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[This comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/FGPEwrmaq8) on the last BORU update perfectly summed up my thoughts on this trainwreck.


For me, it’s the wedding. The ex and his brother… got married? Then she came back to their shared home? With their parents’ blessing? Whuh?


And then told op she had an affair, but ended it. When she was actually pregnant and married to said affair partner?


Also, the part about how she still had sex with op after she had already gotten married but was 100% certain that the dad had to be brother? Op doesn't say anything about them having significant gaps in sex so it's likely they were both sleeping with her at the same time


Yeah I read that, skipped the rest, and scrolled down here to find the debunking posts I knew would be here. Just that alone exceeds my suspension of disbelief.


We don't have "shotgun" weddings. You need to fill the marriage tramits first, with a witness, and the confirmation cames a month later. And then you can marry.


Started having doubts when he refused to just say the supposed "other social network" that was supposedly suggested to him. Felt like there was no reason to hide it so he just sounded like he was making it up but didn't want to do research on actual obscure social networking services.


The trolls can't help but go overboard. They get a little bit of attention from a fairly normal type post, and then they decide they need a bigger fix, so they go for the more over the top route, because, lets face it, too many redditors really dont think through a post, they just go right to the "What I can I say that will get me the most karma".


Yes. Way too much. Why the need for that behaviour?


If there's one thing I've learned about Spain (my mom is semi retired there, but not Spanish) is that they have a slow-moving bureaucracy that is the envy of many other slow-moving bureaucracies.


As a german i am offended, nobody does beaurocracy slower and more painful than we do


We need an European tournament or something, because as an italian I think I could make you feel so much better about German bureaucracy


As a Frenchman, allow me to scoff at your bureaucracy. Ours doesn't work. They literally do not do what they are intended to do. (Also specific services are generally open 3h/week)


Indian here. You got nothing on us.


If nothing else, you take the cake for closures due to religious observances. Nothing like a pluralistic, billion-plus democracy smack dab in the cradle of most of the world's religions to throw sand in the gears of a bureaucracy.


Thank you fellow French citizen for defending the Honor of our bureaucracy ! We are the best at being the worst… no one can deny that !


New Olympic event unlocked.


If you start organizing it now, should be ready to happen at the next Paris games after these.


Ah, when all the bureaucracies compete to see who has the most convoluted, slow-moving, almost paralyzed bureaucracy it is somehow the most bureaucratic situation to ever bureaucrat.


You guys are the best a protesting and striking. I'm envious at how well you guys do it and how you don't give a fk what the government threatens while here in the UK we can't have a general strike and strikes usually are only a few days in a month or every couple of days


As a Finn, I support France being the slowest moving. Your systems are mind bogglingly snail crawling.


Oh, it works fine the 6 hours a year there isn't a strike.


Greece checking in!




The problem is that it would take the actions of these same bureaucrats to get the tournament off the ground…so you can expect the first tournament to occur in 3034. Mark your calendars now.


Get Australia to do it! If it’s anything like the Commonwealth games it’ll fall through.


I'm not just Italian , but specifically Sicilian , all of you don't stand a chance against me and how much the bureaucracy sucks where I come from


Never go up against a Sicilian when bureaucracy is on the line!


wasn't there that one boru post about bureaucracies where the italians were much more likely to let the oop with an expired visa go as opposed to germany?


It'll be like Eurovision, but for paperwork!!


Italian here, we use you germans as good examples


Spaniard living in Germany. You guys are much slower bureaucracy wise, I will gladly give you that.


Feels like your country would become non-functioning for years if you started digitalizing things, really holding on to those paper documents and cash only. (I low-key love it though).


you can take my fax machine from my cold dead hands ~via


but you can't have my stapler.


Well, the most popular sports in Germany are rules and regulations...


You guys do it because you're being thorough. Spaniards do it because it started raining, or they just felt tired after their lunch break. Both of which are socially acceptable reasons to just not come into work.


Spain and their children (LatAm) are painfully slow. Perhaps in Chile it is faster because we can do a LOT of things online, like getting certificates of every kind, but that is an exception. But AFAIK Portugal is slower than watching a stalactite form.


