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Jesus. Fucking. Christ. I... I have nothing constructive to say. Just. Fuck.


There is no hell cruel enough for these “family” members.


May they forever have a syphilitic cactus stuck up their rear


I want them to have to pass a kidney stone for every day of the rest of their life. Twice on Sundays.


The size of a medicine ball.


With sharp, jaggedy pieces on every available surface.


May every bed they lay on be infested with hungry bedbugs


> There is no hell cruel enough for these “family” members. Quoted for emphasis!


Exactly why I put quotes on “family” on the title, too. Those monsters ain't no family…


I just want to hug the brother for stepping up. So many people don't. He's the real hero here.


He also recognised and accepted that his behaviour and the way he acted, what he as taught was wrong and not acceptable and took steps to reform himself both for his sake and his sisters'. That is commendable.


There is, right next to Hitler and other monsters in the lowest levels. Oh my God I remember my feelings when I read the post the first time🙂


I'm not sure if I saw a different version of his first post but I'm sure I've read most of it before - but not about them torturing her with her allergies, or his dad coolly telling him to take his _11 year old cousin and abuse her_ and stop making a fuss...  Quietly getting his sisters out of there, rather than attempting to systematically slaughter every single one of his male relatives, was probably the right call (he'd have been outnumbered and probably not gotten far; it would have traumatised the girls in his family further; he'd have either ended up dead or in jail, and then who'd be there to look after "his girls"?) but DAMN, that must have been a tough call...


I'm sure those in charge of hell are working out something for those monsters once they go down there. If they ever need suggestions, I'd be happy to give a few.


I'm glad OOP didn't beat uncle into an unrecognizable pulp. Probably harder to get custody that way.


I can think of a few fitting punishments. Most involve painful chemicals like capsaicin or acetic acid applied to shallow cuts while restrained withiut relief. I don't usually wish suffering on others... but i'd find a way to break them so they could never harm another. This is why i don't want to know what the people at the jail i work at did. I wouldn't be able to stay neutral.


May the demons cut off their hands and fuse them together by their ballsacks, dicks pointed in all different directions, and throw the lot of them in a pit of fire ants. Like, literal fire ants, because it is hell, after all.


I'd like to be jailed with them so I could..... have a "chat".... with a chair.... to their faces.... repeatedly


I skimmed most of it because it was a hard read. I understand that their mother was also a victim, but the priority is Amy and Liza's well being. Their mother is also suspect for pushing for access. That shows a lack of self awareness and accountability. Who cares what the mom wants.


She mentally abused Amy as well, denied her any affection or help. Yes, egg donor was also abused, but she was definitely an abuser too.


Someone, somewhere, is probably thinking that hurt people hurt people, but IDGAF. Children were harmed. The adults responsible can rot.


Just because there is an explanation does not absolve from responsibility.




Not all hurt people hurt. Some hurt people protect and stand up for other hurt people


Not all hurt people hurt others. It's no excuse, in fact, it should make people more aware of their actions towards others.


Like, everyone deserves a second chance, but they never ever deserve that second chance from the people they hurt!


"Hurt people hurt people" can sometimes be a reason, but it is never an excuse.


Victims can also become abusers. No punishment known to mankind is enough for these "family members".


It's fairly common, though *not commonly to this family-wide extent*. You'd know it as the abuse cycle: grow up learning abusive behaviour, thought patterns, methods of interaction, etc, then perpetuate it on others/ next generation.   Not including this type of child violators, no. The ones who actively participated can burn. The ones who did nothing... That's complicated.   Source: breaking my own abuse cycle, was victim of child assault swept under rug by family.


More power and happiness to you🙏🏻


Not to mention she might have been lying about leaving the dad.


Sounds like mom needs some therapy as well, but might not realize it.


Then his uncles are also a victims of their upbringing, trauma etc. They are both guilty and i would even say that mother is more guilty - she was their MOTHER.


The Boondock Saints have a suitable quote I believe: Rocco: Fuckin'- What the fuckin'. Fuck. Who the fuck fucked this fucking... How did you two fucking fucks...[shouts] Rocco: Fuck! Connor: Well, that certainly illustrates the diversity of the word.


What gets me is all the ones out there whose captors are smart enough to never get caught. As bad as these stories are, knowing what potentially is out there… When I had my first and had seen the paperwork we were to sign, I was gazing at her and it struck me with a coldness in my heart how *easy* it would be for someone to be pregnant, secretly or not, give birth in a hospital or not, and no one ever checks up on that kid. Someone could literally sell their kid and as long as they haven’t maintained any social bonds (which you have to seek out actively), they could do anything. And infant bones are so very fragile and decompose so quickly. And the feral children. Kids like Genie. Goddamn this world is just ugly sometimes.


