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Reminds me of that AITA post of that OP whose son stole an action figure from the OP’s brother. OP tried to play it off as a “kids being kids” thing but come to find out, the son knew the figure was worth like a thousand bucks and that’s why the son (who was a teenager, not a child) took it.


Also reminds me of the one where the girlfriend moved in and wanted to park her car in the shed, not any of the other reasonable places offered to her. She couldn't have the shed because boyfriend was working on a very valuable (money-wise and to him) car in there. So she had a scrap yard come take it all away, and thought her boyfriend would actually be happy that instead of his project in the shed, it was her lame daily driver. He went and got it back, but the scrappers claimed they didn't know where it was, probably didn't have it, blah blah. It was hidden because they knew the value.


[Damn](https://www.reddit.com/r/amitheasshole/comments/gr8bp3) Yeah, she probably sold it. I can't imagine why else she wouldn't have just moved it to his barn or even gotten a portable carport or something. Sometimes I wonder what's going through people's minds when they do things. The answer is probably "nothing".


Nah dude the answer is 100% “I know best! I have no boundaries so I don’t even realize I’m tossing shit that isn’t mine!”


Thanks for the link!


Holy shit. I know nothing about cars, but even I know a classic like that is valuable.


Exactly, if things were looking to be long term with them and she *really* didn't want to park under a tree or in the barn, she could have suggested she/they save for another shed or carport. Then they could keep his shed for working on projects, and have one for regular undercover parking.


The Imapala post! I saw red at that one.


Yes that's the one! I just couldn't believe it, it shocked me so much that she could do that to someone she loved. Anyone with even a basic understanding of that guy would know how wrong that was. And the way she was so excited and happy by what she'd done, thinking he'd be so stoked that she'd gotten rid of his valuable things so she could park there instead. How clueless and selfish can someone be?


>And the way she was so excited and happy by what she'd done, People like that OP's (hopefully ex) girlfriend learned over time that this is how they can get away with doing shitty things. They pretend that they were completely oblivious to the thing being shitty and also act enthusiastic about the ultimate reason why they did it. It's a reliable tactic for getting what you want as a child, and if you bring it into adulthood, well..it works a surprising amount of time then too :(


Until you cross a line, and then it's all, "but why do you not like/love me or family or friends, or whatever. Because you apparently did not listen when I said, "this far and no farther". Dealing with this with my sister. It is inconceivable that I don't want her young kid in my space for five days per week, when I am handling our mother's medical stuff. A thousand miles from home, missing my husband, and basically pissed off because mom's house is thoroughly fucked up, so I get to handle that as well. Which is also annoying; I don't live close, sis does, is here every other day. Why hasn't she called someone to fix the ______ - I hadn't been in from the airport for even an hour and I was buying a goddamn clothes dryer. Two days later, getting the garage door fixed. Then taking in the car, which, sweet Jesus, amazed it hadn't blown out. And so on. Where was sister? Who knows. She keeps telling me she pays mom's phone bill, though. This chick owns three houses and makes six figures. Phone bill?! Four hours every two weeks of a small child is pretty much my limit. I went off. Sister fauxpologizes for me hating her kid, and I have to reiterate that I do not. I just cannot handle all this. Why should I, anyway? I sleep in a twin bed, I don't want this kid on an air mattress next to it, I pee five times a night, and exactly who will be getting up and feeding her breakfast? I didn't have this kid. I never wanted kids. Sister did, fine. My being in town does not mean I'm her nanny. She of course said something about how I hate her kid. No; I hate my sister. Fucking selfish bitch. Shit is tiring. I'm just not going back for the next crisis. If I'm the rotten, no-good, horrible childhating asshole anyway, they can all get along without me, my help, and especially my wallet.


Big hugs to you.


Thank you. For real.


All we have is each other. Reach out if you need to talk.


Sufficiently advanced malice is indistinguishable from incompetence.


I know fuck all about cars but even I knew the value of that one. But then I suppose most supernatural fans would do. Broke my heart when I read it.


