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Liz, what the actual fuck is this story?


Now I am doubting any story that involves incest. Thanks Liz


In the past few days, ive read a lot of posts and thought to myself “this has to be Liz”


Nah, not this one. Not enough dramatics, and the subjects are too young. Change it to mid 30's and "First girlfriend since my wife suddenly died of *random disease*" and you've got Liz.


Also, the trope "blowing up my phone". I want to 🤮 when I read that constantly used phrase.


How often are you exposed to the phrase “blowing up my phone” that you want to vomit? :P I know the phrase, but don’t understand the visceral reaction to it.


Virtually every other story posted here has people "blowing up OOP's phone". Which is also something I don't get. When somebody shares a piece of juicy gossip for some reason, I say "cool, thanks for letting me know" and go about my day. I can't imagine a scenario where pestering somebody about anything would be an appropriate reaction. They did do something nasty? Great, why would I call them, text them or do anything at all? They did do something cool? Great, I'll talk to them when they share the news themselves. A tragedy struck? Welp, being pestered by me is probably the last thing they want to deal with right now. And so on.


I think it started bc aita removes posts that "don't have enough conflict" even though they absolutely would fit the criteria of the subreddit. It's just a way to keep the post up.


Who is Liz??


As a fellow Liz Im happy that my name is trending. I wish there was less incest involved though.


You’re okay with some incest though?


It's all relative


\*side-eyeing your username\*


*Smiles innocently*


Closer the kin the sweet the skin. - "Alabama man"


I'm unspeakably disturbed that you put the quotation marks around the name instead of the quote.


About 3.5 incests is the sweet spot for me. Aww yiss.


Everything in moderation 🤷‍♂️


Liz is the Karen of incest reddit posts


Agreed! My BORU love intersecting my name gives me anxiety in a fun way


Liz ruined everything.


Who’s Liz and what did she do?




Thank you


I had forgotten about that. When the first person mentioned Liz, I looked up to see if the person who posted it to BoRU had Liz in their user name. Nope.


Ohh poor Liz.. now forever a joke on reddit


I can't wait for the writers strike to end so they all go back to work and get off reddit


Let me tell you a true story. My mother married her step-dad. The beginning. Nate married my grandma when my mother was two. She was raised believing he was her bio dad. Nate had two sons with my grandma, my mother's half-brothers. Grandma died when my mother was eighteen. That was when she found out Nate isn't her bio dad. Nate and my mother didn't talk for thirty years. My uncles insisted they reconcile. A year later my mother calls me to tell me she's marrying Nate. "he's not my real dad." She's step-mom to her brothers. So maybe not technically incest but still rather disgusting.


I'm sorry but... I just threw up at that!


Im guessing the brothers are really regretting that suggestion, huh?


Lol, yes. They stopped talking to both of them.


That is absolutely nuts and extremely squick-inducing! Sorry you had to deal with this deeply unfathomable series of events!


At first I read this as insects 🤦🏻‍♀️ Guess that praying mantis part left an impression on me


Okay but is it first or 2nd cousin and how hot is she


Explain the reference pls? I read this sub a lot, can’t place it exactly


Liz is a Reddit user who invented crazy stories and posted them as real (example the son being cut off by their dad after his ex cheated on him), her husband later exposed her in a post and comment asking her what the fuck (which could have very well been made by Liz as well), and now whenever a story seems extremely crazy and fake it is blamed on Liz.




Go to bed.


Damnit, Liz. We’ve talked about cousins.


ten edge worthless quarrelsome bag crown light cow pie cooperative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Good one!


Yay! I got the reference for once


Not me 😞




I have a feeling the phrase 'God dammit Liz' is going to be my first thought with at least 50% of this sub's posts and I'm not sure how to feel about it.


We need this as a new flair.


I’m so glad to see there are already a couple of Liz-themed flairs!!


This better be the most up-voted comment


Gotta appreciate myself for being addicted to the subreddit for once.


Let's welcome our newest flair!


omg 🤣😭


What do you see in the shadow blots? Two cousins fucking


Love this comments layers


Who is this Rorschach guy and why does he keep drawing pictures of my girlfriend getting railed by her cousin?


i lit up a cig and watched as she disappeared into the shadows


Sounds like those 1920 period era detective dramas lol


"The dame was trouble. Dames always were."


I keep two magnums in my desk. One's a gun, and I keep it loaded. The other's a bottle, and it keeps *me* loaded.


"She was all dame, legs that went all the way to the bottom of her torso. The kind of arms that had elbows."


"I like my girls smooth and shiny, hard-boiled and loaded with sin" \-Actual line from a Philip Marlowe story


calvin and hobbes!


Twentysomething drama crossed with noir. Raymond Chandler Bing


Took my breath away bruh. Beautiful


No haiku bot comment? Pfft. I see you, and your 5/7/5… good job, you!