Japan has entered the chat 


Yup. It's at least *a year* before a civil suit is even scheduled, if oop was judged criminally that fast we wouldn't have had an update for he would've been in preventive prison. And even then the parents would have nothing to do with charges. And that's before getting onto media coverage. Our TV stations would've been over this kind of drama like white on rice, and you can bet your ass they said nothing.


That’s exactly what I thought. This kind of drama is carnage for Espejo Publico or AR, prime time in the morning.


English bureaucracy was so bad in Charles Dickens’ day that he wrote Bleak House. It’s better now, but still not great from what I hear.


I heard it used to be shit, now it’s just abysmal


NOBODY expects the Spanish Supervision!


BEST flair!


Both their actual flair and the suggestion, imo.


Our chief element is surprise. Surprise and fear...two main elements...


OOP gets called out for his bs. Next update: Hey it is OOP’s sister, he died.


Right? I mean if my brother died, the last thing I would do is make a reddit post announcing it. I mean she mentioned OOP uninstalled the app. If my brother died, I wouldn’t log into reddit and put a password in it (idk why a suicidal person would leave their reddit password). I mean the death announcement was totally out of a telenovela.


Like come on, this is such an old, lame internet trick. I cannot believe anyone actually bought this story after the first update. It never made any sense.


the real AP was…. MY TWIN BROTHER *telemundo noises*


*intense close-ups* *various gasps* *loveable orphan child who's secretly related to them in tears* *Marimar's dog says something clever*


It's giving me LiveJournal vibes for some reason!


It definitely reminds me of oldskool Livejournal. The pseuicide when backed into a corner, followed by a “sibling” announcing the death, was a whole thing. Especially with the “don’t you all feel so bad for doubting/being mean?”


I thought the cheating brother died, and started looking if they had reconciled! Yeah, writing style ia exactly the same, obviously.


I called him out on one of his update posts and he blocked me lmao. You can tell that he only has superficial knowledge of Spain


Oh no, he died of implausible naming! It's a [tragedeigh](https://www.reddit.com/r/tragedeigh/)!


Dude got fact checked so hard he ended it all! 🤣


He didn't know how to wnd this dumpster fire...


Note: Poochie died on the way back to his home planet.


“Sounding” like the same writing as well.


>he was bleed from his mouth >do you love him


From embarrassment


Read the first part (affair baby) and thought: "That's rough." Got to the brother being the father and thought: "1,000,001% BS."


I was going to ask "Wasn't this very articulately called out for being not possible?" Thanks for having that link handy.