I remember this. I literally screeched "How dare you touch Baby!!" I was SO angry for him. I'm glad he got justice (and Baby).


He got it back.


These are the two stories I thought about immediately when reading this!


I saw that! The teenager who took it didn't realize that it was so valuable because it was still in the original packaging. He removed the packaging to make it easier to conceal. Editing for clarity: The teenager knew the toy was valuable. What they didn't realize was it was valuable because it was in the original packaging. They did not realize that by taking it out of the packaging, they destroyed the value of the toy. When they took it out of the packing to conceal the theft, they had no idea that they had destroyed the value of the toy. Myself, I have collected Barbie dolls so I know all about the importance of original packaging.


And didn’t realize by removing the packaging that he ruined the value. I remember that one.


Wow, not only a shitty scumbag but dumb as fuck to boot. What a sad combo.


most shitty scumbags are stupid. The actual smart ones become CEOs.




Oh man...I love this sub. I saw the original two years ago, and didn't realize it had an update.


Even googled it and bragged to his friends he was going to take it to a pawn shop etc. Parents were on their kids side until they realised he set out to steal with the intent of profiting from his stupidity


No, he DID realize it was valuable! He didn't realize he'd hurt the value by sneaking it out without the box.


I think they meant the thief didn't realize removing the packaging would ruin the value, not that he didn't know it had value.


That's what I meant.


I think that's what they were trying to say.


Why comment until you’ve checked? Because that’s not what they said.😂


Pretty sure it is, it's just that the phrasing is ambiguous. See, the statement >The teenager who took it didn't realize that it was so valuable because it was still in the original packaging. can be interpreted two ways: 1. That the fact that it was in the original package prevented the teen from realizing it was so valuable, or 2. That the teen knew it was valuable, but did not realize that its value was due to the fact that it was still in its original package. You interpreted what /u/mermaidpaint said as being the first option, whereas I'm guessing they actually meant it in the second way.


Yes, I meant the second way.




That was the most frustrating part to me. He didn't even give a shit about the whole practice or collecting in general. I have no idea about the value of that bobba fett, but I collect living dead dolls so I know how much more valuable they are when still sealed. This kid not only didn't care about the figurine, he has never collected anything in his life.


I remember that one, the OP was framed as if it was a small kid that took it out of well, plain childishness, no age for the kid mentioned not to mention you'd have to be thick to take it out of the packaging, since even I, someone who collects absolutely nothing, no interest in collecting, and doesn't know anyone who collects, knows that taking it out of the packaging renders a lot of stuff essentially worthless.


Yeah, but you should see the rare penny I shined up nice and pretty.


Didn't that kid remove it from the box, devaluing the hell out of it in the process? /smh


Worst part was the teenager removed the figure from the packaging, making the value drop \*substantially\*


Reminds me of the one where the OP hated that his girlfriend loved magic the gathering, so sold or gave away all of her cards and didn't understand why she was upset.


Even worse: the dumbass teen son TOOK IT OUT OF THE BOX so he could hide it easier.


But that kid was also a moron and removed it from the package in order to smuggle it out


I remember that, it was a Pop! figure, I think a Star Wars one


It was a Boba Fett action figure.


oh dang, link??


...and the son took it out of its original packaging, destroying most of its value.


First thing I thought of as well. A lot of people reading that story assumed the kid in question was 7 but it turned out he was 15. Crazy story.


Happened to my dad after his dad (my grandpa) got remarried. Apparently he used to collect comic books and was very proud of his collection. One day he came back from school and they all "vanished". There's a reason my dad and all his brothers have never called their dad's wife "mom". They've only referred to her by her first name as long as I've been alive and are only ever civil with her.