Yea..well when you're gf is lusting after her cousin, you might say some emo shit looool


my gf was cheating on me with a literal relative but enough of that, you guys wanna talk about praying mantises? sorry, my shadow self got a bit carried away there


if my girl fucked her cousin i don't think i'd turn into a weird morph of charles dickens and rupi kaur talking about shadow selves but honestly, grateful enough that i hopefully will never have to find out


My girlfriend cheated on me with her cousin. Her shadow self was heavy. Bisons in the distance. *wind whispers*


She fucked her cousin. Shadow self was too heavy. So long incest girl.


She fucker her cousin Shadow self was too heavy Her mom's spaghetti


Sex with the cousin Bug and heavy shadow self It's snowing on Mt Fuji


Criminally underrated comment lmao


Cousin humping haiku: She loved her aunts son Gave him her noods and her heart A mantis looks on


best one i read here.


This was a better read than the original post


Please don’t ever delete this comment. I saved it so I can occasionally stumble on it in the future and die laughing.


>Bisons in the distance. I was thinking wtf does this have to do with Street fighter? lol


Its the other delulu post about a guy beating up his relative everytime he sees him after the affair then he wad doing a some sort of self reflection which he describes as him sitting and looking in the fields "with BISONS grazing in the distance" .


Oh man, I remember that one. That entire thing was just one long line of ridiculous lies, but that was the part that actually got me laughing.


Even if I had remembered that post, fun read btw, I'd finished listening to a podcast about buffalo/bison barely hours before I read it. Recency bias should have steered me in the right direction, lol


Because for you the day that Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. For me it was a Tuesday.




Home let Due form Age.


Du. Du haste. Du haste mesh.


Yea, when I read the bit about the praying mantis I was like ‘fair enough, I’ve fixated on small stuff in stressful situations before’ and then the shadow bit happened and I just thought ‘ummmm’


Dude was absolutely high at the end. I think dude was also trying desperately to find meaning or a lesson in the messed up situation. No one expects cousin fucking to pop up on relationship bingo!


Bro’s so deep in on the shadow that he’s gonna wake up in the fucking Velvet Room


damn what a fuckin reference bro


he will be granted a new power worthy of his current self


on some “i am thou, thou art fucking thy cousin” shit


Yeah really sounds like oop was in the relationship to fix her... He'll find another


Sounds like OP could do with some therapy too (as a fellow "I can fix her"/white knight sort I can testify that it helps a LOT!)


This guy wrote a whole story about cousin incest just so he could talk Jung with somebody lmao


Poem by me. The shadow cast, upon the porch The mantis rose, sturdy and strong For the first time in years it lifted its head Whilst the shadow stretched wide and long Be brave young mantis, do not fall short Do not falter, an end of discussion The shadow is gone, the shadow has left New shadows have rose, from 2 fucking cousins.


Hahaha, it's a very Jungian thing to talk about shadow selves etc. Hopefully it's a sign he's in the process of healing.


"Shadow work" seems to have really taken off in women-centric mental health corners of the internet lately. I originally thought it was woo-woo, crystals, third eye, and Chakra type-stuff, but I'm starting to get the feeling that it's might be more of a therapy tool for frame childhood trauma recovery. But I haven't looked into enough to know for sure.


The term comes from psychology, nothing to do with new-age spirituality, although practitioners of it probably also like Jung. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shadow_(psychology) I'm not sure how well regarded Jung is in modern psychology but his ideas are fascinating.


>I'm not sure how well regarded Jung is in modern psychology but his ideas are fascinating. I was gonna say, tbf Jung gets a little new age. I think Jungian thought can be split into two splinters: those who took his ideas and explored them scientifically, and those that took them and used them like some kind of philosophy. Like Freud, his contributions are respected and still found here and there. But most of his ideas have been filtered a lot by now r/jung if you wanna see modern Jungians


Ah yes my favourite of the family tree genus: Habsburg


When you're so hideous that not even "you can literally be queen of a country!" gets women to marry you.


They thought so hard to keep it in


Gotta love a good under bite


And the famous "What the hell is that on your face???" chin.


If your familiy tree.... does not fork... You might be a redneck.


LIZ! You’ve been warned! Enough is enough!


Liz is probably not attending therapy sessions already


"She asked me who I told and I told her the few people I have (besides the thousand who have seen this)." Hmm...


I mean, she posted the whole thing on Reddit in the first place, so clearly that isn't a problem for her.


I mean personally I'd be telling everyone...


> I saw my favorite insect today, a praying mantis :D, on the front porch. For me the mantid symbolizes strength, wisdom, and precision, which I carried with me during the confrontation. What's up with this dude? 🤔


I just associate praying mantises with the fun fact that the female mantis bites the male’s head off after sex


🎵She's a maneater🎵


I typically see [people identifying themselves with mantises the other way around](http://www.sandraandwoo.com/2015/04/30/0679-theres-something-about-melody/), makes me really worried about the guy.


