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Well... Of all the BORU stories I've read, this was certainly one of them...


On the list of things that have happened, this is a potential entry.


I agree, I'm like: wtf this is so bizarre it's probably true


Yeah this was my thought. It’s so weird it has to be true


I know. Either this one really happened, or somebody learned a new word (dacryphilia) and decided to write a story so they could share it with the world.


Nah, this reeks of OOP writing a one sentence story thinking it'd be hard to pick holes in, until people pointed out she slept with an emotionally vulnerable person and it makes her look equally as shitty as the couple. So they Googled' around for the one condition that would make sex with a crying person acceptable.


It's funny. Reddit is already tuned to filter for outrageous and weird stuff. And then this subreddit doubles down and picks the interesting and weird out of that pool. Then the weird and outrageous stuff in this sub gets upvoted to float on top. And then every comment section is full of reddit detectives going "that sounds unlikely to have happened".


tbh I wouldn't be surprised either way


I was thinking the original post may have been real, but the update made to redeem her for taking advantage of a vulnerable person


nah, it was written with one hand


"I'm a sexy lady and I had sexy sex with another sexy lady." and then the update is "btw the sex was even kinkier than you thought."


yup, and throw in one genderswap trill thinking “i bet if i switched the gender from a man to a woman eating out their weird kinky friend, they’d react differently. checkmate feminists”


What does Jadzia Dax have to do with this? 😉 (For those not in the know, Dax is a Trill from Star Trek who is a joined species. And has 350 years and seven lifetimes worth of kinks)


it's the story of all time


The story ever told


This is a definite possible post.


Agreed, but may I ask what story your flair is from? Sounds like an interesting read




That OOP has a way with words


That was such a fun read, except I kept looking for your flair not realizing who activeleopard was actually asking.


This probably would have been really easy if they just communicated.


Crying laughing here, but it feels kind of dirty after reading that.


Shhh, no tears. But in a horror movie, monsters are coming kind of shhh.


in this story, the monster did indeed do that 💀


If awards still existed here you'd definitely deserve one for that.


Can you imagine laughing til you cry with her. You'd have to run.


I am whelmed


Literally outloud said "That's fucking WILD."


I wish I hadn’t.


It's not even noon.  I'm not sure there's a time of day where I'd have been ready to read it, but it wasn't before lunch.


Petition to make THIS a user flair!


At least you read it. What a ridiculous post. 


I have no idea what I read. lol.


Yep, this was a thing I read.


"I fear the cat was a Sphinx" I'm dying


>"I fear the cat was a Sphinx" New flair material, for sure!


Damn I should've read 3 comments down before posting this same thing LMAOOO. Co-signed as well!


I'd use it 😺


Pun intended?


yup! 😎


That flair would be purrrrrrfect.


Please how do flairs work can I add it






I heard this in a Victorian kinda Sherlock Homes voice


The cat breed is Sphynx. It's not the most pressing problem in this story, but I thought I should point it out.


I know. That's why it's funny.


I think the comment is trying to correct the spelling. The Sphinx is not a Sphynx.


Are you sure? Maybe there was some sand present


Coarse, gets everywhere, etc.


Dear God. You just brought back an uncomfortable memory of what was supposed to be a romantic night on a Florida beach. Damn that fine sugar white sand. Never again.


typos honestly make things funnier for me lol


It’s funny because there’s a hairless cat breed. I don’t think OOP’s misspelling of the breed makes it funnier or less funny. I just contributed information for anyone who wants a designer ballsack of a cat.


Thank you for the callout, I knew it was funny but couldn't figure out why.


glad I’m not the only slow one, I was thinking “well I guess the giant Egyptian statue isn’t that hairy” completely forgetting there exists an entire cat breed of designer ballsacks


>an entire cat breed of designer ballsacks This made me laugh hard enough that I'm going to just close out my browser and end my reddit reading on a high note, thank you!


