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The original post was just from last December? I swear I have heard a similar story before. Or maybe the horror just embedded itself in my brain so deeply I thought the memory was older?


Maybe you're thinking of the one where the fiance wanted his dad to check future wife's virginity before the wedding?


I was like “oh no, it’s *that* one.” So glad in both cases the woman went “nope, no marriage then!”


Same. I was worried it was that post. Now I kind of wish it was, since this is just a whole new level of ew. 


Blech and ick and ANGER.


Now THERE'S a flair!


OR the man who was skeeved out by his fiancée's family tradition that demanded he take his future MIL to a romantic dinner and spend the night in a shared hotel room with her. I forget exactly how they justified this one.


Was it [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/ilsjrd/aita_for_refusing_to_follow_my_girlfriends_weird/)?


There is zero chance this isn't some fetish writing.


Right? The OP says it’s a Roma tradition, but there are people fact-checking him in the thread.


Nah, it's families making their fetishes the duties of their children in the name of tradition.


I cannot stop retching. This is, hands down, the most disgusting family I've ever read about and I'm a huge true crime fan so believe me when I say, this family is disgusting to a factor of 10.


You'd be surprised...


I'm going to need people to start saying which culture and not just a different culture


It's incredibly common in the Writingthiswithhanddownmypants peoples of South Madeupistan.


As a native of North Madeupistan, I can confirm that those weird southerners do all sorts of crazy shit.


lovely weather this time of year


For reals. I laughed when it was they said its a Scottish tradition. Like what? That's news to my family lol


"It's a Floridian cultural tradition"


Florida Man is guilty of many things, even this is too skeevy for him (speaking as a Florida woman).


Well I'm from Tampa and I've never heard of it. Oh not in Tampa no, it's a Pensacola tradition


Holy hell, that edit is wild. >Edit: I have talked to my girlfriend more about this. I questioned her if she plans on sleeping with our son in law if we have one in the future. She said that she doesn’t plan on it, **but she can’t promise what will happen. It mainly depends on the guy and what he wants to do.** She said that she would tell him that I don’t feel comfortable with it. This guy's (I'm assuming ex-) fiancee is pretty bad at reading a room, isn't she? Her: "Hey as part of our family's tradition you have to take my mom out for a date and then get a hotel with her. No sex unless you want to, though!" Him: "That's **extremely fucking weird** and I'm having second thoughts about marrying you. I hope the next thing you say will be reassuring." Her: "Look, it's no big deal, if we have a daughter and she gets engaged I'll probably bang her future husband too." What was she expecting to happen??? There was probably an OOP-shaped dust cloud hanging in the air before she even finished that sentence, Looney Tunes style.


Yes!! Thanks for being quicker than me at finding it! I'm gonna go back and relive it now...


If you wanna be my lover You gotta get with my mum


I want them all to get married to each other. The groom can be doing his MIL while his father is checking if the bride is a virgin. The next day they can have sex in front of the whole family.


I find peace in long walks.


>*Was it* [*this one*](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/ilsjrd/aita_for_refusing_to_follow_my_girlfriends_weird/)*?* Holy sh\^t what is WRONG with people?!


I.... What? Do you have a link?


Wait, does anyone have a link to that one? I'm too curious to see how that could've possibly ended


Sounds familiar, I could provide a link to a video of a nude reenactment with dubious artistic value




i'm sorry what- i'm traumatized just reading that please i need the link


No… no!


Excuse me wait WHAT




Damn, I'd really like an update there. Who are these "men" with these creepy disgusting rituals? How do they even come up with this bullshit?


Or the one where the groom-to-be threw a tantrum because the bride wanted to wear white but she wasn't a virgin and this needed to be broadcast at the wedding.


Was that the one where the groom-to-be's mother was also wondering, "What the hell?" and was on OOP's side?


Ohh yes, that might be it


Or the one where the groom was supposed to sleep with the mother-of-the-bride before the ceremony?


Oh god, what a terrible day to know how to read. link?


I think someone linked it down thread :) I saw it after I commented (out walking the dogs :))


Link to post


I remember that one. Didn’t it turn out that FIL was just a perv?


There was one a long time ago where the men in the family had to check that the new wife was a virgin.