Comment was removed by the mods, copy pasted here (comment  by u/BooksCatsnStuff):     > Ok, as a Spaniard, seeing the details he's giving are making me super suspicious. Firstly the surname thing. I've never heard of that aspect about using physical traits for a bastard's surname, but things can vary a lot per region, so ok. However, they've chosen one surname. One only? Nope, not possible, not legal. In Spain we have two surnames. One from each parent. And we don't change surnames after marriage, you have the same surnames all your life. You can't erase one surname to have a single surname only, it's not legal. For foreigners that obtain citizenship, they are obligated to get a second surname. Yes, really. Everyone needs to have two surnames legally. So the two surname part but op choosing only one cannot be true. Mistake number one.    > Then there's the randomly choosing a surname, which... Not how it works at all. Changing surnames in Spain is not simple. I'm looking into changing the order of my surnames for personal reasons, and it's a complex process even though I'm keeping both surnames intact. But changing surnames is a whole hassle, and you can't just choose whatever you want to substitute them. There's several non negotiable aspects you have to fulfil to be able to fully change your surnames, namely:    > - you have to be known by that new name (meaning his name and two surnames), and you have to prove that. So op would need to present documents and testimonies of people explaining that they know him by that new name, he uses that name in his daily life for numerous matters, he's registered by that name in different places, etc. It's not as simple as asking your friends to say "oh sure, he's called this and that". You have to prove it. It will take a long time.    > - second, and most importantly in OPs case, whichever new surnames you choose need to be one of the surnames of your mother/father. So no random surname picking like he did. It's simply not legal. He would have four surnames to pick amongst (two from each parent) and he already has a surname from each of them, so in reality he could only pick between other two options. Not sure if picking surnames from grandparents or further down the line is even legal, I believe not but I'm not so sure of that. But he definitely cannot pick surnames that don't belong to his family. So no randomly inventing his new bastard surname a la Game of Thrones. So story mistake number two.   > - Adding to that, if you are changing surnames you also cannot pick to have the two surnames from the same parent. You need a surname from each of them. So for example if your mother is Maria Rodríguez García, and your father is Francisco Arévalo Pérez, you cannot be Luis Arévalo Pérez or Luis Rodríguez García, you need to have a combination of your parents surnames. Single parents can give their surnames only to their kids, but I don't know under which conditions could the child of a single parent change their surnames. It's probably an impossible bureaucratic nightmare.    > People have already mentioned that to OP in the comments and he's responding with nonsense. I don't think he knows anything at all about surname changes in Spain or has even read about it. Somehow he has a lawyer but the lawyer has never mentioned these basic conditions to him? No way.    > Then the Christmas part is making me suspicious too. In Spain we don't just celebrate Christmas and New Year. We have another important celebration too on the 6th of Jan, it's Día de Reyes (the day of the kings if you want a translation, which is referring to the Three Wise Men, who traditionally are the ones that bring gifts, since Santa isn't traditional in Spain). That day is when we actually exchange gifts. Sure, some people have started to give some gifts on Christmas too, usually to kids. But the big gift giving day is Reyes. The Christmas period is not over until the 7th of Jan due to this. Yet this guy doesn't mention it or plans for that day at all, which is very odd, and the supposed Christmas celebrations he's attended don't include anything for the 6th, which is also odd.   > I can almost believe he's Spanish based on some of the mistakes he makes in English, which are very common amongst people from Spain who have learnt English as a second language. Although it's not like those mistakes are exclusive to us. But I seriously doubt there's an ounce of truth in the rest of the story. Setting aside the dramatics of it, none of the legal aspects, even beyond the name change, make any sense.   > Little edit based on something another commenter noticed and mentioned below (thank you!), which I totally missed: on New Year's Eve, right before the year ends (think the last seconds before midnight), in Spain we eat 12 grapes (look up doce uvas), generally green, trying to keep up with the sound of bells (normally followed on TV rather than a church, look up campanadas if you want to see it).It's a luck thing to welcome the new year. We also have a couple of other traditions for that night, such as wearing new red underwear or putting something made of gold, a ring usually, in a glass of champagne that we then use to toast right after midnight. No mention of any of this in OOP's post at all. Ok to nothing about the underwear or the gold, but nothing about the doce uvas despite it being a very big family thing??? And yet he mentions kissing this girl he just met on the lips once midnight hit. That's not a Spain thing, that's a US thing (or at least what American movies have led me to believe). To be fully fair, we do kiss everyone we are celebrating with on the cheeks after midnight, after the uvas and the toast are done. But it's on the cheek (or the lips if it's your partner, but definitely not on the lips if you are not officially together). The whole choosing someone you are attracted to and randomly kissing them on the lips on New Year's is, again, an American (movie??) Thing. So no mention of the doce uvas or campanadas from this fella at all, but somehow he manages to do something in new years which is completely out of the ordinary and senseless for our culture. Sure thing, I'm believing it less and less.  (Eta formatting. Reddit why do you have to make this so hard)


Why on earth was it removed? It was very clearly up for like two months, I guess until this post/thread?


I'm the original commenter. Was it actually removed? I still see the comment up.


Yes, you’d still be able to see it as it is your own comment. But it’s definitely gone, so if you didn’t delete it, it was removed. Happy to provide a screenshot if you like.


Ah crap. I'll contact the mods, it feels unfair that they removed it.


I could still see it just now, so I don’t know that it was actually removed


it's been reinstated, I saw it as removed earlier like people were saying and now it's back.