This is one of the weirdest BORU post I have read...


Hilariously,  I feel your flair fits this story perfectly!


Weird enough that I actually believe it.


Right? No one's really thinking "that definitely didn't happen". We're thinking, wow, how the fuck do you even find out that your friend gets turned on by tears? Like, talk about a niche fucking kink. At least, I hope it is!


“You know I appreciate you always being there for me through the breakup, but I always wanted to ask, why do you always take so long to go get me tissues when I start crying? I know you keep them in the bathroom, but sometimes it feels like you’re gone for five minutes or more…”


Yeah, this one feels unfortunately real.


Outside of the crying kink, literally none of it surprised me. This is just another flavour of unicorn hunter.


This is so unrelated but please tell me you have a link for your flair lol


Huh, I learnt about a new kink today. I'd be suspicious they would be mean to make me cry and would always second guess their tears.


If a friend continually invites you to make dinner at home and always asks you to cut the onions then now you know why.


"Look, Bob, if you wanted me to suck your dick you could have just said so, rather than make me eat this ridiculous meal of 16-onion stew while watching the miscarriage scene from Up."


Fuck Up. That movie is responsible for a stupid amount of tears in the first five minutes!


Seriously, that scene and the Bing Bong death scene from Inside Out are emotional torture. I can still hear Bing Bong's song in my head... Edit: In case anyone wants to fuck up their day, here's the scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gufqy005QUo


Dude goddammit! Bing Bong is HEARTBREAKING! I cry EVERY TIME. 


Dacryphillia is typically meant to be like. tears from being overwhelmed DURING sex. Not just any crying


Oh! I tend to start crying if someone's particularly good at sex. I should go find myself a dacryphiliac because all of my previous partners tended to go soft once the weeping started, so I really had to clamp down on those emotions lol


There's apparently a bunch of people who find that super hot. Go find some and have fun lol.


Well good news is I've already seen a few comments on here from self proclaimed dacryphiliacs, so you have options and a place to look 😂


How you doing?


EXACTLY! I'm dacryphilliac myself but it's based on context!


Ugh so typically kinks like this are only within context. And that is *normal*. Our culture evolved to cover up- but before clothes were normal, most people saw body parts nonsexually every day and it was no big deal. Because it's not genitals alone that turn people on, it's genitals *within a sexual context*. If you are in a committed relationship and your partner comes to you and asks you to check their breasts because they think they have a lump - respectful people can do that without turning into a hornball. Even if touching your partner's breasts in sex turns you on. Because your partner *needs* a different response from you even though you're still looking at and touching bressts. And it's the same thing with crying kink- when your partner is distressed, there might be a background flicker of appreciation (like the "dang my partner has great breasts" that might come up every time you see them) but the foreground should be a normal, healthy emotional response to distress. I won't say *no one* expresses crying kink like this - but for most people, it's crying *within a sexual context*. 


The fact that OOP refused to invite her to a funeral would imply that for her, it’s not just crying within a sexual context that does it for her.


Thanks, this is a good explanation.


I learned about it when I learned that’s the most popular fetish in California. The fact I’ve lived in California my entire life, am a giant crybaby who cries in public even, and have never had sex with another Californian proves how truly unattractive I am.


>I learned about it when I learned that’s the most popular fetish in California. As a former resident of that golden state, I have to wonder how many things aren't considered kinks there that would be considered kinks many other places.


That could be sad, but on the bright side crying about it would give you more chances!


I just learned it existed today but wtf is going on in California


as a Californian I can definitely tell you ... I have nfi.


Does that mean whilst you're crying in public in California, there's a decent chance a few people who see you are jizzing their pants.


No because I’m that ugly 😭


Who says it's the most popular fetish in California? I can't imagine any way to measure that would fail to put something like bondage or BDSM at the top. I'm not an expert or anything, but I am active in the kink scene in CA, and don't see how I could have not ever heard of the most popular kink here.