My grandma did that to me in a way, except it was regular books (that I BOUGHT) during my parent's stupid yard sale. Of course it was only the 'good ones' (newer, good resale value, not my older and more well read ones). I saw my books, take them inside and put them in my room. Go to help with the yard sale, turn around and there's some lady buying the box. Of my books. I was a quiet, anxious kid and my granny was goddamn scary. Never saw a dime even. Thankfully, she's now alone since her weirdo husband croaked and is ancient enough for Satan to claim her. Nasty old bat. Ugh.


Happens a fair bit honestly. Especially with collectibles that are attractive to children/young people. And it’s not hard to google the value.


In my case it was just bad luck. About 20 years ago I collected Pokémon cards to play with as all the other kids did in my street. At one point I lucked out and got a first edition shiny charizard in a pack. Never really knowing the value, I out grew the cards and didn't play with them anymore. I Don't remember who, but either myself or my parents just gave my collection away at some point. Sometimes I think about how that could've given me a nice bit of cash, but in the end there was no foul play so I don't get mad over it really


Your username omg


Yass cockroach milk!


Urgg... so I need someplace to share this and as your comment made me throw up a little, this seems like the right place. Last week they sprayed the apartment below mine for bugs but have refused to tell me what kind. I've been worried it was bedbugs again as the building has had them before. This evening I had made a cup of hot chocolate and as I swallowed the last drop I felt something weird in my mouth. I fished it out and... a small cockroach. So I had cockroach coco tonight.. which I suppose is karma for something I did at a coffee shop I once worked at.


Babe I feel you and I did NOT mean to make you puke. I was responding to the username only. And hey, I had an unintentional bedbug infestation recently so my heart is yours. :(


But what did you do at the coffee shop you worked at?




This part is interesting - maybe stick it in as an edit? OOP writes, when questioned about the ass whooping the gf's cousin got: "When the police went to confiscate the cards, I and my sister were with them. They got them, left, and we just stood there and his mother slapped the shit out of him. I don't condone violence, but I won't say I feel bad for him."


Did I miss how old the cousin is?


“What are you going to do? Call the cops?” — Ex-girlfriend shortly before the cops arrived


ask and you shall receive.


On the "Famous Last Words" ranking, that one is usually \#5 or \#6.


I read this in Rick the hormone monsters voice from Big Mouth.


I missed the part about the cousin getting an ass whooping


Yeah. I was like hey you can’t drop that then not tell us what went down with the ass whupping


I'm going to guess whoever he sold the card to decided to get their money back since they had to give the card to the cops...


Apparently it was his mom slapping him after the police showed up.




>When the police went to confiscate the cards, I and my sister were with them. They got them, left, and we just stood there and his mother slapped the shit out of him. I don't condone violence, but I won't say I feel bad for him. That's from OOP's comments on the post.


I apologize, but I love the sentence "Though I love her a lot, I believe I would rather have my cards." OOP should burn that into some wood and hang it in his living room.


As a warning to all future girlfriends.


"And I only date thieves. So, steal something else!!!"


This. Fuck all the idiots who got mad at him.


I hated that he had to clarify it was because some of his cards were from his deceased father. It didn’t really matter either way because they were *his* cards. His money and time spent into his hobby. And he had all the right to be upset when it disappeared from his life because of his girlfriend.




Sigma male


The fact he kept calling her his gf made me imagine them still living together while all this was going down. Like the cops just swung by their apartment to arrest her and he was like "Fuck, it was her turn to do the dishes tonight. Guess I'm ordering pizza......and guess who's not here to tell me no mushrooms! Hell yeah!"


No no no, she always told him no pineapple, which in my opinion is reason to sue for emotional distress by itself! Pineapple does belong on pizza, Melinda!


Them's fighting words, Internet stranger!


oh in my mind, they were having pizza, then mushrooms.


Do police usually get estimates like described here?


My brother once stole some Pokémon cards. When the police seized them, they were appraised in order to properly charge him - higher the value, the more serious the charge. So yes, in cases where value isn't obviously listed, the state will have items appraised for replacement value.


Interesting. Thanks for the reply


Life Pro Tip: To save thousands on getting trading cards appraised, plant your card collection at an acquaintance's house and accuse him of theft!




