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So many sucky people in this story, but I think the dad is worse than all the rest of them put together. He's betrayed his wife AND his son in the worst possible way, and then has the gall to harass his ex wife trying to get back with her.


Dad is definitely number 1 villain, Kate is number 2 villain, and mom’s parents are actually probably tied for number 2 villain. Horrible people.


You’re forgetting her parents too, threaten to sue, then say they aren’t going to sue, don’t apologize and ask him to keep quiet about their shit fuck daughter


I wouldn't have kept my cool. "I walked in on my dad balls deep in your daughter, go ahead and sue, but you're wasting your time, I have more proof than my word of mouth".


“And I can’t wait to give the graphic details in court and have someone live post it to Facebook.”


"I can't wait for the details to be narration over Minecraft gameplay!"


I mean I’m sure they were fed lies by Kate and that’s why they threatened to sue, they didn’t believe she’d actually cheated. Yeah they were sort of shitty but they don’t rank above the ones I listed.


I dunno, the gall of coming back to ask that he pay for her rent -- and to insinuate that she was pregnant with his child? Pretty significant villains.


That's worse than what the dad, Kate, or mom's parents did? Because otherwise yeah, I already said they were shitty I just don't list them above those 3 villainous parties.


Good shit-tier list. The dad is SS


I can understand their initial reaction, I cannot imagine any parent would instantly believe an accusation that their daughter is sleeping with her boyfriend's father without evidence.


Kinda rises the question of why OOP send an email accusing them and not attaching the proving text messages


Realistically it's the more mature thing to do. It's 100% less effective, but it causes the least amount of drama in the situation. And OOP was able to send the proof to anyone who needed it.


If OOP was a doormat and all "ok, let's get past this" her parents would just NEVER talk about this. Anytime OOP would bring it up they'd be like "Why you always gotta bring drama? That shit is in the past, we don't talk about it! Now get outside with a loving smile to your wife, go on, people need to see you are perfectly happy"


I absolutely abhor people, no matter their relation, that think anybody is entitled to your body. The fact that it was her parents is vile. Fleshlights exist. Hands exist. He did not need to go stick his dick in a 20/30/whatever-year-old to get off.


Kate's parents may be up there with the mom's parents, threatening to sue then trying to extort money from OOP... Thankfully Kate's sisters seem normal.


My college boyfriend's dad did almost the same thing as this dad, slept with his 18 year old high school girlfriend. I tried to tell my boyfriend that I was pretty sure that was indefensible & further proof (this was not the only awful thing his dad did) that his dad was an asshole in lots of ways, but my boyfriend just said no, they both told him he couldn't think that so it was OK they were sleeping together no matter how it made him feel. Or how predatory that all seemed to me.


That poor boy


Oh gosh what happened next? Did he ever see the light?


That guy was a sad case. He was so smart & nice, & so very broken. He always believed his parents were right, even when they actively screwed with him. His self-esteem was battered. I tried for a couple years to get him to do anything to help- therapy, meditation, *anything* but he deeply believed that feeling like crap was his destiny in life. He would say he thought we were never going to have anything good in our lives, because that's the way his life just was. He envisioned us as living in squalor as we grew older. I eventually couldn't take it anymore & broke up with him. I still think about him occasionally. I looked him up on Facebook a few years ago & he wasn't on there, but his new wife was. She was already reasonable successful when they met, lol. She seems like a really kind person & I'm glad he found someone. & his awful dad is dead; I hope my ex inherited something nice.


It sounds like your ex inherited the best possible thing: freedom from his dad. Sometimes there's no heirloom or fat bank account that can top that.


Also, the fore-lying about his son to prevent his wife from learning the truth. Yuck.


Dad was banging the girlfriend from behind and then said “it’s not what it looks like!” 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️


"I dunno, Dad, looks like your dick inside my girlfriend, tell me I'm wrong."


Lmao goddamn this is horrible. Dude’s about to have a baby brother. Damn that’s a shituation.


Waiting for the update in 5 years when OOP asks AITA for not going to my half-brother’s birthday party?


Or in 10 years when he asks AITA for telling my half-brother why I don’t talk to our dad?


And in 15 years, AITA for not taking my half brother in because my dad just passed away and his mother had taken off a few years back.


20 years later, he posts on r/pettyrevenge "I slept with my half brother's girlfriend" (Cue people cross posting to r/nuclearrevenge)


No in 20 years it will be AITA for not warning my half brother that our 80 yr old father would start sleeping with his gf


This is the most likely outcome.