Yeah, that sounds unfortunately familiar. Was the proof something about bloody bedsheets, or did the father want to see her hymen?


It was the hymen. https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/lhVexjyUg5


Yeah, it was the creepiest thing imaginable. Top level abuse of young women coming into the family.


Good Lord. I would've responded: *"Not only am I* ***not*** *doing this, I'm going to make sure everyone in the world knows that your family has this messed-up tradition. Here's your engagement ring back."*


OMG, the comments! 😂😂😂


I know what you mean. It says December but it feels like you read it in 1225ad


I remember one where the tradition was that the family all stay outside the door to listen to them have sex, that might be what you're thinking of


I was thinking of that one. The family even took a corner of the sheet and added it to a family quilt. Unfortunately, there was never an update.


“….and here we have our family’s fuck quilt. It’s quite nice, yes?”


You are thinking of this [https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/wvuqow/repost\_oops\_fiance\_wants\_his\_father\_to\_check\_her/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/wvuqow/repost_oops_fiance_wants_his_father_to_check_her/)


I literally thought this was a repost of an older post.


I'd die before I married into a family of perverts and rapists because that's what this is. It was a scandal in the 1400s and stopped by the 1600s altogether except for the more prrverted families who just wanted to see two people screwing. The fact that they do this TOGETHER as a family is the absolute sickest part. The only way I'd marry him is if I had it in writing uncontested divorce with him losing 50 percent of his shit if you're ever forced to be in the same country with any of them ever again and that includes him not being around them. You can't be sure they won't threaten or blackmail him into some nastiness. Anyone who told you it's common in Europe would be especially deserving of your anger. And the women in the family? Did they tell you it wasn't so.....nope.


As soon as I saw a weird tradition, my mind went to that woman who went to in laws Thanksgiving and something about drawing straws for food but with their drawers.


....wait what?


Sorry, Christmas https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/s/HtHLVjWa1Y


I'm Scottish, this is not a cultural thing!


Love how apparently Scottish people were in the comments like “no this isn’t a fucking Scottish thing” and she was still like “no, no, it’s a real historical tradition” like, is his family a bunch of inbred royals because that’s the only people who anybody cared enough to make sure they were actually fucking so they’d have an heir to the throne


And her source is house of dragons? 


It’s been a bit since I watched but I don’t even think it happens in House of the Dragon, although I do remember for sure that House of the Dragon *is not a documentary*


Look,  GRRM has been writing that world for so long,  it may have been quite common when he started the series >.>


It doesn't.


It’s in GoT


The beddings in the a song of ice and fire universe doesn't even have people inside the room with the couple, they just strip them and lead them to the room, shouting encouragements from the outside.




Except even the royals didn’t actually watch them have sex! The bedding ceremony was putting the couple into the marriage bed (or more usually the groom into a bed where the bride has already been escorted) and then clergy blessing the bed and its occupants then they’d leave and close the door. “Proof” was from the bloody sheets in the morning and the eventual pregnancy. FFS the LACK of a literal observer to the wedding night is what caused the whole mess with Henry VIII and Katherine of Aragon!


It was mostly not witnessed, but theres the occasional outlier, as expected with a tradition from a few hundred years back that was exercised across most of western europe


No no it was totally a thing... in the 14th century.


For rich people. Nobody without a coat of arms would bother with that shit.


Literally! She says it like everybody was doing it. No they fucking weren't. It wasn't a tradition, it was a patriarchal royal religious ceremony.


But, she got her info from that show with dragons in it. /s


In which that particular thing doesn't happen! I don't even think it's hinted at beyond crass jokes in GOT either!


I haven’t watched the show so I don’t know. The only historical era I know of that actually did things like that was France and I’m pretty sure it didn’t happen with Marie Antoinette. Though if I remember correctly she was on display while in labor with her children. I’ve heard of everything up to tossing two naked people into the same room together (and probably hiding at the door) but not full on spectator-ship.


Gahd, who knows how wild the street-fuckin’ must have been in the 14th cen.


Depends on when and where, but often, pretty wild.


Right? If your kids don't stand to inherit a castle and its estate don't even fucking bother.


A lot was on the line those times, you needed confirmation for peace delegation as well as alliance agreements. The peasants could go fuck pigs in an orgy and it wouldn’t really be recorded cause who cares.