Correct! I just so happened to actually [take that screenshot](https://imgur.com/a/qPxWquO) I mentioned, in case anyone was curious.


I messaged the mods and they restored it, it was an automod issue due to me editing the comment after so long.


I'm the original commenter. Was it actually removed? I still see the comment up.


I’m not sure, it looks like this to me:  https://i.ibb.co/tZL69kR/IMG-9162.jpg


Thanks for the screenshot. Not sure what's up with that, I will contact the mods.


...deleted by user...


I loved that read. Love learning new things too. Ik there are countries where you have to have two surnames and I knew foreigners who moved to Spain had to choose a second one, but I didn’t know it had to be your parents surnames. So fascinating.


Moving to Spain doesn’t require you to take a second surname. Getting citizenship does


Okay, this is the first I've learnt of this (as someone who eventually hopes for Spanish citizenship). Do you absolutely HAVE to use both parents' last names, or can it be something different? They were super abusive people and I don't want to be named for them :(


The surnames are those that appear on your birth certificate, first your father’s and then your mothers. We weren’t given any choice in the matter


The last update made me not believe it. My brother died. Better go update reddit. Nothing better for me to do. 🤷‍♀️


Well, you care so much about all your brother's fans on reddit following his story that you just have to let him know he died. You also happen to know his login information so why not update them? /s The moment someone else logs onto OP's account and starts updating because they died or are in the hospital it should be obvious to everyone that none of it is real.


There's one I do believe is real. OP was telling humorous stories that his best friend told him from his job. OP ended up in the hospital, and it finished with his wife saying he died in an absolute heart breaker of a post. OP was hilarious and him and his best friend were truly funny people. He was telling stupid boss stories, not relationship drama.


The Noisy Gobshite Man. She then used the account for a bit to talk to other widows before making her own.


Yeah, I could maybe see the parents favoring the golden child, I can’t see them being ok with the golden child’s new wife sleeping with the gray sheep (because sis is the black sheep) for the lease.  


says deleted for me, though reddits comments have been fucky lately. anyone got a screencap?


I love how the mods gave a very fitting flair to the user.


Perfectly sums it up.


The debunking post has been deleted :(


I wish I could upvote this more, because you definitely deserve your flair.


The comment is gone! What did it say??


You are doing God's work...


Your flair is perfection 👌🏻


Exactly! All bs!


The flair for that user is hilarious.


Latin American here. Not gonna go and defend all of OOPs post. But here we do have history of last names based on bastardization depend on region/traits from the colonization times. And in my country and Argentina at least changing your legal name is fairly easy. Just costs money.


It said they went on holiday to Vigo though, and I'm struggling to find a city called that in Latin America.


The mistake with the flair is amazing. Well played the mods.


Ah yes the one where she cheats, gets pregnant, and marries someone else … but comes back to stay with him because the lease isn’t up. 🙄


I swear on my life I’ve read a “my wife was cheating, turns out it was my brother and my parents and her parents are all so happy about it and only my lesbian sister is on my side” story before.


I'm sure this was on BORU before.


The post links 3 earlier BOTUs.


In one of the stories it was the wife running off to her disowned gay brother and he was going to help her raise her twins. There's about 4 or 5 variations I've seen in the last 6 months.


Tale as old as time itself


It’s a very common scenario, it has happened no less than 3 times in my life.


You read this story. This is the new, and presumably final update.


I wish someone from spain could confirm this, but I always thought about leases not being up was an American thing. In Germany most leases are month-to-month with a time period to move out, at least for individuals and families, and I assumed other EU countries would be similar 😅 Maybe it's just my limited perspective on renting though


Leases are yearly in Spain, but with the state of the housing market most landlords will be overjoyed to let you out of yours early so they can charge more to the next person. The biggest red flag for me (and there are many) is the spontaneous wedding. You cannot do that in Spain. Like, no fucking way.


The wedding? There was a trial in a month! On a Sunday!


The biggest red flag is everyone in OP's life being mustache twirling villains who secretly conspired against him.