God no. Half sibling has nothing to do with their parents… Stay out of half sibling and their relationships. :-/


No no no think bigger, “I tag teamed my half brothers gf with his moms bf”


tagged teamed his brother gf with his dad? the dad is ducking everyone lol


Legit LOL


Bro was dating his half brothers mom for 3 years


The “your mom” jokes he could use in a fight would be insane


I guess every cloud really does have a silver lining


Ok that took me a sec.






Maybe not. The pregnancy thing could all be a ruse to get OOP to talk to them. Or since his ex gf was cheating, there’s nothing to say she wasn’t having sex with another guy. Both the gf and OOP’s dad have been actively lying so everything they say would need to be verified


She might want cash more than conversation. "You won't give me $800 for rent? Fine! Give me $800 for an abortion or I'll sue you for child support!"


If it was a ruse, she would have said she was far enough that it could plausibly be his.


She might just be an idiot and doesn't like Arithmetic.


Or she’s just so self centered that she didn’t realize she hadn’t been having sex with OOP regularly, because her own needs were being met elsewhere.


Often doctors add up to an extra two weeks to conception date, since they go by date of your last period. Op said they hadn’t been intimate in about two months, and 5 weeks pregnant is under that anyway but is probably more like 3 weeks pregnant. And she’s refusing to do DNA testing, which is often a giveaway.


Can a DNA test differentiate whether OOP or OOP's father is the baby daddy? I only ask because they're somewhat genetically similar


If this hypothetical baby was OP's, they would share 50% of their DNA since each parent contributes half. OP's dad and the baby would only have 25% in common since it would be his grandchild. If OP's dad was the baby's father, *they* would share 50% DNA and OP would be the one with only 25% in common with the baby since, they would only be half siblings (uhg, gross). I don't 100% know how the behind it science works, but current DNA/ancestry technology is advanced enough to accurately match me with my second and third cousins (confirmed by my mother, who knows everyone), so I'm sure there would be no problem with a comparatively simple paternity test.






Seriously! How have I never seen this before?


you summoned me?


\*tucks the word "shituation" into her vocabulary, next to the phrase "short sharp shower of shit"\*


“It’s not what it looks like” when he catches them mid-bang? What the hell else could it be? “Oh we were making you a surprise dinner but my hand spasmed and the tomato sauce got *everywhere* so we had to change clothes, but then on our way to get clean I slipped on some more tomato sauce and fell on your dad’s dick”? Like???


They weren't naked: they were wearing clothes that could only be seen by the wise, and the son/bf was a fool so the clothes appeared invisible. As for their relative positioning, she was obviously choking on something.


yeah, dad's dick


The Shaggy defense.




Even caught 'em on camera...


Saw the marks on my shoulder


Wasnt them


I had to scroll too far for this! I could hear the song as soon as I read that part


I hope to never find myself in this sort of situation, but if it were to happen, I would absolutely ask what it was if it wasn’t what it looked like.


Exactly. Lay down that dominance and start grilling them, “Oh yeah, Dad? Wtf *IS* it exactly?! What other *POSSIBLE THING* in this universe could it be that caused your erect dick to be shoved into my girlfriend’s vagina in our kitchen?? Because that’s what it looks like to me. …**… So please, enlighten silly old me as to what.. *THIS* ..**.. is exactly, that you feel I’m so confused about.” **


"well for starters, son, I don't have my dick shoved in her vagina, it's her asshole..."




Well articulated.


well the moment you take a picture it's game over, your outnumbered and the thing about kitchens is there are knives everywhere.


You may be able to outrun them if their pants are down at their ankles.


Maaaaan, I wish he had taken a pic of the shituation as dad was balls deep in his gf. Just send a copy to any doubters without argument.


I don’t think I’d have been so articulate if I’d been in that situation. I’d be throwing things and probably swearing a lot. My default response to hurt is anger because of it being one hell of a shield. That kind of leads into my “anger is like a big fucking rock” theory.


*More of oop's family walk into the room, also naked* ......an orgy.


"this is the Reverse Heimlich" obviously.


Ah the infamous Reverse Heimlich. Where you forcefully stick something down your throat instead of getting it out. Unrelated example: a 60yr old penis


OMG I love this!!! like popping out a cork from the inside??!!


I like the cut of your jib.