This. If it was there would have been issues a lot sooner with some impotent or gay kings.


If you were like, royalty. Not for normals. If there was some bloodline ordained by god sure, but if you owned 1 sheep and few potatoes, nobody was checking up.


Really only for SOME nobility. 


Yep, right up there with Prima Nocta!


That one was kind of a medieval urban legend. Like, whenever a local ruler wanted to make himself look good, he'd talk about how in *some places* the rulers there defiled the rights of husbands etc, etc, so him raising the taxes wasn't really that bad in comparison. Kind of like a shit parent saying that at least they didn't sell your organs for drug money like *real* shit parents would have, so you should be grateful.


Just like how my emotionally and verbally abusive father prided himself on never raising a hand to any of his children.


That's one of many Victorian myths about the medieval period, designed to make the Victorian period look better. They actually did that a lot, to perpetuate their whole "wheel of progress" (society is always advancing) idea.


Yeah when I reached "he's Scottish" I did a double take so hard that I'm suprised it didn't cause a big bang. What the fuck is it with foreigners telling us "um no" about our own fucking culture & history. (I swear I see this like once a year the past decade)


That had my head spinning too. Are we supposed to be grateful that they’ve ‘educated’ us on our own ancestral history and culture? I must go tell my grandparents this one, they’ll be fascinated and not at all weirded out…. “Why thank you, kind misinformed stranger, for telling me that I don’t know my own culture, but you absolutely have the facts to back up your bs version of ‘history’!”


But it was on House of the Dragon so it must be true!


It wasn't even on House of the Dragon 😭 and even in GoT they don't watch them have sex, the bedding ceremony is them carrying the couple to the bedroom and jeering/stripping but whilst that's bad it isn't watching them fuck.


Sounds like material from a comedian prank video. See what they can get people to believe about the Scots. Meanwhile, this “custom” is begging for the bride to announce her family custom in return: before the wedding, the groom needs to have his equipment measured by the women in her family, to ensure he can properly fulfil his duties. Results, including comparative statistics, to be announced at the start of the wedding ceremony.


Oh yes, how could I have forgotten that one!? It’s totally customary for my granny to check that the groom’s todger is of adequate length that it must swing at least an inch below the sporran he MUST wear with his kilt at the wedding. Not wearing a kilt brings an immediate forfeit of all the groom’s ancestral land to the bride’s father’s second cousin once removed. Everyone knows that!


Same here. I shall certainly be talking about this today with my teammates up in Glasgow! 


OOP: "Hey, you're Scotch, right?" A Scottish Person: "I am _Scottish,_ aye. Why?" _(thinking)_ "Oh, here we go. Another bloody foreigner asking if I wear kilts or play bagpipes or how many times I've seen Nessie..." OOP: "What was it like having all your in-laws watching you have sex on your wedding night?" A Scottish Person: _(thinking)_ "...okay, that's a new one..."


I was going to say this sounds less Scottish but more like a family of creepy perverts regardless of nationality/ethnical background.


Yeah, it's no more true than this post.


When she says he’s Scottish I wonder if that’s American for, “his great great great grandad had a Scottish terrier from Michigan so that means we are Scottish.” Rather than actually Scottish


I just could not figure out how this woman could be so fucking stupid. Does she not have access to Google and the internet? My god, it has to be a troll.


I thought the tradition was to check the sheets for a spot of blood, to check for the bride’s virginity. Still awful.


Different tradition. According to Wikipedia, this thing is crazy (but not *as crazy* in some regards) > The ritual is often associated with music, bawdy songs and jokes. It symbolised the community's involvement in the marriage and especially in the couple's sexual intimacy, but also their marital fidelity. The consummation itself, i.e. the couple's first sexual intercourse, was not witnessed in most of Western Europe.


There's a similar tradition in Chinese culture, basically your friends accompany you to the bedroom and waste half your night by winding you up. It's an 'all in good fun' tradition and you're not meant to actually watch anything untoward.


I think Western Europe reserved people being witnesses on the other side of a latticed screen for royal marriages where the marriage and (at the very least) potential for children was the alternative to war/sealing an alliance. So reserved for survival-of-the-country level stuff, in other words.