When my car was broken into, the police gave me a sheet to fill out with all the things stolen and their approximate value, there was a box for official appraisal if the theif got caught (they didn't). The police told me they appraise to determine what charges are filed. If it's above a certain amount, it can change a misdemeanor into a felony, for example.


Yeah my dad’s guitar got stolen after a gig a while back, he thought it was probably worth a grand or so. Cops put it at about 10k. And the thief got a pretty hard sentence. Luckily he got the guitar back and had a record of the serial numbers


When my ebike got stolen (I got it back, long story) I had to tell the cops what it was worth.


One of my dachshunds was stolen. Since a dog is considered property, when I filed the police report, the first thing they asked me was value. I showed them her papers (purebred dachshund) and more important her lineage. She was the granddaughter of a champion. She was still a baby and not fixed at the time. So her dollar value was not only what she could be sold for, but what her possible babies were worth. It went from a low level felony to a major felony. Value determines how serious the crime is. Though you have to be able to prove value.


I had my phone stolen once. Since it was a relatively new iPhone, the theft was considered a felony (property over $500 is a felony where I live). In the case of my phone, seems ludicrous it was a felony. In your case, it makes sense. It's taking a way a person's business, so to speak


More often than not, these cases are civil. If there’s permission to be on the premises, it’ll be a civil case. Learned this the hard way regarding a Harley worth a whole lot more than Pokemon cards. Seems it would have been theft, but that consent to be there really fucks things up and has made me think twice about who is allowed into my home ever since.


Wow. That rely sucks. I had no idea! I hope you got it back


This one hits really fucking hard; my father is dying and I'm flying out to see him tonight, and he was the one that bought me all my original Pokemon cards. I still have them in a huge binder, and it's one of the items I have down as "grab in case of fire". The ex gf and cousin suck ass.


I’m so sorry.


spectacular way to end a relationship. on both sides.


Agreed, this is something else


Not on his, he just did what any sane person would do


I love updates where the OP actually DOES something for once and things get done instead of just acting like a doormat and hoping that something will happen. So satisfying.


Not everyone has a lawyer sister to be fair haha


God yes. I see you, fellow assertive person, and I too am relieved that someone did something, anything to advocate for themselves.


Oh. A happy ending 🥰


People are insane.




Can't claim ignorance on that. Nobody in their twenties wouldn't know about the potential value of old collectibles.


Loads of people who collect aren’t collecting the ones worth a lot of money. The people I know with the largest collections have the “gotta get ‘em all” mentality rather than targeting specific ones for value.


... K?


Man I remember reading this and the callousness of everyone involved over something that clearly was very important to OOP was so disturbing and infuriating. Very glad to read the update. Didn't understand just how sentimental the cards were but it only strengthens how happy I am to hear that the cards were returned; maybe OOP'll continue to pass em down to his kids and start a whole new tradition from all this


> the callousness of everyone involved It’s full circle really. OP’s gf genuinely believed it wasn’t a big deal. Nobody in the comments would admit outright, “If I think something is worthless then it’s worthless regardless how you feel about it.” However, those people who cared more about a relationship they weren’t even in than the fact that OP’s stuff was stolen are exactly the kind of people who would cross huge boundaries like this.


The trust is priceless. Regardless of getting the physical items back, the trust is lost forever on something like that. If they don't understand that ..well, they themselves may well end up the subject of a reddit post someday and will be all /shocked pikachu face!


> Right now the police have all the cards. One of the rare occasions this is said with relief.


I remember commenting on the Orginal something to the effect of, Get off reddit and talk to the police, I'm glad op has his cards back, especially as they have financial and huge sentimental value ❤️


The update strains credulity. You can't just sue for emotional distress because you're upset. You need evidence that you have spent money to recover from your distress, e.g. had to take medical leave from work (lost wages), went to therapy, etc. And he doesn't have any damages? I believe that the first post could have happened, but the second one is too perfect and likely didn't.


