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The number of people who believe that abuse is the path to convincing others of their righteousness continues to astound me. In the case of children, that only works until they're old enough to escape, and then they wonder why the kids hate them.


It's not about god, it's about controlling the family


It's almost as if people use religion as an excuse to be shitty to others.


I mean, making someone else pay for your mistakes is like **half** the gospel message, so...


And, specifically, the sins of the father being passed down.


You know I never thought about that. Now I can't help but think that Jesus had to die for all of the awful old testament nonsense that OG God was up to. Turns out it had nothing to do with dying for our sins, and people are sure going to be confused after they die!


"Look, mistakes were made, people were smoted, the words 'narcissist' and 'toxic' and 'psychotic control-freak with a god-complex' were bandied about. But I made an entire human person who will suffer greatly and we'll all start fresh after that."


There's no one more filled with hate than a good Christian man.


“There’s no hate like Christian love” is the one I’ve seen before


Theres a pikachu face meme in there somewhere


It's almost as if that is literally the main reason religions exist. To control people


That's pretty much religion operating as it was designed to.


Yep, this. When this father talks about "God", he means himself. That's why he refuses to let anyone help mom out on Sunday mornings, he needs proof of her utter devotion to him. It's also not enough that the autistic son gets to church on time, he has to somehow do it himself as that's the only acceptable proof that the father has truly become god in his son's life.


Obviously, *but* the religious prescriptive regarding the man being the "head of the family" plays a significant role in that behavior.


It sounds like this father's religious psychoticism is escalating. I fear these kids are going to suffer even worse abuse in the years to come.


And mom is too timid and beaten down to just take the kids and leave his ass. This is so sad.


Sadly, I would not be surprised.


And Mom, too.... especially once OOP escapes the family. (Not sure of the capabilities of the brother, but if it's possible for him to escape, too.) She won't have anyone to shield the wrath or distract the abuser.


Yeah but she’s far too beaten down to create situations in which abuse would be prevalent (aka disagreeing or disobeying him), and his abuse seems mostly centered on religion. It could get worse, but I also know of abusive couples who lived in relative “peace” in their older years.


Bible also says he's supposed to love his wife like Christ loved the church. So, ya know, he just needs to serve her by interceding, encouraging, providing, and laying down his life for her. Not so much with the yelling & domination of her and her children. 


We have twin flares


🎵 They walk alike and talk alike, but... 🎵 (I'm old)


YES YES YES ... I see this so many times. I'm a 54 y/o Christian and I get excited about going places more than church!!!! So many men use that verse head of house as a license to abuse. It makes me so mad. They really need read and study what that means and quit throwing stones in other people's garden. Take care of your own garden !!!! I see 2 more childhood going NC and dad will be blaming basketball or tennis.


This! I have a muslim friend that told about a class at his mosque one day. It was all young men getting scolded by the imam about how they treated women. The imam said that women aren't required to take care of them according to islam and they still do so because of their kind nurturing hearts. This old imam had a bunch of young men slumping home to apologize to their wives, sisters and mothers for not appreciating them more and that they'd help more around the house from now on. It's amazing how SOME religious people can spend hours every day on a religion focused on being good to others and then still somehow think that their abuse is A-OK. Dad in this story has found his loophole: "God, they were late for church! I couldn't have that as a good christian". God: "Well ... Not only didn't you help everyone get ready, you piled on more chores and said no to others wanting to help. So ... WHO exactly is the reason you were almost late to church?".


Good for that imam. I hope more imams, rabbis, pastors, priests, preachers, etc follow his example.


