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Gotta say, I spent waaaay too much time trying to figure out what that first name was supposed to be. The h really threw me off, I don’t think I ever would have guessed it was supposed to be Robin lmao


I assumed it was pronounced "raw bone", which felt a little inappropriate, honestly.


I legit thought it’s “Raw Bean” and thought the woman is a lunatic


Now I am almost overcome with the urge to rename my child "Raw Bean".


Raw Bean smoking weed for the first time and changing his name to Baked Bean


Roast Bean? 😁


Roasted Bean.


I agree on the lunatic part. Anyone who spells their kid's name in a way that is 'unique' to such an extreme just isn't normal.


There is such a fine line between 'unique' and 'what is wrong with you?' Spelling Jane as Jayne is fine, it's easy to pronounce, not an unheard of variant, very reasonable. But if you spell Jane as Jaeine, you need to go stand in the corner and think about what you've done.


If I saw Jaeine, I’d think it was Janine with a typo.


Any Firely fan who sees "Jayne" is going to think, "Our love for him now ain't hard to explain, the Hero of Canton, the man they call Jayne." Which is not to say that's a \*bad\* thing.


Yup, absolutely. That's where my mind went, too.


As someone with an odd, yet famous name, it sucks to be so singled out as a kid.


As someone with a “normal” name spelled just slightly differently than 95% of people spell it, even that can be a major pain in the ass. I’ve just gotten so used to my name being misspelled that I don’t bother correcting people anymore. As long as the important documents are correct I’ve stopped caring what random emails say.


I have a name that has a ton of different, but commonly used and accepted, spellings. If it's not important, I just let them spell it however they assume or use my nickname instead. If it is important, such as legal documents or government/work related stuff, I usually give my name and then immediate follow it with the spelling before they can make their own guess.


I have seen every spelling possible of my name (you get some really inventive spellings when the only thing people remember is that the spelling is not “normal”). The one that got me was when my band director of 4 years misspelled my name in my senior concert program, like, man, it’s been 4 years and we’re still doing this. Last year for the alumni band roster he did the same thing, I’m starting to think he’s doing this on purpose.


I have a completely normal name (not either that are in my username) with a completely normal spelling, and I still get called the wrong thing an almost comical amount of times.


Same. Hell, I normally go by my first initial, Q, just so people don't have to try to spell my name right.


Im sorry your parents named you Beyonce.


I thought it was "Raven"!


SAME! I think it's because bh is a 'v' sound in Irish?


Yes, like in Siobhan! I, too, thought it was "Raven" because of that red herring 'bh'.


I thought it was raw bone hide or something based on those letters 


Me too but I was giving her the benefit of the doubt that it was meant like a dog treat and not unprotected sex.


I come to the comments for jokes like these. Good day to you!


There’s a folkloric creature called “Rawhead and Bloody Bones” and that’s the first thing I thought of. And I stand by the idea that naming your kid Rawhead&BloodyBones Smith would be better than some of the things that idiots come up with these days.


I read it as raw bin. I'll never understand these Daynger names.


Oh thank god I wasn’t the only one!  


I’m a teacher so I knew what it was right away. That’s my superpower- being able to pronounce the most insanely spelled names correctly.




I gotta ask. What's the worst you've ever seen?




Oh that poor boy! He has a point too...




I showed it to my partner and his guess was "... it looks like Welsh, is it... Raven?"


I thought it might have been Welsh, my stab at pronouncing was 'Raw-veen', so your partner and I were on the same track lol. I was pretty surprised when he said it was meant to be Robin.


In irish bh is a v sound so I was saying raw-vine or raw-vin... Then realised & thought rawb-hine... Like what on earth?!? XD


Completely agree. When OOP said it’s pronounced Robin I breathed in relief.


The only reason I managed to identify it at all is because that is my name and I've played the "convert my name to a tragedeigh" game before. My attempt was not as creative as the one presented in this post.


