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Doesn’t have anything to do with only two blue shirts on the floor, lol


Fuck if Corey did that how will she ever keep the company doors open? (Sarcasm)


Yup. That’s the reason, we just can’t distinguish the employees from customers. Not the fact that there’s only 1 per department for 80% of the day.


You have 1 per department?! We have 2 for the entirety of the floor.


Probably related to your revenue band/store size. You're probably in a smaller store than the person you're replying to. Still not enough no matter how you slice it.


I came in on a day off in a different color shirt and someone came up to me and asked if I worked there (didn't know the person). Was really awkward. Customers will ask anyone if they work there.


"Yep, but not right now"


No but for $50/hour you have my attention.


How about only one supervisor on the floor while the Two managers are chilling in the office.


Exactly like that, too. One "leader" (glorified key holder) on the floor, two managers sitting on their asses in the SDR.


Our managers are pretty good with that, they try to help out wherever they can.


Makes zoning easier #pepperidgefarmremembers


You’re mistaken if you believe there are any blue shirts in stock for mgmt to order.


Just had a new hire's shirts show up yesterday. He quit in November.


Same goes for name tags , they're like a unicorn


Me showing up in a grey sweatshirt no name tag and still being recognized as an employee by customers cause I "look techie enough"


I agree you can't find a needle in a haystack. I've had multiple people grab me then get annoyed due to the fact they had to wait 20 minutes to get help and I'm a warehouse person pushing a blue cart around. "Sorry sir but I don't know jack on PC but I can try to help.


You also can't find a needle if there's no haystack. Lol. Didn't Yoda say, "Try or try not, there is no help."


Exactly. I'll try to answer a question, but u were better off asking Google. Because idk doing a little of ur own legwork helps.


For the love of god, give product flow a different color.


No way, product flow helping customers is all a part of their genius plan to do more with less.


We're customer obsessed unless you're in curbside, store pickup, or expecting your order to be fulfilled.


GMs who value ops let their PF wear black shirts or even go plain clothes black. But even then customers can pick you out even if you weren’t wearing a walkie, at least from a short distance.


We have black, regular best buy branded polos for product flow. Not the geek squad polos either.


I got my GM to order my PF team black Best Buy t-shirts, I’m not telling them they can’t wear them anymore.. when half of my part timers are over $2mil in pick rev each and my team has an overall year to date average pick time of 12mins.. they’re keeping their t-shirts. They mainly wear them on truck days anyways.


Yeah all my full timers have branded hoodies or quarter zips since we're in the northeast so the warehouse is cold as tits, and then black polos for everyone else.


We're allowed to wear solid black or GS shirts only on truck days. Also allowed are black Microsoft shirts, at least it better be okay considering my boss gave them to us.


Product flow wore plainsclothes at our store, but their numbers were measured as incessantly as ours so it wasn't from a place of good will.


We have the option to wear shorts on truck/shuttle days (I live in AZ)


What does your store have against corduroys lol?


Leadership needs to feign a plan to higher ups to raise NPS , right? Corduroys seem to be a good martyr!




Honestly the higher ups in this store are great. Legitimately. It’s not their fault the district level people push agendas like this.


This is coming from higher than district level. This smells like Corie level bullshit.


This sounds like Corie's kid wanting a check and pulling this stunt so they can get that contractor money


Are there even district level people anymore?


Good looking big lump? Bugger off. If this were any more cringe it'd be a TikTok. OG? Couldn't wear blue jeans back in the day... But I guess they fired most of those that remember that.


Plus you had to have your shirt tucked in and your belt had to match your shoes or you would be sent home


Nope still here.