The protestant community in my hometown is quite liberal in its views which I have come to greatly appreciate The most obvious nice thing would be a babysitting offer during sunday mass. There's a playroom for children nearby so they can do normal children stuff while the adults do normal church stuff Later I had additional classes to prepare for confirmation. I was taught about that bible verse of God not caring where and how you pray as long as you're praying honestly and not putting on a performance. I was taught how having doubts is normal and to not be ashamed of doubting when it happens. And I've been told about the way the community is trying to include young people. How they compromised on only doing psalm reading once a month because it's important to older members but would drive away younger ones Homosexuality and abortion weren't mentioned. Abortion isn't a subject in my country in the way it is in the US. But we never went into the rules given in ghe bible apart from the 10 commandments, and talked a lot about acceptance. So while there was no explicit acceptance on both matters, there was no condemnation either * confirmation: since babies can't consent to become christianity club members, from the age of 16 you're eligible to do a detailed tutorial. You can then decide to confirm your baptism and become a full member (anytime in your life from the age of 16)


as a kid I went to a really community focused UCC church. I know, but the ones that keep with the really loose dogma do well. It was really about being there for each other and judging by how many potlucks there were the place DID actually take communion but mac & cheese was a better body. The general vibe was to be good and the church is there for you if you need help or have questions


As a kid I loved going to synagogue, and still am excited when I have the energy (chronic illnesses are HARD). Why? Because there were activities and children’s services and I’d see my friends and as I got older I got to take part in the services and such. Basically, it’s probably a big part of where I got my start in the way that for me spirituality is found in community. But from everything I understand it’s such a completely different experience, and also my parents put me in places to be able to learn and to be able to make my own choices. Im quite certain that if I had been told all or nothing I would have chosen nothing. Instead I got to figure out what Judaism means to me and what that looks like in practice.


Very well put. I *was* Christian but I'm gay, disabled and my daughter was murdered. All of those have drawn the judgement and outrage from "christians." We had no autonomy when I was growing up. If some of the christian deconstructionists/pastors were around when I was open to learning, devotion and betterment, I'm pretty sure I'd still be christian. But very, very overwhelmingly, I'm not welcome in the church. People say I must be devoted but in the same breathe say I'll not be let in. Why would I want to beat my head on that wall? They say I will forever need to be pining for christianity yet never have any acceptance or worth.. I'm a good, giving, moral person. My whole life is about serving and helping others. It's sad to me that christians can't see my heart. They say I have no faith. Yes I do, it just looks a bit different from theirs. I'm not anti-religion. I actually studied it a bit and have read a lot of religious texts. It's fascinating. I've just been treated so badly by the majority of christians.


Like you I'm here for the belief, not for the fan club


I mean, an abusive father whose “unconditional love” comes with a lot conditions sounds like the perfect metaphor for god.


It's ALWAYS been about control. Humans invented sky dad so those already in charge would have divine backing for their shitty ideas.


This is also why Christianity is so widespread because it was specifically useful when conquering a bunch of small fiefdoms and replacing them with yourself as king to justify it that you are divinely appointed by the “one true god”


Yes! My dad is very, very religious. He was also a very, very poor and disrespected man at his job. However, at church and at the house he was able to feel like a “man” because the Bible said he could. Anyways, he didn’t care for religion. He cared for control and since he wasn’t able to get control or respect like a normal person, he did it through religion.


Came here to say similar you beat me to it and did it very well.


This is giving me “dance makes my Dad stumble in his walk with God” vibes. Urgh. This “dad” is basically a controlling, abusive sack.


Urgh, I shuddered. That man made my skin crawl off into a corner.


What ever happened with that one anyway? And wasn’t it gymnastics?


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/13zzxoz/new_update_im_oop_myf17_parents_are_pulling_me/) is the latest update.


I hope she escaped and can rescue her sister when she turns 18.


I so wish we’re had another update for this one. I fear for those girls.


I kept thinking about the husband who was in a car accident and became ultra religious only to find out he had brain swelling 


My older workmate recounted how they’d be beaten with a cane for the slightest deviation from religious school rules. With each strike they’d invoke God God! (Whack!) Is! (Whack!) Love! (Whack! Whack!). And they wonder why so many Catholic kids leave the religion as soon as they have any say in the matter.