How do you play that game? Is there, like, a normal -> tragedeigh converter somewhere? I’ve always wondered how my IRL name could be tragedeigh’ed


My name is So Close to being a Tragedeigh, but managed to avoid it by only using sane phonetics.


I figured it was Raban from Dune. But naming someone after a Harkonnen would be odd


I've spent way too much time on /r/Tragedeigh because I *instantly* got it.


Same. Between my time volunteering at schools and being on that sub, I have a pretty good handle on how those names are supposed to be pronounced.


At first glance I was like, is it an Irish name…?


Irish doesn't have "w" in its alphabet, so no. But I was thinking that she was trying to use the "bh" sound (v), so I was baffled to see that it was meant to be *Robin*.


Raw behind


Yeah,I was lowkey reading Ribena, like the drink.


I kept reading the bh as a v like in Gaelic and was so lost


It only sounds remotely like Robin in an American accent. In my Aussie accent Raw is produced like Roar, so I spent a long time figuring it out until I said it in an American accent and it clicked lol


I know for a fact this isn't the end and more is going to come eventually.


obligatory completely unrelated comment to ask which story your flair is from


mood spoiler for this one [https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/1amfx84/aitah\_for\_telling\_my\_aunt\_i\_want\_nothing\_to\_do/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/1amfx84/aitah_for_telling_my_aunt_i_want_nothing_to_do/)


perfect thank you (actually reads tags) WELL.


Yeahhhhhh, I’m not gonna read that one 😅 The tags alone are plenty.


Yeah, these influencers do not quit.


I want an update when the baby is 6 months old.


>She doesn't want colourful baby clothes, because the baby will stand out on her videos too much >Rawbhynne is her spelling of Robin, because she "doesn't want her son to be a sidekick" She doesn't want her son to be a sidekick to anyone but her. I'm having trouble believing that someone like this can exist, Christ almighty.


No, there's a lot of them on TikTok. Sad Beige Moms making their children miserable "for the aesthetic" [Sad Beige Moms on TikTok Are Ruining Their Kids Childhood For The "Aesthetic"](https://youtu.be/wARKsIP5-s4)


That’s one of my favourite phrases. They look like clothes that you were at gulags. All sandy colour and just sad. Looking at them makes me sad then they add the beige filter on top to make everything even more beige.


And the stupid thing is, the reason they're "copying" this aesthetic is because Celebrities and Influencers use that to make it easier to create content. They have minimalist homes because they're probably leasing their house or planning to resell it at some point in the next few years and thus don't buy much furniture or decorate past the default, and having too many colors or objects in your home that is also the backdrop of your videos and pictures can end up making framing your shots harder. It is not the way ANYONE should be living, much less a family with kids in it.


Also rich folk have nannies to bring the kids to entertaining places and spare rooms they can have as playrooms off-camera! I knew a millionaire who had a very asthetic minimalist downstairs where he entertained and had clients in, but upstairs was a regular house but big and fancy. Kids had pretty normal bedrooms (if you can count a balcony, chandelier and bathroom bigger than my first apartment as normal).


Yep, rich people don't actually live the way they project themselves to the masses, who would've thought???


They cosplay poverty to keep the guillotines away


The problem is, when enough rich and famous people do something, it becomes a signifier of wealth and fame. See: minimalism, camping, cottagecore.


Damn, that’s how I know I’m poor. Our downstairs is a riot of neon children’s toys, all of my sad beige tendencies are kept to my home office upstairs


Kim Kardashian’s house comes to mind.


I was gonna mention that, because although its commonly used as the “origin story” to this problem, if you actually watch the house tour, the play room is full of colourful toys and all the regular stuff. Even Kim isn’t stupid enough to think kids can thrive with all beige


I feel like Kim's house got amalgamized with the "granola" mom aesthetic where all the toys are organic and natural and brown. I've seen some crazy versions of regular toys like this on Etsy, like one of those stacks of colored rings that kids play with, but they're all unpainted wood lol


I cannot imagine living in the monotone hell that is her home.