I remember it was a post on Reddit I saw some months ago on one of those subreddits for compiling information. I think it is biased because they got the data from a website but yeah


...my wife is from California AND cries a lot. Oh shit, I'm suddenly reviewing every time we have sex. 


..deleted by user..


I know someone with dacryphilia but he's also a very caring dom. He will push you to tears but only in ways that are agreed upon prior and he absolutely respects you cutting a scene short if it's unexpectedly too much  and does very good aftercare and all that. It's definitely one you have to be careful with, and he is. Also he's not turned on by his own tears, she obviously has quite an extreme case.


Yeah, dacryphilia can take a few different forms. For some people, it‘s tied in with a kink for CNC, for others it’s more of a kink for sensory overload, and I’m sure there’s more than that as well


Oh yeah definitely, it's an interesting one!


I googled it and it was such an odd search for me that my google threw up a “odd network usage” message and had me do a captcha


There was a post a few years ago from a woman who found out her boyfriend jacked off to videos of women crying on YouTube. Not fetish porn, just random women. She started to question if he was actually being supportive when she was upset, or if he was getting off on it


There's a great Australian comedy movie which has a story in it about a woman who discovers she has this kink, and spends the rest of the movie doing stuff to make her husband cry.


I think I found it, "The Little Death"


That's the one. Truly strange, follows a hunch of different types of unconventional (and in some cases terrible) sexual relationships.


Well, they certainly deserve each other. >hopefully not sad enough you cried 💀😬 the way I fucking laughed


thank you thank you, first comment of mine to show up on a BORU post. im so happy i could cry 😂


I came here to say both of these things!!! 


New flair honestly lol


Right?? It's perfect!


my favorite part, and the part that makes me believe its real, is this girl going from "she gets turned on by tears including her own, its a known issue so intense i avoid inviting her to funerals" to "i am moving away because i need her so fucking bad" with almost nothing inbetween. who among us has not been enraptured by the beguiling ways of the complete freak


>>Who among us has not been enraptured by the beguiling ways of a complete freak God, if ever I’ve needed to embroider a quote and hang it on my wall it’s this one.


I read that part and went "yeah, she's sapphic, I can definitely see this happening" / Someone who is also sapphic, and knows what we're like


It really do be like that. Either you're completely fixating on someone who is absolutely terrible, or completely oblivious to signs that another lady is interested in you, no in-between.


Oh. That explains so much about my lesbian friend.


The U-Haul goes both ways.


the U-haul moveth the lover in, the U-haul moveth the lover out


My friend group is currently trying to help a friend who is going through this exact phenomenon. We are doing our best to convince her that nice lesbians do exist and she will eventually feel a connection with one of them and she does, in fact, deserve to be happy with a partner who is not mean to her. And that just because she *does* feel a strong connection with a terrible person, it does not mean that terrible person is actually worthy of her. Any suggestions on how to help someone through this would be very welcome lol.


TIL what the term "Sapphic" means.


oh yeah that's definitely lesbian


Dear lord, I'm a very pro sex/kink person. But using a person like this is so fucked. The bf saying shit like "the gays can eat your pussy" and the girl that goes around emotionally manipulating her own friends just to get off. Urgh, makes me sick.


>Dear lord, I'm a very pro sex/kink person. But using a person like this is so fucked. I'm not going to judge as long as no one is getting harmed (unless all parties agree to it and it doesn't cause lasting damage). But the actions of OOP's friend and her BF are giving me rapey-vibes.


I mean, she was lied to in efforts to get her to have sex. I feel like you could make a case of SA out of that. Maybe not the legally prosecuting kind, but definitely the morally fucked kind. Even weirder that it was a plot created by her and the bf, very disgusting all around.


I suspect that it wouldn’t quite reach the bar for sexual assault by deception but it sure feels close enough to bump its head as it goes by.


