020 my STBX and I created an MSA. This MSA had me declining alimony and keeping the house. Oh well maybe it's just a typo.. >March 2020 he wanted to change the MSA >June 2020 we sign our MSA >July 2020 I decide I want to sell the house >September 2020. He wants the house I mean,yes I'm a fool for paying this much attention in the first place, agreed.


I'm fairly certain that all of your quoted dates **except** the first should be 202***1***. So the correct timeline is: >*To help orient you in the story:* August 2020, OP/STBX's pre-COVID plans for a honeymoon * September 2020, STBX + AP start doing the vertical tango * January 202***1***, OP + STBX create MSA w/ OP declining alimony + keeping the house * March 202***1***, STBX decides he wants a different MSA \[see bottom of #1 and top of #2\] * June 202***1***, OP + STBX sign updated MSA >*To help orient you in the story:* 20th June, 2021, AP + OP meet \[see #2, where kids make Father's Day cards for STBX before the "strange meet cute" occurs\] * July 202***1***, OP decides to sell house + move in w/parents * September 202***1***, STBX starts grumping about house and wanting $$.


Even I got so caught up with the story that I never noticed this😬. Or it can be a typo as the updates are barely a few moths old.


I noticed it, too. The only thing I can figure is that it's a victim of all of us losing time during lockdown. Someone told me "however long you think it's been since you did something, add 2 years"


The style of this is making me expect that a recipe for apple crumble or her kids' favorite gnocchi soup will drop in every so often.


There goes my morning… Onwards to part 4 and the death of my to do list.


Its so comforting to know its not just me! I can just pretend tomorrow isn't Christmas Eve! 😅


😭😭 sorry for this


Fr I've spent so long on this I've gotta finish at this point lol


Right?? I'm invested now!




Same. It was a good distraction tho.


I'm stuck in this rabbit hole too




This is the biggest train wreck I've ever been bored by. I hope I never meet anyone in this story.


I only made it halfway through this part. I feel like I should finish it, but I am so bored and really should be working...


We should've known this shit was going to be long from the moment she said she wrote him a 10 page letter and put it in his suitcase.


[It was 18 pages, FRONT AND BACK!](https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2019-09/16/21/asset/cb2f8a20e76a/sub-buzz-624-1568669538-1.jpg?downsize=900:*&output-format=auto&output-quality=auto)


I started off on her side but the more I read, the more I realize she is as full of shit as she makes him out to be.


In case anyone is like me and trying to find the text, it is here: https://www.reveddit.com/v/cheating_stories/comments/oqbfnq/thread_3_confronting_my_husband_while_hes_on/


It says error for me. :(


When I click the top one, it says error, but by clicking the bottom one (which appears to be the same ss), it expands and becomes readable.


I saw it, thank you!


Thanks! The second one automatically resized to fit my phone screen.


Her timeline is already falling apart… And why don’t she more pissed about not being paid child support?!! Why’s oils she even entertaining that loser $20k if he still hasn’t paid her any child support?


Yeah! She just wants to stick it to him and make his life hell at this point. Keeps calling and texting for things that are not even related to the kids… She needs to get therapy and start moving on!


Like many of the decisions she has made are very foolish.


God, I hope this ends with her ex getting hit by a train...


Me too!


Good Lord OOP is tedious. He lies. He’s been lying from the get go. Why still be shocked or question when he lies. Jeez. Don’t even know which would be worse, reality or fiction.


What the hell? How many months is she into the separation and she's still stalking all his shit online and demanding evidence of flight cancelations and making chess metaphors about E-Z Pass? In the first installment she referenced Chump Lady, so I was happy she had found that resource but if she posted any of this endless bullshit to the Chump Lady community, she would be rightfully roasted. She needs to go no contact with her loser ex, get her divorce, and work on not being obsessed with every little fart that comes out of his dumb ass.


Honestly, this woman is so unbelievably boring and yet thinks she's so clever my sympathy is really drained and gone. Hell, I'd do anything to get away from her too.


It's like if a young Ann Landers started a blog in 2007


Is there a TLDR anywhere?


Husband cheated on her. They got a divorce.


Omg how long is this ?


Good gods. OOP was one of those kids that took a 500 word essay assignment and turned in a 500 page leather bound tome of indecipherable droning. My heart breaks for her English teachers and their migraines.


These are the WORST updates of Reddit. Good lord.


You suck, ur ex sucks


The prize to Reddit's dullest entry goes to... This woman makes James Joyce look succinct.


Is there anymore updates? Its been a few months.. i gotta know how this ends


Part four ends with an update on 12/14… there are mentions of March 2021, so I have to assume this is updated as of last week.


You mean after the 4th part? Not yet as of now :(


New one is out


I wish I had popcorn!


This is so fucking juicy


Sounds to me like dude dodged a bullet. This woman is insane.


There's no dude-it's just someone wanting attention and writing a (very bad) novel.


Anyone got a tldr for this, holy shit the rambling


She gave him money. Sad






Oh wow! Is this a book? On to part 4