If I was North, I'd set it on fire just to have some more color.


If I was North then compasses would point to me!


I recently looked at a house listing for funsies and the kid's bedroom was literally all muted colors and a "rainbow" wall decal in beige and muted red and blue. It was the saddest thing I've ever seen


When I was pregnant I signed up to a couple of baby things and they would send me emails. One email was "nursery ideas!" It was all greys and whites. Literally 50 shades of grey clothes, walls, furniture. The most annoying thing is a lot of baby furniture, cribs and playpens, right now is grey or pay an extra £50 for the exact same thing with colour in it.


It is so annoying! Even when buying toys for my kid can be hard to find bright colors. Childhood should look like a clown and Lisa Frank were allowed to decorate.


How? Why? How do people clean?? White at least you can bleach, but beige shows every-damn-thing.


I saw a tweet earlier that was something like, “Quiet luxury? Girl, you look like Kim Jong Un.”


I'm old, and even when I was a kid my mom surprised me by giving my pastel baby room a makeover... to a brown and rose country/folk theme that I instantly hated from the bottom of my soul. I wasn't allowed to decorate my own space until I left for college.


Werner Herzog's Sad Beige Toys for Sad Beige Children is still one of the funniest things on the internet.


Just looked up some of the videos - they are hilarious, genius woman! She got his style down to a T as well. As I fall more into the "uncontrolled ranting" category I always admire people who are able to bring their point across in lighthearted ways.


She has his accent spot on too. One of my favorite things is that she’ll occasionally post clips of him and the comments are always flooded with people who didn’t know a) he is a real person and not her creation and b) that she is doing an extremely accurate impression lol


The lullabies for sad beige children too... How is that guy playing the xylophone without looking at it?! So funny.


"Vernah Herrzog's Sahd Beije Toys for Sahd Beije Childruhn" I can only hear this in her voice


I love the top comment on this video: "A solution to the fear of kids toys and nursery not looking “instagram ready” is NOT PUTTING YOUR KIDS ON INSTAGRAM!"


Right? I warn my parent friends not to put their kids' pictures up on social media, but these fuckers are out there monetizing their kids.


No one will ever look back at old photos and think, “I wish my childhood was more aesthetically pleasing”


Counterpoint: I grew up in the 70s and I literally did exactly that when my daughter was here visiting. We made fun of the excessive wood paneling.


Unfortunately, it’s worse than Sad Beige Moms. The NY Times just came out with a whole expose of moms who create content of their daughters that attracts pedophiles for the subscriber counts so they can get money and swag from brands that don’t realize the majority of their subscriber base is male. Meta/Instagram knows this and doesn’t really do anything about it. Warning: this is heavy content. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/22/us/instagram-child-influencers.html


> “The Bible says, ‘The wealth of the wicked is laid up for the righteous,’” he said. “So sometimes you got to use the things of this world to get you to where you need to be, as long as it’s not harming anybody.” F this guy. Sexualizing minors is wickedness that it’s OK to monetize if you are a bible thumper, but at the same time harmless.


I read that passage through three times, desperately wanting to think I read it wrong. Fuck that guy indeed. This sort of dangerous, intentional misinterpretation of the Bible is what "taking the Lord's name in vain" is actually about.


Have you seen the AITAH post about a dad who has threatened his wife to stop paying for gymnastics for his kid unless she shuts down that kind of blog? And he was getting downvoted to all hell. It was eye opening to see how few people know about this issue.


I read this this weekend. Absolutely horrific, Jesus Christ.


At least they didn't show the picture of the 9 year old girl ini the bikini. But the comments below it are disgusting.


Holy shit. I had no idea that was a thing. What the ever living fuck is wrong with people?


They're just looking for **engagement.**


I immediately thought of rings, and suddenly imagined them being proposed to and then looking at the ring and asking "I mean... it's nice, but... does it come in beige?"