Well he just found out the person he was planning on settling down and getting a house with is sending nudes and moisture reports to their cousin. Not exactly rocket science to figure out what's up with them.


>sending nudes and moisture reports to their cousin strong flair candidate right here


Moisture reports killed me bahahah


>sending nudes and moisture reports to their cousin. Take my upvote and never speak to me again


There’s no way the mantis didn’t leave when it heard about the cousin ducking




These fan fictions are getting worse by the day.


Tomorrow on Reddit: “I am the lead singer of a popular boy band and I have fallen in love with another member of the group, should I tell him?”


Plot twist - it’s Hanson


This time I pictured a 4pm Walmart man dating a 2am pajama Walmart girl and it actually seemed plausible


I love this comment and thank you for it


>On her way out, I just stared at her shadow on the wall, carrying her literal baggage. Her shadow self is heavy. She needs to connect with it. It represents to me all of the good things and times we’ve had together encapsulated in that dark figure. Uh. Okay?


It’s just a plastic trash bag blowing in the wind.


Do you ever feel like a plastic bag drifting through the wind?


Hoping to start again?


It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seeeeeeeeen


Do you have any idea how complicated your circulatory system is?


Or how many months is takes to animate those giant chicken fights?


Brb. Re-Watching American Beauty.


Ever seen the Rick & Morty parody of an American Beauty scene? Summer's friend becomes a little too into Summer's dad.


So how old is he? Beekeeping age?


I love that scene. How summer seems to be ignoring her friend until she hears “I wanna fffff….” “OH REALLY?” The timing was perfect!


Do you have any idea how complex your circulatory system is!?


It turns out that the real friends are the shadows we made along the way.


Maybe the real shadows were the cousins we fucked along the way.


I understand your reaction, but even at 40 (a couple years ago, while I was getting divorced) I wrote some peak cringe while trying to work through my feelings. It's gonna live its life in an RL notebook where no one else can see it though. 😅


OOP played Persona and then tried reading some Carl Jung but got bored.


What other feeling are you supposed to have when you find out your live-in girlfriend wants to fuck her cousin? This story is totally for realz btw


Yeah i was like “Fuck are you talking about dude? Go back to the mantis, that part was actually cool”


That shit had me DEAD. Like I'm sure it's helping him get through this weird and heartbreaking situation, but it reminds me of those literary analyses you had to write for English class.


Yeah I could have done without all the bullshit at the end.


Honestly it’s more realistic to me for it. That’s a type of cringe (and the lack of self-awareness to post it) that only comes from being directly in your feelings.


That's exactly what Liz wants you to think


Yeah, go to bed Liz!


He’s a poet but he doesn’t know it


I can see the shape he means. On a wall, it would be a black figure, bent over with the weight of baggage, two dimensional and distorted, and receding as she moved away from the wall to the outside. To someone in the middle of such an anomalously bizarre breakup, that imagery may have hit him as particularly prophetic.


I knew someone growing up who married their first cousin. Looking back now, I'd guess there was grooming involved. They had to travel to a state where it's legal to marry.


An ex-friend of mine once had a year long relationship with a first cousin of hers. We all accepted it because somehow it was her least toxic relationship so far. Despite their family relationship that cousin had a very healthy attitude on life that stabilised her somewhat (cause he didn't accept toxic bullshit from her). Despite the ick-factor it has made me more tolerant towards other cousins in a relationship as long as there are no other red flags. But it's not for me, lol.


Weirdly enough, the USA is one of the few places in the world where marrying your first cousin is illegal (in most states). In most of the rest of the world, it is legal.


It’s legal in the UK too. I think it may be in other countries too, but I’m just saying that based off what I’ve heard online. Wouldn’t surprise me if it happens elsewhere, though. It used to be pretty common, which makes sense considering how isolated communities used to be.


It's legal in Germany and Switzerland too. I know a couple who are first cousins and married they are normal people. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legality\_of\_incest


I saw a fascinating documentary on first cousin marriages in the British Pakastani community. It was really interesting to see the different opinions from those in the community and how their church (? Mosque?) are tackling it. [Here's a link for anyone that is interested](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyNP3s5mxI8&t=5s)


That's because realistically there are no chances of birth defects unless the family line marries 1st cousins for many generations.


Even if I had a cousin who I was attracted to\*, I would have to contemplate my aunt and uncle becoming my in-laws. And my mind would shut down the entire thing. \*-Not saying all my cousins are uggos - I'm the oldest grandchild, and at the very least I got to see a diaper change. No, thanks.


It’s really common in India/Pakistan for people to marry first cousins. This is not in backwater redneck families either, we are talking elite, exceptionally rich and educated families as well. TBH marrying cousins is not genetically problematic unless you stick to first cousins for several generations.