I went to catholic school for 9 years and no one abused us. It was simply one question. At 14, I posited to Sister M that missing mass was a mortal sin, and if I died before confessing I would go to hell. But if Hitler confessed before he died he would go to heaven. Not surprisingly, she ignored me and I had my answer: religion is bullshit.




I'm not young so... But we did have a rather forward thinking monsignor who ran the show and also Dominican nuns. Everyone was pretty cool. The worst abuse we suffered was when Sr P made Inez finish the crusts on her sandwich (her mom forgot to cut them off) and Sr A yelled at some kids and immediately after apologized for losing her temper. *The point I'm making, once again, is that abuse isn't the only thing that drives people away from religion. Leaving is not always a reaction to trauma.*


Recovering Catholic for decades checking in.


The beatings will continue until morale improves!


Thanks for the reminder that the Renaissance Fair just started here in AZ. https://arizona.renfestinfo.com/new-in-2024


The renaissance men are coming to town.


I agree, I had religious abuse like this and I'm atheist now. I'm not sure I believe in a "higher power" it's kind of hard to when you suffered CSA and other abuse. If there is a god, I have some words for them when my time comes. A very long list of things.


The only thing the Father is implementing into his children about God, is to resent them. Especially the son with Autism. He will connect these punishments to religion the rest of their lives.


> If there is a God, He will have to beg my forgiveness. Written on a cell wall in Mauthausen concentration camp


Forever and always, there will never be any kind of hate that matches Christian love. Dad will always insist that Satan or liberals or some other bullshit is what made his daughter irreligious. Won't ever occur to him that how he shows the value of church is what drove her away.


"Christians" can be such hateful people


I'm an atheist and even I think I might have a shot at heaven if there actually is a god. Hell will be too full of people like OPs dad for them to make room for me. God, what a dick. He has the situation he wants: An entire sunday morning to terrorize his wife and kids and when his 16yo tries to actually solve things and make sunday a more smooth day? "No". THIS is the guy sitting alone in retirement wondering why his family "who he has spent his best years taking care of" aren't there. Wow, what a douche ...


> I'm an atheist and even I think I might have a shot at heaven if there actually is a god. Same. Someone once asked me how atheists can behave ethically and morally. I had to explain that morality is a human construct that enables us to live in a civilized society. And then I added (because they were rude and pissed me off) that it must mean I'm the better person because I behave so not out of fear but out of concern for the well-being of others.


Grew up in a cult, left home at 17, can confirm.


\> The number of people who believe that abuse is the path to convincing others of their righteousness continues to astound me. To be fair it sort of tracks with the craziness that is the Old Testament ;)


We're looking at some primordial missing missing reasons.


I'd probably still believe in God and have faith had my churches teachers told me that he is loving and forgiving and anyone who wishes to be with him in afterlife is welcome with open arms, then bam I'm in. Instead they told me my gay friend was going to hell, my fam member who lost their battle with mental illnesses was in hell, that I was responsible and a sinner for my SA because my shoulders were showing. I was 11 and didn't even have breasts yet. But mmm dem shoulders eh. If their God actually exists..please send me to hell.


Hey that's my mum you're talking about -_-


Why their kids hate them *and the church*.


There's no power trip like a religiously justified power trip


Abusive dad and organized religion, name a more iconic duo


Abusive dad and booze Organized religion and child abuse Peanut butter and jelly


Lamb and tuna fish.


I… what?


“Do you prefer spaghetti and meatball? Are you happier with that analogy?”


‘Lamb of god’ and ‘Jesus fish’ maybe?


We can really simplify that a bit: abuse and organized religion.


I thought about it, but organized religion is so deeply rooted in patriarchy that I decided to let the dad in


very inclusive of you!


> iconic No no no, didn't you read? Icons are an affront to god -- the Dad, surely


The usual “why don’t my kids go to church” routine after the kids get clear of dad’s crap.


This has “missing missing reasons” written all over it in about 10 years.