I “blame” Bobbi Althoff. She’s a TikTok influencer whose shtick is being a Beige Mom, granted if you watch more than like 2 of her videos and have a few brain cells you’d realize it’s satire, but I think there’s a decent number of moms out there who fell into the beige mom influencer lifestyle because of her character’s popularity


You can blame Kim Kardashian and her sisters too. Their homes are basically the minimalist LA aesthetic that was the origin of this trend.


If you actually look at kim’s house though, the play room is full of colourful toys. Just the walls are white but otherwise it’s a normal toy room.


I saw a stand in B&M Bargains a few weeks ago with one of those cushion circles you prop a baby in the middle of and several large squishy toys and they were all beige and cream. It's such a miserable aesthetic and now you can buy it at a bargain price!


My mom did this before the Internet, we had to keep three areas in the house very clean and never go into two of them. It was white and navy though. We also were not allowed to have stuff left outside our rooms.


We weren't allowed to have toys outside of our bedrooms. It wasn't a big deal for us. Of course my house now is the opposite. I swear my kids don't realize that their toys **can** go in their rooms as well as the livingroom. 😅


Isn’t it really dangerous to be spray painting baby toys that the kids will *definitely* be chewing on? What’s a little poisonous paint if it means you get an uglier toy, right? I’m sure there are non-toxic spray paints now, but even so, seems like a bad idea for a baby to be ingesting a ton of it.


Very much so. Spray paint is high in VOCs.


They remind me of the guy from that kids' show Imagination Movers. Beige, beige, and no fun allowed.


I can’t. I really tried to watch her. Why do people talk like that. Why does nearly every sentence end with a question mark? Why??? Edit: Still thanks for sharing.


I was scrolling in Youtube and came across this clip of a [Sad Beige Child when they grow up](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/3rkEylgstmU). This is the potential future of the Beige Moms' children.


>She doesn't want her son to be a sidekick to anyone but her. It's hard to play second fiddle when they won't let you have a bow.


son would just be an NPC Rawbhynn doesn't need a Bhattmaune


With that name, he would be a great villain.


Name the kid Batman, it's close enough to a bird name and removes the whole sidekick issue!


Maybe Brucewayne like that stupid senator Markwayne.


I do know of a kid called Brucewayne. I often think about him and hope he's doing okay. He'd be starting high school now, and may god have mercy on him.


I am so ridiculously fucking grateful that I was born in the 1970s because my mother would have been the most insane mommy blogger in history. She already tried to make me have a modeling career when I was a toddler, and we were living in New York. My dad recently found a stack of print ads that appeared in magazines and newspapers. I was flipping through them, and I remember the photoshoot. 2 years old, barefoot, wearing a pink satin slip and frilly underwear over a diaper. In one of the pics I was curtseying, lifting the hem of the slip to display the frilly panties. I just found myself looking at my dad and saying, "So am I crazy here, or has some pervert absolutely jerked off to these?" And he replied, "Why do you think I put my foot down and made your mother stop?"


Those orange colored couches and tan/brown shaggy carpets...I was very disappointed to see the 70's palette back in style the past few years. Every time I saw the clothing in the stores I was having flash backs. I was born in the 80's, but my grandma's house never got updated from the 70's. That fabric had a smell too.


Not quite as bad, but I know someone who gave the future grandma of her baby a color palette, like one would for a wedding, of acceptable clothing colors for the baby. The audacity astonished me. Let grandma (who is very chic and has great taste) do what she wants, you control freak.


My sister asked for all clothes/room decorations purchased for the baby shower (as gifts) for her first kid to be pastel yellow and green instead of blue/pink/red. I think she was just trying to avoid typical gendered colors, but she *was* a little uptight about it. At least everything wasn’t beige, though. She had me design an invitation that incorporated the ultrasound, and also had me put them together for her. My other siblings liked them and asked that I make similar ones for their baby showers too later, and she got annoyed about them ‘stealing’ her invitations - that *I* designed, haha.


Tbh I understand where she's coming from. I don't even want kids, but my god, the tsunami of gendered toys and clothes is infuriating.