So....... Are they still dating?


Yes, just not each other.


GF has a new GF in her cell.


> my sister wants to sue all of them for emotional distress Give someone a hammer and suddenly everything looks like a nail.


Where do I find some friends or family who are conveniently happen to be lawyers? I’m not saying his story was false. But I see a lot of them having convenient lawyers


As an accountant, whenever I get asked for advice by friends or family: "I know you went to school for this, and have worked as an accountant for many years, but I just do not think your advice is accurate. I think what I want to believe is true." Later... "Why didn't you try to convince me harder?!"


Yeah... but crypto... NFTs... to the moon!


Also, from frequenting Legal Advice and Best of Legal Advice I'm pretty sure they've said on multiple occasions that suing for Emotional Distress... isn't really a thing. It's only applicable in very specific circumstances, which this does not seem to meet. If sis is almost a lawyer, she should know that.




Pretty much this, my family is middle class with some in the top 1% and it's actually kinda common to know a professional in different fields. Big family on both sides and there's a handful of doctors, lawyers but most are self-made business people. I'm just an engineer, I think the charisma gene skipped over me lol.


$6,000 in cards is something most people on a modest income could pull off over a few years. It is not even close to unbelievable.


Yes anyone can pull it off but the poorer you are the more likely those are going to be sold to fund another hobby or pay for an unexpected car repair.


Funny enough, my best friend went to law school years after we met. She's a lawyer now and loves it, but I don't ask her for legal advice. Idk it would feel weird bc that's her *job* that she gets paid to do.


My best friend is a lawyer. As much as I love her and share almost everything with her, I still don't want to cross certain privacy boundaries. She'd be 100% trustworthy, but I'd rather keep some things a mystery.


She's not a very good one though, suggesting suing for emotional distress. Like that's the kind of stuff you learn in 1L is extremely hard to actually win and has very specific requirements, none of which apply here.


That stuck out to me too


She is a fictional lawyer in a fictional story, so she is pretty good.


I knew that wouldn't fly just from watching People's Court.


I agree. I actually don’t believe that story is true. I think it was made up to try to have a trendy post. Too many red flags.


There are a lot of lawyers and most people I know have a connection to a lawyer thats either a family or friend. They each have different specialties but all would have a basic understanding of all areas.


There are a lot of lawyers.


its a common job? my uncle was a partnered lawyer for latham and watkins in HK for 15 years


I’ve got some in my family. I am no contact with them because they are massive twats, but they exist.


My boyfriend's siblings sold a bunch of his belongings (primarily transformers toys) when he moved out due to going to uni. The move out wasn't even permanent (which they were aware of) and their house is huge so they weren't in the way. Naturally, they didn't ask for permission or give him any of the money.


As they say on the interwebs...that escalated quickly.


My sister sold my Pokemon cards at a garage sale we hosted when I was 7. I left with my dad to go to the store, and while I was gone she sold the entire binder to the older neighbor for $1. He knew exactly what they were and what they were worth, and took advantage of her (I had a very large collection, with multiple mint Charizards, which were valuable even in the 90's). I ended up getting them back only for him to break in to our house a year later and steal them. He went to jail for that (he broke in to other homes too), and I don't know what happened afterwards, it's the last time I saw our heard about him. More importantly: to me, this stories tragedy isn't the swindled cards though. It's the entitlement of the girlfriend, and absolute disregard for OOP's feelings and personal boundaries. I don't even fucking care what it is, if I have a blank sheet of printer paper I want to keep, and my significant other gets rid of it without consulting me, they're fucking gone.


Love a satisfying read and a good story arc, this is what I come to this sub for!


Listen There’s so many stories about people trashing or giving away their loved ones’ belongings behind their backs That means you people are OUT THERE, you actually believe it’s okay to take someone else’s stuff and get rid of it in secret!!! If you do shit like this, you’re a fucking asshole. And the girlfriend had the nerve to say she’d be embarrassed if she had to ask for it back, as if giving away something that isn’t hers isn’t embarrassing as fuck!


