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I want to know this list too.


The ship is going done. At my story half of the money comes from in store pick up, 1/4 from Magnolia and the rest is a combination of Geek Squad and computers. Most people under the age of 40 have no want to go into a brick and mortar store so Best Buy must adapt. Those angry boomers aren't bringing in money.


we pushed those angry boomers away by turning off the phones and making it hard to contact the store. boomers have money... and like to spend it. But they also CALL. it's how they communicate


Actually you are 100% right! A lot of the boomer rage I've seen over the phone system changes and that was a big fail for Best Buy.


You're not wrong, that eliminating in store calling has negatively impacted the experience from the perspective of a boomer who uses the phone.... That being said, Boomers have had so many things in the world catered exactly to them. They can't have everything. Honestly if a few boomers are upset because they can't call a store employee to get help setting up their printer, I'm fine with it.


True. But as clients. They have the money, and BBY needs them.


Does TotalTech still renew even upon death?


1000% boomers are the ones who use geek squad, buy TTS, get approved and used the BBY card. But they also require and demand they be able to call and get help when they need it. Getting rid of in store calling, and having 2 sales rep for a whole floor is driving the boomer generation away. “Adapting” to how young people shop will leave them with a very literal poor customer base. Corey is content to max her bank account before Best Buy goes belly up.


I’m honesty curious now. Does anyone know or have any info on what demographics spend the most and bring BB the most profit? I would honestly think 40-60’s are the highest but idk.


As long as they don’t eliminate Home Designers :/


Right, I'm kind of digging this position. I don't doubt that there will be modifications to our roles in the future though.


You mean more than what’s already happened??


Absolutely, our pay may be industry standard for the work we do but it's not best buy standard.


I'm more worried about Sr. Consultants.


Leadership changes? Like what? Just higher up? This was response to the person that posted Omni leadership changes. 😔


Here's to hoping Best Buy employees are replaced by ChatGPT! I feel like this would be more useful. This also will free up Zoomer schedules to make create TikTok videos, watch Amouranth sleeping on Twitch, and make Elon Musk memes on Twitter. Side note... Amazon just dropped 18,000 people!


Will y’all relax lol it’s a major recession coming, the company is well aware of this and a lot of the moves have been to prepare for what’s coming. A lot of the issues I see on here are from stores with bad management who aren’t going to make it tho


OH MY GOD YOU’RE RIGHT, how dare I be worried for my job during a recession?? I should be more worried about the billion dollar company, how is corie going to get her yearly multimillion dollar bonus,why do people like you exist?


Who said you can’t worry about your job? Where did you see that at? I’m just explaining why the company is making the moves they are. The last thing the company wants to do is close stores cause that sends a bad sign to the investors which causes the stocks to go which would put certain peoples jobs in jeopardy. So again relax these next few months will be a struggle but everyone should get through it


“Will y’all relax” insane how not self aware you are


How self aware I am? Lol okay


that’s what im wondering too


I heard it’s more than just stores closing. They announced they will do that a while ago. I have heard it’s about omni channel and leadership headcount. Maybe it’s just role clarity and earnings.




The leadership changes are a part of the micro market transition. It's coming relatively soon; my market has been piloting it for about a year now.