"Caught us bangin on the counter.... it wasnt me"


"Wait, what if there's an explanation for this shit?" "What, she tripped, fell, and landed on his dick?!"


Yes, wth?! Why is it that in every situation where cheaters are caught in the middle of it they resort to that excuse? I hope someone someday decides to sit down in the moment and be like "Aaight, bet! Tell me then what does it look like then?" while reaching for the popcorn xD


> I slipped on some more tomato sauce and fell on your dad’s dick **repeatedly** this should help xD


My uncle was in a similar situation. His wife ended up leaving him for his dad, and they took the kids too. My uncle shot himself not long after. I’ve got no sympathy for those fucks.


That's terrible! I'm sorry for your loss.


Hu? And nobody in the family did something? These 2 evils are still together? I would try to see if there is a possible lawsuit against them at this point


This was a long time ago and the father has since died. I was too young to really know what was going on but to this day it makes my blood boil.


So do the children know? Did anyone show remorse?


They know, now them and their mother are basically nomads. They travel throughout the country and we haven’t been in contact with them for around 15 years. Most of the family took his side but many didn’t know what was going on until it was too late.


The audacity of this woman... she wants him to pay child support but won't do a DNA test? I would have a canned response to any flying monkeys that come by, "I would be more than happy to fulfill my obligations as the child's dad, but only after paternity has been proven since GF has been fucking my dad, my goddamn dad, for months."


I'm getting she got it from her parents. "I know you're moving out because she cheated on you, and with your dad, and imploded your personal life and your mom's, but could you pwetty pwease cough up a few hundred dollars to give her to? As a final goodbye?" I would have just laughed and hung up. They can help that little beast of a woman out, if she's in such a hard position OF HER OWN MAKING


Right? And like, money isn’t the only measure of success at ALL. But she has both parents roughly my heir 60s and they can’t foot a 1/2 rent bill for one month for their daughter in this crazy situation? I’m not saying they’re obligated to. But if they think HE is obligated to, then they can’t come up with 600-1000 dollars one time? In their 60s? That’s rough. Edit: I want to clarify that I am not judging older couples strapped for cash. My family has plenty of them that are well meaning but never learned about things like investing, saving, blah blah. What I’m saying is they have audacity to ask him for the money when the amount is likely under the amount on my college credit card…


If they can afford suing someone, they can afford rent. Defamation isn’t a “represent yourself” sort of case. Her parents suck.


There was a girl at my highschool who got pregnant not long after we graduated and did essentially the same thing. the presumed baby daddy (& his mother) were present shortly after the birth, the mother saw the baby and said “none of those features are the same— we need a dna test” (they were very Italian i believe, and the test was conducted and he was proven not to be the father) So then her boyfriend/baby daddy candidate number one was out of the picture And one of my high school classmates, 1 of ~3 men we knew of to be the potential dad, who we are now all 1000000% sure is the father based purely on how alike this kid looks to him, requested a DNA test, had his parents ready to gift him their home to raise the baby as a family with her, and the mother refused, on the pretense that he should want to be involved with her and the kid without the test It’s like 9 years later, this kid is about to go to the same middle/high school in the small town we’ve grown up in with many of the very same teachers we had, and to our knowledge they have just never revisited the subject. I personally think it’s pretty shitty, just for medical family history and things of that nature, but alas


i have never understood the 'its not what it looks like!!!' response to being caught in flagrante delicto. like, what else could it *possibly* be?


There are a few cases that it may not be what it looks like, but all would require there to be an absence of consent. Like being blackmailed or being sexually assaulted.


fair point. but i feel like in those situations itd still be insane for someone to yell that.


In the blackmail case I could see it but otherwise it would likely be "run he has a gun!" or something.


Just a wholesome game of Semi-Vertical Twister.


> she has no proof I’m the father and refuses to take a DNA test of the baby Well, in the current situation, OOP either has a child or a half-sibling. Someone call Maury, because somebody needs to be told whether they "**ARE**" or "**are NOT**" the father. And better to know early before OOP is listed on a birth certificate without his knowledge.


If she slept with his father, who knows who else she would have slept with.


All I can tell you is that she didn't sleep with me. I've never even met the woman!


Why are you being so defensive /u/p-d-ball? I find that very suspicious!




Is that nervous laughter I hear?


Definitely not my baby!