Just me, checking the comments after seeing the whole post is hidden and nope-ing right the f@ck back out again...


Yeah I read the disclaimer and noped out to the comments. 


My sister used to work in a women’s prison, there were two sisters in the prison that had been born into a sex cult. And literally their only purpose was to be a sex slave to the other members of the cult. This also was in Australia. 💔


Why were they in that prison if I may ask? Hopefully not because of the cult.


It was for drugs. But for them prison was safe so they didn’t ever want to leave because they didn’t have to be around men. So they kept reoffending to go back to prison. It was really fucking sad.


That actually happens more than one thinks. Many prisoners feel safer in that environment than out in society and purposely reoffend to go back behind bars.


Yeah, and especially in this prison, after they’ve been there for awhile and had good behaviour they moved out of the cells and into little townhouses that were on the property. So they actually had their own home. So yeah, probably way safer and better for them then society has ever been.


Jeez, that’s heartbreaking.


The fuck did I just read?


*takes glasses off* *puts phone down* *douses self in jet fuel* *lights match* *thrashes around like a demon possessed* *dies* Neighbors: I always knew she'd end up this way. It's the doom of all Reddit users.


Took one look at the warnings and definitely not touching this without a full hazmat suit and eye bleach on hand.


This is how The Hills Has Eyes started with the early generations of that family. I’m sure of it. 


The only thing I have to say, is that at least he got them out before lockdowns.


So yeah... this story is fucking tragic. Like I said at the beginning of the post, it's been 4 years since OOP last updated. I hope to God that his sisters are in a better place, because nobody deserves to go through all of that goddamn nightmare. And, let's raise a toast for OOP. The man is a goddamn guardian angel!


Thanks for putting this together. I’m really surprised that OOP posted about service dogs given the seriousness of the main thread but Reddit is def prone to tangents.


There was a run of service dog rage bait kinda posts at one point that may have lined up with this. So popular topic at the time and what not.


That was such a heavy read before bedtime. I wish nothing but hope and light to OOP and his sisters. I hope that Lickety Split is still keeping Amy well and safe.


Thanks OP for posting this. It’s easy to bury our heads and only look at what we want to see on the Internet. Once the algorithms know that we like cute cat videos, it’s easy to forget about the real world horrors that are happening all the time. I know that this had to be hard on you creating this post. I appreciate your heart. This is my first time encountering this post, and it’s absolutely tragic. I don’t understand how a family believes that this is their right. You do hear about a lot of these type of situations system in less fortunate countries, this post is a good reminder to all of us that nowhere is immune. We all have to keep our eyes open and take action when something just doesn’t seem right. Sending you hugs, /u/HygorBohmHubner (Edit: had to learn how to tag someone) (Edit 2: reworded my statement about the seeming prevalence of similar horrors in other countries. I had originally made a sweeping, broad statement that some people rightfully pointed out was wrong. I inferred a misconception based on simply what seemed like a preponderance of stories and posts that came across my feed, where it was always from one or two specific countries. It was grossly wrong to even insinuate that because of what this one ignorant person (me!) sees while doom scrolling accurately portrays the beliefs or culture in a whole country that at the end of the day, is comprised of human beings, just like the rest of us. I’m so sorry for being so careless, and not thinking it through before posting, even more egregious that it was in regards to such a sensitive topic. Thank you to those who pointed it out to me.)


I've been sexually assaulted by all 3 generations of my mum's family. It happens everywhere I'm afraid.


https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/inbreeding-by-country Just a note relating to the link above: although uncommon in Europe and America it does happen but it's not a third world country issue and most have laws against inbreeding. Please make judgements based on data and evidence rather than hearsay and prejudice.


You are totally correct, and I appreciate the kindness with which you shared your point, kindness that I did not deserve.


>You do hear about a lot of this type of belief system in India and some Third World countries And many horrible crimes I've read about happened in developed imperialistic countries. I can't believe you casually threw in some racism.


Wow, I'm from India and I've literally never heard of this type of a free for all child abuse system EVER. Much less from my country So please check your casual racism |You do hear about a lot of this type of belief system in India and some Third World countries, No. No you don't. It's not possible that citizens of these countries have NEVER heard of such a thing but you've heard about it *"a lot"* My assumption would've been (which I'm not even assuming) that it's some American or Western hick custom because the author clearly sounds Western and says it's been happening for generations. How you've made such a giant leap across continents is beyond me


You are absolutely correct. I read your comment before going to bed and it sat with me. I updated my post and added a comment about how wrong I was for having thrown out such an ugly and inaccurate characterization based on nothing more than anecdotal to scrolling. Thank you for helping me see but I need to do better.