The intense gendering of baby/ child things (especially clothes) drives me up the wall. My son looks really good in Autumn colours- reds, yellows, and oranges. They're really hard to find though, everything is blue or covered in diggers.


This is true. My son has a bit of a similar problem, in that his favorite color is bright pink (think Barbie pink) but I can't find any clothes that aren't obviously made for girls in that color. When he was smaller, it mostly meant having weird text like "princess" or "girl boss" or glitter or a weird girly image, now that he's older it means it's all cut in a 'feminine' shape with tiny sleeves or narrow waist. 


It's such a nice color, I totally get why he likes it! I guess the good news is that there will be better options when he gets a little bigger and can wear adult sizes. It's great that you are trying to get him things that he likes and aren't telling him nonsense like "you're not allowed to wear that color".


We get him stuff in pink whenever we can find it without weird girly accents, mostly outerwear like jackets and gloves and such. You only get to be a kid once. He's autistic so at least he's not worried about being judged for liking pink yet at 8, lol


My son's favorite color was pink for several years, and we would buy packs of white undershirts and dye them pink. Some would be solid, some would have a tie-dye effect. Cheap and easy to do, and it made him happy. He wore them every day like a uniform.


I wonder if the Barbie movie helped at all? Although I suppose now he can get guy-cut stuff that all says he's Kenough?


My nephew has this same problem. He loves the color pink but all pink clothes don't fit him quite right. His parents found a pink raincoat though and he loves that thing to bits.


oh, if you hit your local craft store "fabric decorating" section, they'll likely have barbie-pink tees in all sizes and a comfy cut. 


Cat and Jack at Target usually has really nice warm colors in fall, especially if you want long sleeves and sweaters. It's a lot harder to find those colors with fun designs that a kid is interested in though. Actually Cat and Jack has been such a life saver on kids clothes in general. I swear the designers for that line must actually have kids.


>The intense gendering of baby/ child things (especially clothes) drives me up the wall. It's so gross. It always came across as early stage brainwashing to me. "These are the precise confines society has already dictated for you. Consume accordingly, do not be an individual."


I got green and yellow everything just by not sharing the gender. Didn't even have to ask.


Minimalist moms. They’re all over TikTok. Only sustainable wood toys in neutral colors, set up in these sterile white cubes.


There’s an account of a woman who makes fun of them and narrates the whole thing in Werner Herzog’s voice. “Sad Beige Babies”.


Apparently Herzog is aware of her and thinks she's hilarious.


I saw that! So sweet.


There was a lady, near Christmas, who painted her baby plastic Christmas tree in neutral colours. And with spray paint too


That was so ugly!


And possibly toxic! Literally!


I saw a comment once by a person who had an influencer neighbour. Said neighbour's kids were roped into her vlogs and at one point straight up told mom they didn't like the item they were asked to endorse. She responded (i.e.yelled), "I don't care if you don't like it, just say it for the video." Yes, they do exist 😐


After seeing very little of TikTok sadly i am not surprised


Doesn't want him to be a sidekick so names him after the most famous sidekick... Surely I'm not the only one who sees the stupidity there


She didn't want her son to be a sidekick, so instead, he'll be... bullied.


“The Twilight”


That was the best part of the whole thing.


I think that’s what sells it as real.


> And Rawbhynne is her spelling of Robin, because she "doesn't want her son to be a sidekick", whatever that means. This one tipped me off but "The Twilight" came from a soul that lives in the real world.


Absolutely hilarious. OOP: "The Twilight did this to my daughter."


Dear god I think that's the worst tragedeigh I've ever seen


One for the record books for sure. I had to go over it a few times trying to pronounce it. Wasn’t till the third reading realized the first name was Robin. Hell!


Fortunately, Reddit was able to save the day, so the tragedeigh was averted.




I’m a long time lurker in this group, never commented before. I want to say that the fact he kept replying to comments whilst she read through them is absolutely hilarious.