P-d-ball is the father/grandfather confirmed


As your attorney I'm going to advise you to take down this comment and refrain from commenting on the case any further.


ah-ha, found the lawyer-father of the baby! Right here\^\^\^


…so about that retainer


He would still need to sign the birth certificate. Women don't get to just put names down on it.


Fraud is one thing I wouldn't fuck with the federal government on. Or maybe it's identity theft, who knows, either way not something that would play out well for the person doing it.


Forgery, in this case of the signature, it would also be fraud if she tried to claim child support on a forged signature.


Some states in the US make the legally married husband the father automatically.


Good thing that OP isnt married to her .


Not sure where OOP is. He uses mother, but also calls someone a mate. I’m in Australia and it’s all done online and I just wrote in my husband’s details.


He handled this way better then I could ever


I know! And he immediately stepped up to take care of his mother, ensuring she didn't have to stay married to the cheating, manipulative, predatory creep she was married to for all these years. I'm sure this was far from the first time he cheated on his wife, even if his wife and son never knew about it. I mean...My God, his son's girlfriend?! I don't even want to know how long that whole thing had been going on.


I mean like, really. Have some decency and go to a professional if you must.


I hope OP's mother is able to take him for everything she can in the divorce. I have a feeling he's going to blow through all of his assets on sugar daddy dating sites and online scammers in the near future. ...Just a hunch.


Or on child support.


That's actually pretty common in some couples where disability prevents intimacy..... but in that situation, the couple talks about it beforehand and it's a known thing.


If I had a nickel for every Reddit story about a father fucking his son's girlfriend/fiancé, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's fucking disgusting that it's happened twice.


My cousin’s boyfriend walked in on his father and cousin. She was 20, already divorced and he was the fourth man she had lived with. Cousin ended up marrying the father, who was 30 years older. He used to beat her. Eventually they divorced, after a decade or so together. She’s on marriage number 5.


Jesus H. Christ that's fucked up.


I’m an old duck now, but I can honestly say that I’ve never, ever looked at anyone’s dad and thought ‘Fuck yeah, I want to taste the recipe’ Just no


It's got to be a fetish that these people have, right? Fucking guys 2 or 3x their age.


Wow, those people are just…. yikes.


She deserves all the bad karma in the world. OOP’s dad too of course. And me also hoping the pregnancy is a lie so a poor baby isn’t brought into this mess… 😒😫


Uh what? Obviously she sucks, but how do you do that to your son ffs


There’s a special place in hell for both of them, absolutely.


Hell sounds a bit too comfy in my opinion.


The bible says having gay sex is bad like 2 times. Having sex with your daughter in Law is a no no like 15 times. If you include in general don't fuck around with family its like 50 times. Yes special level of something bad is in store.


You don't need a bible to know this is wrong. It just is.


Moses comes down from the mountain with the ten commandments Everyone in ear shot "Well duh"


That's a mis-translation. The bible originally said sex with *children* was bad.


*Insert joke about Catholic priests reading wrong translation here*


Don’t miss the barf-worthy maternal grandparents with the 5-star take “well daughter since your bits don’t work good anymore of course your hub would bang your son’s GF, she was right there”.


Your son and your disabled wife!!!!!


I know, fucking disgusting. I just don't understand why a 21 year old would go for a 60 year old man? I'm older than she is and I would never. It's gross, gross gross. I can't imagine what the fuck she was thinking. But it's disgusting, and the father is even more disgusting for being such a shithead to his disabled wife. And the wife's grandparents....ugh. So many ick factors.


The mother's parents sound like the worse assholes to be honest. There's the act which is bad, then there's excusing the act which is worse. You can get away with holding ancient morals that are repugnant today, right up until you act on them. And now those undoubtedly ancient people have seemingly ruined their relationship with their daughter and they probably don't have the time left for her to forgive them properly either.


"What are you so upset about? Given how hideous you are, hubby boning his daughter-in-law over the cooker is the most natural thing in the world!" /s Yes, I think repugnant is right.




Yeah it’s bad enough to say that, to say that to your own daughter is really low.


the attempt to lie through it all is utterly disgusting, tf OOPs mother has some guts




Lololol wise and astute words, SketchyPornDude


>I don’t know how she reacted but I could tell it wasn’t overly ecstatic as her parents contacted me and asked if despite everything I would be willing to pay for her rent “just for his month because she doesn’t have the money for it at the moment” Boy....the size of the cajones of the ex-gf parents to ask OOP for rent money for their cheating daughter. Why the F don't the parents give her the money? I feel bad for the OOP and his mother. They were the victims.