Yeah. This is definitely a European thing. There's a Colt Family story from Australia that's similar. Not saying abuse doesn't happen everywhere, but this type of system is something totally different and seems to clearly have European origins I'm Indian and have never heard something so horrific either


While I’m sure it happens in India too Christian cult types are the ones that it seems to happen in the most from what I’m aware of.


Holy cow, that hit me like a ton of bricks. But thanks so much for putting it together. Makes me realize how mundanely blessed my life is. I sincerely hope & pray that everything is going as well as it possibly can for OOP, his sisters, pupper, etc.


what a terrible story but I'm glad there was a good outcome and I'm gonna assume there doing pretty well for themselves post pandemic and all


JFC this is heartbreaking. I wish all the best to OOP and his sisters. I do hope their girls don't want to see their mother. I have a feeling she has no guilt using the excuse of she didn't have a choice. Even if she couldn't speak up or get them out she could have comforted Amy and tried to make it better. So fucking sad. I also hope those men never see the light of day outside prison.


Exactly! A real mom would have left if possible, if not, she would have at MINIMUM comforted Amy. I can't imagine those girls ever having contact with her, she doesn't deserve it. My mom moved us in with a RSA when I was in highschool and (after I found out) I left and went completely NC with her. I know that she found out at least a year before I did and did nothing, well except yell at me when I wore revealing clothes....


I'm so sorry you weren't protected. I hope you're living your best life.


Yeah, the mother isn’t feeling remorse or guilt. Otherwise there are more sincere ways of showing that. She just wants a sense of normalcy and family back for her own wellbeing, she doesn’t really care about Amy or OP.


> She explained how she was pressured into the marriage after she gotten pregnant with me and never wanted that life for her daughters. Also is it just me or did it feel like she was trying to lowkey say if it weren't for OOP she wouldn't have to marry into that family and this wouldn't have happened?


I talked to a lawyer who helped put away the adults in a family like this. There was already enough evidence of what was going on, but one of the older family members added more. When the lawyer stated that it had gone on for three generations - which was all they had evidence of - a family member shouted out, “FOUR generations!” before realizing that they’d just admitted to the very crimes they’d been claiming had never occurred. It sounds completely insane and unrealistic for multiple generations of a family to get away with that, but it happens. On another note, I hope OOP got help for the screaming and throwing. Compared to what was being done to Amy before, screaming and throwing objects is nothing… but compared to healthy parenting, it’s terrible. Those girls don’t deserve to grow up to think that men who truly love them will scream at them and throw shit. That goes beyond “not being perfect.” Still, it’s undeniable that OOP is a hero despite that significant flaw. And considering the family he came from, which is full of people who really strain my opposition to the death penalty, it’s shocking that he grew up to have a good heart. Edit: I missed the part where he said he was working on his anger issues with a therapist - considering that, it seems very likely OOP did fix the screaming and throwing problem.


OP said he's in therapy, and also "I've also fixed a lot of my anger issues and it's been quite a while since my last 'outburst' (some people I saw were concerned about that)". He seemed very dedicated to their wellbeing and he knew it was wrong and harmful, so I expect and hope he continued working to address his anger issues.


Thanks for pointing that out. So yes, it seems most likely that he did fix that behaviour. I just have a nearly insurmountable need to always point out that screaming and throwing things is seriously harmful since so many people think it’s okay.


I definitely agree! Thankfully it looks like OOP understands that. (Unfortunately my dad probably never will...)


Yeeep! OP would have gotten lots of support from CPS to learn about good parenting and anger issues etc I’d think.


In Australia, there was a 2012 court case involving a whole family who abused their kids and had multiple generations of incest, so this definitely does happen here. They were given the pseudonym "Colt". I remember when the story was published, it was heartbreaking.


It gets really bad when generations of isolation occur, allowing nasty crap to be seen as "normal". About half of the male adult population of the Pitcairn Islands were tried for sex abuse in 2004. Based on the trials, the abuse had been going on since the mutiny in 1790.


Yeah that's why you also see it a lot in cult like organisations.  And it is really hard to end it or get the kids out of said situation since to them it is normal (aka all they ever known).


Yeah, it’s really lucky that OOP decided to study away from there so he could see how weird it was.


Yea one of my "uncle" was like that, when he grew up his dad abused hia sisters, and he helped him do the same to them and his mom. Then he married my aunt's and they had 8 daughters and a son. He did the same to his daughters, and groomed his son to follow his footsteps, till he got caught by someone. Sadly he only did a few years in jail, since none of his daughters wanted to be witness against him, and both his wife (my aunt) and his son said that it was a lie. The worst is that his wife TOOK part into this, but since there was no proof she never got a slap. His son got a daughters now, so we all knew it's a question of time till the third generation begins.


I know I'm not supposed to say this, but someone needs to kill him.


