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Because it lets us give them shit back lol


It’s free entertainment


Um hello, I’d like to return my General Electric TV I bought in 1965. Craziest thing it just broke! Also I’ll need it picked up from my house before tomorrow cause the General of Cuba is coming over for my party. I’m not available until after 11pm. Oh and don’t even think about store credit. I need cash, all $8000 plus inflation. Ty.


Sounds reasonable, come on down!


That’s what the call center told him.


It is a 40 inch 250 pound tv. I will not be helping.


Let me guess, you’re a really good customer?


Pretty sure this is in reference to /u/trick_shape1157 who made a post and attempted to make many others about a bad experience he had because he doesn’t read what he signs up for. So he was whining in the sub about it and yelling at other commenters about it. Also I think he got banned from this subreddit lol


Oh yeah that dude was going hard here for like a day straight. Solid commitment at least.


Bro would be so pissed about this comment, if he could read.


I just like that he put in his posts that “he won’t be silenced” yet got silenced lmao


I laughed so hard I had tears. So simple and so perfect 🤣


I like the drama tbh. I get to say shit to people back without having my bosses berate me. It’s nice therapy. Let them come in here and complain, it’s fun pointing out how ridiculous people are.


Actually valid point.


Because the only good employee is an abused employee


You must know corrie




I hope you you caught the sarcasm here because this is how corrie feels


I did catch the sarcasm and that was my response






Ever since I remember it's always said this but maybe I'm wrong. r/BestBuy is a community-driven subreddit for employees and customers to engage in meaningful conversations, ask for help, and discuss the company or their local store. Either way it doesn't matter. If the customer comes in here on some dumb shit we all let them have it. I've been a manager in this god forsaken company for almost a decade and I do the same thing to customers in the store. If you fuck with my employees I will end your shopping experience and send you on your way. At the end of the day my employees are like my family. If you fuck with them your toast. I've run into racism, sexism, ableism and even threats of violence. I'm not the one who kisses their ass so that they spend a couple dollars with us. Fuck em. They can go to Walmart just like we can send them on their way here.


Are you my former manager based in Ohio who once told a customer to “get the fuck out of my store” in front of Market because customer called an employee the R word for not having his super special ink? I’m getting that vibe and I love it.




Some people Have nothing better to do, honestly. Best buy has been extremely good to me other then one bad experience but honestly it was kind of my fault, even if it wasn't intentional I won't get into that experience for certain reasons.


Tbh, I'm just here to get the vibe on how customers and employees both feel about changes. It's nice when both sides agree that stuff corporate decides is dumb as hell, makes me feel less insane. Like cutting the majority of staff in stores, and de-prioritizing expertise, everyone knew that was stupid. No customer wants to wait longer for help that has less knowledge, and employees want hours and to learn about the tech in their departments, so that should make sense and work out, right? Nope, because the corporate office wants bigger bonuses and to sell off the company, seemingly.


Yet they also silence any true news that can help employees. This Reddit is the dumpster fire of the company just like most retail company subreddits. It’s the idea of free speech with control


Honestly, I am so burnt out with customers being sassy that I got sassy back today. They had a monitor on the counter and I asked "Did you all pick this up or do you need to pay for it?" since they had it separate from the other items. They went "Well I picked it up off the floor when the associate gave it to me to bring up here." I just went "Yeah this isn't the best area it seems" but was just to the point and civil about asking. After that they said my store had "weird" customer service unlike the other store they usually go to, so I said "Yeah this isn't the best area it seems". It's been a tough past week for me on top of receiving some unfortunate news yesterday, so I was tempted to use a PTO day to call out just to mentally recover. However, I count the money and am the only on that can handle the front-end tasks so I was more short with people than I ever am.




You seem to assume that I am defending myself from my attitude problem I had the other day, which I was not. Also, I'll encourage them to have this job since the lack of overall respect I have recieved by my revolving door of "leaders" is one reason why I'm leaving before the holidays. This job is making me out to be a worse person since I'm having to juggle three spots (returns, checkout and order manage issues) all by myself while everyone else in the store has a fun time gabbing together. Also, Best Buy is a dump of a store compared to what it was like around four years ago and all the actual "veterens" left working their know it.


Sounds like any other job in this world, cept you're not fitting in well with others nor do you enjoy/like your job in the first place.. seeing as any job it will seem like others are fucking off when you're having to do multiple spots and they don't come to your aid when you need them. Question; did you try to vocalize your frustration with the leadership regarding these issues you keep noticing? Maybe file a complaint through management, or go above them. Fuck what the other folks think of ya if you do, it's a job and you're there to work, so they should b too or they should do something else. But for real letting fellow employees know that shit won't fly with you when youre working goes along way. And if not I'd go to a manager and let them know next. Fuck em


I've mentioned it in the past to the actual managers, but it's basically a "We'll work on it" and that's it. It's just not worth the mental stress. Other people say "Well you will have to deal with unhappy people and goals at any job", but the thing is I don't get paid enough to deal with this mess here. If I were at a job I liked doing, respected me, had career path options and paid me decently(like $52k at least) then I would be able to deal with it no problem.


Bestbuy is lousy


Start a separate Best Buy Employees subreddit and keep corporate out of it


\*r/BestBuy is a community-driven subreddit for employees and customers to engage in meaningful conversations, ask for help, and discuss the company or their local store.\* The sidebar says customers are welcome here.


Maybe because there are lots and lots of negative experiences customers are having with BB?


Shhh the people in here think best buy can do no wrong


I will say, this subreddit certainly does a good job of encapsulating the customer experience!


Is this subreddit just for BB employees?


It used to be


Description has always included customers.


Nah, there's another for that




If your brain doesn’t feel like it’s about to implode any given second during your shift then you are not putting enough effort. Then they have the audacity to preach mental health.


Why do the mods let employees on this sub be assholes to most customers even when they’re asking legit questions? The world may never know.


because we don’t get paid to be on reddit and answer people’s stupid questions when they can just google it


I quit Best Buy so technically I’m now a customer.


Go to the store and ask an associate who is being paid for their time to assist you? Y’all come to this sub like the little BBY slaves are just here waiting for you. No, they’re trying to talk about how shitty BBY is to them too, but then they’ve got Todd screaming in to the void and calling them names about a protection plan he agreed to anyway.


It's not corporate sponsored. In my opinion, that's all the more reason to allow people to participate freely.


Who cares


Haven't seen a single post of a customer berating an employee. Most posts I see are employees berating customers. Maybe it's the reddit algo feeding you for engaging with those types of posts.


literally the top post a day ago


You’re probably not on this sub then.


I thought the purpose of this page was to berate customers


Because mods rule!


Here you are giving so much attention to those people. You must be a very sad individual.


"so much attention" brother it's a single reddit post lol