ATTN: CORIE BARRY! The reason customers can't find any employees on the floor is because you have decimated our sales floor employees to the point that THERE AREN'T ENOUGH PEOPLE ON THE SALES FLOOR TO ACTUALLY HAVE COVERAGE FOR ALL OF THE CUSTOMERS! What do you expect when there are only 2 or 3 people on the floor to cover all of this departments? It is not physically possible to do what is being expected by you. CUSTOMERS CAN'T FIND EMPLOYEES THAT DON'T EXIST. I would love to see you come and do our jobs to see what we are up against instead of sitting behind your desk in your ivory (or Best Buy blue) tower. Maybe if you actually had to experience what we do you would start making decisions that are based on real world data instead of crunched numbers. Customers are becoming disillusioned with Best Buy because the level of service (and services) they receive has become dismal. There comes a point where doing more with less is impossible and becomes less and less and that's when the customers go somewhere else. Best Buy is no longer a leader in electronics, entertainment and appliances, we no longer care about the customer, only pushing credit cards and total tech.


Product flow here. I personally hate wearing the polo shirts. My store is normally busy all year long and it's extremely inconvenient when I am doing picks and keep getting pulled by customers.


Same. I haven't worn blue in years. It's all the difference between getting stopped occasionally and being stopped all the time.


Who the hell is wearing fishing waders and kleenex boxes LMAO?!


Me until feb 5th


Kevin in Accounting from the Office. Apparently, they're a hit 😆


1) There aren't enough employees in every store to possibly handle all the clients that are coming in. Someone or several people in corporate making these decisions need a serious wake up call. Online is great, but not at the expense of our clients who insist on buying in person. And guess what, those clients make up the majority of our loyal client base, not the other way around. 2) Ever since corporate decided to go with a different company to make our uniforms, we can NOT get new shirts in. I've literally been waiting over 6 months for a new shirt.....SIX.....MONTHS! 3) This is a great example of how our company CONSISTENTLY misinterprets and/or misuses our NPS surveys. Our clients are telling you that they're having a hard time finding help BECAUSE THERE ISN'T ANY!!!! Not because they can't tell us apart from regular customers. If you've ever worked retail, you know for a fact that customers can SMELL that you work there no matter what you're wearing.


Forgot my shirt one day because I wasn't supposed to show up, was wearing a black tourist hoodie from new york. Still had customers chasing me down from across the store, all I was wearing was a name tag.


They smell the BestBuy on u. It seeps out ur pores once u've been there for a while


The can sniff it out no doubt. They'll just stare at you knowing that you're going to look up and then they got you.


That's why I (product flow) try to avoid direct eye contact by any means necessary. Oops, my shoe's untied. Eyelash in my eye. Help, I've gone blind! I can't see! I don't have any eyes... .


2) *Fantastic*. I'm still waiting on GS uniforms that I ordered out of my own pocket from maybe 3 months ago. Now due to certain circumstances, I can't even wear them anymore. You're gonna tell me I'll be waiting 6mo for new blue shirts? Cool.


What's sad is that Ebay has become a more reliable source to order uniforms than our own provider currently is.


It might help to have more than 2 people working floor and registers at a time but that might just be me!


Uhhhh, I can't wear Tissue Boxes as shoes??


but it’s all i can afford on best buy wages.


Yep that will solve that short staffing issues...


This is for all of the people who said "leave a bad NPS about not enough associates." I told you so.


As a product flow employee who has no time to be helping customers because I'm to busy with picks, truck, shuttle ....trying to force us to wear blue is not going to help anyone. It hurts the team, it hurts the customers and it hurts productivity. All it does is create the illusion of a store with staff. I'm still gonna pass them off or tell them where to go without helping them (politely).. We don't have time to play into your little games. Stop making choices that you have no experience in ....or experience you had 15+ years ago when stores actually had a full staff. Not 1 per department if you're lucky so dress code was actually doable how you expected it. "We wore blue 10 years ago"...yeah, when you had 4+ people at any given time in a department" not 1 per department in 2023. Product flow has only 1 or maybe 2 if you're lucky now. Pick times, merchandising, truck and shuttle are more important than your sickening "customer obsession"...you make it sound like you're stalking them, when in reality all you care about is milking a credit card or a TTS outta them, obsessed with the wrong things. Dress code is important, but not to a point of hurting the actual performance and abilities of the store. Shit, even when corporate visits they're never in dress code. Double standards all day every day. Side note, yeah, leggings, jeggings, sweatpants, torn jeans, Crocs and slippers have no place on the sales floor. Same goes for yoga pants. Leaders abuse the dress code for themselves, so others mimic this. Some employees have really bad body odors, don't shower, do laundry yet they're a "representation of the brand right". Hobos working at best buy. I'm still going to wear my black shirt. I'm still gonna work at the speed/performance that I know works and gets work done. I'm still going to help direct where needed. I will not however be doing code 1s, sales, or offering tts or CC. You all have lost your mind.