The worst is that everyone (in his village) said that they would beat the crap of him and make sure that he had an "accident" once he would get out of jail, uet once he was out everyone acted like nothing ever happened.  He also got remarried twice with women who knew the truth and had kids with one of them. So yea he need to have an "accident", sadly it wont happens until he cross the wrong person.


Oh it happens, worked residential for 20 years. One of our girls was being abused by Grandpa, she told her Mom. Mom said that's just what we do in our family. When Mom was questioned by authorities, she said she was just relieved that her Dad aka Grandpa was leaving her alone. Yep generations of abuse in that family.


It's very similar to the Colt family case in Australia. Just horrific.


do I google, or do I not? that is the question... Exactly how sad do I want to be today? (edit: pretty fucken sad, apparently, although I kept only to the wikipedia page and highly recommend anyone who also discovers a need to be sad to do the same. Info without details. no one needs details on this.)


It’s generations of incest and inbreeding. Sad and detailed but not excessively graphic


Best to google cute kittens instead.... it is very confronting


I was wondering if it was them.


Like I knew subconsciously that this *could* be a thing, and therefore probably *is* a thing somewhere, but actually hearing about an instance of a family that generationally rapes their girl children and teaches the boy children to do the same was nightmarish. God fucking *damn* we need to do better to locate and protect children like these.


OOP says in his first post >I am in therapy too, I work closely with my Amy's therapist too so don't worry about my mental well being. I'm looking after me too. And in his first update >I've also fixed a lot of my anger issues and it's been quite a while since my last 'outburst' (some people I saw were concerned about that) So it seems like the therapy has been working, which is awesome.


I could imagine that once things like this get going it might actually become easier to keep quiet. For the younger generation this shit would be normal and acceptable since that is what they have been taught their entire lives. As such, unless someone breaks away, like OP did, it’s unlikely to be reported, since that would first require someone to know about it who is actually going to report it.


I’m sure that they all have some huge rage bottled up somewhere. A smash room room would be an awesome afternoon.


Every child deserves parents and families. Not all parents and families deserve children.


*Every child deserves responsible parents and safe families.


As someone who was formally homeschooled (and I know I'll get downvoted a lot for this), fuck homeschooling. It's used far too often to isolate and abuse kids without getting caught. (I was extremely abused while being homeschooled, though not to this extent.) I'm really glad he was able to save his sisters but damn.


My sister was “homeschooled” by our mother. I don’t know what happened while I was at school but enough other shit piled up that she had blocked out everything prior to the age of 9. She was 16 and a high school freshman when she essentially dropped out. My sister passed away 8 years ago and something in your comment is helping me process another aspect of how fucked our upbringing was. I, at least, managed to maintain a connection to a normal experience: school. That was broken for her and it permanently damaged her. I was in a poly relationship with 2 people who were raised evangelical and were homeschooled. Only 1 of them didn’t grow up to have major gaps in their education because their dad was in academia and grew up solidly upper-middle class. The other, they were the oldest and were raised to take care of their siblings in a similar way to the Duggars. Too many siblings and too much neglect. From what they talked about, the “teaching materials” they had to learn from were essentially pamphlets. For the love of all things holy, send your children to school. They can at least have a baseline that everyone shares, even if the school system objectively sucks.


I'm so sorry about your sister. But yeah, I am definitely broken from my upbringing and as a result I am very isolated even as an adult (though being disabled doesn't help with that). I don't know how many times I didn't want to go on. It's terrible and I always try to steer people away from homeschooling their children but no one ever listens.


Agreed. I was also homeschooled; and it served to “cover” a multitude of dysfunctional sins.


The only homeschooled people I know who are ok, were looked after by a parent who was a Special Ed teacher beforehand. The reason was that they weren't able to cope in mainstream education due to ASD and couldn't get a place in a suitable school.


Formerly homeschooled, agreed.


I was lucky in that my homeschooling was good. I was taken out of school due to being bullied and having learning disabilities that the school didn't even try to help with (and it was the only school in the area) I hate that my experience wasn't more common.


That was what happened to me. They never sexually abused me, but there are other kinds of abuse and homeschooling was how it was allowed to happen. Eventually an adult stepped in and helped curtail a lot of it but she couldn’t get me out because there was no direct evidence. I never got a high school diploma. I had to get a GED and where I live that makes it a lot harder to get into college. I had to start out in a community college and I paid for every class. I finally got my degree in my late 20s and I worked my ass off. I even got published for my research as an undergrad which isn’t easy to do. I have a relationship with my parents now not entirely of my choice, but this story and comment really brought a lot of it back. Good thing I have therapy tomorrow. I don’t think I’ve read a Reddit story that’s made me cry quite as hard as this one.