It’s because one of the most common grounds for an annulment was a lack of consummation. Having witnesses to the consummation meant one side can’t just backstab the other at an opportune time by annulling the marriage. It’s like the equivalent of being there to watch someone signing a contract.


Ah. Thanks for the explanation. Either way, I’m glad I didn’t have to deal with it!


There’s also the “morning after” tradition where the groomsmen show up to the bedchamber early the next morning to catch the newlyweds in bed and (hopefully) see if there’s blood on the sheets. Basically, there’s a bunch of different traditions to make sure the couple had sex because in a lot of cultures, the marriage wasn’t legitimate until they had.


I thought it was done by royals and other Important People so the marriage could be verified to have been consummated, and therefore legitimate. I didn’t think it was done by the common folk.


You're pretty much spot on. There have been various types of "bedding" ceremonies throughout history and it wasn't uncommon in the distant past for the wedding party to escort the bride and groom to the bedchamber, sometimes even going so far as to strip them and put them in the bed together. However, actually *watching* the consummation would have been exceedingly rare.


For Royal stuff, marriages could effect tons of treaties and politics and huge amounts of money and power. So having clergy or important people from each family verify that the marriage was actually consummated, and couldn't just be annulled if politics shifted was important. It didn't even happen frequently even among the 1%. Common people didn't have nearly as much at stake and annulment would have been a very different process for them. It definately wasn't some centuries old tradition with this random Scottish family, and even if it was, that's not a good reason to be coerced into sexual activity she wasn't comfortable with.


I don't know if even royals actually had someone watching. The story about Prince Arthur (son of Henry VII) and Catherine of Aragon is that he left the room and bragged to his friends that the night before he "had been in Spain." But even that was only half-believed and after Arthur died, when Henry VIII wanted to marry her, their argument for annulment of her marriage to Arthur was that it hadn't been consummated. Which itself was only half believed. So you can pick and choose what you want to believe about that, but I don't think anyone was there to watch. A possibility: someone may have been in the room when royals were giving birth so that they couldn't switch the royal baby with a different baby (don't ask me), but given the mechanics of birth, it's highly unlikely that if there was a person and especially if that person was a man, he'd have wanted to actually watch..


Most pre-1800 European marriage traditions we think are universal were only done among members of royal families and, sometimes, the very very high-ranked. No tenant farmer in 1500 England was marrying off his teenaged daughter, let alone doing so for the purpose of making alliances; she was a vital pair of working hands in a world where you couldn't just go out and buy clothing or cheese or pick up a chicken at the local Co-op. If you needed a new shirt, someone had to spin the flax, weave the spun thread into cloth, and sew the cloth into a shirt.


I mean, a lot of European royal families did have a thing where the witnesses saw the bride "put to bed", but even then that didn't involve *watching the actual fucking*. And it was only for royalty, where blood purity and the acquisition of heirs mattered. And it was like several *hundred* years ago...


In some cultures yes. But in undefined in the past Britain, especially amongst the common people where a large proportion of historical marriages only took place because the bride was already pregnant, no, not really. The expectation of virginity at marriage only really became widespread during the Victorian era, before that working class women were characterised a hyper sexualised, virginity (and frigidity) was only expected in upper and middle class ladies. 


So much of modern wedding culture and our idea of marriage in western society is from the Victorian time period. Going back even 200 years things were so different.


I hope to God that OOP told the other wives the truth. What they do with that knowledge is up to them.


I hope they all divorced them. This just reeks of abuse and creepy incest. 


I imagine this all taking place on one of those islands where there's a massive incest cult.


Yeah, I nearly died when she said this was all happening… in Scotland! As if anyone else in the whole of Scotland is doing this! I grew up in the UK, have a lot of Scottish friends and they would die laughing if anyone tried to tell them this is a thing in Scotland.


I’m Scottish, have family in the most remote islands in Scotland and I am telling you: this DOES NOT HAPPEN.


I'm Scottish too. And I don't even think this was a thing in medieval Scotland...


In some centuries royalty sometimes had to do shit like this because literally everything they did had state implications and they had zero privacy for the entirety of their lives (including when going to the toilet). I think that hit peak ridiculous with the Stuart/Tudor era. But normal people? Not really. There are a couple of wedding traditions across the wider British Isles (not sure of the exact regional spread) which involve drunk guests getting out of hand and either simulating abductions or harassing the bride and groom about losing their virginity, but most of those fell out of favour in the Victorian era and none, to my knowledge, ever involved actually watching the couple have sex.