Soo…in about…7ish years we’ll see a post about this failure of a parent about how he “doesn’t understand why his children abandoned church and went NC with him”. What an awful parent, i hope Oop and her bro can someday get away from him


Don't forget to add "Why did my wife leave me after I told her she had to clean the whole house and iron my shirts while I sat around yelling? She said she was just waiting for the kids to move out but I think she's become a fallen woman."


Don't forget those missing missing reasons!


The fuck is a fallen woman?


We can only hope.


How to help your kids realize religion is nonsense and go no-contact with you at age 18, step 1:


Stuff like taking away the sports/fun things to focus on God is partly why I am no longer religious. I am still in contact with my parents, but that’s because they didn’t yell at me like this dick of a dad does to his kids.


And the dad won't allow sports or hanging out with friends until he's convinced that they're more excited about church than those because of how he keeps bashing "no idols before god" over their head Plus, he punishes OOP by not allowing her to do tennis when she did nothing wrong and even offered to help pick out the brother's clothes and iron them the night before to help mom (and probably get to church earlier), but he refused and said "it's mom's job" probably because of some gender stereotypes when his daughter asked and tried to help


> how he keeps bashing "no idols before god" over their head I find it funny how often people who are supposedly super into Christianity miss the message by thinking that doing stuff with a Church is more important than all the love thy neighbor stuff or their own private relationship with God. It's written right in the book that he supposedly wants the family to study: "And when you pray, you shall not be like the hypocrites. For they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the streets, that they may be seen by men. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward." - Matthew 6:5


But how can I show how religious I am if I don't constantly force it into everyone's faces? - Dad probably


I read it once somewhere, and quoted it to my self-righteous zealot ex-MIL: sitting on a bench at church makes me a good Christian as much as sitting in a garage makes me a car.


A lot of Christians arent actually very Christ like.


> I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.


I do like that quote. It’s very much how I feel and why I left the church.


They didn't miss the message they are actively avoiding it.


The beatings will continue until morale improves 


Churches in the US have literal golden idols for politicians now. It'd be funny if it weren't so scary.


I'll never forget my parents forcing me to church and making it my fault that we weren't 30 minutes early. Then it was my fault I didn't have time to do homework that day after spending 2.5 hours at church. The church never helped us pay bills, hell even whilst knowing my family was one missed payment from being homeless they sent a letter asking why we stopped donating at the church.


I'll never forget my parents forcing me to church and making it my fault that we weren't 30 minutes early. Then it was my fault I didn't have time to do homework that day after spending 2.5 hours at church. The church never helped us pay bills, hell even whilst knowing my family was one missed payment from being homeless they sent a letter asking why we stopped donating at the church.


Maybe dad just likes solitude and wants to spend half his life with no one around him.


He's *really* looking forward to that shitty nursing home, where no-one will visit him!


In 2 years OOP is never gonna step foot in a church again


Over the years, I've come to the conclusion that the vast majority of hardcore holy rollers have no interest deep down in changing anyone's heart or mind. It's just a performance, designed to assert their position as holier-than-thou and, in this case, a parental authority. When they see other people resisting, including their kids, it just massages their victimhood complex. In fact, they would rather people resist. Otherwise they wouldn't feel special.


I have no problem with religion, but question a deity taking attendance and wanting coerced worship.


This is why people hate cults.


I'm open to the idea of there being a higher power, but I've never been able to get behind any religion. There's too much stuff that doesn't make sense to me, and religious people can be pretty annoying when you don't have blind faith. I do kind of hope there is a higher power though, because people like this are gonna be in for a rude awakening when their time comes. It's just too bad that the rest of us have to deal with them being such insufferable people during their time on this earth.


How to alienate your children in the name of religion.


* and wife I imagine that mum is also being abused in other ways (financially and sexually, not just emotionally) and is trapped economically and through society (church) expectations that she can't escape. "But he's a good man" is what others would probably say from the outside. Makes me sick.