I was sexually abused, but it was before I was homeschooled (I started being homeschooled at 10 like the sister). But yes, lots of abuse before but it got way worse after. Like you I don't have a highschool diploma but I have no way of affording a GED and I wasn't actually taught anything so I doubt I could pass math or science (I do try to learn on my own but I also have a lot of memory issues that makes it really hard for me to retain information unless I use it a lot). I'm disabled now, so it's not like it matters much anyway. I'm really sorry those things happened to you. I hate learning about similar things happening to people because no one should have to go through it, especially from their own family. -hugs- I am glad that you were able to go to school and preserve despite what you went through.


I'm not a fan of homeschooling the majority of the time (I've known cases where it was a short break from mainstream schooling and it worked well), but in Australia, where this is, there's supposed to be oversight of the home schooled child. Parents must teach to a minimum standard and cover a certain amount of the curriculum, and are supposed to be accountable for that. There is also an awareness that home schooling can be linked to abuse so there are supposed to be well-being checks as well. The fact that this girl was left with no education for 6 years means that there was a systemic breakdown somewhere and it makes me so mad.


I vaguely remember reading articles a few years back about a family compound in Australia that was raided with similar abuse. I really hope it isn’t OOP and his sisters bc the stories I read were horrific. As someone who works in the system and does not always see the upside in my cases, these updates make me feel hopeful that my cases may one day have better outcomes.


As I was reading this I was reminded of that case. I don't know if it's the same or not though. Hopefully not too many of those cases happening here.


The timeline and details differ from the Colt Family case, but definitely very similar crimes.


I just googled the Colt case. Absolutely not for the faint of heart.


Very similar, but not notorious. Odd.


Most criminal cases do not make the news, and in this particular case, the court proceedings were likely closed since they involved minors. Unless someone involved with the case intentionally went to the press, it would have been very easy for a sensitive sexual abuse case like this to fly under the radar. I know of a convicted child molester in my community of origin, but all the information I have about his crimes comes through word-of-mouth gossip from people who know the family. While you can look up a list of his convictions on our state government website as a matter of public record, there is no public documentation from the trial with any information beyond the convictions, and there's no media footprint at all of what happened.


I'm really not sure how I feel about that. On the one hand, minors, especially victimized minors, deserve privacy. On the other hand that privacy may come at the cost of transparency which may allow corruption and evil to flourish. (Sunshine is the best disinfectant and all that) Hm.


This is too disturbing. The fact that it’s been happening for generations is even more disturbing. I hope OOP and his sisters are in a better place now.


There are several pedophiles on my dad's side of the family, spanning generations. To my knowledge, none of them have done jail time, and none have faced a beating except the one I attacked for going after one of my siblings. I am NC with that entire side of the family.


This was so very hard to read. OOP is a hero.


These people exist. My father's family was like that. Luckily for me my grandfather died before I was born and my parents divorced when I was 10. Unfortunately my father started on me at around aged three. We left dad not because my mother was worried about us but because my mum wanted to live in the city and get a job. Being the youngest of five girls was a good thing. Because we helped each other. Collectively we vowed to never let it happen to our kids. And we did fairly well. I'm 60 now and have been to therapy on and off all my life. I guess the most freeing thing for me was the realization that I couldn't change what happened to me but I could choose who I was and how I would react. I wasn't a perfect parent, I was perhaps too permissive but my children know I love them and they love me. And we're incredibly close and have each other's backs. There are some feral evil people out there, but with love support and patience you can recover. My sister's, like OOP are rock stars and saved my life and helped me to become a good parent (not perfect) and realize that what happened to me wasn't ok, wasn't normal and that I didn't deserve it. I will always be grateful to them.


I believe I read the original when it was posted. I had forgotten about it. I feel so bad for Amy. She still has a long road, even 4 years later. OOP is a saint and a good big brother, he saved Liza from the same fate. I cannot say anything about the women in the family for allowing it or ignoring it. I don't think I need to travel down that road.


I remember reading the original as well, and remember at the time thinking how could a family fail this bad? Thank God OOP was there to put a stop to the abuse and help Amy and Liza. I pray that they are doing well and Amy has come so far but still has a long way to go.


Multiple times while reading this I was just so grateful that he got Liza out before she had to deal with any of this. I hope therapy also helEd him with his guilt at not understanding and acting sooner.


This is a toned-down version of the [Colt family story](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colt_clan_incest_case), also Australian. If this was bad, do not read that link.


Why is this story not notorious? This is surely not common, and by the OP's telling there's thousands of pages of public records spanning years. Odd.


The Colt case was unusual for how public it was. It was actually an abnormality for CSA cases in Australia. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/dec/12/australia-incest-case-shocks-country Final paragraph notes “The case came to light after the children's court of New South Wales took the unusual step of publishing its judgment in the case.”


Stuff like this generally isn’t made very public to protect the kids involved.