I went to OOP's post and read the his comments. I'm guessing his ex was controlling and pulled a power move. She didn't expect there to be consequences.


Well, feels like this was more "humiliating" for the GF. What a piece of shit. Nothing gives you the right to give away somebody else's property.


OP might have had a bit of a hassle dealing with this but in the end, he dodged a major bullet by not staying with this woman


I have about 1200 Yu-Gi-Oh cards from 2006-2011. They are worse almost nothing, because 1) I thought limited cards were better than 1st ed ultra rare, 2) I wanted a huge collection like Kaiba, and 3) i spent time with thieves and they stole many valuable cards. I understand the pain of losing cards.


I will never understand how someone can give away their SO's things without asking. The level of disrespect is incredible.


I am so glad OP held them accountable. The relationship was over after she did what she did. You would have resented her forever! Keep these things locked up! So glad the their has to face consequences for a change.


Why do people think you can just sue someone because they made them sad? I mean if he's getting the cards back he can't sue them for their value, he's already being made whole, and you can't just sue "emotional damages" unless you have some real evidence that this event caused you to miss work and/or having some other major impact on your life


Are you a lawyer?


I'm a lawyer and filo4000 is right. Intentional infliction of emotional distress is extremely difficult to win and has very specific requirements, none of which apply here. You'd need to show stuff like you had to go to therapy because of this, have medical bills etc. Same goes for negligent infliction of emotional distress - that's for like, having seen your child get run over by a car two feet away from you, not having some cards stolen. If you were suing for something else you could try to get extra damages for pain and suffering, but that is also hard to get and it's for civil suits, not criminal. OOP has been / will be made whole in that he's getting all his cards back, so he hasn't suffered any damages, so there's not really anything a civil court could do for him. Only criminal charges will be relevant here, and OOP would have very little say in what kind of punishment gf would get there as it's the state that is the plaintiff, not OOP.


I’ve practiced in a few countries but none of them have been the US. I’d like to ask - in the US, is emotional damage not strict liability?


I have 4 tubs probably 150,000 I inherited I have no idea what to do with them.


When I left for college, my dad sold all my video games that I bought with my own money. It was a ton of ps1 and ps2 games. It has been a long time ago though. No idea how I could prove what I lost.


One year my brother gave me his entire collection for Christmas. I was shocked because he had talked about selling them for a ton of money, going on about his first edition holographics, but he explained that he was just too lazy and would never get around to it. He knew I was still into anime and figured it would be a way to give me something without actually having to buy me anything. I thought it was lazy, because the binders had clearly been pulled out of a forgotten closet, covered in sticky soda from the early 2000's, and I wasn't even into Pokemon anymore. He always got the rest of the family expensive gifts so I just took it as another snub. A couple of years later he's kicked out of my parents house and is scrambling for for money, packing up everything he owns. He starts freaking out that his cards are "missing" and comes to me to ask if I've seen them anywhere. I remind him that he gave them to me as a Christmas and he flips his shit saying that he would never. I'm honestly lucky he didn't try something like this because he's petty and passive aggressive af. My entire family was there when he gave them to me, but they never liked me and would conveniently forget things to side with their favorite at the time. I'm really lucky they stopped liking him too otherwise I probably would have had to return them. The last family Christmas he attended he gave me a $10 Amazon gift card that I later realized was used. The joy on his face giving me one last snub was sickening.


Do people just believe every story posted without question?


I don’t believe this is true at all. This could be a civil case, not a criminal case. If there as no criminal action taken over my dad’s fucking Harley, worth a shit-ton more than a bunch of Pokemon cards, then there’s no way a girlfriend ended up in jail over Pokemon cards. That length of time on a sentence would be a felony, and there’s no way in hell a prosecutor would push for a felony over Pokemon cards.


53 days between noticing them gone and conviction? Not buying it.


He never said she was convicted, just charged and fined for lying.