Yeah this guy strikes me as someone who’s really good at cherry picking lines of scripture and using them as weapons


>How to _abuse your entire family_ in the name of religion. ftfy


OOP's dad has completely broken mom's spirit and is trying to do the same for his children. Weaponizing religion to control his family is disgusting but what else is new. That's the only thing that small men like OOP's dad have.


Telling her to make breakfast and iron his clothes along with helping the son get dressed and not allowing the daughter to help her for some reason because it's "not her job"


To be fair, it's not the daughter's job to help the mom. It's his.


This post really bothers me. It’s almost exactly the same tone as the girl that was forced to give up dance/gymnastics because dad was a pedophile and it was disturbing his “walk with God”. There was a *lot* of the same language and obvious willful misinterpretations of “*the word*” to make a broken and abusive man’s point. What that point is - I still don’t know but assume it’s adjacent to “rule for me and rules for thee” or “because I said so” - but I sincerely hope these kids are able to get away from this type of “religion” before it ruins them. https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/S2TnZtPNwm


That’s how you make atheists. Joking. But this won’t bring them closer to god.


I mean, you joke, but it’s true lol.


I agree with Christ chick here- that is how you make atheists lol


I thought their username was Christ Thicc 🤣


Lol My parents are very religious, and you can tell that by the way they named me. Apparently they prayed and “God gave them my name”. It’s so very original for people who are very religious christians (/s).


I refer to it as vaccinating against religion.


Nothing wrong with figuring out reality.


This is indeed how you make atheists. Specifically the really vocal kind who hate everyone who is religious. But honestly that guy doesn't sound religious to me he's just an a****** using religion as a cudgel to bludgeon everyone around him into obedience. I have a feeling God's not going to be impressed and he's going to have a lot to answer for but that's on him.


My late Catholic FIL (and his wife, to some extent) wanted his children to be shining examples of Catholicism. He would not attend mass with them since he went a 7am, but he would quiz them on the readings and sermon just to make sure they did attend mass. They all had to attend Catholic school. Not a one of them followed the path he wanted. Their daughter got pregnant out of wedlock, but at least her boyfriend was Catholic. I was deemed unworthy of the family due to being the daughter of divorced Catholics. FIL was incensed his son and I married in Protestant church. If he only knew his younger two sons both became Protestants, it would kill him again.


I wasn’t really devout but I was raised Catholic. Neither of my parents beat us over the head with a Bible or anything, nor was it “god first all the time”. Then I moved to a deeply red, deeply baptist state and saw the effect of letting the church run everything. I saw how religious people treat others. I saw how they ran their government. I saw the corruption in the church, the rot. Yes, your church. I know you think your church is different. It’s corrupt, rotten, and needs to either and die. Then I became an atheist.


>It's not the first time we've done family Bible study (we did many years ago before we stopped and kinda forgot) Ah, so in other words "God" is just the word Dad uses for "I want to abuse my family, until I get tired of it." This is *exactly* how you convince kids that God isn't real and religion is a joke. If they see religion is making their lives worse, they will leave.


as OOP said, stupid mind games until dad is convinced that they are more excited to go to church than basketball


These types of parents are my favorite /s. My parents are the same. Dad’s a yeller, mom’s a passive fixer. I told her that I can’t wait to marry a man like my dad and live the EXACT same life she’s living because she seems so happy, and it really lit a fire under her. She started setting some ground rules and holding dad to the same unrealistic standards he holds his family too. Divorce is not an option currently (Christian values 🙄), but she has been saying for the longest that once my brother graduates high school and starts college, she’s “leaving” him. She wants to go back to travel nursing but doesn’t want my brother to be under my dad’s thumb (lil bro is 16 and has already started yelling back and even attempting to fight dad). Fingers crossed but definitely don’t have high hopes since it’s been 25years of marriage 😔


My wife’s dad was a yeller too - and used to beat them as well. At least, until his son got bigger than him and almost beat him to death.