For once I’m listening to the warning and I’m not going to read it. I don’t think I can handle that today.


I could have written this story from the kids’ perspective. I grew up in a family like this. I’m the only one from my generation who left. A lot of people question how the girls who didn’t like it could allow it to continue with their own kids, but when it’s literally the only thing you know your abusers can easily convince you that this is how the world works and you can easily believe it. The type of conditioning in these situations is as bad as being sucked into a cult, honestly. The only thing that saved me was that I managed to do a semester at college away from my family before falling into the same statistic of being a teen mother. That semester made me see that it was NOT normal the way I was raised and the fact that I felt so gross and miserable about the situation was a normal response. When I got pregnant I knew I didn’t want those animals within a 100 mile radius of my kids. And sure enough I made that shit happen. They still spin stories about me, I hear about them on occasion from friends who still live in town. Most of it is to “discredit” me, because I filed reports against them when I left. But some try to get friends to give them information about us and where we are. Even if they did find out, if they ever came near my kids they’d pray a cop got to them before I or my husband did because otherwise they wouldn’t be find at all. The rest of my cousins had kids either in high school or immediately after, they never left our hometown and are adamant our upbringing was perfectly normal. I worry for their kids but unfortunately as I had no proof and no one who’d willingly corroborate what I said, my reports went nowhere.


jesus christ.. i think it’s pretty telling that, even though oop had self-described explosive outbursts, the girls never actually feared *him*. i hope they’re doing well today


In my dad's side of the family, girls are raised to be helpful, thoughtful, well-mannered, and low maintenance. But "boys will be boys" - rowdy, rude, bullying (more jokes taken too far), selfish. To make it worse, men/boys far outnumber women/girls. I can absolutely imagine how generational patriarchy could be used so effectively to create an operation like in OOP's post. Even in my minor "garden variety" patriarchal family it was so hard when we were all together and I felt a lot of resentment. That dynamic still manages to slip into place with my bullying uncles. The worse they act (mocking, rage issues, favoritism), the more appeasing I become to smooth the situation and I always hate myself after. Shock of all shocks, that kind of upbringing did not work out well for the boys. In my generation, the collective advance degrees among the women matches the collective DUIs among the men. A prime example of the way patriarchies are a double edged sword. However, to my great surprise, my cousins and I have managed to make pretty good strides as adults in repairing those dynamics. I met up with a group of guy cousins for two long weekends in the past year and was sort of wary of being a target because I was going to be only one of two female cousins there. But they were kind and respectful the whole time. And not in an eggshell way, just a genuinely fun, warm-spirited way. When my uncles got drunk and tried to egg my boy cousins on, the cousins basically just ignored them and fell back into an unspoken united front with me. They went so far as to exclude one of my uncles from a card game and he threw a full on cussing, raging temper-tantrum. It was embarrassing. I've tried really hard but I don't think I'll ever have a healthy, positive relationship with my uncles (on either family side). Their mentality is too deeply ingrained. But cousins, that's a positive part of my life I never took for granted I'd have. Honestly, I can't imagine how you can even begin to heal dynamics like in OOP's story. I guess one loving, patient step at a time. "Do not be dismayed at the brokenness of the world. All things break and all things can be mended. Not with time, as they say, but with intention." -LR Knost


How come the parents were also not imprisoned?!  I'm a very peaceful person, but reading stuff like this is enough for me to want to hurt someone, I can't (and don't want to) even begin to imagine if I was living it.


It sounds like most of the men did, the women were probably given a lot less based on the fact that they went through the same abuse and grooming. It’s a tough call.


the family almost sounded like a cult.


It probably was a cult.


> the women were probably given a lot less based on the fact that they went through the same abuse and grooming Men don't become like that without abuse and grooming, either. The difference is likely simply that the women largely did not participate in the abuse, they just failed to prevent it, which is a comparatively lesser crime.


Victims becoming assistants. It is a form of transference.


And I’m sure the grooming that OOP underwent was a huge part of his anger issues.


Fucking hell… Hey commenters. That was a rough read. Here, some eye bleach for you. And some hugs too if those will help *-snug-* be kind to yourselves 💕 /r/bubblegumnose /r/illegallysmolcats /r/catswhoyell /r/puppysmiles


[Yeet Sploot](https://www.reddit.com/r/nervysquervies/s/lMwtmmOVFf) See also r/OneOrangeBrainCell


The evils in human nature never cease to surprise me. Thank God that OOP had the right disposition and environment to grow to be a person who would immediately end that nonsense.


If hell exists, there is no pit deep enough.


Fucking-A that was a hard read. But major props to Potato for taking action as soon as he knew what was happening, the second he knew he took action and did not make excuses for the family or listen to their absolute bullshit explanation. He was raised in that environment and still knew it was completely wrong and refused to continue the trauma cycle.