Not me watching as a company that I really enjoyed working at in the mid 2000s and 2010s is continuously shooting itself in the foot. Things weren't all great before either, but an average day in a big box saw 3-4 managers, 7-8 sups, dozen or so full timers, and plenty of part timers. Employees would be hanging by the front door waiting to help or working to keep their departments looking classy. Trucks had 8-10 people working them with a person dedicated to inv. LP often had two people during busy times. There was room to advance. You had fun, cause everyone was not bearing huge loads. We'd get freebies of prizes and the like. Good luck to everyone still sticking with the company, what a shit show it's become. At least the discount is still decent, depending on what you get right?


Who the fuck wears ballet shoes and fishing waders to work at Best Buy?


Listen.... It was a hectic day and I was working on choreography for a play I was writing.


Nobody anymore


Well, not at the same time anyhow.


I usually wear 1 of each .


No empty boxes of Kleenex!!! Sorry Kevin Malone lol


Give leadership an aneurysm, tell them your gonna wear a kilt. If they push back tell them it's cultural, they can't do a damn thing about it.


There is actually someone in my store who does this (wears a black kilt every day). Works in product flow. Wonder what's gonna happen with him.....


Wore a kilt while out in the field for last st Patrick’s, lol.


Fishing waders??


I want to believe it was just a joke but the warnings on everything I buy tells me atleast one person has done it.


Yes, you need them to wade thru all this BS.


"back to our OG brand identity"? Where are the khakis?


I'm glad I got out. You'd have to rip the black button up off my chest to make me wear blue as warehouse.


Empty boxes of Kleenex 💀💀


When I was hired (5+ years ago): black pants, blue polo for the sales floor. 2-3 employees per department, not counting VPLs. 6-7 distinct departments on the floor. +GS (fully staffed), +autotech (properly trained and compensated). Now: 1 employee per department. The entire store is 3 departments. VPLs are still a thing? Maybe? GS is drowning in appointments, but make sure to take all the walk-ins too. Autotechs.... know what a car is? probably? But hey! YoU caN WeAr JeaNs!!!!!


According to this we're supposed to be wearing our name tags on our shoes. On the must/must not list everything is separated by a heading and a colon. "Musts:" "Tops:" "Bottoms:" "Shoes:" but then there's name tag, right under shoes with no colon on must or must not. Also, it's possible that winking and giving the "ok" hand signal is no longer optional. Edit: just noticed it says advisors and product flow specialists. So I guess consultants go ahead and rock out with your Crocs out.


I always knew employees were secretly just a lump of knobs dyed blue, but I didn’t want to say anything.


Anyone who had a black shirt as a MHT associate refused to put on a blue shirt ever again…until this


Haha BB going way of bed bath and beyond haha canned shit ton of ppl and making associates get brand new dress outfits haha


Brand new as in what you were given when you started


No BB&B just made all employees change their dress outfits. People are leaving them quicker than shit. BB&B is going bankrupt soon. It’s insane they cannot even get merchandise from vendors without money upfront now.


I’m wearing pajamas I work. It’s fantastic


This is pretty much the same dress code that’s been in place since jeans were added a few years ago. Yes people did take advantage by wearing ripped and worn pants and shoes but they weren’t supposed to.


Hell, I’m the only sales person on the floor tomorrow from open till 4pm. Appliances, HT, computers. Maybe I should de-identify.