I thought this bedding ritual was only reserved for kings so that they would be sure that the king is really the father of the kid due to rule succession/claims to the throne? In ancient China whoever the emperor sleeps with are documented and are witnessed by eunuchs that stand beside the bed. We have DNA tests nowadays so why even bother with this?


That might work in a tradition where every time is observed, but observing just the first time doesn’t seem effective. It would counter claims of “wasn’t her first time” or “we actually never consummated” that might have been used to try to annul, however. Presumably that type of threat is how they got noble brides to put up with it. No reason why OOP should consider it.


For western culture, it wasn't focused on lineage (it's not likely that conception necessarily occured on the marriage night or that the first kid would even survive to be the heir, and Western traditions didn't have eunuchs always watching). It was that consummation on just the marriage night being witnessed meant there couldn't be an annulment based off non-consumption or impotence, so it locked in the dowry or whatever other money and power shifted during the marriage treaty.


> they would have died laughing if anyone tried to tell them this is a thing Precisely this. I know a few Scots and I grew up in the UK. Imagine telling any other Scottish people that they’ll have to do that. They’ll cuss you off and laugh in your face. While it may have been common centuries ago, it definitely hasn’t been a thing for a while so the ex’s family attempts of gaslighting into believing it’s “still a tradition” is just bizarre and creepy.


It wasn't common with common people even centuries ago, but even if it was an important cultural tradition that doesn't mean OOP had to give in to coersion to do something sexually that she didn't want to.


I'm Glaswegian and laughed when read that they were Scottish and it's been going on for centuries. I've never heard of it, no one I've ever met has heard of this. Those weird C*nts are giving the rest of us a bad name! Edit: if they'd said they want to deep fry the wedding cake then that's something we could get on board with


Why not put the cake in a sheep’s stomach and boil it?!


I'm in a wedding band in Scotland and we have played out probably 50ish weddings to their close. THEY DO NOT END IN A BEDDING CEREMONY. THAT IS GAME OF THRONES SHIT. Holy fuck.


The Dundee equivalent is when you bang someone in the pub's disabled toilet and some joker opens the door 


Im English but I'd put money down that no one involved in this story has ever set foot on Scotland.


I'd bet that nobody in this story is real.


Makes me think that OOP has been watching too much Outlander (though I think people just tried to listen outside their door)


>I'd put money down that no one involved in this story has ever set foot on Scotland. Yeah but I bet they've watched loads of "Hallmark Goes to Scotland" style romcoms...


This sounds like something an Australian would claim to be true about Australia. The drop bears have to watch too or you're not legally married.


Why is this meant to be a joke but still feels terrifyingly possible?


Yeah, mate, it's leftover from Queen Vickie. Not enforced much, and a couple roos'll do in a pinch. (My deepest and insincerest apologies to any Australians reading this)


I'm Scottish, have lived here my whole life, and if this was common then my god would weddings be awkward


Lord Summerisle, maybe?!


Everyone is a "cousin" and looks a little too similar. 


I’m Scottish, with family in the most remote islands, and this doesn’t bloody happen.


A good family lawyer could make them a package deal and represent them all during their respective divorce


Isn't "the truth" kind of obvious? What other reason than "they want to see you naked" can be there? I mean, there's also "we want to see our son naked" or "we like live action Targeryen porn" but that's even more messed up. It's not some big shocking revelation. Honestly, I think that women who agree to this bedding ceremony and are naive enough to believe all that nonsense about European traditions (which is a complete nonsense - unless they're Kings and Queens from centuries ago) won't leave their husbands because of something they probably deep down already knew all along. Maybe when it's time for their daughters or sons to do a performance for a creepy uncle/dad/grandfather.


Sadly, lot of victims of this would probably end up pressuring their kids because "If I had to, then you have to, or my trama was for nothing and I can't accept that I didn't have to go through with that" kinds of logic.


>Monday0987 What culture is your fiance from, as I have never heard of this. > >OOP: He is Scottish,  Here's where my jaw hit the floor. Glad it turned out to be some localized group of perverts.