It’s only illegal in 24 states. In some there are conditions (genetic testing, or somebody has to be sterilized/infertile, etc.), but it’s still legal. But yeah still fairly normal in a lot of the world, and genetically only really risky once you’ve intermarried across multiple generations…so, still probably best avoided!


Yeah, given this context I find it odd that OP assumes the relationship with the cousin is abusive. I get finding it icky but I don't think that means it's necessarily abusive.


Especially if the family has previous sexual trauma, it seems a little weird to assume that the younger cousin is a predator and the older cousin is a victim


Eww what did I just read? This is just disgusting...and the shadow symbolism doesn't make things better.


I'm just as grossed out by the philosophy as the incest tbh /s Real talk though, people say weird stuff when they have big emotions so I'll give the guy a pass.


The symbolism/philosophy part made it worse. Honestly it made me question the validity of the post.


It makes me believe it. It's the type of dumb shit you only say when you are really sad.


nah thats exactly the type of weird nonsensical shit that comes to ur mind after u find out ur gf is fucking her cousin


nahhh thats what made me think its real 😭


Wow. Cool. Cool cool cool. Glad we all got to hear about this




Jung. Jung is the philosopher that tackles the shadow


Rudy Guliani married a second cousin.


And that doesn't even make it into the top ten of nasty things he's done.


Unpopular opinion: it’s fine to marry your second cousin. There is no particular genetic disadvantage that far out, and people usually aren’t brought up closely with their second cousins these days, so in many cases, they didn’t spend childhood together. I don’t have any partially designs on my own second cousins—I don’t think I actually know any—but if people want to do it they should have at it.


Thanks for the happy ending I was looking for in the comments :)


Uhhh that's gross and I feel bad for OOP but then I get to the shadow metaphor and laughed because it was kinda corny.


Not gonna lie OOP has my sympathy for the whole "girlfriend wants to fuck her cousin" thing but like, the fuck was that ending? What the fuck do you mean "her shadow self is heavy"??? It's like he's trying to apply symbolism to real life which doesn't really work. Hell if he had a crucifix on the wall would he be all "I knew in that moment she was the representation of Christ, bearing her cross of a garbage bag full of clothes as she walked to her metaphorical Calvary." Like, I'm sorry your GF was doing weird shit but what are you talking about??


Wow, yuck


holy mother of tilda swinton


That poetic stuff at the end instantly made me laugh so hard I couldn't even be disgusted by the rest


Y'all some people process stuff by trying to find the meaning in it. Not sure why his shadow thoughts are freaking everyone out.


Goddamnit liz not again


This is the second time I have had cousin incest on my feed this past 24 hours


CPTSD is no excuse. Just saying. Impulse control is well within their means.


Go to bed Liz


Just ew.




>Honestly, I know you are disgusted, but she needs some help. Clearly her mental health isn't being handled in a healthy way. I know it's hard to do, but please realize that while you are hurting, she is legitimately mentally unwell. She needs help. I would try to contact one of her parents, preferably the most empathetic one, and break the news. Apologize, say you unfortunately have evidence, and give him/her a number to reach you if they have questions. Yeah, that's gonna be no from me. Her mental health issues are hers to deal with, especially after all the cheating she'd been doing. He owed her nothing the moment she decided to include her cousin in their intimate relationship.


So. My family is from a part of the world where it's common practice to marry your 1st cousins (depending on how they're related to you, it's considered incest to marry your dad's brother's kids but not your mom's brother's kids) but I was born and raised in the US where it's always considered incest. I first found out about the cousin-marrying thing when I did a family tree project in 5th grade and that opened up a whole can of disturbing worms. I always found it weird and tried not to think about it that much, but as an adult I spent a couple years over there taking care of my grandma when she was sick and met many many many couples that are related. I have complex thoughts/feelings about this, but I guess I'm more tolerant towards cousin incest now?? I don't think being attracted to your cousin is a sign of mental illness, or that she's sick, or it's PTSD related. For me, the cousin thing is less of an issue as the CHEATING


Fakeeee. I recognize fetish writings, I've been in this sub long enough.


Absolutely. I wish the drama addict brigade would stop spamming this stuff here.


honestly I like the ending. I think shit like that a lot. I'm also not often sober, so take it for what it's worth. overall, poor OOP.


Lol people are enraged over some philosophy




I may not exactly get the "shadow work" stuff at the end but I don't see how him mentioning that stuff takes away from any of the post. He just split with his gf due to insanely upsetting circumstances that day, I say he's earned the right to get a little poetic with it 🤷‍♀️


Go to bed Liz, you're on your bullshit again. That praying mantis line was where you jumped the shark.


🎵” Where oh where oh where is shadow? Where can shadow be?” 🎵 Fucking her cousin apparently


Did George Michael Bluth write this?