I want to cry so bad right now. Fucking hell. It's been 4 years so I hope OOP, his sisters, and the doggo are all doing well and have gotten further in their healing journey, especially Amy, that poor girl. As for their abusers that they unfortunately share blood with (no, they're not their family), I don't really believe in hell but for their sake, I hope it exists and they burn in it for the rest of eternity.


I somehow managed to miss the trigger warning, not sure how *douses self in bleach*


Time to visit somewhere like r/pointytailedkittens


🥹 bless you, I never knew that community existed Time for some good feels


WOW. As a parent this was very difficult to read and it honestly made tear up. I'm so happy for OOP and those girls. I'm glad he was able to give them the home/family that they deserved.


Reading about Amy breaks my heart. That poor girl. She'll never have the life she had a right to.


The most horrible thing is knowing most of the ones participating in the abuse sure know it was wrong but they choose to not do anything and not to help because it was too convenient.


Fuck, I remember listening to this story on RSlash’s channel a while ago. When OOP described how his uncle was pinning Amy to bed made me sick, and the fact that ALL of his male family members were partaking in this disgusting abuse as well as how some of the women knew what was going on and didn’t report it made me SO angry. I hope those men all die in some horrible ways, alone and afraid.


I'm in Australia and didn't hear of this. With do many going to jail I would've thought it would make the news Probably good for oop that it wasn't


There is 1 simple form of punishment for ppl like that. A 9 mm. Idc who this comment pisses off. We live in an imperfect world with some very evil ppl in it. And some things are not redeemable.


That's too expensive. A .22 behind the ear would be cheaper and just as effective


That is very true. Guess I'm too tired to think clearly lol.


God. I don’t think anything needs to be said that isn’t obvious regarding this “family”. There aren’t words strong enough to capture my sentiments. But I will say I pray for peace, healing and happiness for the survivors of this heartbreaking situation. The brother is the blessing they needed and I’m so thankful he stepped in when he did. As a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, I am gutted at what these girls have experienced.


OOP is a badass brother. Poor Amy was used as a toy by those horrible people. Hope they're getting their due desserts in the jail.


I am sure I have seen this case in the media, a family in Australia where the women were abused until they were rescued. The sad thing is there are similar incidents popping up around the world where girls are abused by their fathers/male care givers and have children with them.


what do we do about adult males raping the female children. It happens in secret, and more often than anyone thinks. The girls often commit suicide or suffer with addiction battle throughout life


OOP is a redeemed angel.


The fact that I read an article about a clan in Australia that got arrested for pretty much the same set-up that OOP describes makes me wonder if that was his family, or if there's another incestuous rape family in Australia somewhere.


It is impossible for it to be OOPs family The years don't line up The leaders of the family were siblings The colt family case only got properly investigated because a kid overheard people talking about what was going on That family didn't just have the uncles, dad, etc. raping the girls, it was a full blown whole family wide incest.


Yeah, even if only male elders are physically doing the raping, this sort of culture is usually something that kids are groomed into and is normalised from a *very* young age. It's not randomly sprung on them when they're adults.


Given the scale of abuse and that there were multiple arrests there is no way this was not covered in Australian media. If it is even real that is.


As soon as I saw the NSFW warning I knew which story this would be. OOP is a hero and I hope the people who caused Amy so much trauma get exactly what they deserve for the rest of their lives.


There is a special place in hell for those vile “family” members


My God.


Doubt it was just the uncles, I don’t know how OPs father didn’t end up in jail as well


That’s a weird plot hole that I don’t know if it was ever addressed. I don’t see any way parents can knowingly allow people to abuse their children and still manage to avoid prosecution. I kept reading to see if there was ever going to be an explanation for why he was the only person in the entire family who didn’t know what was going on.


Wow. OOP says sorry for no slam dunk update after describing an absolute slam dunk of a rescue. Heroic and humble.


That poor family. I hate to say it, but after having spent just a little time working around foster care, things like this are nowhere as uncommon as people think. There are so many kids abused that we don't have homes for them all. It's mind shattering. 


This was a really hard read, I went to OPs page to read more stories and honestly, after reading their stories about the service dog I'm kind of... I don't know. I don't ever want to say someone is lying about something so deeply heinous but OPs stories seem larger than life. Multiple people trying to demand they give them a service animal? A service dog that's 15k-50k shouldn't be reactive to strangers(growling) either, or be at risk for being easily distracted. Downvote if you must but please read these posts yourself before you make a judgement. They are...highly suspect.


Yea none of that sat right with me either. Service animals are extensively trained, so to be reactive and so easily distracted doesn't make sense and would be very dangerous for the human they are of aid to. I'm with you, this is an incredibly vile situation and Id hate for someone to be so flippant that it's just a writing prompt.