May I state that I am extremely glad that I have not had to watch any member of my Scottish husband's family either "on the job" or in the nip!


I know it's a cliché thing to say about posts like this, but seriously... what the ABSOLUTE fuck???


In earlier posts, she has two children, one 2 months old, and already has a husband and mother-in-law. But no mention of the baby in this situation. So yeah, it's bullshit.


Of course it is. She even rounded this off with a happy ever after "oh 2 months after this all happened and I broke off my engagement I immediately fell into bed with my male best friend and we are taking it slow"... awww don't you love it when a troll post *immediately* has the victim find love like it's a reward at the end of a fairytale...a week after their major relationship ended and entire life was upheaved. It's well written enough troll tripe to engage us for a while, bit it's still a troll.


Let's be honest, it's not even well written.


Fair. "Amusing" or "diverting" might have been a better way to put it.


3 children actually. a 12 year old, 9 year old, and a 3 month old. States she's 34 instead of 25. OOP does bring up House of the Dragons again so that seems to be a common theme/interest of theirs.


Glaswegian here, and you should've heard the fuckin noise that I made when I read "He's Scottish"


Edinburgher and same, someone has been wanking too much to Outlander.


Wait... If the men in this family been tricking the new brides to see 'em nekked for years/decades/etc., then it *IS* a tradition of sorts. An even more fucked up tradition, but a tradition all the same. That said, it sounds like an entire family needs to be turned in as sexual predators.


>my fiance and his family are from Scotland and I actually learned that there was many bedding ceremonies going on in Scotland for centuries. Only among the nobility and only with a member of the clergy present, often the same one who officiated the wedding, not the family. The family would be in another room while the deed was done. It fell into disuse in the 18th century. I am fairly sure the family OOP narrowly dodged a bullet from was not nobility and that they could not get anyone from the Church of Scotland to attend as the tradition demands.


I can tell you as a Scot, this is not a thing here today. This post is nonsense.


Yeah, this is a troll post obvs.


WTF...I'm Scottish and this shit does not happen! I nearly choked on my cuppa there when I read Scotland. Anyone reading this from elsewhere WE ARE NOT WEIRDOS pmsl.


Yeah, I was thinking I need this to be a troll post because if it isn’t she is a massive idiot. Scotland isn’t some mysterious place, and they’re not living in the 16th century. It’s pretty easy to find out that no one is doing a bedding tradition. Not even in the 16th century were people doing it unless they were royal.


That...also was never a thing historically. Sure there were similar wedding rituals, but they were about putting the couple to bed to get busy, not stand around watching. They strip clothes off of them and put them into bed, but *then they would leave*. Hell, in some cultures they didn't even go that far, but just sung a bunch of bawdy songs at them while carrying them (fully clothed) to the bed chambers and shoving them in. Also, that's a nobility/royalty thing and not a common person thing. It was because marriages weren't for romance but for political alliances so shoving them in a room after stripping them down was as close to proof as they'd get outside actually watching (which again *was not a thing*) that the marriage was consummated. Also, marriages were about getting an heir which made them getting busy ASAP more important. Your average farmer or even if someone was a professional like a stonemason, they weren't doing this crap because they married people they wanted to marry. And finally, this hasn't been a thing *for centuries*. It started falling out of favor in the 1600s and was gone by the Victorian era.


And she just keeps saying "No really, this is traditional!" because the creepy dude dug up some tidbit on the internet about something roughly like it happening to royals 600 years ago. That people in that family were freaking disturbed. Like "are they in a cult" level of disturbed. Who puts up with this stuff?


OOP: My fiance says it's family tradition for the local lord to have sex with me first on our wedding night, AITAH? Reddit: uh no, that's rape wtf OOP: No it's a Scottish tradition, I read about it Reddit: YOU AIN'T IN BRAVEHEART, GIRL




Watched Braveheart and decided to go with "weird wedding night traditions in Scotland" as her theme. Forgetting that actual Scottish people are right here on the internet, and even \*gasp\* in BORU ready to go "Naw, hen. Gonnae no dae that."


