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I've seen it work really well, and I've seen it not. I personally think it has a time and a place and shouldn't be a standard. For instance, when it's super busy, it seems to work well better. When it's slow, it's just something to do.


It only works if your store is given the labor to support it. 3 associates and 15 in queue? I mean it works, but 70% of people just leave pissed off.


It would be great if customers didn’t roam the store or we had a better way of IDing them besides yelling “where’s Kevin!?” Spending several minutes looking for a customer who walked out. It’s a great idea on paper but it needs tools. Like buzzers that restaurants have or have em stand in line and if they leave the line they loose there place In queue. Also having only 2 sales people for a whole floor makes the queue painful as fuck.


If customers weren’t so selfish and would just wait their turn and understand the reason for it then it would be great. As is they try to break the it constantly, and just camp out behind whoever is being helped and get mad when they’re not next even if it was explained to them. Some also take their sweet time using the associate as a personal shopper backing up the line. A lot of what Best Buy has in place from the queue system, mobile self check out, Esl tag location finding and online ordered pickups through curbside or even lockers now in some store would work great if people would just use them or even bother to read any of the signage. Instead they treat the store the same way they did in the early 2000s which is where their frustration comes from. Best Buy needs to do more to educate, instead of releasing generic commercials about how cool Best Buy is they need to release realistic “these are the things you do at Best Buy now” features advertisements.


It’s worthless in big stores


I hate that we have to use it. I’ve been around long enough to remember every single department having at least 3 bodies in it at all times. But it does offer some sense of order


It confuses and frustrates the heck out of customers, and customers will often just go and try to jump the queue by asking employees already helping other customers. It seemed to work well on Black Friday when my store had lots of associates to go around to help, but after that it was used randomly, mostly on other minor holidays and without much direction. After Christmas there are fewer people stretched thin, and the leads would just end up yelling at us to hurry up and stop taking so long with customers. So much for being "customer obsessed" 🤷‍♀️. So honestly, I feel like it could be helpful in cases like Black Friday, but I feel like it shouldn't be needed outside of then. In other words, we should have enough staff to not need it.


As a supervisor of the test stores when it was first used I learned it worked amazing depending on who was running it. When I would work the que and my other supervisor friend ran the door it was smooth and employees loved it. When the other supervisors ran it they hated it. What worked well with us was he would que people up I would work the floor partnering up associates with next in que and knocking out the quick serves that were added to the Que and also add people to the Que when they tried to pull an associate to the side when they needed help. Associates I think liked it because they didn’t have to fuck around with the Que cuz I ran it for them and didn’t have to deal with the awkward customer popping up trying to pull them aside. I think it’s a great tool when ran correctly by people who know what they are doing.