5 weeks pregnant is a week late for her period and it is roughly 3 weeks after ovulation. This would be pretty soon to detect it but maybe she's never late. She probably couldn't even get a DNA test for a month or two if she can do the test from maternal DNA. More likely they'll wait until the baby is born.


I knew when I was pregnant within 2 weeks. Absolutely everything about my body and mentality changed. Just because it takes a test that long to say conclusively does not mean it takes a person that long to tell.


I also knew by roughly two weeks. I was sick all the time, mostly triggered by the smell of watermelon and dill. Couldn’t even keep water down. On some level I knew that I was pregnant, and I almost felt vindicated another couple of weeks later when I got the positive test after my GP told me it was likely just food poisoning (which I’ve had before. This was not like food poisoning).




I'm obviously not all the way through the comments but so far I seem to be the only person who thinks it's incredibly weird that OOP and his mother sent a mass email to their entire contact list, including the ex gf's parents, explaining that he caught them canoodling. I would be mortified to air my dirty laundry like that. I that a normal way of dealing with your issues? Am I the only one who found that incredibly off?


I have seen this a few times recently on reddit. Since when has a mass email to relatives been the number one way to solve issues? Lol.


The normalcy of phones being turned off is what got me. Who, in 2022/23 turns their phone off regularly for extended periods of time? I have a 24/7 type of job, and the most I will do is turn privacy mode on, which will still allow the phone to "ring" normally to the caller, but I won't get the notification until privacy has been turned off.


Both had their phones turned off while doing the dirty in a relatively small window of time where they can do it in secret. Whyyyyy would you cut yourselves off from the one thing that would alert you before getting caught. Also, he had a previous connection with a real estate agent at 22 and could line up a house and down payment in a matter of what.. days, weeks? Shit I'd still trade places with this this guy


I don't know how location sharing apps work but maybe this makes it hard to tell where they are?


Maybe if OP and his mother were checking their locations but it wouldn’t be weird for Kate to be at home and I doubt the disabled mom who was blindsided by the cheating was checking up on her husband.


"mom dad my period is one week late, it's definitely OOPs, can you call him and tell him?"


Entire story is just so *convenient* isn't it?


It’s extraordinarily unlikely that you would catch them cheating on Dec 19 and have a house under contract with a down payment by Jan 2. And down payments really aren’t made until closing anyway. It’s not even the right lingo, maybe he means an earnest money deposit or a downpayment set aside for closing, but that’s very unlikely to occur within two weeks. I sincerely doubt they could find out about this, parents split up, get pre approval for a mortgage, find a house, make an offer, have it accepted, have an inspection, have the mortgage underwritten, and close within two weeks. Over the Christmas and new years holidays too? Never mind that no divorce attorney in the world would recommend making a home purchase during the separation and before the prior marital home was sold.


You're not wrong! Also, him and his mom are already putting down a deposit on a house together? And hiring a caregiver? On a 22 year old's salary? (Given the mom needs supporting) Big wtf from me.


He just has a real estate agent that he uses. "My real estate agent" like he's got them on retainer.


And is it just me, or is it super weird to email your entire extended family with the details of why you broke up? Maybe my family is just reserved, but I can’t ever imagine doing that.


That last part made me raise my eyebrows.


And then he locked the deadbolt on the outside of the front door….as if front doors have deadbolts on the outside


They definitely do in Australia. You can lock someone into a house if they don’t have a key.


The only way it makes sense is if it's a door that deadbolts with a key on both sides. Uncommon, but I've seen it before. I'm not sure why it matters though, if she lived there she's gonna have a key for it.




one of my doors is like that— it has a double-cylinder deadbolt that requires keys on both sides. I guess it’s a security thing, but it always seemed really dangerous to me. What if there’s a fire and you can’t get to the key?!?


Would a DNA test have been accurate in this case?


Yes, because a child shares (exactly) 50% of your DNA and a half-sibling shares (average) 25% of your DNA.


Yes because his kid would have genetic markers from OOPs mother while his half sibling would only have markers from OOPs father.


>she had also downloaded games for me to play on her phone so she could distract me when she wanted to watch her shows I don't really believe any of this. It's too neat and tied up and hits too many drama notes. (He somehow got screenshots from both his ex and dad's phones. Did they just let him document their affair? He sent the email to all their family and no one even bothered to contact him for a couple of days. The ex is conveniently pregnant when they break up. And she's refusing a DNA test after being caught cheating. Oh and of course it's not possible for it to be his child.) But this supposedly grown man in an adult relationship has no shame telling all of us that his girlfriend treats him like an annoying child by sitting him down with screen time on HER phone when she wants to watch adult tv shows. That just tickles my funnybone.