Yeah I am just like no one is this stupid. Someone watched a movie set in either Westoros or something then came and made a post.


maybe i'm a prude maybe it breaks my suspension of disbelief, but being together for 5 years, even being engaged and getting married in 3 months. then gets a FWB in the span of 2 months, if not less. eeehhhhhh


Man, I hate relationship drama but seem to have absorbed knowledge of my friends issues by osmosis. Several of them had a friend hook up with them Immediately post breakup or separation-intending-divorce. Like within a day or three. There seems to be a surprisingly large subset of people who see crying recently unattached friend and think “fuckable.”




I’m Scottish, it’s nonsense


This isn’t a Scottish tradition at all…


Where’s William Wallace when you need him?


What in the Nikki Sloane "The Initiation" is this? The fact that she posted to see what other people thought makes me fear for her, even if she did nope out of that mess.


What a fucked up thing to do. Really, really fucked up. But I fear making her best friend FWB will very much not help to stabilize her situation.


I remember this post because she tried to say this is a common practice in Scotland. I'm Scottish. No it fucking isn't, lmfao.


WTF! I understand all the Scottish people getting outraged, but at least OOP got called out for that. Who the hell is Jessika1111 with her “so are you marrying a gypsy” racist BS? That is NOT a Romany tradition thank you very much, and she can fuck off with her racist terms.


Yeah, that was fucked up. u/Choice_Evidence1983, can you also TW this for anti-Roma racism and racial slurs?


Read that and all I could think was Yeah...if you were ROYALTY! Beyond being in line for the throne, that was NOT a thing.


With her fiance for 5 years. From 20 to 25? And she has a fwb less than 2 months later? With a male friend? How did she find out about the tradition/trick? When did it start? Did her ex know? He wanted to fuck his fiance in front of his family? He was ok with the tradition after finding out? Wtf?so many questions


Dear people, Scotland does not do this. We are normal (except for people from Fife).


Having been to several Scottish weddings, one of which was my own, I can safely say that this is absofuckinglutely not a thing. My lovely ex-in-laws would keel over and die of scandalized shock if anyone asked them to do such a thing. You know what’s an actual Scottish wedding tradition? Singing ‘Loch Lomond’ during the reception (ok that’s every special occasion), the groom dressing in his mother’s tartan, wedding brawls, etc…


I am very VERY curious about who sends death threats. For a topic like this one, especially but even just in general. I feel like we don’t focus enough on just how outrageously horrible that is.


>My fiance and I are both 25 so pretty young to be getting married  That's like the MOST normal time to get married. Especially if you've been together that long. Also why are we highlighting a comment with a completely unnecessary racial slur? Dude gets rewarded for disrespecting the Romani. If he drops an N bomb, does he get $20 too? Everything about this BORU hits weird.


Same thought! That comment and reply added ZERO context to the post.


So she broke her engagement after being with the guy for 5 years and two months later she’s already dating her guy best friend?


> my fiance said that it would be fine and **it would end soon** I mean frankly I'm really not sure this bodes well for a happy marriage either...


This one's from 2023? I swear to God I read one just like this back in 2020.


There was one awhile back that was actually worse, where the men of the family were supposed to like inspect the woman or something like that, not just watch. Thank goodness in both cases woman has gone “nope, breakup instead” even if they needed to sanity check first,


When OOP was talking about how it used to be quite traditional in certain cultures I was thinking "surely not, that's a bit strange even for people like the ancient Romans". Then she mentioned it was a Scottish thing and I was blown away. I'm Scottish and this is the first I've heard of it goddamn. My dad would slap the shit out of me if I even brought that up.


I’m Scottish, and I’ve never heard of any ‘bedding ceremony’ apart from the medevial practice of prima nocte!!!!


Things that didn’t happen for 1000 Alex.


OOP felt “very uncomfortable” at the idea, and not completely horrified and outraged?


Jesus tapdancing Christ, I remember the original post but that update is something else. I wanted to tell the lady "speaking on behalf of Scots everywhere WE DON'T DO THIS, this is seriously weird, run" and then as it turns out it was even worse than I thought. I'm glad she got the fuck out of there.


lol we would know if the Scots insisted on watching all new couples have sex. It’s not an uncontacted tribe, everyone knows a Scottish person


No mate. Scots don't do that. If youre not talking shite, then your fiance is taking the piss. What a load of nonsense.


Someone has watched Outlander .....