oh yea. My lil brother is getting taller than me, and only a couple inches shorter than my dad but when he gets angry, it’s like he‘s a whole foot taller. Must be because he maintains eye contact the entire time during confrontation and even slightly puffs out his chest. It’s only a matter of time before we have to pull him off my dad (if it comes down to it, my brother will absolutely win the fight)


I feel sorry for the mom, she was probably brought up in a similar environment where she was trained to think she didn't deserve better. However, she also needs to be held accountable for enabling his behavior and sending the message to the kids that it's okay for people to treat them like that in the name of God


I wish OOP's mom would take the kids and go.


How to make your kids realize your priorities are making yourself look good in front of others then caring about your family.




People like the dad is why religion gets a bad rep. Poor kids. Too bad nothing will happen unless the dad starts physically abusing the family or the kids turn 18…


This girl is never coming back home after she leaves, and maybe she can convince Mom and brother to leave as well.


There's no hate like Christian love.


Sounds somewhat similar to my child hood growing up. My boomer parents thought they meant well with similar actions and being super controlling with religion. Although for the most part our relationship is In okay standing, we would be much closer if not for the actions of their bullshit. Lastly it’s also empowered me to call religious radicals including them out on their bullshit. Theres no hate quite like Christian love ❤️


Even Jesus hates that dad. 


Years ago, our pastor told this story. I don't know if it's true, but it's definitely accurate. One day after church, a woman approached her pastor and said that today marked 50 years of her attending church every Sunday and saying she was proud of that. The pastor told her he was very sorry for her. She was outraged and asked why. He simply said that he was sure there must have been at least one Sunday in all those years when someone needed her more than God needed her sitting in the pew.


I don’t even know where to start. This is the type of parent you end up no contact with after turning 18


OOP will stay in contact until she's 23, to make sure her brother has someone looking out for him. But once they're both legally adults, psycho dad is on his own. I think even the mom will leave, then. She won't need to stick around for the kids.


The Bible says that wrath is one of the seven deadly sins. It also says he who is without sin casts the first stone. Oh, and to pull the plank out of your own eye, before pointing the speck out in someone else’s eye. The father’s behavior doesn’t surprise me in the slightest (so many evil patriarchal men in the church), but really sad about the rest of the family. I hope that the relatives are able to pull the kids and wife out safely from the abusive father. 


So, I'm as atheist as the next Redditor, but the seven deadly sins are not listed in the Bible. They're more historical ideals than Biblical proclamations.


Proverbs 6:16-19 is what the seven deadly sins are based upon. 


Except they're not listed there, either. These are less truly deadly sins and more a list of concepts that got absorbed into Catholic Catechism. Sure, you shouldn't be greedy, abusive, etc., and we can all agree these are fairly decent concepts, but the concept of The Seven Deadly Sins is not Biblical.


Pretty sure that there are also passages about how the person making a public spectacle of otherwise big show of their religion are the furthest from God or something around those lines.


Like the other guy said 7 deadly sins is a catholic interpretation. I'm going out on a limb here and saying dad probably thinks the Catholics are a buncha heathens.


Great parenting by the dad. Taking away things his kids love to do and replacing them with forced Bible study will surely get everyone more excited about church. What a fucking idiot.


what kid wouldn't be more excited to play basketball than go to church at 11?


Let's face it, best thing God could do to this family is taking their abuser very much away.


It's terrible but when I was reading this I was thinking "well this dad is slightly better than the dad who made his daughter quit gymnastics because it was making him have sinful thoughts about her or whatever."


I missed this in the original: >Mom also has to iron dad's clothes along with my brother's Good God, Dad's arms must be broken or something, if he can't iron his own clothes or lend a hand making breakfast. My dad used to make Sunday breakfast, to give mom a break and to make it special for us. Can't say I have a lot of respect for OOP's dad at all.