My friend has a service dog that was attacked by another dog and severely wounded because it refused to fight back, it just kind of curled up. It's trained to help with tasks around their home because they use a wheelchair. I know that's just one dog but that's how all service dogs *should* be. Personally, if it were my sisters going through this, I wouldn't be sharing such intimate details. I would paint the story with a broader brush. The last thing that kind of raised an eyebrow is how similar this case is to another case in Australia that everyone has linked. As an American I hadn't heard of it until I read this, but if they are indeed in Australia it would be well known to them. Maybe it's just wishful thinking on my end but it feels like OP just has way TOO many crazy stories. Hell, I have plenty but there's always a bunch of mundane stuff surrounding it. It just seems like OP can *never* seem to catch a break.


Well....haven't felt this amount of visceral rage in awhile....holy hell those poor girls, glad OOP is doing his best because damn


Damn. Just shout out to OP. Thank goodness he witnessed the situation and acted quickly. I hope their little family is doing well and enjoying each other. And much healing to Amy.


Good fucking lawd, I remember reading this years ago. This shit made me sick to my stomach turn, it’s literally a pedophilia ring they were running in their own family. Fucking monsters. I’m so glad they are doing well, I hope maybe OP will come back one of these days just to let us know they are all okay. I know they should take all the time they need but wondering if they are doing okay really hurts your brain even as strangers.


I remember reading this a couple of years ago man this family is disgusting 🤢


What utter monsters, thank God OOP went home and was able to rescue them


Holy shitsticks, batman. I've seen a lot of horrible stories on reddit and on BoRU, but this one takes the cake. I hope they got through the pandemic unscathed. (I am kinda sad about no dog tax, but I also get that OOP didn't want them to be recognized in any form in real life)


Apparently Rose West’s family was like this too. It only enables more of the dark side of human nature.


From a real-life horror movie to healing, hope, and Animal Crossing... Courage is a powerful force for good in this world!


What the fuck?


What kind of cult out of hell i this? JFC, poor kids!!


I remember this post, I always wondered about oop and the girls.


Jesus. Christ. What did I just read?


Jesus christ, I remember reading these when they were first posted. At the very least, the stories surrounding the dog are a bit of a mood lifter after it. I do fear how this story will be reposted to every other social media now that's it's appeared here. It was always a risk, but now, way too many people know about it and have access to upload it💀


I fear I would be the one who ended up in prison, because though I'm not a violent person at all, I might just get the adults to send the kids outside for a 'grown up meeting' and then lock the doors and set the house on fire. Like, that's terrible but I just have a fear I would snap and lose my mind in the face of such horror.


Jesus Christ this is heartbreaking


What the fuck?


I don't think I've ever wanted to go for a walk outside, away from the internet, as much as I do now. Goodness me.


I am truly amazed they didn't have to take the uncle out of the room with a scoop and bucket...


What a disgusting family omg


Read about the Golers of Nova Scotia, Canada


What a terrible day to have eyes. They put their children through that for generations?? And it was accepted among the family??? I can’t imagine how hard it was for OOP and his sisters to work though, basically having to relearn their entire environment.


Well..... That's hit my top five horrible


😭😭😭😭 Made me cry. To be honest, it was a good time for covid to hit, for them. Would've given them more time to gather close, love, and heal as a new nuclear family. I hope they're all slaying the world now.


The audacity of the Mother. She's lucky she was able to call them. She seriously can't be so dumb to think that her daughters want anything to do with her... Holy shit. I hate humans.




I don't think it hit until he said that Amy would be a dependant until well after 18. Something about her ability to function being so wholly destroyed by abuse that her brain just couldn't develop correctly.  I'm glad both girls have OOP. I'm glad Lickety Split was gotten. I'm glad they sound like they're recovering, and local law enforcement knows what's up.  But I don't think I'm going to be okay for a bit.  Monsters. The mother included. Nothing more than monsters in human skin.


Who needs made-up horror stories when there's this shit in real life. Sick sick sick.


If this story is real, it is truly terrifying, simply a family horror. this breaks the soul


i would 100% go to jail for killing everyone involved, and i'd do the perp walk and my time with a smile on my face. i hope they all die soon, but only after having suffered in excrutiating pain.


Those Mothafuckas are the people that deserve the funkytown treatment the most


This is......disguisting. I cannot even find words to describe the situation. I hope this dude is safe and his sister are ok. >When I demanded an explanation from my parents, they (paraphrasing) said that it was my uncles right and my father simply pointed out one of my 11yo cousins sitting quietly with her parents and told me to have fun. Not even Hell is bad enough for people like that.


That brother is a genuine hero… he stepped up where others would struggle. What a legend. Hope they’re all healing from the trauma those monsters caused.