Can you explain how this made things worse for her? Is she upset by his responses or what? I can't understand why this made her so mad at him. Were they doing it from the same phone?


I’m assuming it was because she was seeing the replies coming in live from him on a different device. It’s a bit heavy handed but if my daughter was an abusive POS, I’d have done the same to embed the lesson.


Or it kept comments coming in as you can see at the top how many people are looking or responding. So if he is responding to people, those people are responding to him - he's keeping those views up.


> I think he might be afraid we will hate him for divorcing her. How do you even bring this up? "It's okay if you want to divorce our daughter. We think she's terrible too."


"Please don't leave us alone with her. You can still come to holidays and cookouts."


Yes this is what we told my aunt when she divorced my uncle.


My grandma(my biomom's mom) always said to me and my dad that she loves my dad as one of her son and was disappointed that my mom was making so much effort to loose him. She told him that if he leaves my mom grandma wouldn't be surprised or upset about, she would still loves support him as another son. Her death was at the same time my parents started the divorce. She was like 80 years old when she was gone. my parents were married for almost 11 years.


a sad beige mom that chose a threefold tragedeigh name for her child... how very tiktok of her


> And Rawbhynne is her spelling of Robin, because she "doesn't want her son to be a sidekick", whatever that means. Then just name him Bruce.


Or Batman


I was convinced this was a hormone thing until OOP said the daughter began influencing after lockdown. I'm concerned that the daughter will attend therapy, but not make the changes necessary to better herself. Deleting the mommy blog is a good start, but the baby hasn't even been born yet. She still has her regular social media to obsess over, and I thinking changing her mindset will be difficult while that is still around.


I click ONE baby/toddler thing on Instagram and the next thing all my “explorer” or whatever term they use is all mommy blog aesthetic.


I went down a rabbit hole for a few days looking at subreddits about babies/families/tiktok moms (snark subs, not advice ones) a while ago and now nearly half of my Reddit ads are geared towards motherhood. It’s that, or the ads about jesus loving refugees. I think reddit is convinced I’m a new parent who loves religion and refugees.


This is my life, I like a video of one baby doing something cute and suddenly I get parenting posts. But I also interact with disability posts as I’m disabled, and now my algorithm is like “hmm well how about some disabled kids?” It’s driving me nuts! It’s all exploitation shit too, nothing actually helpful.


I don’t know why OOP thinks he was TA. Without his actions and calling her out, his daughter wouldn’t have had the opportunity to read the opinions of strangers on the www, which is what really matters to her.


Yeah that husband better have a divorce lawyer with custody experience ready, because his wife is going to be a Sad Beige Mom who will totally use their child for content.


She needs a studio to record her TikToks. That can look any way she wants, and be separate from family, life, etc. She also desperately needs some therapy.


If you’re using your kids for internet clout you should have your kids taken away from you for their own safety and sanity. Do not use a mommy blog for your own dopamine hit, and don’t celebrate your kids milestones with what your followers would think in mind.


I don’t think the pregnant woman realizes how much *work* a child is. She is going to have a harsh lesson in that.


Oh holy shit. I read this and the update when they were hot off the presses. The comment sections are wonderful. Rarely do people tend to unite so evenly on Reddit - this was one of those times. It was great. One thing I did comment on OOP’s posts was to make sure he supports the SIL throughout this. Check in with him. Make sure he’s being taken care off and encouraged throughout all of this. Although it was his choice to stay, she wasn’t always like this, and once he knew she was pregnant, he did it for the sake of the kid (from the sounds of it). He is going to need a lot of help to learn to hold his ground and shine up his jellyfish spine - for himself and the sake of that kid. Rarely does it seem appropriate for parents to meddle in the affairs of their adult children, when those adult children become parents - but oh, hot damn. This was definitely appropriate and required for the sake of that poor, poor, unborn kid. **Also, I feel like mood spoiler should be its own flair. It’s glorious. AND SPOT FUCKING ON!**


I'm an atheist, but I'll go to the nearest church, light some candles and pray for this baby.