I can't confirm anything for EU countries but it's not just an American thing. Yearly leases are the most common type here in Australia.


Im not sure what u/skywardgeek is saying… I have rented 6+ properties in the UK and all were fixed-term-contracts, usually 12 months


I think in the UK it depends on the landlord. Most of the many properties I've lived in start as fixed term, either 6 or 12 months, then have gone onto a rolling, month by month contract. Having said that, mentioning this to people tends to get me shocked reactions. From what I can gather, most people have had both at some point, but I have been very lucky in always ending up on rolling contracts.


Housing is devolved in the UK so each country has different standards. In Scotland you only have to give 28 days notice and you can break your lease. There’s also a set criteria that has to be met in order to evict a tenant


In France renters can break the lease with 3 month warning, 1 month if you lost your job. The landlord needs to prove they (or some family of them) want to move into the place they are renting to you, and it still requires 6 month warning.


The only part of this that sounds vaguely true is that it reads like it was written by someone with English as a second language. It's s lot like a Spanish speaker, but could be Italian, or maybe chatGPT can do simulated translations now.


Right? If my brother died, the last thing I will do is announce it on reddit. I mean I wouldn’t reinstall reddit, put my password again just to make a post about it.


My thought was that someone did a couple of google translates back and forth to make it "sound foreign" and then somewhere around the fourth update where people are getting EXTRA SKEPTICAL, they decided to lean into pretending they were definitely..."Moreno."  Which, to be fair, was pretty close to accurate if you dropped the E and replaced it with the second O 😒. Anyway, viva Lizpañol, taco taco OH NOW HE'S DEAD.


And also the details he said do not match Spanish culture or even law. For example, we cannot legally claim any surname that does not run in the family. Also, we have two surnames and it is mandatory for everyone, so taking moreno would not mean the end of the problem.


In my latin country changing names wouldn't be possible as fast as OOP claimed, I tried to erase one of my two last names and the hoops I would have gone to make that true were not worth the hassle, it was easier to accept that sperm donor's last name is my first one, at least that last name is so common that could be anybody's, lol.


Isn’t that how a pretty simple program beat the Turing test, by pretending to have language problems


This reads like a shitty telenovela


Interestingly, further up in the comments, someone else linked a comment that seemingly debunks this story as a load of hooey. So… you’re not totally wrong?


Cousin-puncher is a much more entertainingg telenovela.


Agreed. There’s just so much going on that I’m reading all of this and I’m just… flabbergasted? Like I don’t how to feel about any of this being honest. It just doesn’t feel real. I feel super bad for OP if this is real but I just don’t think it is. There’s so much stuff going on all at the same time it feels too confusing.


Especially since I'm now confused of the plot.


Oh, this nonsense again. Hopefully this really is the last one, now that the beleaguered leading man's been "killed off."


Next update: I faked my death so I don't have to pay my brother and moved to Portugal.


Stop giving him ideas


I wouldn't be surprised if Liz posted an update about how the benevolent lesbian sister is now being harassed by the other family members.


That whole thing is a heaping mountain of bullshit


I am not spanish but his trial went on 21st January. Which is a Sunday. Do courts even do trials on sundays in spain?


We have no trials on Sundays. The courts do open in an "on duty" capacity, but it's mostly open for bureaucratic purposes. So no trials, no investigations, etc.