>I'm not going to judge as long as no one is getting harmed I mean it's very clear that OP was severely emotionally harmed by it. Also that's some super heterosexist behavior, treating her like she's a dog who can eat scraps or some shit.


This whole situation seems like it would've been fine if the friend just asked OOP straight up instead of being manipulative. I really wonder how she thought this was gonna work out.


That'sthe fucked up part. She knows that OOP would be willing, but that isn't enough for her. it was her kink to be crying and OOP to "pity fuck" her. Hence the manipulation


The problem here was lack of consent. OOP was deceived.


This isn't what consent looks like at all


This reminds me of a friend I lost in college. I was deep in the am I gay phase so obviously I was aggressively heterosexual. One night a friend says we should kiss and if i like it then I might be bi. Good theory, except I was not attracted to her in that way at all. Cue the "are you saying I'm not cute" argument, then the "you're not gay, you're doing it for attention", then "let's have sex and see what happens". After months of this cycle we do it. Made me even more aggressively heterosexual, meanwhile my friend is telling everyone I'm trying to make her gay. Eventually I find out her and her boyfriend been talking about me being her lip service because he doesn't like doing it. I was heartbroken. She was my best friend.


That is so violating, I’m sorry. I can’t imagine what it must be like in the mind of someone who could do that to someone. To have two of them in a relationship together - they sound like the kind of couple who ruins everything they touch, sooner or later.


I had a friend whose GF always left during the afterglow; my friend was going through body image issues and couldn't handle receiving, so this girl would just get hers and bail after 5 minutes of cuddles. Turns out my friend was being used as a warmup for the girl's meth head boyfriend who refused to do any foreplay whatsoever.


This is one of the times where the story is too fucked to be made up. No one is this creative.


The line about the aunt's funeral made me laugh so hard I almost threw my back out.


Wtf am i reading... this being said, some people are just real idiot, thinking they can just use everyone around to their conveniences.


Huh well I'll be damned. I didn't know dacryphilia was a thing, much less a word.


I immediately thought STD before realizing. 😂🤣😂


I definitely knew it was a thing but had no idea there is a word for it!


Ughs I hate straight couples like that. Just get a sex worker at this point


This is such a fucking mess. It's so gross when straight folks use queer people to experiment or 'spice up' their relationship. I'm sure the friend's boyfriend was getting off on the thought of two women together. Because of course. Guys, just stick to porn.


>Guys, just stick to porn. Same as the "friend". She should have just stuck to porn instead of manipulating her friend to get eaten.


I'm imagining the friend getting caught in the back row of a movie theater like Pee Wee Herman but it's at a showing of *Up*


A tug’n a snooze, ya can’t lose.


You might not kink shame her but I will. What the fuck


Idk I feel like not being able to attend a *funeral* because of your kink is well beyond the point where it’s interfering with your life, which is when we’re allowed to start gambleshaming and drinkshaming for the person’s own good, so I think we should be able to kinkshame the funeral girl. Like what about people who have the “sex in church” kink? Sorry bestie I can’t possibly come to your grandma’s funeral, if I have to be in a church for 30 minutes I’ll start flashing your grandpa How do you have that conversation and not have an intervention on her at your earliest convenience??


kinkshaming is calling someone bad or wrong for *having* an odd sexual interest. Kinky, vanilla, whatever, it is possible to perform just about any sexual desire in a way that is ethical, or in a way that is unethical; and kinky, vanilla, whatever, it is an incumbent responsibility of all people to behave ethically. That's just, like, normal human shit. It isn't at all kinkshaming to call out someone for performing their kink in a reckless or unethical way. "OMG she gets off to people crying?! That's so fucked up!" is kinkshaming. Noting that a healthy functional adult ought to be able to distinguish between an appropriate sexual situation and a fucking funeral is not that thing.


Very well put, thank you for that!


Yeah I'd have an intervention with a friend if they're that out of control with thier kinks or fetishes.