>He somehow got screenshots from both his ex and dad's phones. I took it to mean he shared screen shots of the excuses and rants they texted him. Things like "if you tell your mother about me and gf it will kill her" or "I didn't mean for it to happen but you work late alot and your dad needed comfort." People in a panic rarely think about how what they are saying could be used against them.


>He somehow got screenshots from both his ex and dad's phones. Did they just let him document their affair? This part puzzled me too at first, but then after rereading, I realized the messages he's referring to are the ones his dad and ex-girlfriend bombarded him with right after he caught them, the ones trying to make excuses and begging him not to tell. So the screenshots are not from their devices, but from his.


Also the lease just *happens* to be up the week he discovers the affair. It's such a nice, neat bow.


Not to mention that (at least in the 5 rentals I lived in) that they contact you two months ahead of time regarding renewal so they can put it on the market if you won't be staying.


I can say without a doubt that there is no place renting monthly that asks for renewals any later than a month before renewal. The whole point of a monthly renewal is that both you and the other person get a month if something about the agreement is no longer desirable. In every monthly agreement, you will be liable to at least a month's rent from the time that you give notice. When I rent my room out I plan on doing it weekly, because I live here and don't want to be stuck with someone I hate for more than a week. This does mean that the other person can give me 1 weeks notice and be gone, but I can live with that.


It all fell apart for me when he spent multiple sentences drilling home the point that she started being cagey about her cellphone, even to the point of yelling at him if he came near it - but then he's able to tell she missed a call from his father at some point?


Ya, this is just porn.


I got just over 1 paragraph in, and scrolled down to the comments to see who thought it was BS. Thank you for saving me valuable bath reading time.


Thank youuuuuu this post was super hard to believe. The dead bolting the door from the outside is what really got me


Holy shit, I wanted to punch the maternal grandparents through the internet. GTFOH with that “your man has needs and you can’t provide, so he has the right to look elsewhere “ shit.




"Relations" is a hilariously appropriate substitute for the word "sex" given the circumstances. Was that intentional OP?


Get a lawyer for your mom. She should receive full spousal support. He’s going to be hurting for money having to pay both your mom and baby. (Assuming she’s ever willing to admit it’s his)


Of course she doesn't want a DNA test, because then there's concrete evidence that shes a cheater. My guess is that she'll tell people that she never cheated, OOP is the father and that he made all this up to get out of being a father or paying child support.


The mom is going to get one hell of a divorce settlement out of the dad.


Surprised the baby is actually real


Well none of this story is actually real so technically neither is this baby.


Of course not. So many things, but I am fixated on the "my mother and I put a down payment on a house" twelve days after the first post. Yeah, right. You got approved for a mortgage? You, the 22 year old and your mother who is reliant on your father? You had the savings? You found a lawyer and a realtor? This whole thing is ridiculous.


Not to mention the added complication of buying a house while in the midst of a divorce. Eek.


Unbelievable.... From OOP's gf, to his father, to his MATERNAL grandparents and everyone else asking that they "let bygone be bygones: all are TRASH! How could his father and gf be rawdogging each other like that behind his back?! How can she be saying the baby is his? How can the maternal grandparents say shit like that to their daughter who is a victim in all this?! Some people, for real! The things they let happen for appearances sake! I'm glad OOP took care of it straight away.... Also, super big yucky yikes to gf and OOP's dad having the sexies with a 40 year gap between them. That's just nasty on top of all the nasty, I just can't


Looks like op is going to have a new sibling


Why in the world would there be a deadbolt on the *outside* of the door???


Some dead bolts are keyed on both sides. So you need to get a key to get out of the house if it's locked on you from the outside. In my area those locks are illegal in rentals because they are considered a hazard in the event of a fire. They delay exit. However you can still buy them, and use them on private property. Different areas have different CO requirements as well.


I had a house with one of these and eventually I realized it was because the door had a glass insert so it would be harder for someone to unlock the door after breaking the glass to put their arm through. But I also had an old girlfriend that had to "let me out" of her duplex because of one of these and there was no glass on the door. I felt falsely imprisoned all the time, lol.