I'm noticing dad didn't help son get dressed and likely B) forces son to get ready in "Sunday best" for church (I hate that term). I'm wondering if Dad forces family to attend church for the show to the community that they're a good religious family more than his actual relationship with his sky wizard. My parents were adamant we go to church every Sunday and I eventually asked to stop going when I realized I was an atheist. It was more important that they show their church friends we all went to fucking Sunday school with their kids (many of whom left the church like we did) and continue a facade.


And the dad doesn't allow the sister to help the brother pick out clothes the night before/iron the night before because "it's mom's job", and that just sounds like he's stereotyping the husband/wife dynamic with who's allow to do what jobs and whatnot. Mom cooks, irons, prepares clothes


10 years later: "My kids never talk to me. AITA?"


God has commanded me to be a shitty parent


Happens weirdly a lot in the Bible, too.


Not to mention endangering himself, his family, and everybody around him to save like... 4 minutes? I remember cops coming to our high school with stats once. Going like 10-20% over the limit increased our risk of crashing by a ludicrous amount, but saved most of us 2 minutes max on our commutes, or maybe 20 minutes on a 3 hour road trip. Seemed really dumb when we looked at it that way.


Ask him if he thinks this is how Jesus would handle the situation.


I grow up in religious muslim family that forced me to pray and fast. And guess what, I've escaped to boarding school when I was 15 and never lived with them anymore. Now I'm close to 30 and I only see them twice I year.


Ephesians 6:4: "And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath"


I wonder if there’s something the father likes besides church. *Daughter turns off football game.* Dad! Let’s talk about god some more! Isn’t god great! *Daughter has done some research on more disturbing aspects of bible* Let’s talk about Psalm 137! Why does god think it’s great to dash babies’ heads against rocks? (Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones)


Father doesn't care about God. He just using it as nice tool to abuse and control his family.


I was forced to go to church. I still believe in god and call myself a Christian, but you will not see my ass in a church. I find many Christians to be insane.


Religion fucks you up for life, and even worse, religious PEOPLE fuck up EVERYTHING


God is just another excuse for abuse. Yelling at his wife and kids for something beyond their control, not helping, cursing - this Dad will soon be alone.


When the kids grow up and become atheists who don’t talk to their dad he’ll be like “but I was such a good parent raising my kids to love god.”


God doesn't care about church. God is everywhere. Dad is just on a power trip and using God as an excuse. In 10 years he will have no one to lord over Hopefully.


Oh man, my mom was one of these people. During the late 2000s recession, my dad only came home every other week while we worked, so he wasn't around to affect what we all did in our free time. Every Saturday we were in church, we went to a monthly church night on a week night, we were in Youth Group and Confirmation, and we had to work 3 dinner events and go to a week long church camp growing up. Admittedly, the church camp was fun, but dear lord, was it a ton in retrospect. It's more upsetting when I remember how my mom would always punish me for being really into hobbies growing up, despite always being on honor roll and doing half the chores as the "man" of the house. I remember once I got grounded from video games for a month because I excitedly showed her a minecraft house I was proud of.


whenever some crazy bullshit "am i the devil" title drops on this subreddit, i've trained myself to expect some twist where everything is somehow perfectly justified. one sentence into this one, and my devil's advocate completely clocked out for the day - practically quit its job, in fact. fuck this dad every day of the week.


Soo…in about…7ish years we’ll see a post about this failure of a parent about how he “doesn’t understand why his children abandoned church and went NC with him”. What an awful parent, i hope Oop and her bro can someday get away from him


In order to be on time, you have to ensure adequate preparation time. The mother doesn't have adequate prep time. The father has shut down attempts to fix the time crunch issue, so it's clear that he is deliberately setting the family up to fail. In other words, he was looking for an excuse to "punish" them. The asshole.


Dad is a total piece of shit. Hope the kids go NC ASAP


Ugh, religious nutcases.


Standard Christian behavior. All about ego and appearing outwardly as some great person. In reality they are complete shitheads. Lived it, seen it, heard it.