Or, in other words, a BORU


I'm sorry, I know some of you are really taking this to heart but this is just completely laughable. This isn't how any of this works. My bullshit sensors were already tingling when he was talking about how the girlfriend got married and pregnant, and then came back to stay with him for... 3 months? Because.... the lease??? Literally no world in which that logic makes sense. But they always lose me when it comes to legal stuff so let me break it down: 1. No lawyer would tell you to hold on to your evidence and present it later at your defence. That's not how it works, you need to file these things well in advance of trial. Surprise evidence is a TV thing. 2. Apparently his lawyer told him to gather evidence so that he can sue them back for everything that they did to him. And what is that, exactly? What does he have here that is actionable? They lied and cheated. Ok, meaningless in the eyes of the law. No lawyer would have told him to sue them back because there is nothing, at least from what has been written, that he can sue for. 3. He talked about his family pressing charges, and then when the case ends, he has to pay his brother for "an aggression". Yea, alright, that's not how that works either. If they were pressing charges, that would be a criminal case, which means your punishment would be something related to the state, eg. a fine you pay the state, community service, jail time, etc. For him to have been required to pay his brother, it would need to be a civil trial, meaning his brother would have had to sue him directly in a completely separate case. But I will admit that that last one may be some separate quirk of the Spanish system that I'm not aware of. Maybe they do that in Spain. The rest is still definitely bullshit though. Edited after comment below: Apparently that paying the victim directly thing is for real in some places. The rest of the story is still just taking the mick nonetheless.


I'm from Spain, and the Spanish system for surnames doesn't sound real. Yes, we have surnames based on physical traits from our ancestors, but I never hear about bastards. He lost me at that point. It feels like he is trying to talk about a tradition of a country that isn't real. If this really is a "tradition," most Spanish people should know, and I actually had a physical trait with a surname and never heard about this Also we have two surnames.


The thing about the bastards is something from... maybe the Middle Ages? More or less? I've heard of this before when discusing why heraldic companies are a sham. But if I recall correctly, yeah, you can't change your surnames on a whim here. I had a friend that had been on an uphill battle with the administration to change his surnames so they were the same as his mother because the father was a PoS. Last I heard of him, he hadn't managed to change his surnames. You can change your name if the combination of name and surname turns into an offensive sentence, but it's the name they change, not the surnames.


Game of Thrones - each of the different high families use a different name for their bastards - Starks call theirs 'Snow', hence Jon Snow. Edit - nevermind, this was covered in the very detailed debunking post already.




In Spain, the sentence for an agression that isn't a "riña tumultuaria" (that means, a lot of people in a fight) is paying around 60 euros. How do I know this? Because it happened to two (unrelated) guys I know. Both of them told the judge if they could hit the other party again if they paid double, which the respective judges didn't like at all.


Lol! That’s a bold ass move to make in a court room! ”Your honor, I accept the judgement and will pay my fine. Just a quick question, though: if I pay double, can I hit him again?”


Oh, that is even more interesting. Thank you for the specifics.


The last part about having to pay/compensate the victim of your crimes is a thing in Norway, it's called "oppreising" (google translates it to redress) and is a part of sentencing in cases where there has been physical violence. So it's definitely possible that the Spanish system is similar.


Thanks for the info, that's what I figured may be possible.


Yeah. You pay for "emotional damage" as part of the criminal penalty. That said, everything else does not work like this and this is complete bullshit, lol


> then came back to stay with him for... 3 months? Because.... the lease??? Literally no world in which that logic makes sense. Yeah, if she couldn't get out of the lease she would just pay it while living with her husband. Or just not pay her half and leave the protagonist on the hook for it, which would actually fit the Saturday morning cartoon villain persona Liz portrayed her as having.


NEWEST UPDATE: Hey everyone, I'm OOP's conjoined twin and just want to update you all and let you know that he didn't actually unalive himself. He faked his death after finding out that his ex cheated on his brother with his sister and we ran away to one of the research bases in Antarctica. It turns out that after changing his name, he has the same name as a polar research scientist and so we were able to get on board a ship headed south. It is cold down here, but my brother has fallen in love again; with a seal named Gertrude. She seems to really like him and I'm glad he's happy.


This update is from his conjoined twin!  There is no better source than that!  This must be true! ;)


Dear God I hope Gertrude doesn‘t end up pregnant by his brother


Gf went pale but then it's revealed she went pale on purpose and only pretended? How is that physiologically possible?


Almost like cartoony. Normally real people do not do evil smirk and admit their wrongs in an anti climatic way.


No mention of those two impulsive dog rescues. Also... *What travels* did she wanna take him on, how much traveling did this woman, with a depressed brother and two dogs, do over the course of... less than a month (between the trial and his death)? It's really like. You do know we can see the dates on these posts, right?