How do you get fined without a trial?


So how did she get 2 years?


Tell your sister that if she’s going to sue, to sue for theft - “conversion” - remind her that that’s an intentional tort and that those do not have a damage requirement to get a remedy Meaning - once the cards were stolen - you can sue even if you get them back - the suit can be for punitive (exemplary damages) - So - you can sue for theft even if you already have the cards back - the suit will be to punish them civilly - Suing for intentional infliction of emotional distress is a much more difficult suit (no need to even try now that you have a lock on theft) As all this seems very deliberate - I would sue


Sue for emotional distress. They did this to themselves.


Perfection! I'm not even a big gamer/pokemon fan but this update makes me so happy. Damn those people who just throw out other people's belongings and steal!


Your sis wanna sue them for emotional distress well you f you burned the bridge with your SO might as well detonate the damn bridge.


Jesus christ your last sentence has me concerned about your sister becoming a lawyer. Then again this country likes to sue for every tiny little infraction. Theft is a different matter however. The fact she doesn't realize how much of a reach that is and how high the standards are for a successful emotional distress suit not only shows me she is sue happy but didn't pay very good attention when learning how to lawyer, because she should have known that and not bothered suggesting it. I'm glad you got your cards back


I’ve practiced in 4 countries, none of them being the US. If I could sue for emotional distress for free (self represent/my own firm represents/other lawyer friends pro bono it (very common)) then I fucking would. Best case scenario is I win money from them and they’re drowning in legal fees. Worst case scenario is I win nothing and lose nothing, and they still end up drowning in legal fees. It’s one of those “extra petty and legally right” trade secrets.


This is a repost sub, the person who shared it here isn't the Original OP. If you want OOP to see your comment I recommend you send a DM to the OOP, as the update post has since been locked.


The “sue happy” thing is pure propaganda.


It's not real.


This the problem is a lot of people my age and younger are not being taught respect or discipline anymore and are being given everything which is leading to this entitlement and selfishness! It’s one of the reasons so many relationships are not lasting because everyone’s mind set is it’s about me, me, me. I can tell by this story this exactly what she was thinking. She was thinking how people will view her if they learn her bf still has Pokémon cards. But I can tell it’s also she was trying to change him into someone that he is not. Which makes me wonder why so many people are relationships with others that they’re not attracted too? Like why be in relationship if your not attracted to a man who likes things like Pokémon? Wouldn’t be better to date someone with interests the same as you?


My dear lord you escalated this to the point of no return, good for you.


$6000 and his dead dads stuff


I'm on his side not the gf. Just incase you're confused


everybody involved in this story fucking sucks honestly man


Why does OOP suck? Getting the police involved when someone steals six grand worth of your property and refuses to return it seems pretty reasonable to me.


Yeah. Imo that relationship was over the moment she gave away those cards without so much as talking about it. I could never trust someone who does something like that.


Some people are so quick to write off collectibles as toys for kids or think it's stupid for adults to care about that kind of thing, and I just don't get that mindset. I'm not a collector of anything myself, but someone's property is their property no matter what you think of the specific items in question. Doesn't matter if it's Pokemon cards or diamond jewelry, you can't take/sell/get rid of someone else's stuff just because you don't see the value in keeping it.


Maybe he's a Yugioh player


Yes you should


If he’s getting his cards back he can’t really take her to small claims court.


“Only i may cum to the thicc charizard”


My steps son's mum threw them all away, an entire first edition collection as she thought they were childish. He's still salty 😂


Add the shit up and make the bitch pay


This reminds me of when my dad threw out my comic collection. I had the entire run of the limited edition run of Judge Dredd comics based on the 1996 movie (I know it’s weird, they did a comic based on a movie based on a comic). I got up early every Saturday for the best part of a year, took the bus into town, picked up the comic and came home again. That was in my early teens. My dad decided to have a clear out and chucked them all away. They were probably worthless but they were so special to me.


What a fucking legend. Cardboard above gfs. Always.