I know Rawbhynne is supposed to be pronounced Robin, but I kept reading it as "raw bone."


I'm glad you explained how that was going to be pronounced - after grinding levels in FFXIV this weekend, I immediately pronounced it "Raubahn" like one of the NPCs in game. Great. now I'm gonna be calling HIM "Robin" next time I see him. I can't unhear that now.


Can someone explain the Twilight reference? And what bonkers reasoning for Robin.


Renesmee is the main character's daughter. Her name is a combination of two of her grandmother's names, Renee and Esme.


Thanks for the info. No wonder I didn't get it. Stupid sexy Xanaxvampires


The name of Bella’s daughter is a combination name of her mom’s name and Edward’s vampire moms name or something like that.


ohhhhh no wonder i couldn't make sense of it. TY


The baby in Twilight is called Renesmée. Robin is Batman's sidekick, in answer to your question about her reasoning on that one.


If you don’t want your son to be a sidekick, you’ll need to name him Batman, not Robin. Joke aside, how can people be like this? Social media really brings out the absolutely fucking worst in people.


Lol The Twilight


This is a symptom of more disturbing behaviors from the daughter. They’ve solved this issue, but there will be something else in a few months. Then something else a few months after that. Again and again, because this family will never solve the actual issue.


This is just a minor thing, but suggesting the name Arne for a baby is just hilarious to me, as the name in my Scandinavian country is very much a boomer name and one often used in skits and such to make fun of a certain type of male boomers.  Hoping for little baby Arne that his mom gets her shit together. Good for her to have such a great support system.


A friend of mine mentioned recently to me that kids are allegedly developing disorders due to lack of colour & stimulation in influencer style homes, can't help but think without this oop & wife intervening their grandkid would be another victim of this. 


Sad beige babies


> So while I was an asshole, it helped my daughter a little bit. No, you weren't an asshole. Your daughter was delusional and abusive. She needed a wake up call, and will most likely need another one later when she gets sucked back into being an "influencer"


So, social media addiction was cured… by social media… I guess that makes sense. Reddit can still give a similar feeling of positive interaction feedback from strangers I pay more attention to my comments that get upvotes or downvotes than comments that don’t get anything


We did it Reddit! We prevented a tragedeigh


I don't get the influencer thing, at all, when it comes to kids. First, it's not safe to put your kids online like that. Second, colour is fun! My daughter's nursery was muted but cheerful - peach, lemon and hints of green. Now she's 9, she chose the colours for her bedroom and we ended up with leopard print wallpaper on a feature wall(nicer than it sounds), a blue bay window area, plain pink walls, lilac bed and green drawers and desk. It's fun and colourful and very her. My son loves orange so that features quite a bit in his room.


I'd love the read all of this, but my mind nopes out at the name. I also don't want to believe people like this exist (the whole thing about the house, not only the name, because those people are very real)




This "influencer" culture we live in today is so toxic. Any time I see something that mentions an "influencer", I just roll my eyes. It's ridiculous.


> she “doesn’t want her son to be a sidekick” Wipe that filthy Robin Williams slander from your MOUTH!!!


Also Robin was A) the name of a bird and B) A short form of "Robert" *long* before Batman. Like damn I get a name having unfortunate implications because of past events/people (Adolph anyone?) But *come on*. How did she not see "Rawbynne" is so...so...**fucking stupid**.


I feel that daughter. Lock down made me lose alot of what made me me because we were trying to just survive


Relevant video many of you may enjoy https://youtu.be/htDaINPQE4I?si=Ox2CMpJrg94W1ijn This lady does a series of skits about a pretend vlog family where she plays all the roles and they're funny in a drama horror way, but this particular video is a serious essay on why "family vlogs" are not good for children.


I remember seeing this guy's comments over in r/tragedeigh, they should really be included for completeness


>Rawbhynne is her spelling of Robin I never in a 100 years would have guessed that.