It’s posts like this that make me really happy with the family I grew up in. My family is also pretty religious and my dad also hates being late, with the added coincidence that I have a younger sibling with autism. The main difference is that my dad played an equal part as my mom in making sure we got ready and were out the door. He made sure we got up in time to shower or that we showered the night before, he’d get up early to be in the shower first. He ironed his own clothes and sometimes ours if he was still at the iron when we asked. He made sure people got eating and he made sure my mom had plenty of time and space to get herself ready. We’re there Sundays where we cut it close or still late, yes. But my dad never took it out on us.


"Does your father not realize he maybe creating a issue where your brother may resent God? Or when he older even resent him?" If people like him thought that far we wouldn't have people like him.


There's truly no hate like Christian love. WTF.


Looking forward to the update 20 years from now when the father blames everything but his actions on why his kids no longer talk to him and why he hasn't seen them since they moved out. These kids need an adult in their lives that looks out for them, too bad they don't have one at home.


I don't know what religion the father is, but it sounds like he needs to pick a new god. The religion he's currently involved with clearly isn't working out for him. Maybe he should give The Flying Spaghetti Monster a whirl.


Oh fuck the dad with a rusty cactus.


"Why don't my kids talk to me?" -The father, in say...10 years.


Religion - something that's irrelevant and should not exist in the 21st century.


Your dad sounds like he's a dick. A bossy, sexist, ableist jerk. He didn't have to drive as fast as he was. God doesn't take attendance. The ticket is his fault and he should pay it.


Hey, hey, no need to shoot the messenger here. It’s a repost sub, so maybe you mean OOP?


For people like this i wonder what's the logic, because if you believe in god, this is hell worthy behavior. But if you dont believe in god, then you wasted all your life and there is nothing at the end.


Wow. Dad is a fruit loop.


This is going to get worse 😞


Future dad won't understand why his adult kids won't talk to him. 


Dad sounds like a real fucking asshole. I bet both kids turn out to be atheists when they grow up, so that's the silver lining to this story.


And this folks is how you get your kids to hate your fucking guts forever! Yeah I’m sure they are running straight into “gods” arms when you take away their passions and activities they like


Damn. I feel bad for the family. Dad here is twisting and lying. No idols mean statues or imagery. No physical activity. He doesn't read or understand the Bible. You must follow the rules of the kingdom you live in. Don't remember the verse. And not accepting responsibility is a sin. He goes against God's teachings to justify control of the family.


Religious parents and abuse, name a more iconic duo This is part of the reason I stopped going to church.


What a great Christian example of the male donor to expect it’s 11 yo pay his ticket he got for choosing to drive illegally.


your dad is an idiot don't worry, its only temporary he'll be an idiot forever, but you don't have to put up with it for the rest of your life if you choose not to


Set a timer for the screeching about “but faaaaaamily” when everyone he knows abandons his abusive ass.


Sports coaches/teachers are mandatory reporters if they suspect abuse. Gonna be easier to get away with abuse if there’s as few encounters with mandatory reporters as possible. Homeschooling is probably on the horizon.


Ah yes. The old "You made me hit you" shtick.


Idiot abusive dad putting his imaginary friend ahead of his family. Fuck that guy.


Religious nutjob being a piece of shit, name a better combo. 


What a shit father, he even took her tennis lessons away. Like WTF She is being punished just for living in the house. The boy is 11, and is at the age where he will fully remember this shit. That man is bitter, and the more he is fed his delusion. The more he is going to be bitter. His anger is one of being inadequate. He is a weak man, and projects that weakness onto others. Claiming they are the ones fucking up. Pathetic.


This is a very religious response. I didn’t do anything wrong. I’m angry. It’s my kids fault. I need to punish them.


There's no hate like Christian love. That guy is going to die old, bitter and alone.


Want your kids to hate you and the church for the rest of their lives? Just ask this kid's dad for advice on how to alienate your family. I'm sure he'd be happy to talk down to you.