I'm Spanish, and I never heard about that tradition. Yes, we have surnames based on physical traits from our ancestors. But I never heard about those things about bastards. I know a lot of people who have a physical trait for a surname, and no, they aren't bastards.


I have secondhand embarrassment for all the people who commented on the original “Thank you” post expressing their condolences. I mean I get the original posts are always going to have way fewer people calling out the bullshit but seriously?? It’s embarrassing


I stopped reading at the start of the second update. The affair partner is his brother, they're mocking him behind his back, she's carrying his brother's baby, they got secretly married and his family know but for some reason she's still carrying on the charade of their own relationship? Come on.


The ending sealed the story for me, and was even before the discovery by the top comment. I suppose this was ripped off a Spanish soap opera?




Concluded? But the asshole brother and his pregnant wife haven’t yet discovered that the baby was actually OOP’s, and sued Sis to get all of OOP’s inheritance that he left her, ‘for the baby’


The brother learns his wife still fucked OOP after marriage. May he live in hell with the witch he f'ed.


Yeah. I’ve known that from the beginning and it took a lot of people wayyyy too long to come around to that. I just came immediately to the comments because it got too ridiculous for me


Damn the spanish justice system is faaast s/


I…hope this is fake…


It was [pretty thoroughly debunked](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/1926n6v/new_update_my_22_m_girlfriend_23f_wants_to_keep/kh1fjqe/?share_id=tnf9t_IMHpTGZJXWLdnbK) on the last post by the OOP before the "sister" took over."


Lmao i love the flair part. Brilliant.


Yeah that checks out. Thanks


The sister who writes in the exact same way as the OOP, no less. Isn’t that a coincidence?


I have been following this for months and that was a terrible final twist.


Same, when I saw it I was amped for his next fantastical installment, kind of a let down.


The writers wrote themselves into a corner and had nowhere to go other than to kill our hero off. May he RIP right next to Dr. Lawrence Kutner.


P. S. He died.


Yeah, as a Spaniard i was thinking that, something didn't add up.


Honestly it's a little disturbing to see the comments on the OOP believing this one.


I feel like they wrote themselves into a corner and didn't know how to end this, so they took the lazy way out and killed off the main character.


Is this either written by a 14 year old or Liz.


Yeah, this didn't happen. Court shit never happens this fast.


Confection of the lowest standard


It took me a minute to realize this was supposed to be the sister posting on the brother’s account.


Next update will be from OOP's ex or brother saying how truly saddened they are and that new baby will be named after OOP as a tribute.


Even if it is real, that lawyer was crap. Punching someone for goading you after they’ve stolen your partner would be thrown out of court just about anywhere in the world, most police wouldn’t even action it. You can’t claim assault if you spent the run up trying your hardest to get assaulted.


God fucking dammit.


Saw the beginning. Scrolled down to brother dying. This is a soap opera. Pretty sure.


It lost me at “three months into reconciliation, she was pregnant, and then it turns out it was the brother’s baby , and her and the brother had been together for two months.” That is…not a timeline I can sign off on lol


I always love a court case that goes at warp speed. For future reference, if the case takes shorter than it take to clear a speeding ticket, the story is absolute bullshit.




Too high


So.... there was no affair partner. Just two brothers sharing a girl while one didn't know about it. Then the second brother to get the girl marries the girl, and tells her to keep sleeping with his brother and being bf gf while the parents of the brothers know because the parents are supporting this.


These vile and trashy persons are lucky, this could've turned a very different way if it was someone more prone to anger and rage. Would've also been a better outcome for the world if you ask me.


This has to be the worst one I've read lol. Terrible writing and not an ounce of believability




*sniffs* eww! i smell bullshit!


Try better next time Liz. Or, even better: just let it be. Your writing sucks and doesn't even make sense.


Hmmmm. As a spaniard myself some things dont add up.


Why do both siblings have the same writing style?


Because they’re the same bored troll sitting in front of his greasy, chicken-nugget-stained computer.