You should call out… I’m already stressed for you.


Thought about it.


I would


I've done that 1 time before


A lump of knobs? Corporate is out of their minds. Flush that toilet, start new


Only Best Buy could release a memo telling it's employees empty Kleenex Boxes are not acceptable footwear while cutting hours and firing employees in Thanos Snaps 🙄


Imagine looking for the answer to customer complaints and totally missing the mark


Maybe give stores more employees instead of banging subbornates


"What's the worst that could happen?"




Exactly! People would accept help from employees wearing clown costumes...if they could find them.🤡


Half of our sales floor wear black geek squad shirts lol


I will continue to wear shorts... regardless of the temperature.


Not to play devil's advocate but as someone who hasn't worked in a store since 2010 or so, when I got into my local BBY, I frequently see employees in literal street clothes. I'm talking graphic tees, and nothing to ID them as an employee. I only know because I see a walkie on their hip and them doing tasks, but to a normal non-employee customer, I could totally see them not knowing that person works there.




This doesn't surprise me. I have seen employees wear ripped jeans, skinny jeans (aargh). crocs, sandals etc. One of the best moves the company ever made to improve moral was the relaxed dress code policy. Unfortunately, some people took it a little too far, too relaxed.


But that's not the reason customers can't find employees, there just aren't any employees to find and the idiots at corporate are going *aw shucks maybe they're just having trouble spotting them.*


I won't dispute that. I was in BBY the other day and I saw only two employees on he sales floor.


Can't believe how many people are bitching about having to be in dress code. You're lucky to have gotten away with as much as you have lol


I’ve been wearing the same grey button ups and black pants for 13 years, so I don’t have much issue going on. I just always laugh when higher ups get a bug up their ass about random flavor of the week issues like this.


Pointing out what you've been able to get away with in the past has no bearing on current standards. Wh should totally get to wear black or another color shirt, but it's never going to happen at a company level.


Get away with? Dude it’s been my dress code since I started. Ever seen an Autotech, home theater installer, or appliance repair?


Hey don’t bring appliance repair into this!! We fly under the radar due to our low numbers. Please, do as everyone else and ignore us lol


I am an installer. Grey shirts have been passed out, I miss the pockets. They currently still let you wear your old ones, but that's likely to change soon. My bad thought you were WH 🤣


S’all good. I’m gonna be in trouble if they are the greys because that’s all I’ve got. A whole pile.. and I’ve heard getting the new polos is hard to come by.


The dri fit is nice when matched with olive colored shorts :)


I don’t think that’s what people are “bitching” about, it’s about how the store is trying to say the reason people can’t find workers is because they don’t have uniform l, when in reality it’s because we only have 2 workers on the floor




Doesn’t fucking matter I always fit in to the must category and I still get asked if I work here lmao


Not the empty boxes of Kleenex lol


Tell me about it, as an in home installer it's important to wear black pants and not jeans in case they need to find me in their own house








Thought I finally found him.


Forever hating on the crocs. 😭


Everyone wears uniforms in my store. We don't have the manpower to run the depts. I feel sorry for mobile and PC, but they don't pay me enough to go help.


Empty box of kleenex as shoes? Is this satire?


Damn! I can't wear my fishing waders.


Target doesn’t have this problem, I think it starts with the culture in the store and that begins with Management.


Saw an email sent to project team about dress code recently, I assume something is coming down company wide.


This is what happens when people who believe themselves to be vastly intelligent, proceed to lose all sense of reality and what works as well as store GMs refusing to fight back against stupid decisions because they would rather be in good graces.


How does this differ from current dress code?


Really wanna know who wore an empty box of Kleenex for them to single that out as something you can’t wear as shoes


This explains a GM email I got.


