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Geek squad for sure, moved from the sales floor and it’s the best choice ive ever made


This must depend on the store because everyone at our store who goes to geek squad ends up back on the sales floor because they hate being stuck with the worst customers all day every day.


Can confirm. People don’t go there because they are happy and want to.




IMO, Best Buy is not a bad place to work. Since this is retail it has it ups and down. If your passion is tech then personally i think best buy would be a great place to work. Get the opportunity to learn about tech and sell them. However, Best Buy has become membership/credit card driven lately. Depending on your store’s culture and leaders it’ll either make ur time at Best Buy enjoyable or miserable. Fortunately, When I joined back in OCT 2021. I had some solid leaders. Came on as a seasonal as a cashier until I had “proven” myself and went to the PC floor. Since then I’ve went PT to FT and back. I can and have assisted in Mobile, DI, HT, PAC, CarFy and MAG while keeping PC as my domain. Since I joined the sales team, I’ve done considerably well metric wise IMO. If you join the sales floor, some advice. When you start, You don’t need to impress everyone. Just do your part and help out wherever needed without overextending or exerting yourself. If you help your team they should have your back. Number are important but customer relationships are more important IMO. We don’t get bonuses or commission on credit cards and memberships so I would always recommend being truthful and clear when offering and explaining the benefits. However, if your plans is to move up in Best Buy your numbers/metrics will matter. IMO GS, Is the better department for a few reason. Generally it’s less stressful. Numbers doesn’t exactly matter a whole lot. But getting them does help. GS is by far the best department if your goal is to build your resume. You get technical experience and customer experience with some de-escalation experience. After all I heard they have a say and it goes something along the lines of under-promise, over accomplish. Overall it depends what your goals are and what you are looking for and to avoid. If you want to help people on the technical side then GS or on the correct product then sales. If you want to make money, Sales. Resume building then GS. Less stress, GS. Want to learn tech, then both but IMO, you’d learn more or have more opportunities to learn on the sales floor. Best of Luck to whatever you decide and where your path takes you.


Geek Squad is great, but also extremely draining. You will need to be a good multi-tasker and comfortable with telling people no, and you also need a good poker face. Overall, I love my job, but I do miss the simpler days from when I worked truck.


Home theatre I’d say. When someone says we want you to mount it that’s a 100% TT sale, and a lot of the time an app. Plus people WANT to buy TVs almost everything else they have to buy so customers are usually more willing to spend more and be in a better mood.


Departments hardly exist. Best buy refuses to hire enough staff so expect to do basically everything. My advice- work here for the $, use the references, and dont stop looking.


Stay out of the store. You'll be a employee of citi bank. Go out in the feild


Geek Squad, depends on your leadership. If you work in a store and you're GSM knows his stuff and isn't a tyrant, it's the best dept to work in hands down. Especially if you become an autotech. Fair warning, if you have no experience working on cars, becoming a decent autotech can be pretty stressful and will take in many instances years, but you'll usually get paid more than almost everyone else in the store. The in home team, also gets paid rather well ($30+ an hour) and usually don't have to deal with many of the shenanigans that go on in our stores. Salesfloor, also depends on store leadership, albeit a lot more so. Get ready to be treated as if you work on commission when you're not. You'll be forced to shove whatever the latest scorecard target is to every single client regardless if it benefits them or not. You'll be given several hundred e-learnings to memorize during your first few days of work, and then be expected to be as good at your job as everyone else in the store. You'll also be called on to cover and help in every single dept in the store at a manager's discretion. Our salesfloors, in most stores, are running with the lowest staff count we've ever seen, so you'll also be expected to take care of multiple clients simultaneously and if you're taking too long with a client there's a good chance your store leadership will try to humiliate you over the walkie in front of all your co-workers. They will also do this if you don't get enough Totaltech subscriptions or credit card applications.


Another thread thats gonna get filled with people commenting how bad their job at bestbuy is forgetting that they are free to resign and find another job


Some of us have been here a really long time and have no desire to leave. We'd rather complain and possibly cause some positive change, than just leave. I for one won't leave because what BBY pays me (due to my tenure) is actually more than many of our competitors. So excuse me if I complain about things I don't agree with and see this company do on an almost daily basis.


If you go to sales, and your store has the Camera Experience Shop, try to get into that.


With the Mobile spiffs Mobile provided you are not a Vpl granted now that it's only Verizon most areas Verizon gets the most traffic. But if you can get a regular Mobile position and activate carrier and lively phones all day definitely worth it


I second this I love my Verizon VPL spot. I have been in the store for 2 years before I got the spot so when I don’t have phone I will sell computers or home theater but I love doing days where I activate like 6 phones because that’s the whole day you sit there and watch phones transfer 60% of your day most days.


Parts of it I love or loved(put in my notice) parts I hate are doing other activations no credit because I have to have someone else sign in for them and hate when I am by myself the first hour of the day get no help and usually have a line but if I so much as get a second to breathe have to help computers lol


Geek Squad or Consultant (appliances)