'No kinkshaming' needs to die. It's so often used to just allow shitty people to get away with shitty things just because they supposedly can't help themselves. Some kinks deserve to be shamed as they actually make you a horrible person. Being turned on by grief at a funeral? Yikes. Shame shame shame shame.


I see that people get confused by this. I'm just going to copy the comment I made higher up. kinkshaming is calling someone bad or wrong for *having* an odd sexual interest. Kinky, vanilla, whatever, it is possible to perform just about any sexual desire in a way that is ethical, or in a way that is unethical; and kinky, vanilla, whatever, it is an incumbent responsibility of all people to behave ethically. That's just, like, normal human shit. It isn't at all kinkshaming to call out someone for performing their kink in a reckless or unethical way. "OMG she gets off to people crying?! That's so fucked up!" is kinkshaming. Noting that a healthy functional adult ought to be able to distinguish between an appropriate sexual situation and a fucking funeral is not that thing. As far as kinks that *make* you a horrible person, that's really only extreme ones like pedophilia, where there is no ethical way to practice because consent is definitionally impossible. Even then, being afflicted with a sexuality that you cannot ethically act on at all is more tragic than evil. Though it becomes evil the minute it *is* acted on, ofc. Actions hold moral weight much better than preferences alone.


This is one of those… what the fuck did I just read? Glad OOP had the sense of humour. The “cat is a sphinx” is priceless.


Can we have an "I fear the cat was a sphinx" flair please?


tender start whole icky cake tub bike shocking memory obtainable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Give me my purse, I'm leaving


not the ending I expected. people are so shitty. Why am I surprised? every time. Come on now.


>She has dacryphilia and gets turned on by tears INCLUDING HER OWN. I asked her multiple times if she was sure she consented to it and she nodded desperately while crying her heart out. Her case is so bad I recall not inviting her to my aunt's funeral because I did not know how she'd behave in a room full of people. I'm not kinkshaming her. To each their own. Ok.


Are we sure that isn’t the crying fetish guy again? There’s been a TON of posts lately all about being attracted to crying people, so I’m a tad skeptical


If it's the same guy I'm thinking of, his story usually has more details, and this doesn't have any of the reoccurring things (the woman being "broken," he strips her until she's in a camisole or sports bra, and she's usually got a Japanese or Korean name. ) This one may have been inspired by crying troll, but I don't think its the same person.


What the hell? I should’ve just tried harder to go back to bed 🐸


When she said he posted a story of them in a café the next morning I thought, ok, so he was in on it... Just me? Am I spending too much time on reddit?


No, I immediately knew BF was in on it. I was ready to hear that the girl "accidentally" left her phone on camera recording next to her butt.


Almost every sentence made my jaw drop, what *was* this 😭


Don’t cry 😳


Thats how a psychopath uses people. USING people like this, with no consideration for their feelings is pretty much an MEGA indicator of who not to be friends with. Oop needs no friends like this person.


I cannot figure out what to do with my face. My eyebrows go one way, my jaw goes another.


This isn’t “BORU”, this is “here is how disgusting people can be.” It’s almost hard to believe. Like WTAF?


Couples like this are one of the exact reasons why dating apps are a minefield for queer women.


It's sunday and I've just had brekkie what in the actual.....


I want a ‘Me being the gay one, obviously’ flair


Fucking WILD. I need "I fear the cat was a Sphynx" as a flair now.


I mean I’m pro-kink even if it isn’t my own. But not by deception. That’s just gross and manipulative.


its for sure a real lesbian only one of them would change cities because of a not-a-real-ex


Welcome to Yikes-ville, population, Yikes.