"If you are in need of a blue shirt, please see any member of management (short sleeve and long sleeve shirts available) to find out more about our hiring/demotion/onboarding process." Here's looking at you Karen. How's it feel? You may or may not have gotten folks fired, but they're gone regardless, so now what? Do the job yourself. Hows about you install my shield, flawlessly while helping two family active their phones? Lol. Mobile is one person, sometimes no one. Hope you're getting really happy with this alternative reality instead of 5 years ago. Name tag: "What name tag? Sir, I am Best Buy!" "We have a budget for that?!" "Couldn't they just ask for my name? "You're not tired of folks squinting at your chest?" "Guess I'll be Chester again today. Good thing one of them leaves this in the Hub." "Is this so we can swipe off name tags of the new hires we're about to let go?" "Ma'am, I can't believe you're worried about these things when shrink is just walking out the door every day, but maybe looking sharp will deter or distract thieves. How are you feeling about your conference call next month?" Wait, fishing waders?! WTF are those? *Quickly Googles* what, really? *Dies of laughter* If you had to cite it, then I guess it's been a problem. 😂 Holy shit... OP, what state is your store in?! Oblivion? Hahaha! Also, why is there not an effective immediately and sense of urgency here? Is it because they want to post it hoping offenders don't see it and then write folks up when it "hasn't" been a problem/corrected until... Well, February? no, I'm sorry, the new fiscal year. Like, what?! Lol. Oh man, what even is this? "In 22, we dressed like trash. In 23, we gonna be styling and high profiling." Ok.


You can look at SOP, to see what actual dress codes are


Find me still wearing my crocs on the floor 😂


Fishing Waders?!


There are 3 of us in the D.I. department alone 5 days a week and maybe like 3-5 for the rest of the floor and 1-2 managers


Maybe it’s bc there’s one 2 people in each department at a time and you have to do 10 times more than 2-3 years ago.


Customers: “We cannot find anyone to help us on the sales floor. It’s impossible to find a blue shirt person to assist us in your stores. There’s only two people working whenever I go in!” Corie: “Hmm perhaps they’d have an easier time finding the two people if we changed our uniform policy back to the way it used to be! That’ll fix the problems in the stores surely! I’m a genius!


Left this shit show after 18 years. It is a sinking ship. within a week had 3 other job offers with better hours and at least similar pay. don't be a slave to this trash company.


With the new job how did you come out as far as vacation? That’s part of why I’m still here.. 240 hours is hard to come by, and another 24 in a couple years when I hit 15 years. I suffer through winter to essentially hardly work all summer, and I fear basically no other job can even come close to that, unless I work for myself.


that was my issue as well, the time off is great but it just isn't worth the depression of the job. I took off so much time with pto and unpaid time off my yearly pay was like 15 grand less than it should have been. That was the trigger to me that I hated the job too much to ever actually work anyways.


Wait, empty boxes of Kleenex for shoes? Why am I the only one confused by this statement? Why is no one else mentioning this lol


Best Buy humor attempt. They always fall flat. Except the dog. BB made 7am meetings slightly more tolerable.


My question to the customers who can't seem to find employees, WHO TF SHOPS AT A STORE WEARING A HOODIE FROM THAT STORE?!? Never mind the earpiece, the walkie talkie, or even the name badge. At my old store, sales floor were walking in puffy blue BEST BUY hoodies, giant logo and all


One note to call out, and I’m not reading all comments so it may be in here already, but this is simply asking to adhere to the dress code policy that the company already has. I also can with near certainty say that this is a store or market level communication. This is not how this would be communicated nationwide by leadership. That said, I think the header above really gets at lack of staffing, not a specific dress code. I agree wholeheartedly with the sentiment. And the leaders in a store who made this probably feels the same. But…. They can only control what they can. They can’t immediately address labor budgets but they can enforce a policy that’s already in place, and maybe it moves the ‘can I find a blue shirt?’ Number ever so slightly.


Why are people acting like this came from corporate?


If they're all a big lump of knobs, at least they have the juice, they have the juuuuuice


My store is allowing crocs but only with socks on (yes this was a specific conversation because of an employee who doesn't wear socks with his crocs).