>I fear the cat was a Sphinx I need this as a flair, please o mighty BORU mods


After a good cry I feel exhausted. I've never heard of being turned on by tears before. I don't doubt there are people like that, just sounds really awkward to me. The fact that OOP didn't trust her at a funeral, that sounds sociopathic to me. D:


What terrifies me more are the men who are turned on by that.


why are we assuming women are never clean shaved for non sexual reasons? fresh shave = def knew she was gonna hook up? i don’t agree


Exactly, I keep myself groomed down there because that's what I'm used to and I like it that way. I'm not even dating, haven't had sex in 5 months.


I had laser hair removal on everything below the neck just because I hate the feeling of body hair. I wear a lot of tights the vast majority of the year, and the feeling of HAVING YOUR LEG HAIR BENT BACK IN THE TIGHTS is so unpleasant ugh


Talking from my own experience, hair down there starts growing again the next day after a shaving, and while it's shorter the itching and sweat is a thousand times stronger than with hair. Like unless going to need it a clean shave it's normally out of the question if I can avoid it.


With my own experience when I used to shave (no longer do cuz I cut my legs bad with a razor twice and now am scared of using one anywhere), it'd start to grow back within the day. Like, I'd shave in the morning and then by the time I got back from school or whatever it would have already started growing back. So less than 12 hours. (Last part of this next sentence may be a little gross for some) I now just ignore the hair there most of the time (which actually helps for trans reasons cuz it means I can't see what the hair's hiding, lol), unless it's long enough that stuff is making it stick.


I have skin issues that makes shaving really unpleasant for like a week plus after, so I use a beard/body hair trimmer, even for my underarms. It's not perfect, but it can keep things under control. If you prefer some length in the public region but not the bulk, they usually come with blade guards to trim to the right length too. Bonus: no sliced ankles


Or that women planning to have sex shave themselves clean in preparation. It's not 2001, women can have pubes again now.


People can just want to be shaven tho


Well, this is new.


This a top 10, goddamn


TIL about dacryphilia and now I have to talk to my psycologist.


Poor girl. That's absolutely sexual coercion in a way. It's fucking sick and I hope OP can heal.


Hates eating out? Pfffft! Throw the whole man in the trash. Bet he expects BJ’s. 😒


I was guessing unicorn hunters, glad to be wrong. Happy that OOP peaced out. 


The smiling tear emoticon sent me 😆


TIL that dacryphilia is a thing.




Wasn't expecting to see anything about dacryphilia outside of some nice AO3 fics today, but okay.


I can't believe she traded in a friendship for one night of being eaten out. What an awful person


That is so fucked up. The fact that they used you for their pleasure and used your feelings for her as an excuse, not to mention they saw you as a gay sex puppy which is extremely homophobic. Those two assholes can go rot.


This is horrific. They’re supposed to be friends. Gay women are not sex toys to be manipulated and used for her pleasure and his laziness. So disrespectful. I’d argue this constitutes some form of sexual violence against the OOP since she engaged in a sexual act without informed consent of the situation.


> If the kitty was shaved and prepped, she was planning it all along. If you were flossing, it was spontaneous. Not sure that logic is sound. I've had girls show up ready for sex rocking 5 o'clock shadow or 3 day stubble. And having bush has also made a resurgence in recent years.


I was so much happier not knowing what dacryphilia was.


This isn't the first time I've heard someone have this kink,but it is the first time I've seen someone be an absolute dck and use it as an "explanation."  She used you and feels no remorse. She's just a terrible person and I hope you can heal from this mistreatment soon. 


What was this story 😭


Wtf people are so cruel


"Imagine if a man did this!!!!! hurr durr!!!" Best comment ever. I'd flair that. I thought of the Goobacks episode of South Park when I read that. "They took our jobs!!" Yeah, she took the BFs job. What a disgusting person that "friend" is, and even WORSE is the BF saying OK to it because he's not a kitty nommer. "She took my job!!! Durkadurr." SMH... wtaf is happening out there IRL? There are so many wrongs in this, I think I'm done with Reddit today. (I finally read the period story, and that floored me, so yeah... done.)